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Customer Case Study

All-Composite Pipe
Goes Deep

Abaqus Finite Element Analysis

helps DeepFlex customize
pipeline for offshore applications

Deepwater production is a challenging unique performance characteristics, FFRP use for over 40 years in onshore oilfields
reality for many oil and gas companies. has the potential to enable new development and some shallow water applications. But
Limits on existing petroleum resources scenarios in deep and ultra-deepwater fields DeepFlex faced the challenge of designing
require the search for new fields to be around the globe,” says Bryant, Chief and producing a completely new all-
conducted farther offshore and in deeper Technical Officer at DeepFlex. composite type of pipe that could withstand
water than ever before. But operating in a the greater external hydrostatic pressures,
harsh ocean environment, and thousands New material, new design challenges higher internal wellhead pressures, and
of feet below sea level, puts demands on Earlier generations of fiberglass-reinforced temperature extremes that accompany
pipelines that are much greater than those plastic bonded pipe systems have been in deepwater work.
onshore or in shallower water. Traditional
steel pipe can have performance limitations FPSO Drilling Rig
Support Vessel Shuttle Tanker
under such conditions.

Enter the next generation: all-composite

flexible fiber reinforced pipe (FFRP), a Anchor Chains
lightweight, nonmetallic, unbonded pipe
developed specifically for use in subsea
and deepwater floating system applications.
The need for FFRP becomes more critical
as the industry moves out to 3,000-meter
water depths. Constructed from extruded
polymeric layers reinforced with laminated Flexible Risers
glass-fiber tape stacks, FFRP is the patented
brainchild of Bruce McConkey and Flowlines
Mike Bryant, and has been successfully Anchor Piles
commercialized by DeepFlex Inc. It is in use
in the Gulf of Mexico, with ongoing projects Diagram showing intended applications of DeepFlex pipe in deepwater installations. All-composite flexible
fiber-reinforced pipe can be used for dynamic risers, subsea flowlines and pipelines, subsea jumpers, and
in West Africa and Far East Asia. “Due to its surface jumpers on hybrid risers or on platform decks.

16 INSIGHTS January/February 2009

Customer Case Study

Standard Structure

Tensile Reinforcement

Liner Extrusion
Jacket Extrusion

Membrane Extrusion
Hoop Reinforcement

Pressure Reinforcement


On the left is a typical structure of a standard, all-composite Flexible Fiber Reinforced Pipe (FFRP) for deepwater petroleum product recovery, detailing
the multiple layers of extrusions and reinforcement that give DeepFlex pipe its strength and flexibility. On the right, Abaqus FEA model of DeepFlex pipe
showing meshed representation of the layers of extrusions and reinforcement.

Metallic reinforcement wrap can strengthen Pipes are offered at various internal pressure each layer to be custom-designed to meet
composite pipe, but the highly corrosive design ratings up to 10,000 psi working specific requirements for burst, collapse,
nature of seawater limits its lifespan. pressure. The FAT (Factory Acceptance axial extension, bending, and torsion. For
Another reason to avoid metal is that Test) is carried out at 1.5 times the working meeting such exacting specifications, “we
composite materials are inert in the “sour pressure and burst ratings are a minimum needed further insight into the performance
gas” (hydrogen sulfide) environment of of 2.5. No existing codes cover this new of each layer of composite to optimize pipe
many deepwater natural gas reservoirs. product directly, but “our goal is to meet or cross section configuration,” said Bhat.
When creating DeepFlex’s all-composite exceed API (American Petroleum Institute) To gain that insight, DeepFlex worked
product, “the feasibility of achieving the 17 requirements when they are applicable,” with structural mechanics consultants
necessary collapse resistance without says Bhat. at MMI Engineering, Inc. (MMI), who
metallic reinforcement was a focus of our applied Abaqus FEA software for realistic
While the plies within each FFRP stack are
early developmental effort,” says DeepFlex simulation computer modeling of FFRP.
bonded together by epoxy resin, each stack
Director for Applications Engineering
remains unbonded from the others, ensuring As prototype testing began generating data
Shankar Bhat, Sc.D.
true flexibility under extreme conditions during the design and development stages,
Tough, flexible, lightweight and increasing fatigue resistance in dynamic DeepFlex supplied design information and
To maximize the strength of its composite- applications. Unbonded construction also pipe cross-section data to MMI for use in
only pipe, DeepFlex created overlapping allows the pipe to be produced and installed the numerical model creation and testing.
layers of composite reinforcement, using in continuous long lengths in the size range “We were looking for a complex model able
multi-start stacks of specially made pre- of interest to offshore oil and gas operators. to handle the internal interactions of the
cured unidirectional glass fiber composite In addition, the composite materials act materials in a more complete way,” says
tapes. The pipe is continuous, and is made as effective insulators, keeping product Bhat.
in long lengths limited only by storage flowing through pipes at colder deepwater
“DeepFlex has a proprietary method of
capacity. Performance is impressive: tests temperatures. The all-composite makeup
sizing the pipes,” says Paul Jacob, Associate,
of the 2-inch pipe, for example, have results in pipe that is lighter than traditional
MMI. “They would come to us with their
demonstrated its ability to survive the steel or other types of flexible pipe—
pipe makeup for, say, 10,000 feet of water
pressure found in the Marianas Trench, the allowing significant reduction of loads on
and 5000 psi burst pressure, and give us a
deepest spot in any ocean of the world. A host facilities in deep water.
cross-section and the properties we needed
4-inch pipe has been tested to a collapse for our analysis. DeepFlex has an extensive
FEA provides insight
pressure of 10,000 psi—over 6000 meters prototype test program that provides
The unique way that FFRP is constructed
(22,482 feet) of seawater equivalency. “Our overall results for product performance,
permits tailoring to the variables of the
pipe is designed to take a tremendous but they wanted to build on this and gain
particular environment in which it will
compressive load with a generous safety
be used: a cross-section lay-up allows
factor,” says Bhat. (Story continued on page 18) INSIGHTS January/February 2009 17

