Joose Environmental Consulting Report

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EECA 2023-14 / 110 of 123 Joos Envronmentsl Cons POBox 19 St Hin With, PE Con 1¥0 ‘tober 26, 2022 loose Environment Project No, JE0680 Vio Eat Jaonchases Cerise EFI Ghote “600 tan Sto, Suto 240 Chavon, PE CTA TH _Attnton: Mr. Jan Chat Corio, . Tee. Dose. Contr: Referanca: Patio-Cansda Remediation Program -Projact Update October 2022 {475 Univeralty Avon (Parcol Mos. 373066 and Potion of 273078) Chanotatowa, Queene County, Prince Edward sland Intotction “hw pupa of tari to vie a roe! vp fr the envionmons omen program cueny {hing earl i fo oredta a gaelne pil whch eccurod athe above noted le in Ags 2022. Ste Deserpton and Background ‘The stele ocated onthe notes comer a the ntereetion of Univarly Averus and Base Avene a Charatetonn, Queene County, Pra Fite No 1 and Drawing NO. apposed). The subject ie ‘noompacro ea mea of 02 estar (0.88 ete) and owod bythe A Pekard & Cid, Cuenty the sais cocipid bythe Pero-Cangea ges bu, conwonlonce ser and raat. The aucune ‘compasses spponraely 20% oho ota property wah fe rreindr Ie ae eccpled by paved ‘stzackveUvuparing and minor rasod landscaped areas. “Tm eet readin program bing eared uta a eet oa ecentgaeone pil wich occured in ‘August 2022. Atal of 3,000 Lvasexiated to have bach os wi approzmatl 00 L recovered nthe ‘Secondary sump cats wi th kf te, Reguatory Framework “The sol and groundwater samples recovers ding the remneion program dosrbed in th folowing _sclon war analysed for patlsim nyoerbon ndasor, lung benzeno, lune, eybenzone, ‘ene (BTEX) and mild pateaunHidoesrons (TPE, Tho flowing Prove Regulars wore ay oose ITROWENTAL x ntonen Cost e202 EECA 2023-14 111 of 123 eee, 202, Page ‘essen 4.0 wae foal edptes bythe PEIDEECA In Soptembor 2021. The ROCA process provides 8 Ted ater to allow rhe essa eleen often usaf te rvesiator, nlaig th uso of "Enionmental Gusly Standards (08s) based ona nun of dell sasirpons chose tobe lacive ‘of himan Heath (HH) and Eootag! Hea (Eo) for os sto conlns, the us Paw Specie ‘Stondarde (PSS) bad on conten for aia especie cndons. The RECA management ‘Poose inves the roretio om be ganic Tor EQS to move dolla Til PS EGSE. Ula he RBCA Voteon 40 Tar EG Lookup Tables, te cujot property woul be cles at commercial and se wth non goat grouncwaar nd a coarser spe. A sunmany othe apple iyérocarbon ‘er EOS cari fr sol end grout af the ube es provided in Tale for ease ofrofrence. “Tablet. Summary of PEDEECA - PHRR Crit (Hydrocarbon Te HH Soll EQSs) ‘Commercial Land Uso, Non-Potabie Groundwater, Coarse Grane Sol Sol (nga) ase | tao | sto | 0 [2000] 10000 | 10000 Grunivateriraty | 63 | 7 | = | » | | m= | 2 Version 4.0 of tants RCA node and Use Guidance decument aor n September 2021 provides ate Tia EQSe and Te IPSS risk-based numeral standart roe! eclogica recep. Using {he generic Tar Eco EOS forslland grunt, he sot pope woul Be cosiod gs ‘camara sie wi a coarse-grained sol iype, Summaries of ti ppb hyrocarbon Tis Ec Sl ard (Groundastr £08 a he sual so are povided Tabla 2 and 3 el, respocve. ‘Tablo2 Summary of PEIDEECR - PLR