The War in Spain. 14-1-1939, N.º 52

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No. 52 LONDON, 14th JANUARY, 1939 PRICE I d .


Y the time this Summary is in the hands of our readers, firing 42,741 shells . . . and durhig the month of June there

B M r . Chamberlain's visit to Signor Mussolini will have

ended. I t is unlikely that the pubhc will be fully informed
of the discussions. Is Spain to be mentioned ?—and, if so, wiU :
were in all 3,103 fhghts in 5,838 hours ; 718 tons of explosives
dropped and 4,543 shells fired. On December 28th, the Daily
Telegraph stated : " T h e proportion of foreigners among the
M r . Chamberlain inform the Duce that there can be no " appease- i Franco aviators is indicated by the fact that not long ago in
m e n t " in Europe so long as the Itahan Expeditionary Force Barcelona mihtary prison there were 35 Itahans, 17 Germans and
and the Legionary Aviation remain in the Peninsula. T h e blatancy only 8 Spaniards. Over a period of 12 months the insurgent
of German and Italian intervention, the British Government's aviators taken prisoners or picked u p dead and identified con-
complacent acceptance of every denial of it, and refusal to beheve sisted of 100 Itahans, 50 Germans and 16 Spaniards." As the
the simple facts, would be comic if it did not work out in favour world knows, the chief Itahan air base is in Majorca. General
of General Franco. T h e full story of Itahan intervention in the Monti recently replaced General Velardi in command of it. I t is
early stages of the war is well known. Málaga and Bubao are organised into groups of Pursuit aeroplanes (Fiat CR.32's)
claimed as " Itahan " victories. What we wish to emphasise and Bombers (Savoia S.79 and S.81 trhnotors) and there is a
now is that, notwithstanding promises to refrain from further group of seaplanes. It is from Majorca that Barcelona and other
intervention, Signor Mussohni continues to send large numbers coast tovras are bombed—^hideed, that air base has no other
of men and great quantities of arms to Spain. How can M r . purpose. It is now being made into a permanent Itahan naval
Chamberlain hope for " appeasement" so long as this contmues ? base. Children in Itahan schools are being taught that Majorca
T h e withdrawal of all foreigners from Spain should be the is a part of the Itahan Empire and " was conquered by the Duce
first step towards appeasement and, until that happens, there in 1936, one year after the conquest of Abyssinia."
can be no peace. How great a part is now being played by Italy Nor is the Itahan navy idle in the Spanish war. A part of it
the facts given below will indicate. is continuously m Spanish waters, and, if it does not take an open
Readers will remember that, on October 16th last, a great fuss part in the operations at sea, it acts as an intelhgence service
was made of the withdrawal of io,ooo Itahans who ,had been for the "Nationahsts." T h e Itahan destroyer Aquila was
eighteen months in Spain. This was considered by M r . transferred to Franco's navy under the name Velasco Melilla and
Chamberlain to be " a substantial withdrawal" and, on the the Falco as the Velasco Ceuta. There are two ItaUan submarmes
strength of it, the Anglo-Itahan Agreement was brought into in the rebel fieet, which had none at the beginning of the war.
operation on November i6th. Now, the withdrawal of these News from Spain in the second week of January indicated
10,000 men meant simply nothing; for in the first two weeks that, of the contingents of fresh ItaUan troops which have arrived
of November 8,ooo fresh Itahans arrived via Cádiz. T h e most since November, a new division called the " White Arrows " is
that could be extracted from M r . Butler, Under-Secretary for being formed m Extremadura. Hardly a day passes but fresh
Foreign Affairs, was an admission that there had been " a certain Itahan soldiers arrive in. Spain—and quite openly. For t h e
measure of assistance from Itahan sources " and he went on to latest offensive against Catalonia, masses of material were sent
say : " But I would not like it to be thought that in personnel it from both Germany and Italy, but especially the latter, as it is
has amounted to more than replacements." T h e recent offensive " MussoUni's offensive."
