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a CAMBRIDGE Mama e Reto ue ease tid pra deeper Pua a NT'S PLS CU Ae aL} Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones BB CAMBRIDGE 4&8 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH | UNIVERSITY PRESS ap auey Hage Aéserst couiie Cambridge English EMPOWER TERMED STUDENT $ BO Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones with Rachel Godfrey and Gareth Davies Unit 1 Talc Getting started Telk about communscatin TA Talk abo ferent torms of Subject ane ot questions Present simple and ees acai 1B Describe experienc inthe present 10 Give end respond to opinions 1D wirte a guide Review and extension More practice Unit2 Modera its Getting started Talk about the workplace 2A Talk about experiences of work an training 2B Talk about technology Present perfect simple and past simple Present perfect simple ang present per‘ect ‘continuous 20 Maks and respond to suggest 20 Wirte an email guing nens Review and extension More practice Unit Relationships Coltng slarted Talk about rel 3A Talk about a trendship ionshios Narratwe tenses 38 Talk atout families used t, usually 30 Tella sioy 3D Wirte about someone's ite Review and extension More practice Unit 4 Personality Cotting states. Tolk about people 4A Describe people ard thelr abilties Madels and phases of ability 4B Describe feelings Articles 40 Offer and ask for help 40° Wire an informal ovine seven Review and extension Nore prac! Unit The natural world Gotting started Jolk about endangered animale 5A Talk about the future Future forms 58 Talk about Mand when ‘eo eondltional and frst corcitiona SC Give reasons, resuts and examples 5D. Wirte a discussion ascay an ext jon More practice Communication Sound and spelings it and Gradable and Sentence sirase: gr extreme adjectives extreme adjectives bls and Word groups Giving and responding to opinions WOROPOWER yourself Work Present perfect and past simple: ve worked I worked hnoleey Senlence stress: mein verb / auxiliary verb Sentence sos Making and responding suggestions WORDPOWER faok Relationships Linking soures Family: Multisnore verbs Senlence stress: muliword verbs Siress in wois groups Teling a stoy _WORDPOWER have Atay Stress in modal verbs ed! ng Sound and speling: inal -ed in adjectives; adpetives Personality adjectives Intonation in question tags Offering and asking for nolp WOROPOWER soand such Environmental The natural were Sound and spel ea ‘Consonant clusters Voiced and unvoiced consonants Gwing reasons, results and examples \oRDPOWER problem Contents ‘talk: communicating across the Brice: How do you “Things you have done recently “gznetations ‘eanunicaie? ‘ticle: Can you realy barn 3 earning a foreign lanauane language in 22 hours? [tthe fower shop Giving and responding to opinions sing me tao, me nether Conversion Isarring vocabulary ice What kind leaner avs of eaming vocabulary “are you pinged Agude Introducing a purpose; Referring ‘pronouns Ragio report heat, Aditi Mat he bes! indore Work-related experiences Ave ever hat Aricle Whats your favourite Interviewing classmates about = technology A problem Making and responding to suggestions; Sounding sympathete or pleased Conversation: fe changes An email about anew job Life changes ‘An informal ema ‘Adding. new information Film review: “Untoachaie’~ the true story ofan unihely ‘riendsoip The story ofa trendship ‘Two monlogues: being a twin Farily tection A mistake Rezcting to what people say; Telling astoy (conversation: grancarents ‘An email about how 8: member of your famiy ‘grandparents met pis ‘A biceraphy Deseribing time Radio programme: successful Ack: What happens to ‘Becoming successful at something people talented chliren when they grow up? Article: Why the world needs time when you experienced strong. Introverts feelings Asking for help Question tags: Offering and asking for help Three monoiggues: websites Thewe online advonts Using the interet to buy and sell things 2 aie ‘An informal onine advert The language of adverts Conversation: an environmental Web page: The Whitey Fund Predictions about the fulure project for Nature Interview: Inventions inspired by Acie: Animals have adapted The best place io experiance natural nature to survive everynhiere ‘eenuty Talking about possible jobs Reasors, results and examples; Giving yourself time to think Monologue: rescuing whales An essay about watar pollution Aqui about whalas ‘A discussion assay Organising an essay: ‘Signposting language jetting started. Telk about diferent cultures 6A Talkabout advice and rules Modols of obligation Compound nouns; Word stress: compound nouns ‘maitiaora vores 6B Descrite cod Comparatives and Describing iood Sound arc speling: // and // superiatves 8C Ask forand give Sounding interested Asking for and giving recommendations recommendations, ‘SD. Wiite a review of a restaurant “accalé Review and extension More practice rer Getting started Talk about isoal housoe TA Describe a bulking ‘Modass of deduction Buildings Mortal vers: sounding the fina tord 78 