Customer Case Study

an understanding of how the various

components in the pipe behave under
loading. This is where a tool such as Abaqus
FEA can provide the needed insight into
product performance.”

MMI used the preprocessing capabilities

of Abaqus/CAE to create meshed FEA
models of the pipe that could be analyzed
for performance characteristics. The Abaqus
Collapse (Hydrostatic) Load
analysis products were then used to conduct
the simulations. “We used a combination
of Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit in (Top) Cross-section analysis of a portion of DeepFlex pipe
with stress distribution registered during collapse testing.
this project,” says Jacob. “Abaqus/Explicit
was used to verify the interaction between (Right) A length of composite pipe (in red) positioned in a
components as it is easier to shake out dynamic test machine used by DeepFlex to carry out bending
and torsional stiffness tests with and without internal pressure.
numerical problems with contact. Once we MMI used numerical results derived from such prototype
had confidence in the contact interaction, we testing to validate Abaqus (FEA) models and gain insight into
the performance of structural elements of the pipe.
used Abaqus/Standard to complete our main
set of performance analysis runs.”
Jacob. “The analysis helped us understand the process going forward. “MMI’s work was
Modeling composites at the mechanisms and responses of the structure an important first step in our gaining a more
right level of detail under loading.” complete understanding of the structural
“To model the composite components of
mechanics of pipe cross-sections,” says Bhat.
the pipe, instead of creating the individual Efficient modeling promotes “Going forward we will continue to use FEA
plies, we built up orthotropic solids of efficient design to deepen our understanding, which will
each composite section,” says Jacob. “We “We were looking to find out what the failure enable further customization of the high-
could have used Abaqus to model all the modes would be, how they would progress performance composite materials that make
individual layers, but we did not need that through the structure, for internal pressure, our pipe so uniquely suited to deepwater
level of detail at this point in our studies. external hydrostatic collapse loads bending, operations.”
Greater detail could be included at a later torsion, and axial loads,” says Jacob. “This
stage of product development if required.” is where the DeepFlex all-composite pipe About DeepFlex, Inc.
has its advantage, because you can design it Headquartered in Houston, with offices
MMI began their numerical analysis by
efficiently: tailoring individual components in the United States, Brazil and the
performing sensitivity studies with 2D
in the cross-section to meet the demands of United Kingdom, DeepFlex, Inc. designs,
models to determine where to focus on
the different layers in loading conditions such manufactures and installs premium composite
the interactions between composite layers
as burst or collapse. With a steel pipe, there flexible pipe used in the subsea oil and gas
within a pipe structure under various loading
is one material and thickness; you don’t have production environment. Established in 2004,
conditions. From these studies, MMI created
that flexibility.” DeepFlex works in the world’s major offshore
3D models with each composite component
producing regions to meet the needs of oil
modeled explicitly with contact (such as MMI developed a method for assessing and gas companies of all sizes.
friction between reinforcement stacks) failures between the individual layers, using
where required. Boundary conditions and the “Model Change” command in Abaqus to About MMI Engineering, Inc.
loads were then applied and benchmark tests alter the states between them and applying MMI provides engineering consulting
were performed to confirm that the model loads to the model structure gradually until services to global clients in the oil and
behavior was realistic. components began to fail. “This approach gas, energy, utilities, security, government,
allowed us to develop global characteristics industrial and commercial markets. MMI
The FEA model included nearly one million
for load extension, and bending, that took uses state-of-the-art engineering, science and
degrees of freedom and the analysis was
into account the effects of burst and collapse technology in combination with practical
run overnight on a single processor 64-bit
pressures,” says Jacob. “Analytically, that was design, construction and project management
Intel Xeon processor machine with the
the high point for me, as we were able to begin experience to meet their client’s unique needs.
Red Hat Linux 64 operating system. “We
used the FEA results as a starting point for to understand the failure mechanism and load For More Information
establishing an understanding of the failure redistribution in the remaining components.”
limits of particular pipe specifications, MMI provided their FEA analysis data back
simulating burst and collapse tests,” says to DeepFlex for use as part of their design

18 INSIGHTS January/February 2009

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