against Catalonia has exposed the Itahans in a manner which T h e above is a brief account of the state of Itahan intervention
leaves no doubt about the presence in Spain of at least 90,000 of in Spain at the moment of Mr. Chamberlam's Rome visit. I t is
them—a figure submitted by the Spanish Embassy in London true that Signor Mussohni has stated that he has no territorial
to the Foreign OflSce. The Times (December 28th, 1938) pub- ambitions. But he occupies Majorca. I t is also true that the Duce
hshed a message from its Rome correspondent in which he cited promised that no more troops would be sent. He continues to
Italian war correspondents' reports of the Legionary Army send them. And our Prime Minister, who on December 19th
Corps oifour divisions fighting under the Itahan General Cambara. admitted that there had been recent breaches of the Non-
I t is an extensively mechanised force, with some Spaniards in it, intervention Agreement, explained that he did not think that
and The Times goes on to report that it formed the spearhead what had been sent could be fairly said to amount to a breach of
of the " NationaUst" attack. T h e Littorio Division, which was the pledge given by the Itahan Government. If Signor Mussolini
supposed to have been disbanded months ago, made an un- has demonstrated anything in Spam, he has demonstrated
expected reappearance; and was found to be composed almost that he wiU sign any agreement, and break it the moment he finds
entirely of the veterans of Málaga, Bilbao and Santander! Those it opportune to do so.
veterans were supposed to be included in the 10,000 men
withdrawn. T h e hillsides of Catalonia now resound to cries of As these lines are written, Mussohni's armies in Spain are
Viva il Duce! I n the Tremp and Balaguer sectors General attempting to smash the Government's resistance, b u t they
Franco's forces operate with the aid of Italian artillery, aircraft have not succeeded in doing so. This is admitted in the Duce's
and tanks, and the whole of the Seres sector is reserved for the ovra newspaper, the Popólo ¿'/te/fa, which, writing of the struggle
Itahan army, consisting of the following divisions :— in Catalonia, says that the^Govemment defence is getting stronger
every day and that the struggle " promises to be a long and hard
Littorio; Black Arrow; Green Arrow; Blue Arrow. one." Indeed, it is now agreed that any hopes of a rebel victory
There are also the Black Flame and the "2yd March" have receded, because the Government army has proved itself t o
divisions, both of which were stated to have been disbanded in be capable of holding out against an utterly overwhelming
October. Nearly all the mechanised units of the " Nationahst" superiority m armaments. T h e morale behind the Government
army are Itahan, and they are commanded by Colonel Ohni. lines was never better than it is now. Those ruthless bom-
T h e artillery is commanded by Colonel d'Amico. I t is interesting bardments of the civU population have merely caused the Spanish
to read the Italian newspapers these days. They not only give people to be more determined than ever. At Franco's
full accounts of the exploits of their army in Spain, but they headquarters they are ashamed of these massacres, for recentiy
boast that it is thanks to the Italian Army that General Franco all news of them is kept out of the rebel press. Spaniards in t h e
has advanced in his most recent offensive. T h e famous Littorio " Nationahst " zone do not hke the idea of their friends in t h e
division was so badly cut u p that it had to be withdrawn. loyahst area being bombed by Germans and Itahans. A very
We have often in these columns given information regarding significant pamphlet recently came from the ofiices of t h e
the Itahan Air Force in Spam. T h e Stampa in July last year Heraldo de Aragón in which this sentence appeared : " W e
stated that in April the Itahan squadrons had accomphshed should rather open our arms to the red soldiers than seU Spain t o
2,398 flights in 4,729 hours, dropping 291 tons of explosives and greedy foreigners." T h a t wUl probably be the decisive factor.

Biblioteca Nacional de Espaa mi

" S i r , I Protest" that there is no war, as far as we know, between two nations,
both friendly to the United States, we cannot under any kmd
General Franco has once again snubbed the British Govern­ of law be regarded as a neutral nation. It has been the custom
ment, and we may confidendy expect that yet another protest in this country to support any friendly nation faced with an
will be put in the post to him. The Acting British Agent at insurrection. Never before in our history have we failed to do
Burgos has been refused access to Mr. Ernest Golding, the so. As to the effect of our so-called neutrahty, we are extremely
British Pro-Consul in Burgos, who was arrested at the begmning im-neutral, in that we bar arms and munitions for the legitimate
of the week. He has requested information regardmg the Government of Spam and, through the subterfuge of faihng to
charges brought against Mr. Golding and his wife; the request see Germany and Italy at war, send arms to the rebels through
has been contemptuously ignored. The British Govermnent those nations."