Desertbe a town or cty Quantiters Yerts and Sentence stress: verbs and prepesiions prepositions 7 Make ofers and ask for Scunding potte Making offers and permission asking for permission Wit a note with usetal “infomation Review and extension More practice woRDPOWER over {Gofting started lk about an interesting news story 8A Tak about the news Repoited speech The news Sound are spelling: (and iK/ 8B Talk about what other people say Verb patterns Shopping: Sound ard spelling: // and /) Reporting verbs 8E Generalise and be vague Sound ard spelling: /niand iw) Generalising and being vague 8. Wiite an email summary of anews story Review and extension More practice \WORDPOWER invon + noun Getting stated Tak abcut street enterainers 8A Tak about fms and TV The passive Cinema and TV Auaiary verbs in passive sentences 9B Give axes information Defining and non- Music: Word- Relative clauses: pausing: defining elatve clauses building (nouns) Word stress 96 Recommend and respand to ‘Showing contrast Recommending and recommendations responding 9D Wnteanaricle Review and extension Nore practice WoRDPOWER see. ook at watch, hear, listen ‘Getting states. Tal about ferent kinds of opportunities 10A Tak about new things you would Second conditional Sport; Adjectives Sentence stress: would like to co and prepostons. 10B Tak about imagined past events Third conditional Expressions wilh Sentence stress: would and have 0, make and take 100 Tak about possible problems and Sounding sure and unsure Talking about posse reassure comeone problems and reassuring someone 10D. Write an email with sevice Review and extension More practice woanpoweR asi ‘Communication Plus p.127 ‘Grammar Foous p12 ‘Vocabulary Focus p-152 image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available fy Keeping in touch Lear to telk about different forms of commun ceo eo oro HE VOCABULARY Communication °® Look at photos a-e below and answer the questions using words from the box. 1 How ate the people communicati face to face expressing foolings giving @ presentation interviewing telling a joke keeping in touch speaking in public giving opinions 2 When nas the last fime you were in a similar situation to each of the photos? 3. Which situations in the photos da you enjoy? Which don’t you enjoy? Why? b © Pronunciation Do the underlined vowels have a long or a short sound? Listen and check. expressing feelings 4 keepin 2intervewing, 5 giving opinions 3 speaking in public © @HB Listen again and repeat the phrases. dB Now go to Vocabulary Focus 1A on p.152 READING Read How do you communicate? on p.9 and answer the questions, 1 Which seneration are you? 2. How many of these generatons are there in your fami? 3. Which generation are most othe people whare you werk or study? b Ca Read the article agen and match quotes 1-4 with gencrations 2-4 D1 ‘Let's talk about this aver lunch tomorrow." 2 “ied lovely ieter rm Emma. wre along ho weskond 3 CM Facebook satus got 4 Eo Sor haven go efor this st tell me what you wan! @ Veterans b Baby Boomers © Generation X 4. Millenniais ¢ SB Think about yourself and people of different generations that you know. Do you agree with the descriptions? image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available EAREADING @ Read Can you really learn a language in 22 hours? ‘4 Where do the mems come trom? quickly and answer the questions, a Fd Cooke creates them. ate mems for themselves and other users, 1 What is Momrisa? Users cr 2 Why is Jon Foster using i? e 3 How much has he learnt? tes meme only for themselves, © Match the words in bold in the article with meanings b Read the article again end choose the correct answers ‘1-8 below jor questions 1-4 1 gating beter changes a wor ony oi language tt once niet someone wants to leat soahing so that you romeinbored it ena something dieu which ots your ably eb Gani eck re ay fo make someone remember something do something again The writer wants to learn Lingala because he a loves new languages. wants to talk with the people who speak it © nants to try Mennrise, 2 Ed Cocke wants learners to 2. enjoy learning more, b improve quickly c do more vocabulary practice, 3 “Mer is fa the Lingalese ward for ‘engine bb atranslaton of @ new word, a picture that helps people remember new words. \} LANGUAGE IN Teac OWE heures aud Urls lca Lule tae d CB Would you like to use Memrise? Why / Why not? ve never been much good at languages. But next month, The app uses two principles about learning, The ''m traveling to a remote area of Central Attica and my aim fist is that people remember things better when is to know enough Lingala one of the local languages - they link them to a pieture in thelr mind. Memrise fo have a conversation. | wasn't sure how | wes going to _ translates words into your own language, but it ‘manage this - unt | discovered a way to spend just a few also encourages ycu to use ‘mems' ~ images that minutes, a few times a day, lerning all the vocabulary 'm help you remember new words, You can use mems which ‘gong te need. other users have