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Student I’d - 20272096






I, Amit kumar yadav Student of “GNIOT” hereby declare that I have completed the Business
Model Report in academic year of 2020-2021 on “GENNIE HOUSE KEEPING SERVICES”

I feel extremely exhilarated to have completed this Business Model Report under the able and
inspiring guidance of Mr. Ashutosh kumar singh Assistant Professor . His guidance and
timely encouragement has infused courage in me to complete the work successfully.

The information provided is true and original to the best of my knowledge.

MBA I Semester
Student id-20272096


Many have contributed to the successful completion of this Business Model Report, I would
like to place on record my grateful thanks to each of them, and report would be incomplete
without giving due credit to them.

I feel extremely exhilarated to have completed this Business Model Report under the
able and inspiring guidance of Mr. Ashutosh Kumar Singh Assistant Professor . His
guidance and timely encouragement has infused courage in me to complete the work

In the end I sincerely thank all the respondent, friends and all others who helped me in
completion of this Business Model Report.

MBA I Semester

Student id-20272096


1. Dscription of Business.
2. Mission.
3. Vision.
4. Objective.
5. Key to success.

1. Target market.

1. Company ownership .
2. Start-up summary .
3. Proof of concept.

1. Current alternative.
2. Old advantages.
3. Key to success.

1. Market needs
2. Market trends
3. Market growth
1. Strength.
2. weakness
3. opportunity.
4. threats


1. Services of GHKS.
2. Benefits.
3. Value creation for customer.
4. Production process and development stage


1. Idea generation
2. Ideas screening.
3. Idea development.
4. Market growth.
5. Strategy pyramids.
6. Target market and customer bases.

1. market size and potential.
2. competitive advantages.


1. organisational structure.
2. the training team.
3. customer help centre.
4. legal status.


1. Control of risk
2. monitoring and regular review of risk.
3. risk management.

1. Financial statement.

Executive Summary


Gennie House Keeping Services (GHKS) is a residential house keeping service enterprise
serving upper middle class and middle income families in Varanasi. We will be servicing the
current age busy working couples, working women and housewives in middle and upper
middle class families. In the busy world we live in today, people are so busy with their jobs
and family that they don't want to spend their free time cleaning. And most don't have the
time. So they are forced to hire outside help for cleaning. These targeted families will be
willing to pay a price for our service because of the high level of professionalism and
trustworthiness that we offer.


Vision is an aspirational description of what an organization would like to achieve or

accomplish in the mid-term or long-term future

Vision of Gennie House Keeping Services is to become a recognized and an organized

brand in India, provide quality services and create an enriched employment for the whole
HKS family.


Mission statement is a sentence describing a company's function, markets and competitive

advantages; a short written statement of your business goals and philosophies

The mission of Gennie House Keeping Services is to lend a helping hand to the customer in
completing their household chores by providing an efficient workforce in a completely
trustworthy and professional manner. Our services will exceed the expectations of our


It is an end that can be reasonably achieved within an expected timeframe and with available
resources. They serve as the basis for policy and performance appraisals.

Objectives of Gennie House Keeping Services are as under:

 Respect: Spread equality and provide dignity to our employee class

 Responsibility: Be accountable for rendering services that leave a happy mark. To be
accountable for incorporating a sense of dignity in our employees.
 Reticulation: Distribute our services through an efficient network, and thereafter take
ourselves from national to global level.
 Recognition: Develop a brand image so that GHKS earns recognition and is commonly
known as a premier maid service provider.

Keys to Success

The key to success is making yourself as useful as possible to others.

That’s it. Making yourself as useful as possible to others.

Here we are stating certain pointers that will help others to realize the value they will get
from us. By doing this we aim to attract more people to come to us. These new people will
also realize the value they get from us and they will attract even more people to come to us.
In this manner the virtuous will begin and HKS will now be on its way to success.

With this principle in mind, we aim at increasing our usefulness to others. We do that in the
manner stated below:-

 Create an environment of employee empowerment from day one of operation to

ensure that the employees feel self reliant and self sufficient and thus do their job
 Pay attention to the needs of the clients and communicate this information effectively
to our staff
 Listen to the needs of the needs of our staff and address them so as to inculcate a
sense of belongingness amongst them

 Maintain professionalism and provide quality work
 Choose our employees well and train them effectively
 Provide services that exceed client expectations


The wealthy single income families, and affluent double income Gennie House Keeping
Services,Wa are in need are a house cleaning service that is professional, trustworthy, and
highly effective. Our services are well worth our fees.

Our Solution
Gennie House Keeping Services mission is to provide the customer with all residential
cleaning services in an environmentally sound, completely trustworthy, and professional
manner. We exist to attract and maintain customers. When we adhere to this maxim,
everything else will fall into place. Our services will exceed the expectations of our

Target Market

Market Size & Segments

Gennie House Keeping Service will be focusing on two upper socio/economic groups. The
first is the affluent where only one spouse works. Although the other spouse is at home and
has time to clean, he/she chooses not to. This spouse would rather volunteer for a public
interest organization, play tennis and golf, or just spend time how he/she chooses to. They
have no desire to clean the house. To them that is not enjoyable and they have the money to
pay someone to do that kind of work. This market has annual incomes over Rs200,000 and
live in expensive houses. While Cleanly, WA only has 650 families that fall into this
category, this group reliably uses cleaning services.

Our second segment of the market that we are targeting is the two income family. Over the
last couple of decades, the number of two-income households have increased, to a point
where in parts of the country they exceed one income families. Our target customer is two
income families whose combined annual income is over Rs125,000. These families don’t
really have the time to clean, can afford a cleaning service, and choose to hire a service
because the opportunity costs are too high to waste time cleaning their house. These
households are typically age 32-55 and live in houses valued over Rs250,000. Cleanly has
approximately 10,000 families that fall into this demographic. It is this segment which has

tremendous potential for us. Nearly 80% of dual income households use an outside cleaning
service for some of their house cleaning according to the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Additionally, there are some potential customers that MHCS has labeled as assorted "well-
off" households. These are families that have the money for our services that do not fit neatly
into the two previous categories.


Gennie House Keeping Services (GHKS) will be opening its branches in two polish areas of
Varanasi. One is going to be located at Varanasi. The reason for choosing these areas is
because of the population residing here. These are sophisticated and upper middle class areas
and so they would be willing to pay a premium for our services. HKS will offer a wide range
of services to the residential client, from general room cleaning to child/pet disasters. We will
be going after the upper end of the market, typically the affluent whose spouse does not have
a full-time job but chooses to do other things with his/her time, or the two income family who
chooses not to clean the home themselves.