ererle (Hydrocarbon Tar Eco Sol EAS} Commercial Lan Use and Coarse Grain Sol “able 2 Sunmaty of PEIDEECA -PHRR crete (Hydrocarbon Tier eo GW Es) > 10metra from Surface Watsr Body EECA 2023-14 / 112 of 123, Jan Cats Gxi, Pach Page ‘The evasion eomponorn to Vatlon 4.0 ecole eeoening preteen ts steps, Stop 4 Is the comparison ef the concriaions ofthe enanmetal impacts the scl ard grouse 10 he ‘epeabla Ter Eo ES, tha concatraone ao bolo the Ter Eeo EAS, no furer abn requle. In tho ovort ther are encoodances advancing to Step 2 (resist Ti Eo EQS) ane Sap 3 (Go. futher envonnanial assessment to dlest nd quai he potent eolgieal ok) may be reais ‘he sotand groundvaorhytecrbon choi osu tho lachod Tables At and A2 do no ceed te applicable Exo EQSs cutinod abov wih Io wacepion ose ves at BH 3-22 (322) a ‘sroundvatr concerns n W122 nd MWW3.22. hou be noed tha al bean wih exceedances ‘the appeaba Eo EOSe are city beng teed wth he uliphace Vacuum Etacon (PE) system: Also an roundnater sap callete om tho eubjac ee wer subd to MOAT Leberaais (GAT) oeatod in Oatmou, Nove Seota or naj of ptcu hykocarbonsby Ans PF ‘mathodlogy. AGA azcetad by tho Carian Asseriaton for Laboratory Actelion In, (CALA) or ‘ech ofthe anasis malhodsulzed and each have in-house qaliysesurancelqulty conta (QAIQC) _regams to oven spe anajis, uting repeats, Ramuataton Program -Taoks Completes to Date Joote Envirnmenl Conslig le. Joos Ertenmenia) was contacted by Ma's Entre, which ns ‘and opel he Petro-Canada fey looted the ebject hp September 2022 prod ‘vironmental onlin eres wth egsd 1 the geatne spl ened, To dato ho folowing tasks Fave been compete “Review ofprevousondronmena assesmen! opr atcha, compad fre bjt le Including a Phase ESA Ap 2012) and MW Deconeisoning (gst 201). The Phase ESA ‘report povided inmaon onthe sl cnaione, depth i groundwstor and groundwater ow tirecion “+n ot (6 ora (2H) wih manor walle (Me) eae teach leaton on Septet 18,2022 provide a atl assesron fhe enveermntl conan ofthe ubsoks aed roundwaor al th subj te. Tho Bat loatons sve chown en Drawing No, (lace) wth tae provided below > Tvs) ofthe ic Ban re sled tou opt uderyound sora take Inti + BH-221W 1-22 tho couheos coma ofthe pstloum UST, 15H 2220/22 south of he patioour UST ant —_— EECA 2023-14 / 113 of 123 Der, 2022 Page (119-22m03.22 eset of th ptloum UST >> Reming thee (3) Hee acne a he ftw tons 15114:22MW/422 est of he ptoloum US, ran Unorsly Avon; 1511 5:22MW 8:22 southoostof the potoleun USTPurp Ind and near Universiy ‘vonwe; a 1116-22140 5:22 out of he ptsiaum USTePurp Ind and near Belodore verve. + Fro produt checkin each of the MW leatone on Sapa 0, 202 folowing he compotion of ‘he ervonraral ding program. roe phase goeoine product was oy aie ie MW 2-22 locted recy out of tha patloum UST Amanual oo product even progr wa ist twremove the fee phase pro ram MW2.22, using a deat car baler, wth the product being paced ina sour tal bara ote onsite The manual covery program was ead ot betoon September 9 an September #2 wih approxnatly 0 of pred! bang omavod fre m7, + 806 Indust tom Sant Jot, NB wore contacted to supply and menor site