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Regular Articles, Notes, and Short Communications

TITLE. The Title Should Accurately, Clearly, and

Concisely Reflect the Content of the Paper.

AUTHOR NAMES (e.g. Taro KOBUNSHI,1 Hanako KAGAKU,2 and James D.


AUTHOR ADDRESS (e.g. 1Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering,

The University of Polymer, Irifune, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0042, Japan

Department of Polymer Science, Graduate School of Science, Kobunshi University,

Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan

Polymer Tech. Co., Ltd., Daiku-machi, Mito 310-8510, Japan)

(Received July XX, 200X; Accepted August XX, 200X; Published October XX, 200X

(written by editorial office))

To whom correspondence should be addressed (Tel:+81-42-000-0000, FAX:+81-42-

000-0000, E-mail:

Graphical Abstract: Attached Sheet (GA is written not more than 85 words plus one

figure or chart)

RUNNING HEAD: Running Head Should be Written in Less Than 60 Letters

ABSTRACT: Abstracts (not needed for Notes and Short Communications) should be

written as concisely as possible, preferably in less than 200 words.

KEY WORDS Key Words (less than 7 words) / Functional Polymers / Polymer

synthesis / Gel / Tetrahydrofuran / Infrared spectroscopy

This document is a template for Microsoft Word 97 or a later version. These

instructions provide guidelines for preparing manuscripts for Polymer Journal. If you

are using Microsoft Word 97 or a later version, use this document as a template.

Papers already published or scheduled to be published elsewhere will not be accepted.

Papers submitted should contain original information, theoretical or experimental, on

any subjects in the field of polymer science.

Papers appearing in the Journal comprise Regular Articles, Notes, and Short

Communications. Notes and Short Communications are limited to less than 2,500 words

(four printed pages). Review Articles and Invited Papers are occasionally accepted on

invitation: suggestions for authors or topics are welcome.

Notes are to be concerned with subjects of limited scope which require no further

information in a future publication. Short Communications deal with significant

findings worthy of urgent publication.



Manuscripts preparation must adhere to the format of the Polymer Journal.

Manuscripts must be written in English. Manuscripts should be double-space

typewritten on white standard size typing paper, with a margin at least 3 cm wide on all

four sides of the paper. The typewritten pages must be numbered consecutively.

Between the title of the paper (including author's names, affiliations, and address) and

the text, put Running Heads (less than 60 letters), Abstracts (not needed for Notes and

Short Communications), and Key Words (less than 7 words). Abstracts should be

written as concisely as possible, preferably in less than 200 words.

It is preferable that the text is divided into the following sections: Introduction,

Experimental (or Theoretical), Results, Discussion. Results and Discussion sections

may be combined, if desired.

Prepare each table on a separate sheet of paper, with an appropriate caption. Number

all tables consecutively in Roman numerals I, II, etc.

Draw each figure on a separate sheet of paper using drawing instruments in a black

ink. Number all figures in Arabic numerals, 1, 2, etc. Figure captions should be

summarized on separate sheets of paper and placed at the end of the text. It is preferable

to include photographs as parts of the consecutive figures.

First recommended

A graphical abstract (not more than 85 words plus one figure or chart) should be

prepared on a separate sheet and attached to the manuscript.

All bibliographical references should be numbered and listed at the end of the



Submit the original and three copies of the manuscript. Original photographs should be

given both for the original and three copies of the manuscript.

When an author wants to contribute his paper, he is required to specify one of the

undermentioned six fields in which his paper is to be reviewed:

1. Polymer Syntheses and Reactions

2. Polymer Structures

3. Physical Properties of Polymers

4. Functional Polymers

5. Biopolymers

6. Polymer Engineering

Manuscripts should be sent to:


Polymer Journal

The Society of Polymer Science, Japan

Shintomicho-Tokyu Bldg., 3-10-9

Irifune, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0042, Japan

No page charge is required for publication of any paper in the Polymer Journal.


Only the first galley proofs are sent to the contributor. The contributor can correct

printer's errors only. Other additional corrections, if any, should be approved by the

Editorial Boards, of which cost should be paid by the contributor.

Reprints should be ordered at the time when the galley proofs are returned to our



The copyright of every paper published in the Polymer Journal shall be transferred to

the Society of Polymer Science, Japan (SPSJ). SPSJ shall have the right to publish the

article in any medium of form, or by any means, not known or later developed. All

contributors are requested to send manuscripts with the copyright transfer form*.

*Please download and fill out the Copyright Transfer Form (PDF; 6.28KB) and submit

it to us with your manuscript


1. D. Demus, J. W. Goodby, G. W. Gray, H.-W. Spiess, and V. Vill, Ed., “Handbook

of Liquid Crystals”, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 1998.

2. C. J. Allender, K. R. Brain, and C. M. Heard, in “Progress in Medical Chemistry,

2nd ed.,” F. D. King and A. W. Oxford, Ed., Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 1999,

vol. 36, chap. 6, p 235.

3. M. Jikei, R. Mori, S. Kawauchi, M. Kakimoto, and Y. Taniguchi, Polym. J., 34, 550


4. K. Murata, M. Aoki, and S. Shinkai, Chem. Lett., 739 (1992).

5. J.M.Schaefer and D. Ganbarg, U. S. Patent 5 371 138 (1994), Chem Abstr., 93,

46241 q (1995).


The following diagram is the form for GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT. The use of color to enhance the
quality and appearance is encouraged. The graphics should be EPS, PS, CDX, PPT, and TIFF formats at
300 dpi for color and 1200 dpi for black and white.



Authors’ Names


(notmore than
85 words plus
one figure or

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