We will appoint administrative staff in these areas and they will be responsible for
scheduling, estimates, training, inventory, ordering, payroll and customer care management.
To generate business, these employees will go from door to door to explain our service

The business organizational type will be a private limited company with five owners being
involved. There would six trainers in all (including groomers and language trainers) with two
employees within the first 12 months. We would recruit sixty maids in both these areas and
they would be covering jobs in that particular area. These sixty maids would include four
head maids (two head maids per area). The head maids would be appointed based on their
experience and the jobs they have done.

Company Ownership

GHKS will be a private limited enterprise with the Sonali Jaiswal The firm would be
registered with ROC.

Start-up Summary

Gennie House Keeping Services start-up costs include rent for office spaces of approx 200sq.
ft, initial legal fees, registration fees of the maids in police station and other legal expenses,
marketing fees, stationery, computer systems, office supplies, uniforms, and GPS enabled
mobile phones for employees, trainers fees and training material.

The office equipment includes a computer system. Also required for the office is an
additional land phone line, fax machine, and cellular phone. A few pieces of furniture will
also be needed.

The legal fees are used for the formation of the business as well as reviewing/generating
employee and client contracts.

Marketing fees are for the production of business cards and brochures.

Uniforms will be used to give off a professional image.

Lastly we will have a mobile phone for every employee to track them in case of theft of any
other crime.

Trainers would be needed to groom our employees and at the same time training material will
also be needed.

Proof of concept

A proof of concept or (POC) or a proof of principle is a realisation of a certain method or

ideas to demonstrate its feasibility, or a demonstration in principle, whose purpose is to verify
that some concept or theory has the potential of being used. A proof-of-concept is usually
small and may or may not be complete.

Gennie House Keeping Services is entering its first year of business as a start-up
organization. There is no proof for it as of now. But once we are registered with the ROC we
will produce the registered documents. Also our logo will be copyrighted. We understand

the imperative need for a comprehensive marketing plan to help ensure profitability. GHKS
offers a comprehensive residential house keeping service that is both professional and
trustworthy. It include house work as well as bank, office hospital, commercial ,industry
house keeping services.


Current Alternatives

Although there are lots of competitors in the house keeping service space, there is good
reason for this competition, demand is high. Plenty of janitorial services have waiting lists,
they are unable to meet demand. Additionally, many of the janitorial services are "mom and
pop" operations without enough employees. Cleaning service customers want quality, and not
everyone in the cleaning service space offers quality. How often when you ask one of your
friends for a referral do they tell you they have been using a bunch of different companies and
they have yet to find one that they are truly happy with.

Our Advantages

Our competitive advantage will be based on our large investment in human capital.
MHCS begins with a rigorous training program for new employees. At the outset, employees
with be trained on how to clean. Granted everyone has some idea on how to clean, but we
will show them a methodical way producing a far cleaner home more efficiently. We will
then be training employees to work effectively on teams. While there are some households
that prefer individual cleaners instead of a team, a request that we are more then happy to
give, we generally work in teams as they are more efficient. Working efficiently on a team
takes training, and through this team training, we are able to make significant gains in

The next topic of training involves professionalism. We provide our employees the tools
necessary to impress our most affluent clients. Professionalism is a skill that is used
throughout the service calls, from the way the employee greets and interacts with the client,
to the way they clean, to the way they act when they break that priceless vase (which in the
inevitable case that we do break something, we have specific guidelines for the employee to
follow to resolve the conflict).

We finally train our employees to know what the expectations of our clients are. We will
provide them the tools needed to exceed these expectations.

This extensive training, both up front, as well as continuously (called our continuous learning
system) builds a trust relationship between our company and the client. It is the bond of trust
that will not only earn MHCS the loyalty of that customer but also the referral of several more
of their friends. Satisfied customers like to tell their friends about service providers that they
are happy with, people like to "spread the wealth" with their friends.

Lastly we will emphasize our use of environmentally sound chemicals. Other firm also use
environmentally sound chemicals so this is not a huge differentiation, but it is something that
we are proud of, and will be mentioned.

We will also be creating the appearance of professionalism through the use of uniforms and
large magnetic sign affixed to the side of the vehicles we use.

Keys to Success

Keys to Success

Keys to success are:

 To create a service based company whose first objective is exceeding customer’s

 To increase our number of clients served by 20% per year through superior service.
 To develop a sustainable home-based business, living off its own cash flow.
 The utilization of Gennie House Keeping Service on a regular basis by at least 30%
of the leads that contact us for more information.


Existing and potential customers fall into particular groups or segments, characterised by their
'needs & want'. Identifying these groups and their needs through market research, and then
addressing those needs more successfully than your competitors, should be one of the key
elements of your marketing strategy.

Market summary helps identify our strengths and matches them to the needs of the customers
we want to target.

GHKS possesses good information about the market and knows a great deal about the
common attributes of its most prized customers. Gennie House Keeping Services will
leverage this information to better understand who is served, their specific needs, and how we
can better communicate with this group.

Market needs

Gennie House Keeping Services is providing its customers with a professional, residential
house keeping service, aimed at the upper echelon of the market. GHKS seeks to fulfill the
following benefits that are important to its customers.

 Professionalism: All employees will be well trained to exude professionalism from

all of their actions and conversations.

 Convenience: GHKS will provide its services in the manner that is most convenient
to the customer, including arranging for visits when the owner is not home.

 Trustworthiness: Many people have legitimate concerns regarding cleaning services

in their home and the possibility of theft and breakage. These concerns have been
eliminated or significantly reduced through a comprehensive screening and training
process for employees. Additionally, GHKS carries insurance designed to cover any
loss that the customer may attribute to the company.

Market Trends

The market trend in house cleaning will slowly shift from individual service providers to
companies. Years ago most families had a single housekeeper who was responsible for the
cleaning of their home(s). This individual was often considered a member of the family. Less
and less families these days are serviced by an individual housekeeper. Nowadays there are
domestic helps who come for a fixed time and charge a fixed amount. They work in various
households and operate in an unorganized manner. The trend is moving toward having a
cleaning service come into the home daily and providing professional hassle free service.

This market shift has fueled the proliferation of house keeping services. There has been a
shift from fixed individuals to staff or a maids, as well as a shift from having the same
staff or a worker for five to 10 years to going through many different staffs , unsatisfied with
their services. This change in the market has created a receptive environment for a cleaning
service provider whose goal it is to develop long-term relationships with customers.

Market Growth

The market for residential house keeping services has exploded within the last five years.
The market is likely to maintain better than average growth due to the lifestyle Indians have
developed within the last five to six years, working longer and longer hours. The effect
of the longer work week is that people have less time to take care of the personal
maintenance responsibilities such as house cleaning. Also since we Indians are aping the
west we have an affinity to work hard and party harder when we get time. So nowadays
people will work for longer hours and pay someone to take care of other, less important or
less desirable responsibilities.


