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Department of Computer Science & Engineering

University College of Engineering(A), O. U,Hyderabad-07.

Class Test – II Date : 27-06-2023

Class : BE (CSE) VI - Sem Subject : DD

Time : 2:00 pm Max. Marks : 20
Answer all Questions (6 M)
Marks BT CO
1. a) Write short notes on Speedup and Scaleup. 2 2 3
b) List the types of Data Fragmentations with suitable examples. 2 2 3
c) What are Parametric Queries? Briefly discuss. 2 1 4
Answer any TWO following Questions (14 M)
Marks BT CO

2 a) Discuss about various Parallel Database Architectures. 3 2 3

b) What notes on Interquery and Intraquery Parallelism. 4 3 3
3 Describe the framework for Distributed Database design. 7 3 3
4 Discuss about transforming Global Queries into Fragment Queries
with suitable examples. 7 3 3


Department of Computer Science & Engineering

University College of Engineering(A), O. U,Hyderabad-07.

Class Test – II Date : 27-06-2023

Class : BE (CSE) VI - Sem Subject : DD

Time : 2:00 pm Max. Marks : 20
Answer all Questions (6 M)
Marks BT CO
1. a) Write short notes on Speedup and Scaleup. 2 2 3
b) List the types of Data Fragmentations with suitable examples. 2 2 3
c) What are Parametric Queries? Briefly discuss. 2 1 4
Answer any TWO following Questions (14 M)
Marks BT CO

2. a) Discuss about various Parallel Database Architectures. 3 2 3

b) What notes on Interquery and Intraquery Parallelism. 4 3 3
3. Describe the framework for Distributed Database design. 7 3 3
4. Discuss about transforming Global Queries into Fragment Queries
with suitable examples. 7 3 3


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