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한국정밀공학회지 제 36 권 제 1 호 pp.

105-110 January 2019 / 105

J. Korean Soc. Precis. Eng., Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 105-110
ISSN 1225-9071 (Print) / 2287-8769 (Online)

A Device for Converting Kinetic Energy of Press Into Electric Power as

a Means of Energy Saving

Shchasiana Arhun1,#, Andrii Hnatov1, Oleksandr Dziubenko1, and Svitlana Ponikarovska1

1 Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, 25, Yaroslav Mudryi Street, Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
# Corresponding Author / E-mail:, TEL: +38-099-378-0451
ORCID: 0000-0001-6098-8661

KEYWORDS: Energy-generating tile, Alternative energy Source, Energy-saving technologies

The analysis of existing alternative power source equipment that convert other types of energy into electric power was
carried out. This study proposed a technical solution for the design of the power generating tile or step, which converts the
kinetic energy of press into electric power and accumulates it. The operating principle of the power-generating tile is
described as an alternative, decentralized source of electrical energy. The experimental research of the developed device
was conducted and the method of conversion of kinetic energy into electric power improved. A correlation method that
allows conducting analysis and calculation by quantitative indicators of the generated electricity from press was presented.
The proposed device can be used as an alternative source of electricity in places with great foot traffic. The device has
small overall dimensions and can easily be set up in various types of aisles, stairs, and integrated into the network of LED

Manuscript received: July 23, 2018 / Revised: October 17, 2018 / Accepted: November 7, 2018

1. Introduction the authors of the work,9,10 will allow saving energy, its efficient
allocation and balancing according to the power.
Currently, the issues of energy saving and energy efficiency are The purpose of the work is to study a low-duty electric power
becoming increasingly topical, and, therefore, methods for their source that converts kinetic energy into electric power as a means
implementation and the means that directly make such of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency.
implementation possible are much needed. In this area, a fairly The Pavegen tile, developed by Laurence Kemball-Cook's, a
large number of different types of research is being made.2-5 The researcher from England, is an analogue of the proposed
most urgent of these is the development and research of tools and device.11,12 This tile converts kinetic energy from steps into electric
instruments that can reduce dependence on centralized power power. The principle of such a tile is based on the piezoelectric
sources or reduce the expenses for electricity.6-8 effect, which greatly affects its price and reliability.
This paper presents the studies devoted to solving the problem Russian scientists Kh. Abramovich, E. Kharash and others have
of energy saving and energy efficiency in institutions, buildings proposed a similar development.13 Their device is a part of the
and places with a great foot traffic. The main idea of the work is to system and methods of collecting energy on roads and highways
develop and implement a low-duty device for generating using a piezoelectric generator. The disadvantage is that it needs a
electricity. The idea is based on the methods and means of stationary structure and appropriate assemblage.
converting kinetic energy into electric power, which will generate In the article written by Xiaofeng Li, V. Strezov14 and in the
the required amount of electricity and also provide the power article written by A. Shukla, S.A. Ansari15 the possibility of using a
supply system with additional, alternative low-duty power sources. piezoelectric tile in an educational institution is considered.
The introduction of the device under research, which is patented by In the United States, the inventors S. Brusaw, J. Brusaw

Copyright © The Korean Society for Precision Engineering

This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (
3.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
106 / January 2019 한국정밀공학회지 제 36 권 제 1 호

proposed a device “Solar Roadway Panel”, which converts the sun

energy into electricity. The generated electricity is used for the own
needs of the device and for the power supply of the newest
“Intelligent Road” systems.16 It should be noted that this
development requires complete re-equipment of both the road and
its entire infrastructure. Also, this development cannot convert
kinetic energy of press into electric power. In the work by V.R.
Skoy17 the “Piezoelectric DC generator based on the Casimir
effect” is described. The invention belongs to energy converters
operating on the basis of the use of piezoceramic materials. As for
the drawbacks of such devices, as has already been noted, one can
mention their low reliability, which is explained by the use of
piezoceramics. In his article Shalabh Bhatnagar4 considers the
fundamental possibility of obtaining electric energy by converting
it from the energy of sound waves and using piezoelectric
elements. But the author considers only the fundamental possibility
of such conversion and does not provide concrete technical
solutions for it. Xinyu Xue, Sihong Wang18 proposed to combine
the process of conversion of mechanical energy into electrical
power with the process of electric energy accumulation in the form
of chemical energy. But, as in the previous case, the authors do not
indicate the operational and technical characteristics of their
development. In19 Salvatore Cafiso and M. Cuomo provide
substantiation for using piezoelectric transducers on asphalt
pavement in terms of efficiency and power generation. Thus, there
are many examples of possible conversion of kinetic energy from
press into electric power, but no specific technical solutions are
given for practical implementation of this process. It should also be Fig. 1 The design of the device: 1 - the pressure plate; 2 - the electric
noted that such devices are designed for significant pressing force generator drive rail; 3 - the spring; 4 - the airtight connection
and can only be installed on motorways. of the plate with the housing; 5 - the body; 6 - the electric
machine (electric drive); 7 - multiplier; 8 - the electric
The given analysis of the reviewed papers on the development
generator drive gear; 9 - the pressure plate working stroke; F -
and research of various systems and devices that convert various the pressing force
types of energy into electric power indicates that this problem is
topical and urgent for the general public.