A SWOT analysis is performed to find out the various strengths, weaknesses that we posses
and the different threats and opportunities the external environment has to offer. The same
has been explained in this plan at a later stage.

 Care and respect for employee and their family.
 Advertisement and promotions about the company.
 Involving maid and working force into administration and management.
 Competing and gaining expertise on core job of cleaning job that a middle class
generally demand for, and keeping the services range low initially (targeting one
territory at a time).

 Availability of experienced workforce.

 Availability of large potential market.
 Increasing number of working women in the upper-middle class and middle class
 Need and desire for improving standard of living in the underprivileged class.

 No proper labour law, protecting the labour class of maids and cleaners.
 Hard to penetrate already existing unorganised sector of maids.

Launch plan

Our launch plan will be divided in three stages, namely:

1) Pre-launch
2) Launch
3) Post launch

Pre launch would generally involve activities which create hype for our firm. Our
management staff will go from door to door to explain our service model. We will distribute
pamphlets inkirana stores and through local newspapers. We will set up tents in residential
complexes to create awareness among the residents.

Launch of our services will be a grand affair with a local politician coming in to attend
it. At the same time all the domestic helpers we are planning to target, housewives as well
as working couples will be invited for the launch event. There would be advertisement in
television and radios to highlight the event and our services. We would also register ourselves
with just dial and yellow pages and other such search directories

The launch plan can be summarized with the help of the following diagram




 Introductory special
 First hint  Grand opening offers
 Awareness  Free trials
 Launch event
 Anticipation/buzz
 Social proof  Success interviews
 Readiness validation
 Sales ramp  Reviews and
 Campaigns and tents
in housing complexes  Television ads blog posts
 Press releases  Success stories

Post launch is wherein we will focus on early demand and try to convert the potential
customers into loyal customers. We will be providing free trials to the customers to showcase
our expertise and professionalism. There would be success interviews, success stories,
reviews and testimonials.



HKS offers professional Cleaning Maid Service for every household. We provide full time
or part time maids (as per requirements), who are responsible for performing various chores
in the houses of our clients. They are well screened, trained, profiled and then selected. They
have clear track records. Hygiene is a top priority for us and so we recruit individuals who
understand the value of hygiene in cleaningThey are highly dedicated and hard working and
do their task with efficiency.

Services to be offered by HKS will include:

 cleaning (dusting and cleaning of all surfaces, sweeping and mopping of floors, and
cleaning of doors and walls as needed)

 Dusting
 Remove cobwebs
 Vacuum all carpets
 Change sheets if needed
 Dust ceiling fans
 Clean mirrors and glass surfaces
 Wipe window sills
 Clean glass doors
 Clean prints on windows/doors
 Remove all garbage
 Wash all floors

 Washing clothes
 Soaking clothes
 Using starch to wash clothes
 party wear
 regular wear

 Drying clothes

 Bathroom cleaning
 Clean/sanitize sinks
 Clean/sanitize tubs, shower, toilet
 Clean mirrors
 Dust light fixtures and bulbs
 Wash Floors

 Kitchen area cleaning

 Clean all counter tops

 Clean inside/outside microwave
 Wipe down cabinet facings
 Clean all appliances outside
 Polish stainless steel appliances
 Clean glass doors
 Clean/sanitize/polish sinks
 Wash floors

 Furniture cleaning

 Clean wall hangings

 Clean doors
 Clean baseboards
 Remove books from bookshelves and clean
 Clean tile
 Clean cabinet facings

 Washing utensils
 Repair maintainence

 Air conditioning.
 Washing machine.

 Plumbing.
 Pest control.

 Unusual jobs like cleaning small disasters from children and pets.

The services will be designed to meet client specifications. The workers will selected on
the bases of their knowledge about the various cleaning services. Also training will be
given to any new staffs joining in to improve their work efficiency and provide satisfaction to
our clients in every aspect. Our services are costlier than relying on the neighborhoodbai, but
people will understand that they are being charged more for convenience- a trained, reliable
helper with the promise of replacement in case of unsatisfactory service or on the maid's off

Some important features of our services:

 A centralized check in system which will record daily attendance, daily working
hours, check- in and check-out time of the maids from the place of residence of our
 Registration of every workers in the local police station
 Daily system supervision by the administrator
 Proper uniform for the staffs
 Mobile phones with GPS to keep a track of the maids in case of thefts or
other such situations

At the same time we will stick by our commitment to be at the scheduled place at the
scheduled time - if someone is sick or needs a leave there will be back-up staff to fill in.
We will take care of every domestic need so that you don't have to worry about

Being in any type business including a cleaning business, takes a self motivated and
business savvy person to be successful. Running an efficient cleaning service can be done
only if one is committed to staying organized and providing excellent service to the

We at GHKS are going to follow certain pointers mentioned below:

Proper Licensing

Before we start our business we will need to obtain a business license in Varanasi. A
business license will be acquired by going down to the city offices and obtaining the
necessary paperwork from the business licensing department. There will more than likely be
a fee associated with submitting the business license paperwork.

Get Clients

We will advertise our business with flyers, door hangers, business cards, postcards,
etc. We will put marketing materials wherever we think residential house cleaning
clients will be. We will also run a small ad in our local newspaper over the weekend.
Weekends are good because that's when readership is at it's highest.

Deliver Excellent Service

People will pay for a something over and over again if they feel they are getting excellent
service. We will arrive at all our cleaning appointments on time and be ready to work.
We shall leave the house spotless and smelling clean in order to assure the clients that we
are delivering the absolute best service there is. If we have to move around any belongings
or furniture to get the job done we’ll be sure to put them back exactly in the place we
found them.

Keep Supplies Stocked

Keep extra staffs. This will help us to avoid running out of supplies during a job as
well as wasting time having to leave in the middle of working.

Stick To A Schedule

We will set up a set cleaning schedule for all our clients and stick to it. The easiest
way to do this is to schedule to see clients at same time on every

day of the week. This will help us and the client remember when it's their time to
have their home cleaned.

Service Package for employers will include:

 Consistent quality
 Justified and consistent wages/cost per workers.
 No lapses in service delivery or unexpected absences
 Tailored services based on their individual household needs
 Healthier maids, which leads to better service industry

 Refund for the customer if any precious item is broken or misplaced (glasses, vase)
 Proper spic and span work
 Work will be customized to meet customer needs
 Maids will be replaced if their performance is not satisfactory
 Since out targeted customers are working couples we will maintain a set of key of
every household with us. It will be ensured that no item will be misplaced from their
houses. Also we guarantee the safety of their houses.