utp \Veouur Exact (MPC) ste o recover the gasne produto the ubsuae sos and ‘roundoor The vacuum exact sya also equpped wi aster estan system fo treating the recovered aurdnate. The blo MPE aystam vs oste and operating on Septeer 12,2022 athe ed of dy. + tal epraton of PE astm was comectd o wo (2) Me, MW2.22 ane MW 3:22) om September 120 Sepember 20 withthe the ive mone or te presenceoftea phase product + On September 20,2072 sn atlona ou (2 BHIMWs wore diledstotod wth io @) located wes, 14811222 be, AON 722 and AN 622 ano (2) cated tthe eat of MW 2-2 (e, MW 9.22 ‘1 1022) Tha adalonal Ae war tal fo movin ths oficeney of the ME sya, + Atte ond ote day on Fay (September 23, 2022), the MPE system 8s shutdown di to sly raazons the nsming ever wih (., Hurieae Fon) wih reparations mite onsite fenaure no damage. Ea on September 24,2072, the severe weaer eausedeland wid power ‘tages ara signin! damage o popes. The power was own ata so ui i Tuesday, September 27 wih the MPE system bang brought bac ono on Thursday, Soptenbo: 29° ator repo to the sytem were made “+ Tho stn wal and MW 122 wore comace oth MPE ete, wi the teste Ane tal oven (7) tied Bon rade fo mize turbance of oparatons athe subfecl site IUROWIENTAL sis sonoma 202 EECA 2023-14 / 114 of 123 eso 26 202 Pan botweon October and 8% The MPE system was uy oparatioal tthe end oe dy on ‘lotr 3 wth coven 7) es bong conected + Montring fhe sytem ovr he Thanking Westend denied he posoree of oo pheso rod at M422, ote nar Unio Avenue on Monday, Ocabar 10,2022. Net, no koe ‘rod! wasidenifed in MW 5:2 and MW€22 lea sauhooat ond south of th pumpin Inmadne nto incised the marl removal fe oe ps prot and conection of HW 422 {othe MPE cys ty the end ofthe dy. Isboud boned that wih te treme weather wich ‘ver 80m af an fl a wth th PE aya bing down for Gaye dueto he power culage and ‘eos, the rcandatr able was schoo ane sme oh Fes phase gasoline product moved tothe coutaost, toa MW 4-22. + Dalnoaon ofthe impacted sone was the ied wih the diliog and intaton of fur (4) sional We on Fig, Oetebor 1, 2022. Too (9) MW (ve, MW 1222, WY 1822 nd AW 422) ste stueted nase Unheraly Aven and one Lo, HW 11-22) wat placed onthe say Propet tthe eat (e820 Pz). Note pro siting a underground srvees were cleared fd permission we obinins om he hike party reprty aunt + On Sat, October 15,2022 ha new MMe wore moored wth a phase produc nia four (1 ocatons wth 20 ent produet Hef n MW 11-2 located on he the party reper. “he pret nate nays wae rowed mantaly and pope daposed aia the Waatwant syster. +The subgrade conestion of W422, NV 1222, MY 13.22 an NAW 14220 tho NPE sya vas ‘amleled between Oclober 7 and 1. In dona potablo tuck mounted NPE syst i ban mabized io connate MWY '1-2, lasted on th hi pty propery, to provide ered ining th removal of te ao phage roduc on a egress, Phat nae hc Be elit 20 ‘chal pot wae derttied and romaves, the daly cocks ar vemedatn have not ontod any ‘4ocabe level produc as been Kee at he Bisze zz property + Carenty the MPE system connected o loan (1) a he subject to with engl onsite ‘renoing and msintenace bela proved by SCS personne. Groundvater