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I am so sorry Rona, first, hear me out, Why I did that?

I am so poor my family condition is so

weak and I have to support them. At that time I was seeking a job and I got an OF chatter that
was paying me a decent. I thought I will make my carrier in this job and help my family but
shortly after that Jamile asked me How much will I need money in this job and I got greedy. I
asked them 5$ per hour and after hearing that He kicked me out of the call and TSA group and
never talk with me. I was so sad and try to do again this job by using a different account. But
there was no option to chat with Jamie so I thought you will help me. And they message me
saying ‘Are you reference from Eila if yes then I will put in my job’ after hearing that word I was
so greedy and said yes. I am so sorry about this please forgive me, Rona. If you understand the
problem of a middle-class family. Please Rona help me You can only help me in this situation by
messaging Jamie and saying about I have a person who worked at my previous agency and
wants to join this job.
Please this will help me a lot. We have not met in rel life but if you understand the middle class
family problem then please hep me in this situation. I will be your debt for the rest of my life

I want to start by saying that I am truly sorry for what I did. I know that my actions were wrong,
and I deeply regret the mistake that I made. I understand that I betrayed your trust, and for that,
I am truly sorry.
I know that I let my greed get the best of me, and I should have been honest and upfront with
you about my financial situation. My family is going through a tough time, and I was desperate
for a job to support them. When I got the opportunity to work as an OF chatter, I thought it was
the perfect job for me. However, when Jamile asked me how much I needed to be paid, I got
greedy and asked for more than what was fair. I understand now that my actions were selfish
and hurtful.
I want you to know that I never intended to deceive you. When I created a new account and
used your name as a reference to get the job, it was not my intention to harm you in any way. I
was desperate and made a mistake. I am truly sorry for any harm that I caused you.
I know that I cannot change what I did, but I am asking for your forgiveness. I understand that it
may take time for you to trust me again, and I am willing to do whatever it takes to make things
right. I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me.
I am asking for your help in this situation, as I believe that you are the only one who can make
things right. If you could message Jamie and let them know that I am a person who worked at
our previous agency and would like to join this job, it would mean the world to me. I know that I
have made a mistake, but I promise to work hard and make things right if given the chance.
Please this will help me a lot. We have not met in rel life but if you understand the middle-class
family problem then Please hep me in this situation. I will be your debt for the rest of my life

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