Benefits package for maids will include:

 Employment regulation
 Free out patient, in patient services and free medicines for the maid and her family of
 One holiday per week
 Compulsory health screening for maids every month
 Life insurance, gratuity, mediclaim and short term savings schemes for all maids
 Employee provident fund and pension plan for those employees who are with the
company for more than 10 yrs.
 Crèche service, education vocational training for all maids and her children
 Free notebooks, covers and bags for the children of our staff
 Access to Women’s rights protection services.

 Gifts per month for five best workers. Gifts would include renovating their houses
painting their houses, buying them kitchen appliances or tv sets etc
 Monthly scholarship for the children of the best worker (maid)

Value creation for customers

The purpose of offering maid services is our ability to understand the needs of our target
customers. We know that they need efficient workers who maintain transparency in work
and at the same time are professional. Keeping this in mind, we will create value for our
customers by maintaining high levels of professionalism. We will train our employees to
imbibe in them traits necessary for impressing our most affluent clients. Professionalism
will be used throughout the service call, from the way the employee greets and interacts with
the client, to the way they clean, to the way they act when they break that antique vase
(which in the inevitable case that we do break something, we have specific guidelines for the
employee to follow to resolve the conflict). We will also be creating the appearance of
professionalism through the use of uniforms.

Our employees know what the expectations of our clients are. They will thus ensure that
their services exceed these expectations.

We will strive to builds a trust relationship with our clients which will not only earn
GHKS the loyalty of that customer but also the referral of several more of their
friends. Satisfied customers like to tell their friends about service providers that they
are happy with, people like to "spread the wealth" with their friends. It is the bond
of trust that will earn Gennie House Keeping Services (GHKS) a large percentage of loyal
customers who would be satisfied with our services and would prefer using our staffs
to any other. These satisfied customers would be vocal about our services to their friends
and families and would “spread the word” by referring our services to them.

Production process and development stages:

The production process refers to the stages (phases) required to complete a media product,
from the idea to the final master copy. The process can apply to any type of media production
including film, video, television and audio recording. The stages in each medium vary; for
example, there is obviously no storyboard in an audio recording. However the same general
concepts work for any medium.


Idea generation:

Idea Generation is often called the "fuzzy front end" of the NPD process

In India, systems of servitude have historically existed because of feudal social structure.
Newer trends of migration of young women from tribal areas to cities to do (live in) domestic
work have become a dominant feature in the urban labor landscape. In India, in every
household we find “Domestic helps”, otherwise known as ‘bai’ or maids who are employed
to help with daily household chores, cooking, looking after children, elderly family members
and/or pets..Despite being such a common occurrence, there is no formal channel to hire them
and yet their work is referred to as the ‘informal sector’ as if it were scarcely any work at all.
The wages they receive is appallingly low. In addition, domestic helps find it difficult to
source jobs for themselves, and do not get recognition of a formal labor sector, and are even
excluded from labor laws. The combination of these factors leads to many undesirable
outcomes for both maids and employers alike, such as lack of standardization of salaries,
questionable treatment, variable quality, and lax accountability and few if any benefits and
perks. The exclusion is just a short distance to abuse: long hours, bad pay, inhuman treatment,
physical and sexual harassment. Ultimately, these factors have lead to an unstable and
unhealthy work The above factors led to the emergence of Gennie House Keeping Services

Idea Screening

In this stage we found out that apparently, domestic labor is one of our largest job
categories – next to farming and construction. There are over 100 million domestic

workers in India, more than 50 times the number of people working in the software
industry. Low wages, exploitative conditions at work and a series of rights violations led
to the organizing of domestic workers in various states.Also with more and more working
couples these days there has been a constant rise in demand for quality maid. We realized
there was a lot of scope for us to grow in this area. Research showed that in this
unorganized market there was no standardization in terms of skills and wages and the
service was irreregular. People depend on depend on informal networks to source such
workers. There were also security and trust issues. Also worker retention was very low.

Idea development:

Experienced maids sourced locally Clean houses, sparkling floors, sh
Training the maids
Initial investment (uniforms, computers, mobile phones, location) Happy smiling customers
Empowering them to do the jobs
Office space
Keeping a tab on regular activities and schedules

So finally HKS was developed with an aim to lend help to the working couples, working
women and housewives and also to meet the growing need of a standardized house help. We
take into account the vulnerabilities of domestic workers and make provisions not only to
hedge against exploitation, but also raise accountability for both employer and employee.
HKS aims to uplift the maid-class, provide better employment and better standard of living to

The only major resource that we need is labour – our employees – “the maids”. We will
source them locally. Maids usually have a particular common area or a place of location
where they all reside. We will visit these areas and persuade them to join our organization.
Better pay packages, better amenities and a dignified status will attract them towards us.

Market Trends

The market trend in house cleaning has shifted from individual service providers to
companies. Years ago, most families had a single housekeeper who was responsible for the
cleaning of their home(s). This individual was often considered a member of the family. Less
and less families these days are serviced by an individual housekeeper. The trend is moving
toward having a cleaning service come into the home weekly.

This market shift has fueled the proliferation of different house cleaning services. There has
been a shift from individuals to companies, as well as a shift from having the same service
providers for five to 10 years to going through many different companies, unsatisfied with
their services. This change in the market has created a receptive environment for a cleaning
service provider whose goal it is to develop long-term relationships with customers.

Most of the houses cleaning service provider companies have been catering to these
households however ignoring the highest composition of the population that is the middle
class section of the society which form the biggest section of the society.

Market Growth

The market for residential house cleaning services has exploded within the last five years.
The industry is now a industry. The growth rate for this market is forecasted to stay at 13%
for the next four years.

The market is likely to maintain better than average growth due to the lifestyle Indians have
developed within the last five years, working longer and longer hours. The effect of the
longer work week is that people have less time to take care of the personal maintenance
responsibilities such as house cleaning. Instead, people will work and longer hours and pay
someone to take care of other, less important or less desirable responsibilities

Strategy Pyramids

The single objective is to position HKS at the top of the house cleaning market, commanding
a large market share within four years. The marketing strategy will first seek to create
customer awareness, develop the customer base, and work toward building customer loyalty
and referrals.

Target Market and Customer Base:

The target market of HKS is the upper middle class and the middle class section of the Indian
society which is available and willing to consume the services provided by HKS.

The consumer base would be the household having working women/housewives who want
skillful and professional cleaning services at affordable rates. These households would consist
of dual earning or efficiently wealthy costumers that can communicate effectively in English
as well as colloquial languages like Hindi and Marathi. The customer base can be categorized
into two:

The first is the affluent where only one spouse works. Although the other spouse is at home
and has time to clean, he/she chooses not to. This spouse would rather volunteer for a public

interest organization, go to kitty parties, or just spend time how he/she chooses to. They have
no desire to clean the house. To them that is not enjoyable and they have the money to pay
someone to do that kind of work. This market has annual incomes over rs 6,00,000 and live in
expensive houses.