2. The Design of the Device

Fig. 2 The device principal electrical scheme: 1 - the pressure plate;

To date, an electromechanical device for transformation of
6 - the electric machine (electric generator); 7 - the multiplier;
kinetic energy into electric power, where the kinetic energy from 10 - the electric rectifier; C - the capacitive storage; VD - the
people’s steps is transformed into electric power and accumulates diode; GB - the rechargeable battery; S - the switch; Z - the
in capacitive storage devices - ultracapacitors and accumulator load
batteries, looks promising and effective.20 In this case, energy
conversion occurs due to the use of an electric machine, where the The electromechanical device of converting kinetic energy into
energy of press is converted into rotational energy of the electric electric power with an electric generator is suggested. The device
machine rotor. Such a device can be used as an alternative and has a housing with a pressure plate, where the rotor and the stator
decentralized low-duty power source. are co-located and can move relative one another. In this case, the
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET)
Volume 6, Issue 7, Jul 2015, pp. 81-86, Article ID: IJMET_06_07_010
Available online at
ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359
© IAEME Publication


Prathamesh Natu, Sameer Nadkar and Abhishek Badgujar
Department of Mechanical Engineering, KGCE, Mumbai University,
Karjat, INDIA

Early in our lives, we become aware of the tendency of all material objects
to be attracted towards the earth. Anything thrown upwards eventually falls
down. The constituents of universe are galaxy, stars, planets, asteroids,
meteors, etc. The force which keeps them bound together is called
gravitational force. Earth exerts a force of gravity on all objects.
With every passing day, the need for sustainable living on Earth is
increasing greatly. For this world needs to start using renewable energy
resources. The following project shows how electricity can be generated using
gravity in simplest possible way. Mechanical components like Spur gears,
chain and mass provide input to an electrical circuit through a generator
motor. Every time you lift the weight, gravitational potential energy is
converted into electrical energy for 68 seconds in this model. Power
generation from gravity is cheaper and bio-efficient as compared to solar and
other renewable energy sources.
Key words: Gravity, Potential, Energy, Electrical, Power, Weight
Cite this Article: Prathamesh Natu, Sameer Nadkar and Abhishek Badgujar,
Generation of Electricity using Gravity. International Journal of Mechanical
Engineering and Technology, 6(7), 2015, pp. 81-86.

Even today, after advancement of science and technology, more than 1 billion people
do not have access even to basic electricity. That is almost 1 among every 5 people.
These people use other costly and harmful resources like kerosene to light their
homes. Gravity being one of the fundamental forces of nature, is available everywhere
across the Earth. Currently it is a dream to meet all energy requirements of the world.
But when we have a light that gives free, clean energy at least the basic requirement
of millions of people will be fulfilled. 81
Prathamesh Natu, Sameer Nadkar and Abhishek Badgujar


In this project we have used Spur Gears for reduction of input speed, a chain for
suspension of weight around a bicycle sprocket. The sprocket and larger spur gear are
mounted on a shaft which can rotate freely between the bearings. Smaller spur gear is
coupled with an AC Synchronous Motor which provides input to an electrical circuit.
The circuit consists of a rectifier, capacitor and LEDs.
When the weight is suspended from a chain across the sprocket, the shaft rotates.
Thus the larger spur gear rotates at speed of shaft and in turn rotates the smaller gear.
This acts as an input to AC synchronous motor. Rectifier converts Alternating current
into Direct current and LEDs glow.

Figure 1 Actual model with gears, sprocket and motor

Figure 2 Circuit of the output 82
Generation of Electricity using Gravity

Figure 2 Actual output Circuit

The various problems associated with production of gravity light are mentioned below

3.1. Problem
Gravity is the weakest of the four fundamental forces of nature.

3.1.1. Remedy
Gravity is the dominant force at the macroscopic scale. It is responsible for causing
the Earth and the other planets to orbit the Sun; for causing the Moon to orbit the
Earth; for the formation of tides, Thus we can use it to pull a gathered weight of
around 10-15 pounds.

3.2 Problem
Due to Excessive weight the apparatus may be Damaged.

3.2.1. Remedy
Design the stand according to the weight specifications and clearly mention the limits
of weight it can manage.

3.3 Problem
Belts cause slips.

3.3.1. Remedy
Use Grooved or strap belts and gears to avoid slips.

3.4. Problem
Power output is small.

3.4.1. Remedy
The goal of project is to provide cheap and harmless energy alternative. The power
output is enough to light a small room. But with subsequent research and
developments more output could be generated. 83
Prathamesh Natu, Sameer Nadkar and Abhishek Badgujar


Consider the diagram representation of gravity powered light as shown in the figure

Figure 3 Diagram Representation of the model

From the experiments performed on our gravity powered light, different readings
were obtained for different masses suspended from the chain.
The model has Ar, Br and Cr added to it. These are the:
• Rotational speed Ar of the small gear A with the generator attached,
• rotational speed Br of the large gear B, and
• Rotational speed Cr of the small sprocket C that's attached to the large gear that is
mounted on shaft 'S'.
• Mass of 'W' kg is suspended with the help of chain for the rotation of shaft.
To get enough power to light the LED, the motor had to turn at the rate of 15 rpm.
That means it has to turn 1/4 turn each second.
Circumference of A = 2π×30 = 188.5 mm
∴ Rotational Speed of A = 188.5 × 15/60 = 47.125 mm/s

