Example Answers 4610 Assement

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4: Why did Henry VIII break from Rome?

Henry broke from Rome for more control over his land, a divorce from a wife who could not
give him a son, more money so he could fight expensive wars with France without
bankruptcy and more power over his people so anyone who opposed him could be executed.

6: Explain Why Henry VIII broke from Rome?

Henry VIII broke from Rome for a divorce. Henry wanted a divorce so that his heir was a
son. Henry VIII’s first wife Catherine of Aragon was unable to give Henry a healthy son.
Henry was desperate, so he asked for a divorce from the Pope. The Pope however declined
Henry’s request due to the fact Catherine’s nephew laid siege to Rome and was holding the
Pope prisoner. Henry makes excuses such as their marriage was not lawful as Catherine was
Henry’s older brother Arthur’s widow. So, Henry broke from Rome and started his own
church, The Church of England. Henry divorced Catherine anyway without the Pope’s
permission in England. The Pope excommunicated Henry from the catholic church and
Henry instated the Church of England as the main church of the country.

Another reason Henry VIII broke from Rome is for more money and power. Henry thought
that the Catholic Church was taking taxes from the English that Henry could be taking. The
catholic Church also owned a lot of land. This land is the land that all the catholic
monasteries, Churches sat on. This was 25 to 30% of England’s land. Henry wanted more
money to fight expensive wars in places such as France. Henry was almost bankrupt and
needed to keep his income coming from his part of France, but the French had different
ideas. The French knew of Henry’s financial difficulties and attacked Henry’s French land.
Due to Henry’s monetary crisis Henry needed to rent out his land to wealthy nobility who
would pay hefty amounts of rent. So, Henry decided to break from Rome. This gave 25 to
30% of England back to the monarchy. With the land’s rent and taxes Henry could fight as
many wars with France as possible.

10: Evaluate why Henry VIII broke from Rome?

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