Our second segment of the market that we are targeting is the two income family. Over the
last couple of decades, the number of two-income households have increased, to a point
where in parts of the country they exceed one income families. Our target customer is two
income families whose combined annual income is over rs300, 000. These families don't
really have the time to clean, can afford a cleaning service, and choose to hire a service
because the opportunity costs are too high to waste time cleaning their house. These
households are typically age 32-55 and live in houses valued over rs30,00,000.

GHKS will position themselves as a professional, trustworthy, residential house cleaning

service. HKS will leverage their competitive edge of human capital investments to achieve
the desired positioning.

Lastly, GHKS will emphasize the use of environmentally sound and economical chemicals.
Other companies use environmentally sound chemicals so this is a huge differentiation, and it
is something that GHKS is proud of, and will be mentioned.

Competitor Analysis:

 Domestic maids: The major competition comes from the domestic maids who work in
the households at reasonable and flexible wages without taking any extra leaves or
incentives. This is a threat to HKS to convince the customer to buy our services
instead of these domestic maids by acknowledging the benefits provided by HKS and
the limitations of having a domestic maid.

 Competing companies: There are many cleaning service companies which cater to the
higher income groups of the society and have the wealthy households as their
customers. Hence there are no competitors in this particular segment of market till

Market Size and Potential:

Forming almost 20% of the population of india the upper middle and the upper class of the
economy are a huge market for these services. As the Indian household has a concept of
having maids for the purpose of cleaning and cooking there is an increasing market potential
that this target audience can be easily converted to customers by creating brand awareness
and promising best performance to ensure customer loyalty.

Current Population of India –

India, with 1,220,200,000 (1.22 billion) people is the second most populous country in
the world, while China is on the top with over 1,350,044,605 (1.35 billion) people.
The figures show that India represents almost 17.31% of the world's population, which means
one out of six people on this planet live in India. Although, the crown of the world's most
populous country is on China's head for decades, India is all set to take the numerous Uno
position by 2030. With the population growth rate at 1.58%, India is predicted to have more
than 1.53 billion people by the end of 2030.

More than 50% of India's current population is below the age of 25 and over 65%
below the age of 35. About 72.2% of the population lives in some 638,000 villages and the
rest 27.8% in about 5,480 towns and urban agglomerations. The birth rate (child births per
1,000 people per year) is 22.22 births/1,000 population (2009 est.) while death rate (deaths
per 1000 individuals per year) is 6.4 deaths/1,000 population.

As GHKS has chosen to start its operations in Varanasi, a detailed analysis is done in these
market demographics.

Population of Varanasi –

Varanasi is one of the most populated cities in the world. The business capital of India is
home to more than 12478447 people. Like other metros of India, the population of Varanasi
has also grown rapidly in last 20 years. It is one of the largest cities of India in terms of
population, business and trade activities. A large majority of Varanasi's population are
migrants from other states of India. This migrant population who come and stays here
in search of better employment opportunities is one of the
significant factors in rising population of Bombay. According to
1991 census, the population of Varanasi was only 12.5 million; So Population of Varanasi
has grown almost double in the last 20 years. This population explosion in Amchi Varanasi
has caused serious health related problems for the government officials. A large number of
Population in Varanasi city lives in Slums and other residential areas. Varanasi has
a Population density of 30,000 persons per square kilometer
which is relatively very high.

Varanasi Population Growth

Varanasi - one of the India's leading cosmopolitan city is home to more than 12478447
people. There has been significant rise in population of Varanasi in the last 20 years. There
are several factors which contribute to the population growth like migration of population and
health measures taken by the government. Awareness of population programs especially in
the slum and remote areas can help check the rising population. Check out Population of
Varanasi in the last 50 years.

GHKS would initially cater to only Varanasi for the initial month and in the coming months
would provide its services in the region of Vashi in the Navi Varanasi region of Varanasi.
The expansion plan of HKS is to go pan India i.e. providing cleaning services in other parts
of India.

Competitive Advantage:

The unique selling point of HKS is the concept of utilizing the same labor available in the
market and also to make them efficient and skillful for improvement of services. The target

market of the upper and upper middle class has been untapped by the existing service
providers in the market which differentiates it from others.


Being a service company the sales here would comprise of the cleaning services provided by
the company which include from washing clothes, utensils, dusting, brooming, and so on.

The price of these services would be determined after taking into consideration the cost of
services provided by the maids along with the cost of products used to provide these services.
The sale price of services shall vary depending on the following factors:

1. Area of the house

2. Number of members in the family

3. The time required to provide these services

4. Time taken to reach the destination

5. Travelling cost

Sales forecast:

The first month will be used to set up the business. It is unlikely much/any business will be
officially transacted during this month. In addition to dealing with legal and accounting issues
for the business, office equipment will be purchased and set up. Once the physical office is
ready the employee policy and procedure manual will be developed. Then the training
program will be constructed. This will take a bit of time therefore it is very important it is set
up at the outset, ensuring that it is completed and done properly when there are far less time

The second month will begin to see some activity. HKS will begin to field inquiries over the
phone and expect to turn some of those into contracts. The first week of jobs will be done as a
team, with few employees. As the number of contracts begins to pick up, probably at the end

of the second month, an additional person will be hired to form the first employee team. By
the end of month four there will be enough demand that a new team of two will be trained and
begin working. We then forecast that there will be 100 clients for the 1 st year, 150 for the 2nd
year, 250 for the third year, 300 for 4 th year and 600 for 5th year. This forecast is estimated on
the basis that HKS will go pan India in its 3rd year of operation. This would increase the
number of maids working with HKS which are as following 60 for 1 st year, 80 for 2nd year,
100 for 3rd year, 120 for 4th year and 200 for 5th year.

Year No. Of Maids No Of Clients

1 60 100
2 80 150
3 100 250
4 120 300
5 200 600

Marketing and Communication:

Unique selling point :

 A centralized check in system which will record daily attendance, daily working
hours, check- in and check-out time of the maids from the place of residence of our

 Registration of every maid in the local police station

 Daily system supervision by the administrator

 Proper uniform for the maids

 Mobile phones to keep a track of the maids in case of thefts or other such situations

At the same time we will stick by our commitment to be at the scheduled place at the
scheduled time - if someone is sick or needs a leave there will be back-up staff to fill in.
We will take care of every domestic need so that you don't have to worry about anything.

Where other competitors cater to different sections of the society at higher rates they do
not guarantee continuous service to the client. GHKS wishes to convert the weakness of
its competitors into its strength.