If the circumference of the small gear A is moving at a speed of 47.125

mm/second then the circumference of the large gear B is also moving at 47.125
mm/second. So Br is 47.125 mm/second.
The small sprocket (C) is mounted on a shaft with the large gear (B). A single turn
of the large gear results in a single turn of the small sprocket. 84
Generation of Electricity using Gravity

The circumference of the large gear is 377 mm and the circumference of the small
sprocket is 235.6 mm. Since one turn of the large gear means one turn of the small
sprocket, that means when the large gear goes 377 mm, the small sprocket goes only
235.6 mm. The ratio of those two lengths is 0.625.
Since the rotational speed of the large gear is 47.125 mm/second (Br), the
rotational speed of the small sprocket:
Rotational Speed of C = 0.625×47.125 = 29.45 mm/s
∴The mass will be falling at 29.45 mm/second. If the distance it has to fall is 2 meter,
2000 mm, then that will take 68 seconds.
That means the calculated run time is 68 seconds, not taking into account losses,
and assuming a reasonably sized mass can do it.
After conducting series of Calculations based on the available data, the following
results were obtained for different parameters.

4.1. Time and Reduction Ratio Results

For 2000mm,

Table No 4.1 Time Descent Reduction table

Sr. Running Sprocket Reduction Ratio
No. Time (second) Descent(mm/s)

1. 68 29.45 0.625
2. 600 3.33 0.07
3. 900 2.22 0.047

4.2. Power Output

The Potential available for the model at the height of 2m depends on the mass
suspended from the Sprocket.
For Mass = 3 kg, Force of Gravity = g = 9.81 m/s2
Power = m*g*h/t
= 3× 9.81× 2 / 68
= 0.8655 W

Table No 4.2 Mass Time Power Table

Mass (kg) Time (seconds) Power (Watts)
1 3 68 0.8655
2 2 96 0.4088
3 3.5 48 1.43 85
Prathamesh Natu, Sameer Nadkar and Abhishek Badgujar

Thus we have successfully conducted the project using a mechanical model and can
claim that it is feasible to generate electricity with the help of gravity. Further
developments can be made in this field to make it more efficient and resourceful.
Renewable energies are currently looked at as the sources which will meet the
future energy requirements. Solar, Wind, Tidal, Geothermal are some popular
examples of renewable energy sources. Yet these sources have their own unique
geographical as well as other limitations and are not available throughout. But gravity
is available across our entire planet. Thus we can use something like electricity from
gravity on a large scale to generate electricity any time at any place.
The impact will be beneficial for the social, health and economic situations of end
users; the economic situation of local distributors and everyone on earth as replacing
kerosene lamps with a product free of any fuel will reduce greenhouse gas emissions
and thus reduce climate change.

[1] Khurmi, R. S. and Gupta, J. K. Theory of Machines, pp. 428-479, Eurasia
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Distributors S. Chand and Company Ltd. for Toothed
[2] Bhandari, V. B. Design of Machine Elements, Third Edition. McGraw Hill
Education (India) Pvt. Ltd. for Rolling Contact Bearings, pp. 564-596.
[3] Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore,
Printed and published by Kalaikathir Achchagam, Revised edition 1978 for
Rolling Contact Bearing
[4] Pagdhare, R. K. and Deshpande, R. D. Physics, Standard XII, Maharashtra State
Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Pune 411004 for
[5] Jain, M. C. Fundamental forces and laws: a brief review. Textbook of
Engineering Physics, Part 1. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.,
pp. 10. ISBN 9788120338623.
[6] Singh, R. R. Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Semiconductor
Devices and Rectifiers, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, pp. 8.1-
8.33 86
Human-Powered Swing Generator


Danny Cai

Timothy Lai

Brandon Wong

Senior Project


California Polytechnic State University

San Luis Obispo



Many developing countries lack sufficient resources to provide enough electricity for every

family to live with a satisfying level of comfort and convenience. Our project proposes a solution that

provides families with an alternative access to electricity using a playground swing. This project

addresses the design and construction of the Human-Powered Swing Generator, which converts

mechanical energy to electrical energy for charging a battery. The charged battery serves as a source of

DC energy for potential DC purposes, such as charging a cell phone.

I. Introduction

In today’s society, energy has become an essential component in our daily lives. People consume

vast amounts of energy every day, and unfortunately, Earth’s limited resources are depleting because of

this careless energy consumption. Consumers waste these resources without thinking of the consequences

because they only look at the present moment and not the future. The burning of fossil fuels is also

affecting the environment due to the pollution it creates. If this continues, the environment’s resources

will eventually be fully depleted.

Another problem is that access to electricity is not available to everyone in the world. Many

developing countries lack funds for facilities or tools to provide energy access to families in rural areas. If

we, as engineers, can provide a cost effective solution to energy, then we can provide these families with

access to electricity and a means to comfort in living.

Fortunately, there is a solution to these problems. Alternative energy sources are well known in

the community, but they are not being used to their full potential. Alternative energy sources such as

solar, wind and hydro power have been a popular solution in recent years to try to solve these energy

problems, but they have only been implemented on a small scale. However, if we were to implement all

the alternative energy sources on a much larger scale, such as worldwide, it would generate a vast amount

of energy. We would have a cleaner environment because it would lower the amount of pollution

generated from burning fossil fuels. It would also help reduce the usage of Earth’s natural resources.

Although these alternative energy sources usually come with disadvantages such as cost and efficiency,

technology is constantly improving over time, and these ideas are now becoming more plausible.

