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Aanandam Aarambam

Logline: Sangamithra( savi) and siva prasad must overcome their problems and must live
happily together.
Characters: Sangamithra( savi): the main female lead
Vasantha balan and Sangeetha: parents of savi
Veerasingham: grand father of savi
Chandiran: savi's cousin brother
Siva Prasad: the main male lead
Veda vinayagam and Vedavalli: parents of siva
Vishnu prasad: siva's brother
Synopsis: Savi's parents loved each other and got married so their family didn't accept
them and they came to chennai and started a hospital. Savi's parents are both doctors.
They started a hospital and it got a very good name, but Savi's fathers friend
Adikeshavan business was in loss so Savi's father gave him a job in the hospital.
Adikesavan came to work with them with an evil plan. He said to Savi's father
Vasanthabalan that his father is searching to kill them and by saying this he transfers all
the hospital documents in his name and he looks after the hospital because he got the
power of attorney. Savi was also studying MBBS, one day Savi's parents went for an
international conference and they took Savi along with them. Savi and her parents were
in the lift and it got stuck in the middle. All the employers were tense because the M.D
Veda vinayagam was coming to the conference so in a hurry they made the lift work and
they came out. Veda vinayagam saw Vasantha balan and recognised him. Vasantha balan
and Veda vinayagam both are friends from childhood so he takes Savi and her parents to
his home. Vishnu Prasad came in search of his father but he came to know that Veda
Vinayagam went to home, vishnu also went home there he met Savi and her parents, the
previous day itself Savi and Vishnu met in a hotel there vishnu saved savi from falling
down and after seeing her he felt happy and remembered his brother.
Vishnu has a elder brother Siva prasad they both used to play
together in childhood but Siva gets very angry and one day he fought with a boy and he
beats him so Siva's father send him to U.S for his studies so siva gets angry and he never
returned back home and he started a business in U.S and developed it. Savi and Vishnu
became close to each other and then Savi and her parents left for the hotel. Savi doesn't
know that Vishnu is a doctor and she teases him the next day there was a conference but
Savi couldn't attend it because she was in deep sleep. Vishnu said to Savi's parents that
his mother asked Savi to bring home and he took her along with him. Vedavalli liked
Savi very much after sending Siva to U.S Their family lost happiness in their house but
after Savi came to their house everything changed and everyone liked her very much.
Savi was in their house for two days and they enjoyed a lot by going out, the next day
Savi planned to return but her parents called her and said to be in their house for a day
they have some work. So savi stays in Vishnu's house and savi parents go to Veda
vinayagan fathers Veerasingham's house and try to meet them but he doesn't allow them
inside so they return back to chennai. Savi's parents return to chennai to look after their
hospital but Adikesavan runs the hospital and he sends Savi's parents out of the hospital
because he named all the documents in his name.
Savi's parents planned to return back to his friend
Veda vinayagam at the same time Vishnu planned for a champ because he had a
girlfriend Meenalochini she is graduated from U.S her father Yega is uncle of Vishnu, he
works in Vishnu's father hospital and every time when the champ is done yega kidnaps
few villagers and sell their organs as organ racket. Yega planned and made his daughter
Meenalochini love Vishnu and trap him in her love, yega planned a champ in the village
and Meenalochini executed the plan with the help of Vishnu. Savi also went to the
champ along with Vishnu but Meenalochini took Vishnu out so the work could be easy
for her father. Yega planned and made the documents and files of the patient a side and
he sent his goons as ward boys and stole the documents. Savi found something was
wrong and she found about this kidnapping she called Vishnu but he didn't answer her
call and she left a message for him. Vishnu saw the message and returned to the champ.
