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what this pdf is about?

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This PDF is about how people sometimes put off doing things they need to do, like
homework or chores, and how this can make them feel sad or worried. The study
looked at how thinking too much about the past or the future, and not being aware
of what's happening in the present moment, can make people more likely to
procrastinate and feel bad. The study also looked at how being more aware of the
present moment, or being mindful, can help people feel better and get things done
on time.
give me conclusion form this paper.
The conclusion of this paper is that academic procrastination is associated with
rumination and depression, and that mindfulness may be a protective factor against
these negative outcomes. The study found that students who procrastinate on
academic tasks tend to focus on the present moment but also tend to avoid
unpleasant thoughts and feelings, which can lead to impulsive behaviors and
negative outcomes. However, the study also found that students who are more
mindful and aware of the present moment tend to procrastinate less and have better
mental health outcomes. The authors suggest that interventions aimed at increasing
mindfulness may be helpful in reducing academic procrastination and improving
mental health outcomes in students.
What is the cognitive measure of procrastination used in this study?
The cognitive measure of procrastination used in this study is the Procrastination
Cognitions Inventory (PCI), which is an 18-item scale that requires individuals to
rate how often they have experienced particular thoughts related to procrastination
over the past two weeks. The scale includes items such as "I need to be more
responsible" and "why can't I just get started?" Participants rate their responses on
a five-point Likert scale ranging from 0 (meaning not at all) to 4 (meaning all of
the time). The PCI has shown high internal consistency with a Cronbach alpha of
0.94 in previous studies and had a similar alpha of 0.94 in this study.
How are rumination and mindfulness related to procrastination and
According to the study, rumination and mindfulness are related to procrastination
and depression in different ways. Rumination, which is the tendency to think
repetitively about negative experiences or feelings, was found to be positively
associated with procrastination and depression. In contrast, mindfulness, which is
the ability to be present and aware of one's thoughts and feelings without
judgment, was found to be negatively associated with procrastination and
depression. The study suggests that individuals who experience ruminative and
procrastinatory automatic thoughts may be less prone to depression to the extent
that they are characterized by either higher levels of mindfulness or self-
compassion. Therefore, interventions aimed at increasing mindfulness and
reducing rumination may be helpful in reducing academic procrastination and
improving mental health outcomes in students.
Are students with multiple vulnerabilities particularly at risk for
Yes, according to the study, students with multiple vulnerabilities, such as those
who experience both rumination and procrastination, and have low levels of self-
compassion, are more prone to depression than students with one or none of these
vulnerability factors. The study found that these factors jointly combined to predict
scores of depression. However, the study did not find evidence of interaction
effects among these same variables, suggesting that these factors do not combine
with each other to produce elevated risk. Instead, it may be more plausible to test
mediational models involving these factors.

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