Marketing and Communication tools for GHKS:

1. Word of mouth: The most efficient and traditional method of marketing and
communicating your brand is word-of-mouth which will be followed by HKS as the
target audience belongs to that section of society which may not have all the advanced
technological equipments to collect the latest trends.
2. Radio stations: The next tool of marketing would be the local radio stations to create a
bond among the people. This ensures that a greater population gets the awareness of
the brand and its scope of work.
3. Commercial ads: Giving ads in regional tv channels would be less expensive as well
as fruitful to cater to the household women who connect themselves emotionally to
the tv serials or the actors (esses).This creates a sense of belongingness in the minds
of customers and converts a potential market into a loyal customer in a short period of
time. Creating presence of HKS on various news channels would lead to mass
awareness among the young and career oriented women who are sophisticated and
perfectionists. This also implicates that the company follows various industry
standards and adheres to providecustomer satisfaction as their basic aim.
4. Print media: The print media though not so effective the current scenario may be used
in time intervals on monthly basis to make mass awareness of the brand HKS. Local
magazines like Saheli and Chitralekha can be used to capture these markets.

.Supply chain management (SCM) is management of a network of interconnected

businesses involved in the provision of product and service packages required by the end
customers in a supply chain. Supply chain management spans all movement and storage of
raw materials, work-in-process inventory, and finished goods from point of origin to point of

There are four major decision areas in supply chain management:

1) location,

2) production,

3) inventory,

4) transportation (distribution

, and there are both strategic and operational elements in each of these decision areas.

Distribution for GHKS:

The distribution channel would follow the supply chain method where the steps followed are
as following:

 Inbound logistics:
The information about the potential customers shall be collected from the staff
i.e. maids available who have worked for these customers before. Then these
customers can be approached by sending pamphlets, door to door marketing or by
telephonic conversations. The database and information about the available labor
shall be collected first along with the available customer base.This would include
a search for labor which consists of staff as well as employees.This would lead to
the process of interviewing the available and willing aspirants for various jobs
provided by HKS.Getting the information about the potential customer and
collecting the database for the same would be done by finding the existing
customers of cleaning services which shall be done by door-to-door questionnaire
 Operations:
The staff shall be trained in the areas of following the attendance system, cleaning
the customer premises, rules and regulations to be followed, and the method of
communication with customers, company and among themselves to provide the
services to the customers.The distrubution of labor to the clients on regular basis is
the major operating activity which requiers allocation of avilable labor to the
clients who place an order for a maid.

 Distribution channel :
The order is placed and recieved from a customer which is accepted through a
telephonic conversation where all the details of the customer regarding their
residential address, contact number, requirement of cleaning services.Depending
on the location of the client the employee would be contacted and given the
customer details.The contact details of the employee would be given to the
customer.The order has to be placed 24 hrs prior to the requirement of the
same.The payment has to be made to the office of HKS before the services are
availed by any medium of payment i.e. Cash, cheque or debit/credit cards.
 Outbound logistics:
The employees of HKS would travel from the HKS offices to their particular
clients to provide services.

Marketing mix:

The marketing mix is a business tool used in marketing products. The marketing mix is often
crucial when determining a product or brand's unique selling point (the unique quality that
differentiates a product from its competitors).

1. Product: this includes the services that are provided by GHKS which include:

 House cleaning (dusting and cleaning of all surfaces, sweeping and mopping of floors,
and cleaning of doors and walls as needed)

 Furniture cleaning

 Washing utensils

 Washing clothes

 Drying clothes

 Bathroom and kitchen area cleaning

 Unusual jobs like cleaning small disasters from children and pets.

 repair maintainance

 pest control.

 plumbing

for house, banks, office, hospital, industries.

2. Price:

Particulars Rate
Base Price (1bhk-500sqft, Additional (per month)
per month/5 furniture/3 Per sqft Per Per
people) furniture person
House Cleaning
 Brooming& Mopping 700 50p
 Dusting 700 50p
Furniture cleaning 150 5
Washing Utensils 500 60
Washing clothes 200 50
Drying clothes 40 10
Bathroom and kitchen area 100 10p
Unusual jobs like cleaning complimentary -- -- --
small disasters from children
and pets.

*Disclaimer: Prices are subjected to change according to the area. Price varies for
customized service.

**No one maid would provide all the services from the menu in one household.

2. Place: The initial positioning of HKS services it would be in Varanasi and
Vashi in Varanasi in the state of Maharashtra for first 3 years of the operations
of HKS.The reason to choose these locations was to cater to a part of
population which is ready to buy these services at the given price. HKS will
diversify its services in its 3rd year of operations to one branch in Pune in
Maharashtra and one branch in Gujarat. The exact location of the branch to be
put up in Gujarat would be decided after conducting a market research in that

4. Promotion:

The tools of marketing have been used which include:

1) Word of mouth-This means that HKS will employ a staff of 1 or 2 people who will
spread the awareness of the brand and services provided by HKS.This will be done by
communicating with the local kiranawala's, watchmans, dhudhwala's,
newspaperwala's etc.This helps to reach a large market at no cost.This is the best and
effecient method of communication of the brand along with no operating cost and
infact helps in increasing customer base.
2) Print media: As HKS is in its initial stage, the budget for print media would be
minimal to avoid non-operating expenses.Hence pamphlets would be distributed in
regional newspapers and magazines.
3) Advertisements
The promotional strategies would remain regional as it has to connect to the common
public and ensures a greater brand recall as the target audience belongs to upper
middle class of the society.The advertisements would consist of tv commercials and
announcements on radio channels.Posters can be put up at public places like railway
stations or bus stops.

Marketing Strategy:

This well known marketing tool was first published in the Harvard Business Review (1957)
in an article called 'Strategies for Diversification'. It is used by marketers who have objectives
for growth. Ansoff's matrix offers strategic choices to achieve the objectives

HKS uses the product development strategy of the marketing strategy as it plans to produce
or provide service of cleaning maid services at different rates in the existing market of
cleaning services. It may be noted here that the market that is considered here is only the
organized sector and not the unorganized sector.

Marketing Model:
The growth of the service sector may also be viewed as a manifestation of the changes
brought by the information revolution, which has brought revolutionary changes in
computing, data storage, and communications. Information technology is a key
enabler to help firms collect and analyze data on consumer activities, and to make
interaction with individual customers economically viable. In a more direct way, the
information revolution brings about the growth of the service sector, as it results in the
growth of information services in such areas as computer software, financial products,
telecommunications, and entertainment.
Principal Areas of Research in Service and Relationships
1. Customizing service
2. Customer satisfaction and relationships
3. Managing service
4. Financial impact interest occurred.