Advances in technology are making these alternative energy sources more affordable and more efficient.

With these advances, we have the opportunity to provide people who are not as fortunate as most of us

with a means to electricity through alternative energy sources.

Another key solution that can be addressed for these isolated families in rural areas is the use of

DC energy. AC systems are more favored in large areas such as cities because they can transfer high

voltage efficiently over long distances to every individual home. In such large scale cases, systems

running DC energy are much more expensive and inefficient. However, if families in rural areas are

providing their own alternative source of power to their individual homes on a small scale, DC systems

prove to be more efficient due to no AC transmission losses, and the energy does not require long travel

or high amounts of voltage. DC systems can also be connected directly to low voltage storage devices

such as batteries, so generated energy from these alternative sources can be stored for later use. Overall,

the solution to providing power to families in need in rural areas is much easier to accomplish with DC

rather than AC systems.

With these concepts in mind, the idea of a house running on generated electricity from natural or

alternative sources can be fully achieved. Using these sources to generate DC power will prove to be an

affordable and efficient solution in providing needed energy to these specific families and homes. In this

project, we will build a Human-Powered Swing Generator that will take use the mechanical energy of a

child on a swing and convert it into usable electrical DC energy, which is one of numerous projects in the

overall DC House Project.

Human-Powered Swing Generator


Danny Cai

Timothy Lai

Brandon Wong

Senior Project


California Polytechnic State University

San Luis Obispo



Many developing countries lack sufficient resources to provide enough electricity for every

family to live with a satisfying level of comfort and convenience. Our project proposes a solution that

provides families with an alternative access to electricity using a playground swing. This project

addresses the design and construction of the Human-Powered Swing Generator, which converts

mechanical energy to electrical energy for charging a battery. The charged battery serves as a source of

DC energy for potential DC purposes, such as charging a cell phone.

I. Introduction

In today’s society, energy has become an essential component in our daily lives. People consume

vast amounts of energy every day, and unfortunately, Earth’s limited resources are depleting because of

this careless energy consumption. Consumers waste these resources without thinking of the consequences

because they only look at the present moment and not the future. The burning of fossil fuels is also

affecting the environment due to the pollution it creates. If this continues, the environment’s resources

will eventually be fully depleted.

Another problem is that access to electricity is not available to everyone in the world. Many

developing countries lack funds for facilities or tools to provide energy access to families in rural areas. If

we, as engineers, can provide a cost effective solution to energy, then we can provide these families with

access to electricity and a means to comfort in living.

Fortunately, there is a solution to these problems. Alternative energy sources are well known in

the community, but they are not being used to their full potential. Alternative energy sources such as

solar, wind and hydro power have been a popular solution in recent years to try to solve these energy

problems, but they have only been implemented on a small scale. However, if we were to implement all

the alternative energy sources on a much larger scale, such as worldwide, it would generate a vast amount

of energy. We would have a cleaner environment because it would lower the amount of pollution

generated from burning fossil fuels. It would also help reduce the usage of Earth’s natural resources.

Although these alternative energy sources usually come with disadvantages such as cost and efficiency,

technology is constantly improving over time, and these ideas are now becoming more plausible.

Advances in technology are making these alternative energy sources more affordable and more efficient.

With these advances, we have the opportunity to provide people who are not as fortunate as most of us

with a means to electricity through alternative energy sources.

Another key solution that can be addressed for these isolated families in rural areas is the use of

DC energy. AC systems are more favored in large areas such as cities because they can transfer high

voltage efficiently over long distances to every individual home. In such large scale cases, systems

running DC energy are much more expensive and inefficient. However, if families in rural areas are

providing their own alternative source of power to their individual homes on a small scale, DC systems

prove to be more efficient due to no AC transmission losses, and the energy does not require long travel

or high amounts of voltage. DC systems can also be connected directly to low voltage storage devices

such as batteries, so generated energy from these alternative sources can be stored for later use. Overall,

the solution to providing power to families in need in rural areas is much easier to accomplish with DC

rather than AC systems.

With these concepts in mind, the idea of a house running on generated electricity from natural or

alternative sources can be fully achieved. Using these sources to generate DC power will prove to be an

affordable and efficient solution in providing needed energy to these specific families and homes. In this

project, we will build a Human-Powered Swing Generator that will take use the mechanical energy of a

child on a swing and convert it into usable electrical DC energy, which is one of numerous projects in the

overall DC House Project.

The constant 14V output from the buck-boost charges the 12V battery. The battery stores the

charge until a load is connected. In this case, a cell phone is attached to the USB connection, and since it

requires 5V, a buck converter is placed in-between to step down the voltage. The battery discharges 12V

and acts as the input to the buck, and from testing, the output of the buck produced a smooth 5.14V output

and charged the phone effortlessly.

Figure 5-5: Voltage output of the buck converter and input to the USB connection

Figure 5-6: Picture showing a cell phone being charged via USB connection

VI. Conclusion and Future Recommendations


The Human-Powered Swing Generator met all the goals that were required at the start of the

project. Redoing the whole structure of the swing not only adds more stability and effectiveness compared

to the previous design, but it also adds more appeal and attractiveness in order to make the project more

presentable. The addition of the two-wheel pulley system gives more rpm to the shaft of the generator,

and the choice of generator is both cheaper and more suitable towards the specifications that are needed in

this project. The circuitry of the rectifier and converters are very cheap yet efficient, and the use of a non-

spillable lead acid battery conserves space and is safer compared to a typical car battery. This allowed for

all the electrical components to fit in a relatively small compartment box that added no significant extra

space to the structure. Overall, the project does a great job of demonstrating that power to charge a device

can be produced by human mechanical energy. This stage of the project aimed to charge a cell phone,

while future iterations will aim towards powering the DC House.

