Choose The Correct Option Present Perfect

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Present Perfect

Complete the sentences.

1 He worked in newspapers.
has never never
2 I seen that in Sydney.
has never have never
3 I to the big festivals here.
haven't went haven't gone
4 I reading them yet.
haven't finished haven't finish
5 He his first novel.
has just complete has just completed

Choose the correct option.

1 He has been/have been to most islands in the Caribbean.
2 He have/has driven a pickup for years.
3 I have been/has been to over 100 shows.
4 She has never return/returned to Tokyo.
5 She has wrote/written several books about dogs.
6 Have you do/done a free tour?
7 Susan has never travel/traveled with a bus.
8 They have/has never tried to raise money.
9 I haven't lived/hasn't lived here for six years.
10 He hasn't eaten/ate pasta in a very long time.
11 They hasn't/haven't phoned or emailed first.
12 Who have you meet/met from our organization?
13 Have/Has you just arrived?
14 She has broken/have broken her arm.
15 I have entered/has entered the garden.

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