Company Structure
Organisational Structure:


Branch Head Branch Head Branch Head

Head Superviso r Head Administrator Head Supervisor Head Administrator Head Supervisor Head Administrator

Maids Maids Maids

The organisation would be formed on a simple top-to-down structure. The company would be
headed by the partners. There would be a centralised call-centre to take orders from
customers, and correspondingly, pass on the requirement to the pertaining area’s database to
allot a maid to the customer. Each area of the city will have a database established of the
maids available nearest to the customer’s address. The database centre or the Branch office
shall facilitate proper movement and allocation of any particular maid.
The database shall be initially established through rigorous data collection, promotions etc, to
appeal to maids to register with HKS and hold a better employment.


Role: Initial Capital Investment, Organising, Goal and Objective setting, Chief Execution,
Managing and Directing, Operation Strategy Planning, Marketing Strategy Planning, Initial
Staffing Planning.
Expertise: Strong Planning skills, Leadership skills.
Procurement: They would be the owners of the company
Salary: Salary will be distributed according to the profit sharing ratios.

Branch Head:

They would be Heading each Branch office situated at main areas of the city. They shall be
our secondary customer contact point.


 To look after the operations and functions of the Branch is carried out properly.
 Training needs of the employee
 Customer interaction and attending their needs
 Delegating organisational objectives and goals to Head Administrator and Maids of
the branch.


 Strong communication skills to interact with the customers and maids

 Good knowledge on Training and motivation


 Through Online Job portals.

 With some help from recruitment consultancies.


The Training Team:

A separate team responsible for proper training of maids, to sync them with HKS standards,
shall be provided by a special established team. Each area would have a separate team, and
shall be designing a training program so as to uprate local maids to a professional one.
A new joinee will have to compulsorily undergo two week of such training before going on-
job, and a regular employee shall undergo with a ‘3-day’ training programme after every 3
months initially for first year. Consequently, every employee will be provided with training
according to their performance, experience and improvement rate.

The training team shall include following:

1. Groomer and Trainer

2. Language trainer

There shall be one training group comprising of 1 Groomers and 1 Language Trainers for
each of western, central and harbour line areas..

. Administrative Head:

They would be handling the administration and resource management for the branch.


 To keep financial records for the branch.

 Can appoint junior accounts and administration associates.
 Keep attendance tracks.
 Reporting and allocation of different resources that will be employed such as
uniforms, training kits, children’s education help kit.


 Proven Administration and financial skills.

 Good resource allocation related decision making skills.


 Through Online Job portals.

 With some help from recruitment consultancies.


Every branch can appoint 2 junior accountants and 2 administration associates.


They would be our core expertise and asset. They are the people whom we shall employ to
deliver cleaning services as asked by our customers.

Head Maids: She shall lead a team of 5-10 maids, along with providing cleaning services
service in person, our core resource and competency. They shall be our primary contact point
with customers.

 Cleaning
 Also responsible for administrative work for her group, like attendance, reporting of
absenteeism or other resources required.
 Delegate company’s objectives and goals to her team.
 Shall report to head administrator and Head supervisor.
 Responsible for optimum efficiency of her team.


 Proven Administration and motivational skills.
 Good team handling and communication skills.


 We will initially have to pool women already engaged as maids to join our


Maids: She shall be the person who would be providing the cleaning service in person, our
core resource and competency. They shall be our primary contact point with customers.
 Cleaning
 Good nature and morale.
 Efficient at work.


We will initially have to pool women already engaged as maids to join our organisation


Customer help centre:

A call centre to handle customer, orders, and grievances shall be outsourced.

The main functions of the call centre would be to:
 To take down the details of a customer and enter into our database.
 To take down orders from the customers, their order specification, the services they
want to avail, and special requirements if any.

 To register grievances, if any, faced by customers. Any help required, or if they want
to modify on the services.
 To pass down the orders, specifications, grievances to the respective branch offices to
be acted upon.

Initially, as there will be few orders, the job will be directly handled by branch head.

Legal Status

GHKS is owned and operated by SONALI JAISWAL and her organised team or a group
of people. It will be registered as a Private company. The firm can leverage upon the
advantage of incorporation, limited liability, can be offset by good insurance.

The GHKS logo shall be registered and copyrighted as a trademark by applying

with the Trademark Attorney.


Financial Risk:

The New Venture Loan that would be taken from bank to start up the business.
Low profit margin initially may not meet the expected ROI.

Strategic Risk

 Finding and locating our maid workforce, and proposing them for a work.
 The maids, since they already are employed in a job of similar kind, could turn down
our proposal to work through our organisation.
 Initial estimation and determining of Demand.
 Low work-force initially to cater to the demand.

Economic Risk

 Existence of a large unorganised sector.

Health and Safety Risks

 Heath of maids, as they would be mostly be from a unprivileged family.

Risk Management:

Risk management is the process of identifying risks either to the business or to its client
partners, evaluating the potential consequences of the risk and then determining the most
effective method of either controlling the risks or at least minimising their effects.

The main objective of the strategy is to endeavour to minimise disruption of any undesirable
events that can adversely affect the business of GHKS in any way be it financial, reduction in
service, reputation or standing.

HKS bases its Risk Management Strategy on the following four processes:

1. Identification of Risk.

2. Analysis of Risk.

3. Control of Risk.

4. Monitoring and Regular Review of Risk.

Identification of Risk.

All tasks involve an element of risk and it is therefore imperative that a systematic approach
of identification is used. By identifying areas of risk prior to issues arising ensure that steps
can be taken to either prevent the issue arising, or minimising its effect.

Analysis of Risk

Once areas of potential risk are identified; they will need to be assessed accurately by
qualified or experienced managers. This assessment will be based on:

Probability of risk (likelihood)

Severity of risk (how bad it is)

Cost of risk (can be financial cost or how many others it can affect)

Control of Risk

Risks cannot be eliminated totally but by controlling the risk by taking action prior to the
event happening, allows us to minimise the likelihood of it occurring and reducing the
severity o the event if it should occur. The control is based on:

Avoidance (not undertaking task)

Reduction (taking steps that will reduce the risk)

Transfer (removing liability via insurances or using service providers)

Monitoring and Regular Review of Risk

Regular reviews must be taken to ensure that the risks identified have not changed. the
control of risk has been implemented correctly. The control of the risk is being effective.

It is the view of GHKS that all our employees, suppliers and client partners should not only
contribute to a Risk Management Strategy; but should also seek to share best practice with
regards to any potential or inherent risks involved in their business.

GHKS has promised to educate its employees as well as staff who can after training speak
fluent English, hindi and other local languages. Education makes a man a gentle man so
would be in the case of women. A blend of education and soft skills would help her stand in

the society and put her point across various platforms. This leads to a better educational
cultural sophisticated society which will ensure successful and eminent future.