He couldn't find Savi so Vishnu called her father and explained it. Vishnu's father Veda
vinayagam rushed to the champ and scolded his son and then they came to know that
Yega did this and they went to the godown. Yega and his daughter Meenalochini kicked
both Veda vinayagam and vishnu with their legs. Yega took Vishnu and his father near
Saviand infront of her they killed Vishnu and his father and removed their organs. Savi
cried a lot, in the end Vishnu gave savi a dollar chain and passed away. Yega said to kill
savi and remove her organs also but she escaped from him with so many injuries on her
body and she goes in front of a car and falls out of consciousness.
Savi's bestfriend Kalaivani and her fathers best friend Vagisan were
inside the car. They found Savi and treated her and hid her in their house. Yega called
savi's parents and they kidnapped them and kept them in the same godown. Savi said to
Kalaivani and her parents that if she stays with them it would be dangerous for them so
he changed her face and style and became like an old woman and stayed in a hostel.
Vishnu's brother Siva prasad returned from the U.S, and he wants to find the people
who killed his brother and father. Everyday Siva punishes himself for not taking care of
his brother and father and being with them. Siva thinks Savi is the one who killed his
father and brother and he tries to find her. Savi also hides from everyone by changing
herself and her looks. Yega's people also search for Savi, three years passed like this Siva
goes to Kalaivani's shop and asks about Savi but he couldn't get any information. Siva
had an assistant Sudhakar and his elder uncle Dayanandhan's daughter Chitra Vadhana
helped Siva to get the information along with them. Meenalochini was also going and
passing the information to her father Yega. Yega came to know about Kalaivani's father
and he sent some goons and they hurt Kalaivani's father and he got admitted in the
hospital. Kalaivani and Savi go to see their father. Siva got doubt on the old woman and
tried to know about her. The old woman is savi and she got ready like that to save
Siva said to his assistant to buy a house outside of the village and
Siva also gets ready like an old man and goes to work near Kalaivani's father. Everyday he
observes their house one day Savi got up early and she was walking in the garden
without her old woman makeup, Siva sees it and he comes there and Savi runs inside.
The next day Savi heard Kalaivani's father and mother conversation that because of Yega
it happened and they must save Savi from them. Savi listendd this and thought if she
stays with them their life will be in danger so she tries to commit suicide and goes
infront of a lorry. Siva sees this and saves her; she falls unconscious and he takes her to
his building. Siva tries to kill Savi but she was ready for it. She tells Siva how his father
and Brother were killed by his uncle. Siva gets angry and he also comes to know that
Meenalochini is also involved in this. Siva's friend Chandru also comes there. He is best
friend of Vishnu, chandru was also searching for Savi and her parents because she is his
cousin sister and her father is chandru's fathers brother. Chandru doesn't say it is
Vasantha balan's daughter savi and takes her to his home along with Kalaivani to save her
from Yega. Siva gets Adikesavan who took all savi's parents property and hives her
property back to her.
Siva, Chandru and Sudhakar kidnap Meenalochini and set a camera in Yega's dress
and they see everything and collect details from his crime. Yega kidnapped
Chitravadhana and tortured her to know about Vedavalli( siva's mother) yaga's people
threw acid on Chitravadhana leg and she lost her legs completely. Siva came to know
about chitravadhana and he saved her and cried for her situation. Siva saves savi's parents
also and he gives drugs to Meenalochini and keeps her in the place of chitravadhan and
yega's people kill her and sell her heart and kidneys. The entire police department
searched for yega but they couldn't find them because siva kidnapped yega and
separated his hands and legs from his body and killed him. After seeing the breaking
news Veerasingham( vasanthabalan's father) rushed here and realised his mistake and
took Savi and her parents to his home. Siva's mother went to Savi's house to ask her to
marry Shiva but she was not interested because she thought Vishnu loved her. After
seeing the locket she came to know that inside it was a photo of Siva and Savi. Siva took
Savi out and she cried in the memory of Vishnu and his father Siva hugged her and they
both got married. Chandiran( savi's brother) married Kalaivani. Chitravadhana and
Sudhakar were already married without saying anything to anyone so they lived happily.

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