created or you can create your own. | po oredrise, Fe Lipa woes cide ara Tobe hence nama wend gel aepare moment rang Ee ee nels Ss oe | GEA | rermomert, ti vsing tone ser broate for something The sevord principe that we need o stop ate tudying = more useful. I'm learning a foreign language. And thanks to —_ words and then repeat them again later, leaving time ‘opi cen sop bern fingsbncaae ty oo__-‘aels hath of app yoni vo tan ‘And Memrise is fun. Its @ challenge. It gives you a few new Now, why am | stil siting here writing this? I need to go. Words to learn and these are ‘seeds which you plant in your anal watar my vooaulary! ‘greenhouse’. (This represents your short-term memory.) When you practise the words, you ‘water your plants’ and they grow. When the app believes that you have really remembered a word, it moves the word to your ‘garden’ You get poinis as your garden grows, so you can compare {yourself to other Memrise users, want to gat a high score land go to the next level. And if forget to log on, the app ‘sends me omails that remind me to ‘water my plants’ Dn 12 FSriaiied tera image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available SCS ohm Tah hg ect eel es Different ways of learning ene Cey TEI SPEAKING AND LISTENING °B What do you think are some good ways to new vocabulary in English? Talk about the ideas in photos a-e, or your own ideas, b © Listen to Maria and Gilberto talking about learning vocabulary. Are you more like Matia or Gilberto? ¢ @iHED Listen again and answer the questions. What system does Matia use 2. What system does Maria’ 3 Does Gilberto think either system will work fer hien? learning vocabulary? d Read the descriptions of each style, What kinds of Eo Paes Au ry learners Kinaesthetic learners They prefer fo learn by doing © A somstning. They don’t like sitting stil for very tong. @ (® Talk about what kind of learner you are and why. READING Read What hind of learner are you? on p.17. Answer the questions. Which of Maria's ideas is mentioned? 2 Doos the atticle talk more about understanding now information or remembering It? by Read the article again. Make notes about the key study techniques for each learning style + Visual + aucilory —* Kineesthetic 16 image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available Pee ees eects They've just offered eee ee me the job loners EE READING a CB Discuss the questions. Have you ever had a jot 2 Was ‘00d experience? Why / Why not? b Read Not the best interview I've ever had! Who got the job? Who didn't get the job? © Read the stories again. Match a-d with headings 1-4 > ell the tu yer probably fll worse + 1 An unwety cat | Ca Tel your partner which story you liked best. Have you had any embarrassing experiences like the ones in the stories? I've received @ phone! call at a bad moment Really? What happened? Most people feel nervous when they go for a job interview, but some interviews are worse than others. Fortunately, they don’t all end in disaster! (a fthey wanted te lost how Fast “could type. My fingers were over the Keyboard, realy t0 type, The interviewer said ‘Right click to ‘open the file’, but all { heard was ‘Write click’ so I typed “click” on a window that was slready open. I felt ‘50 embarrassed when I realised my ‘mistake, but we both laughed and, 1 got the job. I've worked there for ‘eight meinths now? Laura ever forgotten fo switch my phone off in the cinema, but for some reason I forgot when Lvent for my first job interview. My friend phoned me to wish me good luck — right in the middle of the interview, ‘Oops! I didn't get the job Andy jive had ots of good interviews, hut this one wis a disaster. Vad put ‘on my CV that Lcould speak ‘some French’. earnt some French at school, but 'Ye never really used itand my listening skills are really bad. The three imerviewers beya the interview by speaking to me in French, and I didn't understand a wore. No, I didn’t get the job, and yes, I've changed my CV!" Dan Thad jon iterview with two people last week, One of them was Teaning back on his chair when suddenly i fll right back and it was soon clear that he could’t get up ‘gain, I didn't krow if Thou try 10 help or not and I was worried I was ‘going to star: laughing, Fortunately the other interviewer asked me to ‘wait outside the room for a minute, ‘and then the interview carried on 4 if nothing had happened. Guess what? They've just ‘fered me the j . Ellie image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available "unit 2 EAREADING @ Read What's your favourite app? below and answer the questions, Which app ...? 1 is good for music lovers 2. belps you leam about the stars keeps you interested because you can keep improving -elps busy people organise themselves ‘lps you create and Koop pt helps you make funny photos 's useful if you've got foo many apps on your phone records your fitness information 8 bb Read the article again and answer the questions How do yeu tne a planet with SkyWatch? What changes c Why does Enzo olay Batoon Pop everyday? What intormation can Tunespotta tall you about a song? How can StopApp make your phone work beter? 