How Risk Management can be done?

1. To identify the hazards, the manager:

o looked at HSE’s website for free health and safety advice and guidance for
cleaning indusrtuy and at guidance for employing agency worker.
o walked the areas where cleaning staff will be working, noting things that may
pose potential risks and taking HSE guidance into account;
o talked to workplace health and safety representatives and cleaning staff about
the risks, taking into account the needs of any particular staff members, such as
whether they are pregnant or aged under 18;
o talked to the client company and agreed issues such as:
 lines and frequency of communication between the cleaning company
and the client company;
 the client company’s own standard of housekeeping, eg clear walkways,
spills cleared up immediately etc;
 facilities and equipment available to the cleaners, including the amount
of storage space available, location of sinks and taps etc;
 the system for reporting near-miss accidents and risks discovered by
cleaners, eg damaged floor tiles, that can cause accidents in the client
 the security of cleaning equipment and substances, to ensure only
trained cleaners can access and use them; and
 making sure that all cleaners know what they must do if there is a fire.

2. The manager wrote down who would be harmed by the hazards and how.

3. For each hazard, the manager wrote down what controls, if any, were in place to
manage these hazards. The manager then compared these controls to the good practice
guidance set out on HSE’s website. Where existing controls were not considered good
enough, the manager wrote down what else needed to be done to control or eliminate
the risk.

4. The manager discussed the findings with the staff cleaning those offices, making sure
they understood the risks of the job and how these risks would be controlled and
monitored. One cleaner, whose first language was not English, had difficulty
understanding this, so the manager arranged for a bi-lingual cleaner from another team
to translate. The manager pinned a copy of the risk assessment in the cleaning cupboard
for all staff to see. When putting the risk assessment into practice, the manager decided
to prioritise and tackle the most important things first. This included identifying when
the actions should be done and who would do them. As each action was completed, they
were ticked off the plan.

5. The manager decided to review and update the risk assessment every year, or
straightaway if major changes happened in the workplace – including changes in the use
of equipment or chemicals.



Income statement

Income Statement
1st yr 2nd yr 3rd yr 4th yr 5th yr
Income Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
19120 43020 71700 846000 172080
From Operations 00 00 00 0 00
13408 12840 440566 787240
Others 9 04 6 9
19120 44360 84540 128656 250804
Total Income 00 89 04 66 09

68400 18960 23520 280800 463200
Salary 0 00 00 0 0
63000 63000 63000
Advertising 0 0 0 630000 630000
Stationery 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000
42500 42500 42500
Rent 0 0 0 425000 425000
17590 29710 34270 388300 570700
Total Expenditure 00 00 00 0 0

15300 14650 50270 898266 193734

EBIDT 0 89 04 6 09
Depreciation Expense 0 0 0 0 0
Interest Expense 0 0 0 0 0

EBT 15300 14650 50270 898266 193734
(PBT) 0 89 04 6 09
18108 62133 111025 239455
Service Tax (@12.36%) 18911 5 8 8 3
13408 12840 44056 787240 169788
PAT 9 04 66 9 56

Balance carried forward to Balance 13408 12840 44056 787240 169788

Sheet 9 04 66 9 56

4.1 Balance Sheet

1st yr 2nd yr
Sources of Funds Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Equity Capital 3000000 3000000
Less: Withdrawls 0 0
Total Equity 3000000 3000000

Retained Earnings
Previous Year Balance 3074089
P&L Account 134089 1284004
Total Retained Earnings 134089 4358093

Total Networth 3134089 7358093

Outside Liabilities
Secured Loan - -
Unsecured Loan - -
Total Outside Liabilities 0 0

TOTAL LIABILITIES 3134089 7358093

Application of Funds Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Fixed Assets
Gross Block
Laptop 60000 60000
Total Gross Block 60000 60000
Less: Accumulated
Depreciation 0 0
Block 60000 60000

Current Assets
Cash & Bank Balance 3074089 7298093
Accounts Receivable / Debtors 0 0
Inventory 0 0
Prepaid Insurance 0 0
Prepaid Rent 0 0
Total Current Assets 3074089 7298093

Current Liabilities
Deferred Tax 0 0
Total Current Liabilities 0 0

Net Current Assets 3074089 7298093

TOTAL ASSETS 3134089 7358093

3rd yr 4th yr
Sources of Funds Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Equity Capital 3000000 3000000
Less: Withdrawls 0 0
Total Equity 3000000 3000000

Retained Earnings

Previous Year Balance 7298093 14643760
P&L Account 4405666 7872409
Total Retained Earnings 11703760 22516169

Total Networth 14703760 25516169

Outside Liabilities
Secured Loan - -
Unsecured Loan - -
Total Outside Liabilities 0 0

TOTAL LIABILITIES 14703760 25516169

Application of Funds Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

Fixed Assets
Gross Block
Laptop 60000 60000
Total Gross Block 60000 60000
Less: Accumulated
Depreciation 0 0
Block 60000 60000

Current Assets
Cash & Bank Balance 14643760 25456169
Accounts Receivable / Debtors 0 0
Inventory 0 0
Prepaid Insurance 0 0
Prepaid Rent 0 0
Total Current Assets 14643760 25456169

Current Liabilities

Deferred Tax 0 0
Total Current Liabilities 0 0

Net Current Assets 14643760 25456169


5th yr
Sources of Funds Rs. Rs.
Equity Capital 3000000
Less: Withdrawls 0
Total Equity 3000000

Retained Earnings
Previous Year Balance 25456169
P&L Account 16978856
Total Retained Earnings 42435024

Total Networth 45435024

Outside Liabilities
Secured Loan -
Unsecured Loan -
Total Outside Liabilities 0


Application of Funds Rs. Rs.

Fixed Assets
Gross Block
Laptop 60000

Total Gross Block 60000

Less: Accumulated
Depreciation 0
Block 60000

Current Assets
Cash & Bank Balance 45375024
Accounts Receivable / Debtors 0
Inventory 0
Prepaid Insurance 0
Prepaid Rent 0
Total Current Assets 45375024

Current Liabilities
Deferred Tax 0
Total Current Liabilities 0

Net Current Assets 45375024


Notes of Account

Assumptions and estimations:

1. Demand were forecasted to be 100, 150, 250, 300, 600 for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4thand 5th year
2. Number of maids employed were assumed to be 60, 80, 100, 120, 200 for 1st, 2nd, 3rd,
4thand 5th year respectively.

3. Number of operating branches were assumed to 2, 4,6,6,6 for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4thand 5th
year respectively.
4. All the unexpected additional cost due to expansion are not projected.

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