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Which of the following is a strong password

A. 19thAugust88
B. P@asswOrd
C. !augustdelhi
D. Delhi88

Which of the following errors will be handled by the operating system?

A. Connection failure in the network

B. Power failure
C. Lack of paper in printer
D. All of the option

A microcomputer does not require a system bus.

A. False

B. True

Strangers can't bother much if we connect with them on social media.

A. True

B. False
Internet email enables the message to be delivered to the destination in near real time
A. False
B. True

The default text area for slide will start


A. Letters
B. Bullet
C. Alphanumeric
D. Numbers

From where do we set the time for each item?

A. View, Animation
B. Slide show, custom animation
C. Form, animation
D. Slide show, Slide transition

We should use slang language in formal email

A. False

B. True
Which is not required to use the service of POS system?

A. Account Number
C. Internet
D. Debit / Credit Card
What is the full form of SAS?

A. Simple animated system

B. Super Advertising System
C. statistical Analysis System
D. Smart Augmented System
Suppose a crawler crawls the website, then if there is no link to a page, it is called?

A. Deadend page
B. Home page
C. Absolute Page
D. Doorway Page

What is the role of the issuer in the context of Digilocker?

A. Issues e-document to government

B. Issue receipt to citizens
C. C. Issue e-documents to citizens
D. Issue printed documents to citizens

Computers in the Internet are connected to small networks, which are further
connected to the Internet bankbone by gateways.

A. False

B. True

Which option allows to remove printer from computer

Windows 10?

A. Remove device
B. Truncate device
C. Delete printer
D. Modify device
Internet browsers do not provide many navigation features to help the user save time
while surfing the Internet.

A. True

B. False
Paytm shifting its e-wallet business?

A. Its own payment bank

B. Idea
C. Airtel
D. Vodafone
There is a mirror command in Impress.

A. True

B. False

To add header or footer to your handout you can use.

A. The Master Handout
B. The slide Master
C. The title Master
D. The Notes Master
The 3D object command is found in the status bar.

A. True

B. False

When printingLibreoffice Calc Spreadsheet, one of the following is not an option

in thedropdown-menu of the Layout Tab Order of the Print Dialogbox?

A. Top to Bottom, then right

B. Right to left, then down
C. Left to right, then top
D. Left to right, then down

How to start a new presentation in Impress using ………?

A. New Presentation
B. Open Presentation
C. Create Presentation
D. Presentation Wizard
How many Chain Modes are available in Libreoffice Writer?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

In MIME digest come under which content

A. Type
B. Audio
C. Video
D. Multipart
The substance in memory is mercury

a. True

b. False

What operations are performed by Ram

a. Read and Write

b. Only Write
c. Only Read
d. Dependence on Computer

Which command is used to add a print job to the queue?

a. Ipq
b. Ipr
c. Ipd
d. Iipd

If an operator such as a common symbol is missing from the formula, the error message
displayed is

a. 540

b. 509

c. 404
d. 505

IVR can be accessed

a. Books
b. Images
c. Text
d. Phone

Which command is used to display all the files including hidden files in your current directory
and its subdirectory?

a. Is - r
b. Is - l
c. Is - ar
d. Is - a

Which of the following is the default media player in Ubuntu

a. VLC
b. Shot-well
c. Rhythm box
d. PLC

The process information in the current cell can be obtained by using

a. bg
b. kill
c. ps
d. Fg

The default template in Impress Presentation is

a. Image only
b. Content Only
c. Title and Content
d. Title Only

Which of the following command is used to access SMB share on Linux system?

a. smbserver
b. SMD
c. NFS
d. Smbclient
The contents of root filesystem is responsible to

a. Restart System
b. Change System
c. Shutdown System
d. Boot the system

Linux is the following command which you use to know the purpose of a command

a. Purpose
b. What
c. What Which
d. What is

Video feature of fb

a. watch
b. Instagram
c. Marketplace
d. Youtube

All the user information is stored in….