8 What kind © (2 Discuss the questions. What do you got from Things ToDo at the end of each wack? you make ta photos with Imagegram? What information doos ActiviyTracker give you when you run? GRAMMAR Present perfect simple and continuous Read sentences a-d. Then answer cuestions 1-5. a I'e seen photos where people have baby laces on adult bodies bb ve been playing t on the bus every day. Ive been recommending itt all my ipods, © ve just installed the ThingsToDo app. 1 Which es use the present perfect 2 Which sentence talke about one completes past activly (without mentioning a time) 3 Which sentence talks about something th ‘perienced? 4 sentences talk about aetivitis which started in the past and are not finshed yat? Which sentences tak about something which nazgpened regularly or more than once? ‘of photos does Luke think are funniest on Crazy Faces? 1 Do you use any apps like the ones in the article? Which ones? How Useful are thoy? 2 Would you lke to use any of the apps in the article? Which onas? Why? v9 just installed the ThingsToDo app. Its so easy 10 use ~ which is really important when you've got lots of things to do and not much Umel You just create allst and then add items to it. Once a week it sends you a list of everything you've done. Juan Have you heard about SkyWatch? It's great. You just point your phone at the night sky and it tells you what the stars are. You can also type in the name of a planet and the program tells you where to look for it Katya love magegram and I've been using it more and more recently. You can use different effects to make photos look diferent, lke alcfashioned photos, or with brighter colours. Then you can store them online and share them with your friends. Paul My favourite game at the moment is Balloon Pop. ‘You select groups of coloured balloons and pop them, I've been playing it on the bus every day, because | always want fo gel to the next level ~ i's very addictive! Enzo ActivityTracker is a great app for running. You just press the statt button when you begin your workout and the app records your speed, distance and heart rate. After the workout, you can then upload your information to social notworking websites and compare with your friends. I've nevor found an app as good as this before. Fay 1st downloaded Tunespotter, If you hear a song you Ike but you don’t know what itis, you can use this app. It identifies the name of the song ‘and the singer. And if you lke it, you can buy the song Toally easily, I've Nad it for a wok and I've boon using it alot Martin image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available Skills for Writing He wanted to see the world TDI SPEAKING AND LISTENING AB Discuss the questions, 1 How much do you know about past generations of family? Why? b @imER Bryan is talking to his cousin, Susie, about their family. What relatives are they talking about? © Look at the photos. How do you think Bryan and ‘Susie's relatives met? d Make notes about someone in your family who interests you. Why do they interest you? @ CB Tell a partner about the person in your family. BAREADING @ Read Bryan's email to Susie, Why did their grandparents decide to live in Canada? know mare about your mother’s or your father’s side Pee ee et eee ee a DS HiSusi "ve done a tit of investigating about Gran and Grandad, and how they onded up living in Canada tid you that Grandad worked asa chet en ends shi ram 1937 etl 1939, when Wold Wal startod. And you ‘ow tht while he was warking on one of he ships, he met Gran. She was the ship's nurs, Wal, apparent that ships destination was Vancouver. When the ship avd, they spent couple of day there. Thats wien Grandad proposed to Gren, and she sad yo. During ther stayin Vancower, ‘hey decide that they ral lked the cty and that they would start a new life in Canad, However Werld Wa I stared and Grandad had to go back to England and cin the Bish army. Meanviie, Gran stayed in Canada, because ‘tas much safer They were separate fr the years and missed cach ater very much. Gran was cuits lonely at fist, bul afer a couple cof months che gota job na hoeptl and cho made fione there ~ che was always very ently and good at talking to p2ope fn 1946, Grandad returned to Canada and they got marie Fire years later, my father was bom. And then two years attr ta, your mother was bom. (Gran and Grancad ved in the same house for 30 years, used to go and vist them in Vancouver over the summer wen I ws al sche. Would you ke me fo take you to seo the house onc day? Byer image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available Are you an Here pce tla 4 Cie eae EI VOCABULARY -ed/-ing adjectives CB Discuss the questions. 