Future Recommendations:

Although the overall project has been a tremendous success, there are still numerous issues that

need to be addressed in the next stage by the following group. One main concern is the structure of the

swing. The swing is more stable and durable than the previous design, but there are still uncertainties

about it. The wood has some cracks in the legs of the swing, and while they don’t seem to be a big issue

at the moment, they may start to cause major problems as the structure sees more use over time. Also,

there is a tremendous amount of stress throughout the whole swing, and it can be heard through the creeks

and crackling of the design. The hollow metal pole that holds the swing also bends significantly when a

user sits on the swing, so this may cause issues to both the durability and effectiveness of the project. In

general, it is advised to have a mechanical engineer in the next group to address these issues since the

current group consists of only electrical engineers.

The circuit portion of the project could also use some improvement as well. Although the system

produces enough voltage to charge both the battery and a phone, the amount of current produced can be

improved. As of now, it is unknown how much time it takes to charge the battery from empty to full, but

the amount of current going into the battery suggests that it might take a relatively long time. However,

the discharge from the battery charges a cell phone quickly, and it’s about the same amount as if it was

connected directly to a wall socket. Since later iterations of the project will use it to power the DC House,

the circuit needs to be inspected and improved in order to produce enough power needed to supply larger


Lastly, the overall safety of the whole project needs to be improved as well. The pulley system

adds potential dangerous exposure to children and needs to be covered up. In addition, the compartment

box needs to be covered more to protect the internal circuitry from rain. More overall protection needs to

be placed throughout all the moving and crucial parts of the system to ensure safety of both the user and

the components. Therefore, given these recommendations, both mechanical and electrical engineers are

highly suggested for the next group.


[1] R. Ramshaw and R. G. van Heeswijk, “Direct Current Machines,” in Energy Conversion Electric
Motors and Generators. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders College Publishing, 1990, ch. 5, sec. 3-6, pp. 181-

VOL. 11, NO. 3, FEBRUARY 2016 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.



R. Matiur1 A. Mamun2 and M. F. Rabbi3

1College of Computer Science and Information System, Najran University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
2Electronics Division, Atomic Energy Centre, Dhaka, Bangladesh
3FKEE, University Malaysia Pahang, Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia


In this paper a simple mechanical power driven battery charging system is introduced. Specifically, a hand driven
system has been developed to charge rechargeable batteries for small scale electricity supply. Instead of using any fossil
fuel, the system can provide enough electrical energy to charge a battery for domestic applications. The charging unit can
be used to provide limited electric supply in the remote and isolated areas where there is no national power grid
connection. In addition, the system can be used for mobile charging, indoor lighting and such applications in emergency
situation of power failure.

Keywords: battery charger, human powered system, green technology.

INTRODUCTION consistent in all palaces throughout the year. This yields a

The use of mechanically powered devices plays a question of power availability in emergency situation.
vital role in our daily life. The energy generated from Using dynamo in bicycle wheel is one of the oldest
those devices or machines are used to accomplish many techniques to provide electrical energy for bicycle lights
domestic applications to make comfort of our life. For (E. Schwaller, 1993) (F Ko, 2003). The dynamo can
example, manual swing machine, bicycle, hand pump etc. convert the mechanical energy to electrical energy to
are some of the conventional mechanical devices that are operate the lights while the bicycle is moving. However,
often used for domestic purposes. In addition to these, the current supply from the dynamo will be cut as soon as
there are other machines, such as generator, that convert the bicycle stops. In addition, in the recent years, the use
mechanical energy to electrical energy. By using these of integrated charging system with wheels has become
machines we can get enough electricity to run other popular for the new generation electric vehicles such as
electrical and electronic equipment for domestic purposes. electric cars and electric bicycles (SK Sul et al., 1995). In
However, in the remote and isolated places where fuels are addition, onboard charging systems for electric vehicles
costly, alternative electric power generation is necessary. have been proposed to utilize the energy remainder from
Also, the residents of a remote and rural areas should have the motor in the vehicles (N Somchaiwong et al., 2006).
alternative power option during natural disasters like However, the above studies focus on the regeneration of
flood, earth quake etc. The small scale power supply the electrical energy that has been evolved from another
during emergency situation is vital especially for mobile electrical machine. In addition to the above, there are
charging, indoor lighting and such applications. In those human powered energy system studied in (A Jansen et al.,
situations, a simple system can be used to convert 2006) and (Mitcheson, P.D. et al., 2008). This type of
mechanical energy into electrical form to run different systems basically scavenges small amount of electrical
domestic appliances. Note that, the system may supply energy from different active human body parts such as
limited power but should be simple in design and arms, legs, blood vessel etc. However, the energy
implementation. production by this type of system is limited by the health
Using mechanical energy from natural sources, condition.
such as river current and wind flow, few mechanical Several bio inspired system were developed in
power driven systems have been used for years. For (Ahmed, N.U. et al 20013) and (Mamun, A. et al 2014).
example, the mini hydroelectric power generation system These are microcontroller based system and may not be
is one of the power supply systems in hill tracts where available in rural society. Apart from the above, (Ahmed,
national grid connection is not available (S Doolla et al., N.U. et al 20011) and (Ahmed, N.U., K. Sundaraj et al
2006) (EJ Jeffs, 1979) (NPA Smith, 1994). Similarly, 20013) also discussed on the recent development of the
wind turbine based power generation is another alternative sensor based automated systems which are also expensive.
process in the coastal areas for supplying limited electric There are many electro-mechanical systems that burn
power (TJ Chang et al., 2003) (ASA Shata, 2006). fossil fuel to produce electrical energy such as diesel
However, both of the above processes are not easy generator, gas generator etc. This type of system not only
implementable in terms of cost and management. Also, the pollutes the environment, but also appears as a threat to
natural resources like river current and wind flow are not the conservation of natural resources. The green