were not informed that General Franco proposed to arrest
Mr. Golding. It is obviously unnecessary for the General to U.S. Public opinion and Spain
indulge in the usual diplomatic courtesies when he knows that
the only retahation will be one more ofthe now famous protests. It is a strange and tortuous pohtical mind which can refuse
the export of arms to one country stmgghng against a foreign
invasion whilst freely supplying another country engaged in a
Fair Excliange like straggle. The United States are selUng to the Chinese
Fourteen Fascist aviators made prisoner by the Repubhcans miUtary material of all kinds to assist them to repel the invasion
were exchanged ia December for an equal number of pilots of of their country by the totahtarian greed of Japan. It appears
the LoyaUst army made prisoner by Franco. There were that in this case they are anxious to defend themselves against
eleven Spaniards and three foreigners among the RepubUcan any possible encroachment by the Japanese on their own pre­
pUots; the three foreigners had been made prisoner early in serves, that they are hoping to ensure the safety of their Pacific
the war. The nationality of the fourteen Franco aviators was • coast—in one word, it is a pohcy of self-protection. A refer­
as follows : Spaniards, n o n e ; ItaUans, fourteen. endum taken by the Instimte of PubUc Opinion late in 1938
showed that the sympathies of most of the American people
Children's Prison are with the Spanish Government. According to the pubhshed
The well-known journaUst Ojier PreteceUle, contributor t o figures 76 per cent, support the Government and 24 per cent,
Voz de Madrid of Paris, recently had a long conversation with a (^neral Franco. Some months after the beginning of the war
weU-known merchant of the rebel zone. This man did not a referendum on the same matter showed 65 per cent, for the
hesitate to risk evers^tíiing to be free from the moral, poUtical Government and 35 per cent, for the insurgents. The Instimte
and economical nightmare of Franco and his myrmidons. The reports that a year ago 50 per cent, of the people questioned
said gentleman arrived in Paris not long ago, where he gave expressed no opinion, and that this year the proportion has
Ojier PreteceiUe a precise account of all he has seen and suffered fallen to 33 per cent. There can, then, be no doubt that the
in rebel territory. Many of the particulars are already well majority of Americans wish the embargo to be raised. Cathohc
known. But there is a fact which reveals anew the cruelty opinion is also turning in this direction; the CathoUc paper, the
practised by the traitors and their accomphces. It is the creation Commonweal, expresses the pomt of view of thousands of people
of a " Children's Prison " which has been installed in the old aU over the country who cannot understand this apparent
prison of San Marcos in León. There are some 4,000 chUdren favourmg of a bogus Christian Cmsader.
of all ages imprisoned there, suffering the most inhuman treat­ Now, at last. President Roosevelt has paid heed to the voice
ment. All belong to famihes of the " Left." Their only fault of his countrymen. In his Presidential Address of January 4th
is to be ignorant of, or not to be willing to dividge, where their he frankly acknowledged the failure of the neutrahty laws in
parents and brothers are hidmg. These are people whom the their present form. " We have learned," he said, " that . . .
O.V.R.A. or Gestapo wish to capture. our neutraUty laws may operate unevenly and unfairly, and may
actually give aid to an aggressor and deny it to his victun. The -
The Phalange and the Jews insthict of self-preservation should warn us that we ought not
Every day the so-caUed " Spanish and Traditionahst Phalange " to let that happen any more." America has reahsed that her own
becomes subject to more influence by Nazi Germany. The safety is being threatened, and that if she allows the aggressor
Phalange has now imitated poUticaUy all the Nazi methods and countries to continue to act exactly as they please, the unpregnable
has estabhshed mstitutions shnilar to those estabhshed by isolation which she has for some time enjoyed is hkely to become
Hitier in Germany. The " Fraternity in city and country " and a tiung of the past. The revision of the Neutrahty Act and the
" Social Rehef" organisations were founded shortly after the cessation of its unfair apphcation wUl warn the dictators of
return of some Phalangist leaders from Germany, bringing Europe that one great nation, at any rate, is not going to kow-tow
concrete instructions with them. The Phalangists, who caUed to them. This lead to the democratic countries is of great
themselves " Heirs of the Catholicism of the Catholic Monarchs," importance.