1 Doyou prefer spending tne abner wih ter pen? ulet 2 Do you thnk you ere an extort oan intoret? Why? and your career. It even affects your need for sleep and the way you learn. In societies that value conversation and selt- SIE Pronunciation Listen to these adjectives. How is the ‘okereosiol. Intovertosate fier. eaetiee: Segal ce ace’ to extroverts. n this beautifully written final -ed sound pronounced? Complete the table. Ph P a book, Susan Cain explores the many good med bel dgued Tapas things that introvert bring to the word farcinatod inforstod rolaied said torrted rot interesting or exciting extremely interesting b Read the description and the reviews of Quiet by Susan Cain. by Susan Gain (2013) What good things do you think the book says about introverts? ace RUT irae (confident and ‘© Match the words in bold in the reviews with the meanings 1-7. Soclabia) orn tntcivart 1 very unhapoy (viet and hacpy to be TEC 2 unhappy because something is not interesting aione|? 3. making you feet pleased bacause you have whal you need or want (aie pantry HS 4 unhappy because something didn't happen influences your Hendeh ipa; jourralaianahis 5 very afraid 6 ar hal IE Listen and check, Repeat the adjectives. Home Shop Reviews Logi f Match the sentence halves. gnScINnte> by BookMan * 4% % 1 WETnRERIEaIG This is the mest fascinating bock I've read on 2 Wine etekohe rAScNATIN the introvertiextrovert topic for along te. Cain -~ describes her personal experience of being an 2 todeserbe foings introvert as wal a writing about famous introverts bb todescribe the things or who have changed the worl peonle thet cause the feelings by JD & ke x 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form (-ing or -2d) of _—_-AS a chiks | was often terrified at schoo! because ‘the words in brackets. of the emphasis on public speaking and discussion. 1 Joand late going to concort nox! wock Are you? (intro) Heit some ofthe ideas from Suean/Ceins book 2 Some paople find winter but I like it (depress) ec te ee eee e nn 3. Everyone says the new restaurant is very good but | thought it was sada ve ‘hough by Alan Gibson & % % very —_.. (disappoint) fl F a) A well-written book. [found the ideas very 4 tought Clare would lke the pictur, but sho wasn't (amuse) oe ee 5 Wha ca uiaieeatnpegiice itera) interesting, but | was disappointed that Susan :\ : i Ba teens Cain ony writs about sacaty inthe USA without 6 Japan is a wonderful county. m by the uur, (lascinale) Eee ne caicaae Aeaitnoeee a h Write short answers for these topics. oeeret + atime you felt disappointed by BLil &&& a * {a book or firm tha you found realy interesting ‘great book! Everyone vrho thinks that introverte are + music that you tnd relaxing depressed o boring shouls read it «+ someting or someone that you find amusing ‘+ something you think is boring by Thinker * & * {what you doi you feel depressed | was a bit bored by all the sttf about business, but 1m an introvert myself soit was very satisfying to ld Take turns to read out your answers. ‘see such praise of my personality type! —————_——— “| Te image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available LISTENING a @EU Watch or listen to Part 2 and underline the correct words. 1 Tom wants Rachol to holp hm to ask Backy fo marry him I buy athe 2 Rachel agrees/ refusesto help Tom b C2 Look at the photo, What do you think is happening? ¢ © Watch or listen to Part 3 and check your ideas d SB Which of these things have you done to help a friend? Were you heppy to do it? What happened? ‘+ move furnturefhelp them move house + use your creative skills (e.g. taking photos) + talk through 2 problem they have + buy a present ‘+ ve them lit in your car USEFUL LANGUAGE Offering and asking for help a © Complete each sentence with one word Listen and check. 1 Do you think you __ take them? 2 Do you 2 hand? 3 Could |____yow a favour in roturn? 4 So what de you_? 5 1___ifyou could core with me to buy the ring. Ade the phrases in hold in 5a to the table Offers to help Asking for help © Add these questions to the table in 5b. Can you do something for me? 2 Can you gve me a hand (with something)? 3 Is there something | can do? 4 How can |help you? d Complete the conversations with the phrases in 5p. There may be more than one answer. 1 Alm hevinga tle dolveres ths evening ® AANo, fine, hanks 2a with this report? B Of course, what do you need? A____ cheek it and see ifit makes ser 38 B Depends what itis. a look after my plants while I'm awa TASPEAKING a DB Communic: Student 8: ion 4C (—& Student A: Go to 6b below. 0 to p.128. b You are going to have two conversations offering and ‘esking for help. Read the information and think about ‘what you are going to say. Student A 1 You need some heip to buy a new computer. You think Student 8 knows aout computers, You would lke Student B to come shopping with you. 2 You have a bad back so you cant lift things. However, Student B is available atthe weekend, but he's not available on Friday. ¢ CB Have conversations using the language in 5b, image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available If you go a(n a3) ern Leam to talk about ifand when © Zero and first conditional eS EMC CO LTRS fo ener ELISTENING a CP Look at photos a and b and discuss the questions. ‘What do you think each photo shows? 