a. etc/passwd
b. bin/passwd
c. bin/users/passwd
d. etc/shadow

Who is ISP


What is E Sanjeevani

a. Government scheme for health

b. Socal media
c. Medical software
d. none

mac address is

a. Hexadecimal
b. Binary
c. Need for internet coonnection
d. Never can be change

Which is first generation computer


Which chart is not in the Chart menu

a. Pie
b. Bar
c. Line
d. Square
Through 3 to 5 How much is the charge for sending money

a. 30
b. 40
c. 35
d. 20

Minimum width of Libreoffice calc cell

a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3

Symbol '@' has the form of address -

a. a
b. at
c. and
d. aspect

The user can close the Libre spreadsheet by pressing

a. Ctrl + Shift + E
b. Ctrl + H
c. Ctrl + Q
d. Ctrl + T
Linux address space defines virtual address space. to which it has been assigned.

a. Process
b. virtual
c. The Processor
d. Main memory

A Libre Calc Spreadsheet Induced by Activated Cells on the limit is

a. A Blinking Border
b. A Dotted Border
c. A Deep Wide Border
d. By Italic text
" In order to promote digital transactions, banks An improved UPI is being proposed
forUPI What is ?

a. None of the Mentioned

b. Joined Payment Interface
c. Integrated Payment Interface
d. Unitary Payment Interface

Libre spreadsheet How default many worksheets are available ?

a. 3
b. 1
c. 4
d. 2

Which is the first graphics web browser

a. Mosaic
b. World wide web
c. Netscape
d. Safari

For how many minutes OTP remains valid

a. 1 year
b. 1 minute
c. One day
d. One month

what does cloud mean

a. Computer
b. Internet
c. Software
d. Hardware

Related to PSP What is

a. Payment security provider

b. Payment settlement platform
c. Payment service provider
d. None

Who is the father of super computer

a. Bill gates
b. Seymour Cray
c. Boris babayan
d. Charles Babbage

Shortcut key for duplicate slide

a. Ctrl + shift + D
b. Ctrl + D
c. Ctrl + S
d. none

Which command makes is an empty file. File does notexist?

a. ed
b. read
c. cat
d. touch
From where we can set the time for each object.

a. Format , animation
b. Slide show, slide transition
c. View, animation
d. Slide show, custom animation

SED Standard for –

a. Stream Editor
b. Smoke- Emitting Diode
c. Sweet Eagle Dreams
d. All of above
Network Failure is primarily a……. issue

a. performance
b. reliability
c. security
d. none of the above
Which function is not performed by computer

a. Inputting
b. processing
c. understanding
d. controlling

what happened with end command

a. Stop process
b. Stop file
c. Close document
d. Stop working
Which type of Pie Chart is not available

a. exploded
b. donut
c. spherical
d. exploded donut

Line on word upper side is known as

a. line
b. over line
c. underline
d. border
Dot Matrix printer speed is measured by
a. dpi
b. cps
c. bits
d. all

How many digits is cvv in credit card card?

a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
will file with wrong file extension open up

a. True

b. False

Message to multiple people separated by

a. ;
b. ,
c. .
d. :
a & b both

Which command is used for premature termination of a process?

a. signal
b. nice
c. kill
d. nohup
Who is the "father" of Artificial Intelligence?

a. (John MCcarthy)
b. (Allen Naval)
c. (Charles Babbage)
d. (Fisherda)
IIN (Institution Identification Number) is a digit number ?

a. r
b. 5
c. 11
d. 6

Which is the largest head of cluster in the world?

a. Data Matix
b. Google
c. Facebook
d. Apple

About of e-mail is organized in the inbox.

a. Date and Time

b. Subject
c. Client and server
d. Name

Which of the following commands is used to create a hard link?

a. Link
b. Hardlink
c. Hard
d. In

What is the shortcut key for new style in Libreoffice OfficeWriter?

a. Ctrl + F
b. shift +F11
c. Ctrl + F7
d. Shift +F5

Traditional rules for correct behavior on the Internet are called?

a. Rule
b. Protocol
c. Good Behavior
d. Netiquettes

What is defined by Handout Master?

a. Layout Format
b. Content Formatting for word export
c. Slide Format
d. Layout of Audience Handout notes

Mobile Application App that enables booking and cancellation of unreserved tickets among other

a. U.T.S.
b. R.I.S.

What is not required in ewallet wallet

a. Account number
b. Card detail
c. ATM
d. Internet

How to convert high level language to machine language

a. Interpreter (it converts 1 line in one tome)

b. Compiler
c. Assembler
d. Translator
We Can change computer background

a. True

b. False

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