have agreed (and clearly show as much through their mani­
festoes) to become pagans, foUovmig instructions from Berlin. 1938-39 Agricultural Campaign
And, following simi ar orders, they have initiated a persecution The Muiister of Agriculmre, Sr. Uribe, has taken the
agamst Jews. Lately the Phalangists have demanded that the necessary steps to see that production may be duly organised in
Moroccan Jews shall be compelled to pay ;f 100,000 as a con­ the whole Repubhcan territory within the first three months
tribution to the war. This raciahsm, with its brutal persecution, of 1939. In his recent trip to the southern and central zones.
is beuig practised by the Spanish Phalangists, who find in it a Sr. Uribe marked out the lands that must be used for the new
new means of intensifying their crimes against real patriots. campaign. On dry lands the wheat sowing has reached the
80 per cent, of normal amounts due to the dry speU. Never­
The U . S . and the arms embargo theless, in some Castihan cereal zones the total percentage wUl
Pubhc opmion moves slowly in the democratic countries. be completed by sowing barley and oats. In the provinces of
In the United States the massed forces of reaction have up to Levante wheat growing offers favourable conditions. Murcia
now succeeded in preventing the arms embargo against Spain and Ahcante offer a much higher percentage over normal years.
from being raised. In November of last year the Lawyers' On irrigated lands, potato sowing is being prepared and the
Conference, held at Washington to consider this matter, decided seed is to arrive from England and HoUand. On aU services
to caU upon President Roosevelt and Secretary of State HuU dependent on the Ministry of Agriculmre experts and modem
with a plea to permit the Spanish Government free purchase of machinery, fertiUsers, etc., are being used, and the Trade Unions
munitions. co-operate in a magnificent manner. So much mterest is taken
It was agreed that only by prevention of a Franco victory in by aU concerned that nothing is bemg left to chance and only
Spain could the United States be assured that Nazi and Fascist abnormal weather or war conditions may alter the rhythm of
iii&ltration into South America would be stopped. Professor labour in the fields. Some departments of the Ministry are
James W. Gamer, editor ofthe American Journal of Intemational ready to collaborate technicaUy in the new General Supply
Law, declared that the obUgations of the United States toward Services of recent creation. This organisation wUl see to it
the Spanish Repubhc under international law were so clear that farmers are duly suppUed with everything they need during
that unless the country lifted the embargo they could be charged the sowing season and after.
with faUing to prevent the dismemberment of a friendly power
by internal and external enemies. " The word ' neutrality,'" Portugal
Justice Wolfe of the Supreme Court of Utah said, " p r e ­ The Portuguese magazme Seara Nova of Lisbon recently
supposes a position taken by one nation as against two others at pubUshed an article by M. A. Sousa Gomes under the heading
war. Here, we are in no such position. Spam is not at war " Lessons and Facts " in which, after having remarked that there
with any other nation. If the American Government were to is stUl a great number of Cathohcs who do not seem to under­
recognise the fact that legaUy or ülegally the Governments of stand present-day poUtics, that one cannot simply divide men
Italy and Germany are at war with Spain, then a position of into Communists and non-Communists, and that many things
neutrahty might be one of logic. However, in view of the fact have altered since the begummg of the Spanish war, he says:

Biblioteca Nacional de Espaa

"Although at the beginnmg of this war Germany and Italy pubhc worship of any other rehgion wiU be perndtted. Re-
seemed to be two brdhant and brave supporters of Christian garding private worship, other than CathoUc, in places not pubUc,
civihsation, they have now shown the whole world that the this can be permitted in some cases, out of respect for partial
civihsation they proclaim and pretend to implant in their own truth, for the mistaken rehgiosity in good faith, and in order to
countries is in its structure opposed to true and fraternal Christian prevent greater evUs—always by express agreement in each case,
civihsation. Some Cathohcs, perhaps many, are surprised to see with Ecclesiastical Authority. (5) All the laws of the Church and