2. What is the meterial in photo b used for? 3. What is the connection between the th 3 in the two photos? b Read the TV guide and check your ideas. In this series, Professor Leslie Cook takes a closer look ‘at common objects which were invented by humans, but inspired by nature. Professor Cook bagins the programme by talking about Velero: a material we use every day on our shoes, clothes, purses and bags. It was inspired by the ‘hook and loop! system that some plants use to move their seeds. In 1948, Swiss engineer George de Mestral was walking with his dog in the countryside when he noticed that little seeds from a plant wore sticking to his dog's fur. He studied the plants more closely and saw how the hooks on the plant attach themselves to the loops and curls of an animal's fur. This gave him tho idea of making Volero. ¢ C® Match the things from the natural world (1-3) with the d GEG Listen to part of the TV programme related objects (a-c). and check your ideas * € OEE Listen again and complete the 4 summary with one or two words in each gep. * One ‘epi, the thorry dragon Izard, can pull up water through ‘pipes’ in its *___ ithasinspiced a device which cen 2 water. This will help peopla who vein yey > environments + Most spiders can move “_end . ‘make themselves very smell. This has rca = inspired the invention of a robot which wil help people who are tipped in Re ‘spaces. ‘+ Seashells are very ’_____and light. ~ This has inspite the precucion of mataral for safety such as gloves and helmets, od Porte f Which of the inventions do you think is most useful? Why? g 2B Compare your ideas in 1f. Do you agree about the most useful invention? ——————————————— 5 image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available ELLISTENING Look at photos a-c above. Which one would be best for Rachel's website? b SIAM Watch or listen to Patt 2. Which photo does Rachel suggest using first? Does Becky agree? © Answer the questions. 1 What is Rachel looking at on the computer? 2 Dothey choose a photo for Rachel's websito in the end? d CQ Do you think that Becky should give up her job and become a photographer? CONVERSATION SKILLS Giving yourself time to think @ @)BM Listen and complete the extract. Becky Rachel, we can't see you in that ona Rachel 0 | think this one. 1b Complete the exchanges withthe vords in the bor Just Let sure Well That's 1 AWhen did you meet Frankis? B___me se0, | think it was in 20 2 A This thermometer says i's 21° in here, Bim not [think that's wrong, 3. A How old were you when you decided to work with animale? 8 {good question ...| was about 15, | think 4 A What lime does the restaurant open? B____a second, I'm not sure. I'll check on theit nebeit, 5. AWhy did you decks to resign? B___, was bored in my ¢ CW Ask and answer the questions. Give yourself time to think using phrases from 4b. 1 What's your dream job? 2 Whats your favourite natural place? (e.g the beach, mountains, forest) EX PRONUNCIATION Voiced and unvoiced consonants a @i Listen to these words from the conversation which begin with the sounds Ip/ and Mo pay people Becky being b Repeat the words in 5a. Touch your throat when you try to say them. Then complete the rules with Zl and Ip) 1. When you say there fs a saund in the throat 2 When you sey there is no sourd inthe throat ¢ © Listen and underline the words you hear 1 pay bay 4 rope /robe pe /b 5 pride bride 3 pair / bee d @BMA Listen and repeat the words in 5c. Which sounds are voiced in the throat? Which sounds ate not voiced? TASPEAKING Communication 5C (> Student A: Read the information below. Student B: Go to p.128. ‘Student A 1. You don't like your job and you want to quit Think abcut the answors to these questions. + Why don'tyou tke *+ What are you going to do next? Why? 2 Student 8 wil tell you helshe is going to move to ‘another pat ofthe county. Ask him/her about their decision, including why he/she has ecided to do ths. image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available BT Se TSS Peet aCe Ore) Oe ac une 1 Write a review of a restaurant or café quae: image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available Mem Urn eee © Comparatives and superlatives expected VOCABULARY Describing food a O22 Look at photos a-e and discuss the questions. ‘Which food would you most like to eat? 2. What country do you think each dish comes from? 3. What ingredients does each cish contain? 4 Which of the dishes could a vegetarian eat? bb Match descriptions 1-5 with photos e-. Testy Moroccan meatbellscookedin a tomato sauce, served with ‘eoucous and fresh herbs. 2 Creamy Mexican avocede and tomato dp with crunchy tortilla chi 3 Japanese novdles wth vegetabiesin alight soup served with araw egs, « Whitefish cookedin a spicy Thai sauce with hot green chilies. 5 -Askce orich Austrian chocolate cae with a biter erange filing © Which adjectives in 1b could you use to describe a salad, a soup, or a curty? dD Now go to Vecabulary Focus 6B on 9.156 @ @HED Pronunciation Listen and repeat these words. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the letters sh and ch. i fe fresh £ CQ Avisitor has come to your town. You're going to give advice about where to go and what typical dishes to ty Student A: Give the visitor adviee Student 8: You ore the visitor ston and ask further questions. & CB Now change roles and have a second conversation. LISTENING a C2 Look at the photo on the right and discuss the questions, Do you have vending machines in your country? What do they sell? 2 How olten do you use them? b @EMM Listen to part of a radio programme about vending machines in Japen ‘What food and drink is mentioned? 2. What are the advantages for customers of vending machines, ‘over buying things fram a shop? 3. What does the rer ter think of the hot meal? & Would you buy hot food from vending machines? image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available BTL Le TSS Dee oe erty Dre eC acy OE een ae Ce CRE RUON inn Moncey GETTING STARTED is NL and home image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available tree LL SEES ERSTE ferric RUC eens LISTENING a Cb where did you gow up - ina big city or @ @IERH Listen again, Ate these statements T (true) or F (False)? ‘a small town? Did you like it? Why / Way not? iereeun local tame dit b Read Five reasons why small towns are better lca than cities. Do you agree with the reasons in i Mice poopie hate diving acc the list? Can you add any more reasons? fens inthe city than in the country who lve in the country have a smaller carton footprint © CB Think of five reasons why cities are better | CB Discuss the questions. aces to live than small towns. Tall a partner. e ms Where do you think its safer to lve in your country ~ inthe city o ir the * ding + crime * ho + other ido 2 Is your (nearest) city designed in a way tha environment? Why d © Listen to Tim and Kate’s conversation pean se hanaba ‘Are Tim’s reasons the same as yours in Le? the city be better? Think about + cycle lanes + other ideas There are no traffic jams. You don't need fo spend hours frying fo get fo work. Fantastic! 2 Everyone knows your name. And who iT , yy say: your parents are. And they help you we when times ore bad. err buying houses, even going to the 2 EVERYTHING is cheaper - eating out, You don't have to queue for the = probably know the waiter, anyway. You can't get lost. Who cates it you don't have any signal on your phone - you don’t need GPS! image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available EALISTENING ‘@ Look at the photo. What do you think Tom and Michael are talking about? b @wem Watch or listen to Part 2 and check. ¢ GEE Watch or listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1 Tom thinks Becky hasnt made a good impression. 2 Michael doesn't ike Becky. CONVERSATION SKILLS Imagining people's feelings @ @HEB What word is missing in each sentence? Listen and check lt you're excited abaut the malch this afterncen, 2 Tor tolls me you're an architect. That interasting. bh Read the exchanges and underline the phrases We use to imagine what someone else is feeling, 1 A I'm doing three pait-time jobs at the moment. B You must be very tired! 2 A |'m going to meet my boyiriendls parents for the fest time B | imagine you're e bit nervoust © Cb Look at the sentences below. Respond with must and an appropriate adjective. 1m planing a hodey to France. 2 Ive ust broken my tooth 3 (ve lst my smeriphone — and cat remember any cf my frends’ numbers, 4m learning Japaneee at tho moment Pm planning a! “holiday to France. a d 2 Toll your partner about some of the things below. Answer with 2 phrase from 4a or 4b. + something you're planning on doing soon + ahobby you have + a problem you have at so 1 g0 to Spanish tessons at 7.30 In the morning befo cee Yes, but really * enjoy them. oaliwork be very PRONUNCIATION sounding polite a @BE Listen to these sentences spoken twice. Which sentence sounds more polite, a or b? 1 Do you think you cous give me a hand? ab 2 Its wvely to meet you at ast a/b b @BaH Listen to three more pairs of sentences. Which sentences sound mote polite, @ or b? 1. How ong are you staying? a/b 2 She seoms realy great, 2/ D 3 I'm realy happy © heat tha, a/b ¢ Civ Practise saying the sentences in 5b with polite intonation, EASPEAKING B Communication 76 2 Student A: Read the instructions below, Student B: Go to p.128. Student A 1 You are steying with Student & in hisfher home. During the conversation, ask parmission to + use the intemet have a shower + wash some clothes 2 Student B is a new colleague in your office. Ask him! hher how i's going and try to sound interested (e.g. That must be ..). HolShe will ask you permission to do things. Dacide whether or nt to give permission image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available unit 8% ¢ @IEMD Pronunciation Listen to the sentences: below and the words in bold, Is the letter s EASPEAKING Pronounced as /s/ or /2/? @ You're going to talk about an experience you've had. Make 1 He suggested changing the woman's hairstyle notes about one of the following: 2 They promised to write 2 good