tontoring ose on vl opographic mapping an the observed a topography, regional tlnage ‘Ge, enlobotad groundwater ow drone fa ah eight downward gradient othe Ssouloast of approxmaly 112 pen. “The monitor wer ground mrtce lovato for al futon (14 loca inal fda at stan Taio ‘belo Tend pounder eavtion nha ve 5} maraar welaiatafedon Sepeber 8, 2022, wth # Bn EECA 2028-14 / 115 of 123, nottea phase produc Heite, ate ak rove en Tale A. The groundnatreovatons ae a ‘ramdvater Now eton tthe soueast at a siicanthrzotal radont (4) f 20%, “abled. Summary of GroundatrEloveions mw 420" 90:75 | Seplomber 12,2022 sit 64 waa wai ‘Seplonber 2, 2022 Fre Prose aaa 974 | Seplorber 12,2022 a0 oc mae ‘0165 | Soparbe 12, 2028 7005 ame Cure 3555 | Serorabe 2, 2008 ae oo wer 99.67 | Soplorbar 12,2002 781 10 Mara 22183 | Seperber 20, aaa : mea co Seplombo 26,2022 E wom were September 20, 2072 5 aw 02 9975 | Seperinr20, 2022 wanna a6 ‘Oaaber 4, 2022 : mara oc ‘Gabe 4, 2022 5 5 maw Ey ‘Gear 1, 2022 : nw 14a cco ‘Oaeber 14,2022 : Imbge= rates tow onde "entra hid aed Dain, 10m) Bacon he emparyBendint shown on ‘ea Wo. ached rag ‘orlas termed he Mtn Analytical Soll and Groundmatar Results “The solland grounder hytacatbon chemi osu forthe samples cote rom the eiing progr {cob eroundvatr mantra of he hWs not having ee phase prod ard te fen apes ceded tom te WEE ssl, ara peed on ho aftoched Tabs A aed 2, espe OF IIROWENTAL ore eniopmoas conte 2022 EECA 2023-14 / 116 of 123, ese, 2022 age ‘usted in Table alae) th so ysocarbon cham resus nat ves blow the ‘sppfeable PEIDEECA - PHIRR Tar IH EOS fa all arpes sues wh tho excepton of oso sample ‘bntes rom BH 3.22 (80V3.22}. Tho al iydrocarbon concntaone eile n BH 3-22 (MW3-22), ‘coed the applesbla PEIDEEGA~-PHRR Ter HH ECs for banzone sd ene Grounds soca ‘Ae usta in Table A2 (atacho, the grourvatarhyocabon chemistry eau inate vals Boow (te appleable PEIDEZCA PHRR Ta | HH Es for al apes subted Wh tho axcepton of sampae ‘te wy HW 3-2 and M322. Te roundiate Pyrocarbon concerns aii MV 122 ‘tn NW 922 exceed the appeable PEIDEECA - PHRR Ter HH CQSe for Bonzne na tluene (WW 3:22, ny “Ta ets for th offtent samples collated othe MPE ata ave ussted io Tabla 2 (aliached). ‘dete owls blow fe mpesble PEIDEECA = PH Te HH ab Eso EQS (1, acooptblo fo ‘scarge tothe envionment. ‘The eWlacaton wi vets ecoodng ho apple PEIDEECA PH Tay | HH and Keo EQS are cont connected and big remodod bythe MPE eam, Product Recovery ‘An ovorew a the produ! recovery lo dln provided in Table 5. Batod onthe rok ota to dle nd the etna volume repred te have boon bo os he amount recovered ona percentage bass a of ‘elober 24, 2022161 34 Table 8. Summary of Prodct Recovery “Augus2022 500 (kan eeovery er) ‘Beplrber Occ {0 (anual voooren) TPE stom Operating ‘Seplenbor 1h Ocabar 2 7800 “otal Recovered to Date "3000 Remotaton Program. Aéitlonal Tasks ‘curently tne MPI este i cpesing snd connected to toto ven (1) MWe at the abet se, The [NP ester succes atoning ee pase prodvel and predul ne vapour paca ket te a EECA 2023-14 / 117 of 123, ‘exter, 2002 Poaee rundwatr an suroundng seston Dedock whe raving