VOL. 11, NO. 3, FEBRUARY 2016 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

technologies including biofuels have therefore become mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy in
very popular in recent years (Midilli Adnan et al., 2006) the form of 12 AC. Next, a bridge rectifier circuit has been
(K Tom et al., 2007). Recently, biodiesel produced from used for AC-DC conversion. The configuration of the
animal fat and vegetable oil has become a popular circuit is shown in Figure-2(c).
candidate of renewable energy (F Ma et al., 1999). The A common 3.7 volt battery is used which is
use of methanol and ethanol with biodiesel has also charged directly by the current from the rectifier circuit. In
become an emerging research area for green energy this system a common 3.7 V rechargeable battery (NiCd
production (Nadir Yilmaz, 2012). Nevertheless, although and NiMH 3.7 V) has been used as shown in Figure-2(d).
this biodiesel possesses strong stand against carbon The battery can be charged at low current rate of 0.1C
emission, the process still depends on the natural (mAh/10 = charging time in hours). This is done with a
resources. The use of mechanical power to produce very low charging current to keep the battery constantly
electrical energy can be a great alternative of the fossil alive for long period. Next to the battery, a 8 LED lighting
fuel and other natural fuel based systems. However, the unit is installed as shown in Figure-2(e). In addition to the
use of mechanical power driven electric charging system lighting unit, a common personal cumputer CPU cooling
for the indoor applications has not been given much fan is also used for small scale domestic cooling system.
attention yet. In addition to the above, in the remote and
isolated places where electricity is not available, the
mechanically powered system is necessary to provide
limited electricity supply for emergency mobile phone
charging, lighting and other indoor appliances.
In this paper, we introduce a Mechanically
Powered Battery Charger (MPBC) system to charge
battery that can provide electricity supply for domestic
usage. Specifically, we design a mechanically (human)
powered battery charging unit that will recharge low
voltage batteries used for mobile phone, Light Emitting
Diode (LED) lighting, limited power backup to personal
computer etc. The system would be very useful and cost
effective for charging batteries in the remote areas where
national power grid connection is not available. The (a)
materials of the charging system are very easy to find and
the design of the system is very easy to implement.

Mechanical Dynamo Battery
Wheel (12 v) (3.7 v)


Figure-1. Block diagram of a MPBC system.


The block diagram of the MPBC system is shown
in Figure-1. As shown in the figure, a dynamo (GP
Richardson et al., 1981) is connected to a wheel through a
belt. The wheel is rotated by hand with the help of a
handle. When the wheel is rotated the dynamo produces an
electric current to charge a battery. The proposed design is
hand driven but the overall design could be altered to use
another source of mechanical power such as the river
current or wind to alleviate the need of human effort.
According to block diagram there are five parts in this
system. Firstly, the mechanical wheel which is driven
manually for rotation as shown in Figure-2(a). The wheel
is connected to a 12 volts dynamo as shown in Figure-
2(b). When the wheel rotates dynamo armature, the (c)

VOL. 11, NO. 3, FEBRUARY 2016 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

B) The system is designed to operate critical condition

even in the rural environment. An experimental test of
the system was carried out. The power consumption of
5 watt energy directly from MPBC and the power
consumption of charger circuit were measured by the
energy meter. According to the result, a considerable
amount of power can be saved by using charger circuit.
In addition, the charging unit has a consistent power
level maintained throughout the period of use.
C) This system can recharge low voltage batteries used
for mobile phone, LED lighting, cooling fan and such
small domestic applications. Note that, LED does not
require much voltage which is perfect for emergency
situation in remote and isolated areas.
D) The design of the MPBC system is cost effective by
means of charging batteries for those who may not be
able to afford electricity and or those who are in areas
where electricity is unavailable. Energy savings result
from not having to buy candles or kerosene fuel, and
can reduce the monthly expenditures.

Figure-2. (a) wheel, (b) dynamo, (c) rectifier circuit, (d)
battery and (e) LED lights.

In Figure-3(a) the complete MPBC unit is

demonstrated. As shown in the figure, we set all the (a)
equipments in a rectengular plywood board having
dimention of 18 inch by 10 inch. The wheel together with
the handle is screwed in one side of the board while the
dynamo is bolted across the board attaching the
commutator to the wheel through a belt. The battery is
attached in one side of the dynamo and the LED and fan
are screwed in another side. Figure-3(b) illustrates the
system during operation. Specifically, we charge the
battery in maximum and operate the LED and fan with the
stored charge.


