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Unit 3. School paper advising and editorial


Lesson 1. School Paper Advising

Lesson 2. Editorial Management

Let us pause for a comprehension check!

Answer the following questions briefly.

1. What is school paper advising?
School paper advising is how a School Paper Adviser shares and imparts her
expertise towards journalism to the Editorial Team. Since he or she has the knowledge
about Journalism, he or she is the one who is responsible of supervising each members
of the team about their tasks, teaching them sort of writing styles, and make sure that
the publication process is going well.

2. What is editorial management?

Editorial Management is the process of how will the material will be done,
nothing hampering the process. There are phases that constitutes to make sure that the
material will be produced unblemished; having its proper and thorough checking of
grammars, the structure, and the entirety of the material or product. The whole group is
designed to ensure the effective and polished product to release.

3. How are school paper advising and editorial management different in the basic
education level (elementary to high school) and in the tertiary level (university)?
Elementary to High School and College differs on how they associate with Paper
Advising and Editorial Management. In elementary, they are advised of creating articles
revolving around the school. They are doing only school-based articles like for
Intramurals, Foundation Day, and some monthly activities. In terms of their editorial
management, they are still under control and supervision of their teachers to make sure
that everything will be doing fine. In High School, they are advised by their school
paper adviser from doing their responsibilities in their specific fields of writing. Same
like the elementary, they are also writing articles about their school activities. However,
they can create articles beyond the premise of the school. They can have also activities
being done by the community. For Editorial Management, they are already onset of
their capability, since they are more of immersed of production and processes of
making materials for any kind of activities. They can manage to make effective materials
but still, under supervision of teacher is needed. For college, the advising is still there
towards respective responsibilities of the members. They can create bigger scope of
write ups, because they are also doing online release of articles. They are also equipped
and advanced to their Editorial Management, because everything is present, and they
are already well taught of the different responsibilities given to them.

4. As a student publication adviser, create a prototype (working) editorial policy on the

following processes. Your target students may be elementary, junior high school, or
senior high school students.
a. Selection of student publication staff

Policy on Selecting Student Publication Staff

 In order to be part of the Publication Team, the aspiring publication staff will first
fill up and Application Form.
 The applicant must be a bona fide student of the school.
 During the submission of Application Form, the current School Paper Adviser will
have a one-on-one interview with the applicant.
 The selection day of publication staff will be done for 2 days, consisting some
activities and workshops that will unleash the potentials of applicants in their
certain field of choice.
 Each aspirant will do an on-the-spot writing of articles in their different fields -
those applicants who aspires to be writers, and an on-the-spot cartooning to
those who are applying to be editorial cartoonist.
 The board of judges will be headed by the School Head of the School, a Social
Sciences teacher, and the Editor in Chief of the Publication team.
 The aspirants will be scored according the set criteria made by the School Paper
Adviser and was conventionally agreed upon by the publication team.
 A manageable staff should not be more than ten, as follows: (1) editor in chief;
(2) associate editor; (3) managing editor; (4) feature editor; (5) literary editor; (6)
sports editor; and (7) reporters (one for each class-senior, sophomore, freshman).
 There are other members of the staff who may simply be appointed; the typists,
the layout artist, the staff artist, the photographer, and the circulation manager.

b. Monitoring of student publication staff

Policy ON Monitoring Publication Staff

 The staff will be required to write at least two articles monthly. This will include
the monthly activities held by the school, and some issues and events beyond the
premise of the school.
 Staffs will always visit the publication office on their free time, to check for
updates and other things to do as required by the school administrator.
 There will be daily checking of attendance. Before they go to their respective
classrooms, they will first log in to school paper office.
 Active participation and collaboration will be anticipated especially for upcoming
school activities and event, and most especially if there is Press Conferences to be
 There will be an assigned attendance checker, and it will be submitted to School
Paper Adviser every Friday.
 An absent staff will issue and excuse letter to the School Publication Adviser,
either a letter or sent through Gmail.
 Inability to give excuse letter will result to not be excused, and will be warned to
follow protocols.
 Consecutive number of absences will be reported to the School Paper Adviser for
questioning and giving sort of sanctions. If this will still be not anticipated by the
staff, the adviser will issue a termination letter, and never re-join again to the
 Staff together with the School Paper Adviser will hold monthly meetings for
updates and set agendum to be discussed.
c. Duties and Responsibilities of the Publication Staff

Duties and Responsibilities of the Publication Staff

 Editor in Chief- supervises the editorial staff of the paper. Writes the editorials of
the organ after consultation with the members of the editorial staff.
 Edits all articles preparatory to submission of the same to the adviser for final
editing and approval for publication. Supervises the preparation of the layout and
dummying of the paper and paging of the same in cooperation with the
managing editor and layout artist.
 Causes the accomplishment of all assignments properly and on time. Acts as
liaison officer between the editorial staff and the adviser. Call’s meetings of the

 Managing Editor - Brings articles to the press for typesetting. Checks articles for
typographical errors. Prepares the layout of the paper and paging of the same in
consultation with the editor in chief. Proofreads galley proofs before these are
finally approved by the chief editor, then by the adviser for printing.

 Associate Editor - Edits the articles in cooperation with the editor in chief. Writes
editorials of the organ when requested. Prepares assignments of section editors
in consultation with the editor in chief. Cooperates in the preparation of the
layout of the paper and paging of the same with the editor in chief and
managing editor.

 Section Editors (News Editor) - Assigns reporters to cover events relevant to the
school activities. Writes news articles on assignment from the editor in chief or
through his own initiative in consultation with the latter. Edits all news articles
received preparatory to submission of the same to the editor in chief then to the
adviser of the English section.
 Section Editors (Filipino Editor) - Writes the editorial of the Filipino section.
Edits all articles preparatory to submission of the same to the Filipino adviser, for
final editing and for publication. Causes the submission of all Filipino articles
properly and on time. Acts as liaison officer between the Filipino staff and the
editor in chief.

 Layout Section Editors (Layout Artist) – Assigns or causes the assignment of

the school’s official photographer to take pictures on school’s activities for the
month. Prepares pictorial articles of the organ in consultation with the managing
editor and editor in chief. Writes the captions of pictures utilized by the paper in
cooperation with the editor in chief.
 Takes charge of the design of the magazine cover. Labels or properly identifies all
pictures made available for publication. It is suggested that he writes (in pencil) at
the back of every picture the event to which a particular picture refers. Helps in
the preparation of the layout of pictorial stories. Makes illustrations for feature

 Section Editors (Feature Editor) -Gives out assignments to feature writers.

Receives and edits feature articles preparatory to submission of the same to the
editor in chief. Writes regular articles or column.

 Section Editors (Exchange Editor and Circulation Manager) - Makes up a list

of school papers sent by other schools. Mails copies of his own paper to these
schools. Files their papers on a bulletin board or display them on a newspaper
rack. Keeps files of school information, such as lass lists and lists of homeroom
advisers, faculty, and staff members.

 Section Editors Reporter - Secures the cold and raw facts of an assigned event
and writes an article out of the same. Receives assignments from the section
editors and board of editors and accomplishes the same properly and on time.

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