down he grounater ttn tho oa of ‘hea ta peo canaemont of He pum. The hea tasks In he remedial nla the towing + Conineed operator and maisenarce ofthe MPI eystm ut wil cones ake no ges feontle Nis expected MP! aston llreman m opeaian na mio te Decent depardg ‘nwosher condone (., witsoezing), + Conte the opartn of ha portable ruck mou HP system for MY 111 eso onthe the pay propery on thes) ay por wook bast. Monday, Wsneeday nd Fy + Adttionldetestin of to of impacts wit be roqutd a prthe PEIDEECA -PHER. A teat fe () mia tb talon te pty ropes 2s chown on te alached Drang No.1 wh ‘yee (3) We leat on tho Blaz Baza popny ana wo YAN on hs ly of Chattown propery log the soul oof BoNodore Avenue. ‘losing Comments “Thiet raport hse been popared fr the sole bonft of EF Global and Mets Estrpricos. The leer ropa say not be sed by ary ota ets o ent wou th expres wrtion const of EFI Global Mets Enlerpises and Joos Enveramonts! Consulting le. ‘Any use tata hid pny makes ofthis opr any rtance on decison made aod on he ‘ezpansily of wich thd pts. ode Envronmertl Cons re accept no respon or ‘rages, any, sifared by any hed party a 8 os of deckons mace, o clan ken, based en his repo. ‘The ¥ematon and conclusions cotsinedin hs opr at bated upon work ndtsen by tsned protesslnal an ecnial eh arcordence wh gnarl accaped ergieong and sani races ‘urentthe ine he work wae pero, Concslns apd vecomnendationspresoned in his repo. ‘host notbe consed a gel ace ‘The concise resntd in i roport present he best cl udpment of Joos Envrenmonal Consign, based oe dts obtalned rom Ihe work. Tha cancsins are based one se eantions ‘beered by done EnrnmenalCanslig ne, the Hr the work was parfrmed athe speci testing Ser sping lection, and an ony bo extrapolated oon andl ie area around thaws eatlons ‘The extant th tod area depends onthe stanton, aswel ase io of he le reeng ‘alu conauclon and ear eis. in ain, analyses have been cared ote tinted numberof ‘Som parasters, end sho! ate fred that lhe chemi pee arent pesent. Duo totho ature of ha mvestyaton adhe ene dt sabe, Jose Envronmenal Cone ne. cael warant ‘oan undecovered enroneatal aes. Ifanycondtions become space ha le gto fom eur undesancng ef contin a presented ints repo we requea et we be natd lead to reassoes te contin povided her. 00st THIUROMIENTAL oor ence Css 222 EECA 2028-14 / 118 of 123, ‘We tut ne ops cosa al ofthe formation queda tine, and wo resale st your ‘convenience should you have any questions. Since, JOOSE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING INC. Pe stachmans co: Me Jf Dovoato- Mats Entorsas Ms Hannah Jenkins, 17 - PEIDEECA - Pon Prevention ane Compance Supanisor hoost VROUENTAL ee nice Cssiy e222 EECA 2023-14 / 119 of 123 ATTACHMENTS @e [VIROL ore inom conte 222 EECA 2023-14 / 120 of 123 SITE LOCATION PLAN GASOLINE SPILL REMEDIATION xs UUERaT MEU CHARLOTETONY, QUEENS COUNTY Pt | rw lenma] Soa oo) ssn wel Cer ae “gvoe| SNOLLVOOT TTSM YOLINOW 8 SSLLH3AdOUd ONIHNOSHOIN ‘NW1d ALIS| 21 J0 LZL/ pL-€20e VOSS 824 49 ZL / P-8Z0% VOR — a mee oe ee Dee Do eee] ore 824 J0 82 F-80% VOSS

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