The MPBC unit offers only the most basic
features, providing surge protection and battery backup.
The system has the following features. (b)

A) The MPBC system can be expanded easily whenever Figure-3. (a) Implemented MPBC system (b) MPBC
required without any interruption to the working system in operation

VOL. 11, NO. 3, FEBRUARY 2016 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

CONCLUSIONS Mitcheson P.D.; Yeatman E.M.; Rao G.K.; Holmes A.S.;

In this paper a simple mechanical system has Green T.C. 2008. Energy Harvesting From Human and
been introduced that can supply electrical energy for Machine Motion for Wireless Electronic Devices.
charging batteries for small scale domestic usage. The Proceedings of the IEEE. 96(9): 1457-1486.
charging unit can provide enough electricity to charge a
battery for mobile charging, LED lighting and such small Ahamed N. U., Sundaraj K. and Poo T. S. 2013. Design
domestic appliances. The system has been found to be and development of an automated, portable and handheld
very effective for the remote and isolated places where tablet personal computer-based data acquisition system for
there is no power connection from national grid. The monitoring electromyography signals during
charging system is also very useful for the emergency rehabilitation. In: Proceedings of the Institution of
situation like natural disasters when there is often power Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in
failure. Medicine. 227(3): 262-274.

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Project Report



Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

of the degree of

Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering

Submitted by

Khan Abu Suffiyan (15DEE06)

Shaikh Muzammil (15DEE29)

Khan Danish (15DEE05)

Shaikh Farhan (15DEE33)

Under the guidance of

Prof. Shraddha Amin



Kalsekar Technical Campus

New Panvel 410206

University of Mumbai


The main aim of the project is to control reduction in natural fuel and
make the environment pollution free by using self generating electric bicycle.
This is an advanced technology in the automobile. Now a day automobile
industries are growing faster and they are launching new new cars every day
for the users which runs on fuel and making environment polluted. So to
make the environment pollution free and to save the fuel for the next
generation the self generating electric bicycle should be adopted by
automobile industries. In self generating electric bicycle the supply is fed to
the hub motor of 250 watt 24 volt which is in front wheel of a cycle by a 1st
set of battery each of 12 volt 12 amp at the same time back wheel is having
hub motor which is of 500 watt it rotates due to inertia of front motor with a
small electronic circuit the back wheel hub motor act as a generator and
charges the 2nd battery bank which is of same rating as 1st battery bank. When
1st battery bank gets drains out it gets shown on indicator which shifts the
battery bank 1st to get charge by back hub motor and 2nd bank to supply the
front hub motor. The speed control and indication is done by a controller
which perform certain task when they required





An electric bicycle, also known as

an e-bike or booster bike, is a bicycle with an integrated electric motor which
can be used for propulsion. There are a great variety of e-bikes available
worldwide, from e-bikes that only have a small motor to assist the rider's
pedal-power (i.e., pedelecs) to somewhat more powerful e-bikes which tend
closer to moped-style functionality: all, however, retain the ability to
be pedalled by the rider and are therefore not electric motorcycles. E-bikes
use rechargeable batteries and the lighter varieties can travel up to 25 to
32 km/h (16 to 20 mph)


This is the best option for motor bikes especially for those who are not fast
riders and also for the children and aged people. The family with one car
which is being used by the husband to go to the work, the housewife of such
families now need not have to spend on the taxi or wait for the bus carrying
the grocery shopping bags. The electric bikes are of great importance to such
housewives. They can now drop their child to school, go to the post-office,
bank and complete other domestic works by electric bikes. The best part is
there is no need of going to the driving school to get the training as in case of
motor bikes and cars. It is as easy as riding the conventional bicycle.
Moreover, no licence or registration is needed for electric bicycles. This is
the best weapon to defend the high rising price of petrol.


People who own conventional bicycles and commute daily by such bicycles
have now replaced them with electric bikes. Even in the country like India,
which has been ranked as highest motor bike manufacturing and selling
country of world,

the motor bike owners who could no longer afford the consistently rising
petrol prices have either replaced their motor bikes with electric bikes or at
least buy one as a stand-by vehicle for local errands. Since the electric bikes
run on a battery, there is no maintenance cost except the very low electricity
consumption cost to charge the battery. The battery can be quickly recharged
almost anywhere, or can be exchanged instantly with charged batteries from
the authorized dealer. Some electric bikes come with pedals, and are so light
weight that even if the battery runs down the rider can use the pedals to
move the bike.

Self Generating Electric Bicycle is having different features
which are :

1. Self charging unit - which charges the battery during working of

bicycle through hub motor
2. Indicator – which indicates the speed and draining of battery banks
3. Controller – which controls the speed of hub motor and indicating part
4. Throttle system – is used as a accelerator for variation in speed
5. Battery bank – which stores the charge and gives the charge to the
6. Breaking system – it is used for stopping the motor


• Easy to commute with low fatigue.
• Less maintenance cost.
• Normal Drag/Pedal is possible when power is not in use.
• Deployable batteries – can be taken inside house.
• Cost of the unit is very low.
• Easy to carry since it is portable.
• Less energy consumed.

• High efficiency can be obtained if inverter is used.