reviow. + timo whon you recommendod something to someone (0.8. a 3 They advised him to advertise the hte! more, restaurant ora film) or someone recommended something to you 4 The woman telused to pay for the dessar. + time when someone wetned you not to do something d Practise saying the words in hold in 4c. i iont tenses + atime when you rofused to do somathing. What did you refuse to do? Why dit you refuse to do it? + time you or someone else promised to do something, but cida't ot. What was it? © Look at pictures 1-8 below. Report what the poople said using the reporting verbs from the box. ‘admitted advised offered promised ‘etinad Tieaeiol anal b CB Take turns to talk about your experience for at least a minute. Has anyone in your group had a similer experience? 1 She reminded him to reed the label. en oe ee team Sais oe 7 ia adding shennan inion a) Cee © niwreyen fe Se @ ‘dertiore image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. image image image not not not available available available a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available image image image not not not available available available a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. image image image not not not available available available Aaa ele SOM RO aT UTeR CRIT R ae) Teng iH HELISTENING a Ce Discuss the questions 1 When mas the last time you were very nerwous? 2. What situations make you nervous (e.g. public speaking, flying, sterting a new job)? What do you do ta calm down? b GEN Waich or listen to Part 1. What do you think. ‘Tom and Mark are talking about? ¢ @EM Watch or listen to Part 2 to check USEFUL LANGUAGE Talking about possible problems and reassuring someone a @\HM Watch or listen to Part 2 agein and complete the sentences. You've got to worry about im —— iti be OK You don't it's. a it boring? that something will o wrong. she says no? not going to say no. b Add the sentences in 2a to the table. eal Sea Youive g orry abou © Think of (real or invented) worries you might have about these situations. Talk to your partner Reassure them about their worries. + do badly in an exam + public soasking + a strosstul day at work + a difficult journey 122 eo ee eee meee! cre PRONUNCIATION Sounding sure and unsure a ©HG Listen to this extract from the conversation, Doss Tom sound sure or unsure? Mak Ton where are you taking her? I've booked a table at Bella Vita. I's the place were we went on our frst date b GEKH Now listen to Part 2 again. Does Tom sound sure or unsure all the way through? ¢ G)ER Listen to the following sentences. Do you think the speaker is sure or unsure? 1A Doyou think Rachel I think so, yes. Doos Rach! like pizza? I think so, yes When did you meet her? ‘About two years ago. Where did you go on your fist date? We went to Bela Vita, ints to go toa restauran a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. I think you should go for it 10 Skills for Writing EI SPEAKING AND READING °® Read the advert on the right for an organisation called NowVolunteer and discuss the questions. Join one of our programmes. See the world, help other people, develop new skills, What kind of organisation do you think NowVolun What kinds of progremmes do you think they offer 2. What kinds of people co you think doa Now! programme, and why? 3. Doyou think voluntos Pee ame LISTENING AND SPEAKING 'b Read the web page below quickly and check. rs have to pay money to work on a You're going to hear Greg talking about his experience of working with NowVolunteer. Look at the photos below. What do you think he might say about his trip? nome \ pRoJecTs IN US eee cone rea cent Pee ered health proje Madagascar. Do you want to have the adventure of a lifetime and make new friends from around the world? NowVolunteer is a volunteering organisation that gives you everything you need for your gap year between university and settling into a jab. Companies want to know about your experience, not just about your qualifications. So join us to improve your CV, See our Volunteer profiles to see what people say about their experience 'b GHEE Listen to Greg. Does he mention any of your ideas trom 2a? We organise specialist programmes in 50 countries, You can work with children, help local communities, work on environmental projects, learn a now skill... and at the same time have a great travel experiance © @IBGI Listen again and make netes in the table. What he studied 2 Reason or oing 3. How ne raised money 4. What he did 5 What happened n Just choose a programme and we'll take care of the details. All you need to do is raise up to $500 for our programmes before you go. We'll provide free accommodation d QR Discuss the questions 1 Wouid you like todo the seme programme as Crea? Why / Why not 2 De you know anyone who has dene volunteer work ike this? Iso, what was their experience of i? 3. Have you ever worked for no maney? ifs, did you enjoy it? while you're volunteering, 124 a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book.

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