• If using solar panel, free utilization of energy can be done

1. High intensity of wind load
2. High centre of gravity.
3. Cannot tolerate drastic changes in environment.
4. Needs Periodic Monitoring


With the increasing consumption of natural resources of petrol ,diesel it is
necessary to shift our way towards alternate resources like the Electric bike
and others because it is necessary to identify new way of transport. Electric
bike is a modification of the existing cycle by using electric energy and also
solar energy if solar panels are provided, that would sum up to increase in
energy production .Since it is energy efficient, electric bike is cheaper and
affordable to anyone. It can be used for shorter distances by people of any
age. It can be contrived throughout the year. The most vital feature of the
electric bike is that it does not consume fossil fuels thereby saving crores of
foreign currencies. The second most important feature is it is pollution free,
eco – friendly and noiseless in operation. For offsetting environmental
pollution using of on – board Electric Bike is the most viable solution. It can
be charged with the help of AC adapter if there is an emergency. The
Operating cost per/
km is very less and with the help of solar panel it can lessen up more. Since
it has fewer components it can be easily dismantled to small components,
thus requiring less maintenance.

Swing Human Powered Generator

For the DC House Project

Juan Vicente Avelar

Juan Jose Galindo

Juan Pramyr Ramos


Dr. Taufik

Senior Project


California Polytechnic State University

San Luis Obispo


September 2012 - June 2013

The Play Park Human Powered Generator project addresses various ways of generating power.

More specifically, this project entails the design and construction of the Swing Power Generator to

provide electrical power from mechanical energy. The swing generator will eventually be used as part of

the human-powered generators utilized in the DC House project.

A swing generator prototype was built for this project, which demonstrates the feasibility of its

use for electrical power source. Detailed design and construction of the swing generator is presented in

this report along with results from hardware testing.

Table 1-1 summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the design below.

Table 1-1: Summary of advantages and disadvantages of proposed solution

Human-Powered Generator - Swing Stationary Bike/ Elliptical Machine

Advantages Disadvantages
Simple design involving fewer components More complicated system and components

Can be implemented using locally available Need of parts that might not be easily obtained in rural
materials (bicycle and car parts) areas
Need of specialized tools and professional assembly,
Made with locally available tools and limited
and relatively high knowledge of circuitry and
mechanical and electrical knowledge
mechanical systems
Cheaper design More expensive components and manufacturing

Provides fun for the user Seen as hard work

DC-DC conversion which means reduced costs and DC-AC conversion, which means more cost and power
power loss loss
Disadvantages Advantages
Less higher power output Developed system for higher power output

Little research for this design More research for this design

Chapter 6. Conclusion and Future Recommendations


The entirety of the project is a success. There were some changes and modifications to make the

requirements feasible. There were ideas and plans that were omitted that the team would like future

designs to include mentioned in the future recommendations section. Overall the project met most of its

requirements given the limited materials and tools available to the team.

The goal to build the DC House components from cheap materials was met. The swing frame was

built from a discarded boat trailer. The gear mechanism was built from excess plywood and rope. The

gear mechanism was secured to the motor that generated the voltage. This is then rectified and sent to a

load. The swing produces an average voltage of 6V to 10V with no load depending on the weight of the

rider and the swinging speed. This translates to one to two watts of power. Unloaded, the swing produces

voltages of about 8V to 14V.

Future Recommendations

There are a few categories that the next team could work on in the design of the project. The first

is redesigning or improving the physical swing design. Due to the inexperience of the team when

handling mechanical and structural work, the swing is unstable when set on inconsistent ground level.

However, there is an easy fix to this. Adding two A beams on the current legs at an angle would support

the current frame of the swing and would reduce its tendency to overturn or tip over when going at high

rotational speeds or angular velocities. These A beams would be welded onto the main supporting beam

at the very top of the swing. Another approach would be to attach the concrete blocks on the horizontal

aluminum beam that connect the legs of the frame. Both redesigns are suitable when dealing with

stability. Doing both designs together would improve the stability of the entire swing. Having a

mechanical engineer or architectural engineering student in the future team is necessary.

The design of the motor and the redesign of the battery charging system, also, need work. The

total cost of the project would be greatly reduced if the motor is designed instead of bought and it works

well with the idea that all of the components of the project are made from excess material or scratch

materials. A motor may be designed from the rotating second beam and the top supporting beam. To do

this, coils would be placed on the rotating beam while permanent magnet would be placed on the top

beam. The performance of this suggested motor design is unknown. A second motor and gear system may

be attached to the other side of the swing to double the produced power. But this may cause difficulty in

swinging due to increased load. Finally, an extension to the rotating beam could be added and

cantilevered to the side. This rotating stub may be utilized the same way as the motor.

Currently, the battery charging system consists of the rectifier. The output of the rectifier as seen

in the testing and results section is a fairly sinusoidal voltage waveform with dead times that account for

the moment when the seat reaches maximum height. To properly charge the battery this needs to be

filtered and then boosted to the needed voltage since the voltage produced by the swing varies with the

speed. The charging system must be able to adapt to the ever changing filtered output voltage.

There are various ways of creating constant voltage from the swing motion. The first is by

mechanical means via the addition of a flywheel, which will keep rotating even during the dead time of

the shaft rotation. However, backward and forward motion by the upper beam must be translated to a

single backward or forward rotation of the shaft. Solving this problem by electrical means is achieved

with the use of filtering system. Furthermore it is easier to achieve the constant voltage problem by

electrical means. The rotating flywheel, also, needs start up time to get the flywheel at a certain

continuous rotational speed. Therefore, the solution to this problem leans toward the electrical approach.

Finally, the weather-proofing of the design must be improved. A compartment to store the future

electrical system must be created. The gear mechanism must be hidden via a plywood wall to avoid

tampering by people and to insure the safety of the rider.


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