that Christian Rome has not wanted to steer the same course as its jurisdiction, as they are expressed in the existing canonical
that of these make-beheve defenders of civihsation. On the code, wül be recognised as included organically in the juridical
contrary, it has sympathised with France, which is systematically statute of the Spanish State. (6) The Church wdl be given
abused by so many Portuguese. If they are not blinded by pohtical effective watch over Spanish education, press and printing in
passion, they must admit that the Church is right and that, dogmatic matters. (7) The question of Church property, stolen
thanks to the justice of its prevision, its movements are not by the Government of Mendizabal, will be definitely hqtddated
hindered to-day, and that it does mt admire the Fascist rule of through the cession of these properties to the Spanish Catiiohc
these two countries which march in a different direction from that State by the Church. (8) Independently of this liquidation, the
of hfe's Christian feehngs. As they do not wish to waste time Spanish State wiU include annuaUy at the head of its budget
thinking, it so happens tibiat, in spite of the anti-Christian trend the necessary apportionment for the expenses of rehgion, clergy,
in Germany, followed step by step by Italy, many people beheve jurisdiction, inspection of education, and other ftmctions en-
that Germany is supporting Christian civihsation in Spain, trusted to l i e Church. (9) The detaUs of these functions will be
whereas inside Germany and Central Europe she is its fiercest regulated, either through a law or a concordat." In the fields of
enemy. As they have a ved over their eyes, they do not see that education and culture, the programme for Fascist Spain is
the problems of 1938 are not the same as in 1936 ; and they stdl narrow, intolerant and reminiscent of the Inquisition. Pemartín
look upon the Spaidsh problem as they did before. Portugal will makes the foUowing clear defence of intolerance : " It is said by
remahi more united with Europe if a pohtical unit inspired by a some, including well-intentioned CathoUcs, that the opinions of
racial spirit is not implanted in the Penmstda, but if, on the con- others must be tolerated and respected. We emphaticaUy reject
trary, they make a logical and natural readjustment which wiU this assertion, not as reUgious men, but because of our scientific
obtain the respect of classes, race and temperaments which are outlook. We should never have respect or tolerance for these
more or less different." mistaken opinions that can be neither tolerated nor respected,
but what we should have would be compassion and charity for
those who hold to these ideas, attributing their behefs to weak-
Blue Print for a Fascist Spain nesses of understanding and mental illnesses." The Roman
Perhaps the most hnportant book to come from Franco's Cathohc Church is to be granted a monopoly in education.
Spaia is Qué es lo Nuevo (" What the New Spirit is " ) by José " CathoUc rehgious education wiU be obUgatory m aU grades
Pemartín, the head ofiicial responsible for university and secondary and in both oflicial and private Spanish education. There can be
education in the Burgos Junta. It is pubhshed by Cultura no exceptions to this principle," the author declares. " T h e
Española, and sold at 12 pesetas by the Liberaría Internacional coUaboration of the speciahsed teaching rehgious orders with the
at San Sebastian. The book is a sort of Mein Kampf, but with- State, on a large scale, by means of subsidies and a considerable
out the personal or biographical detads. It is, in fact, a complete enlargement of their estabhshments, is by far the best and most
scheme for the Fascistisation of " Nationahst " Spam and, as perfect solution in the new CathoUc-Fascist Spanish State, for
it is pubhshed with authority, one must accept it as a serious the solution of the problem of the war orphans and of the orphan
contribution to the ideology which the General Franco and his homes and centres of professional instruction of working class
supporters wish to impose upon Spaniards. It wiU disillusion youth in general," he further states. However, he also makes it
those people in England and elsewhere who imagine that the clear that this training is expected to produce young Fascists.
Burgos Junta are not working hand-in-glove with Hitler and " Make this test," he suggests. " Superimpose the forms of the
Mussohni for the estabhshment of an out-and-out Fascist Spanish State, Cathohc-Fascist, on the model Cathohc in-
State. In News of Spain (New York, December 21st, 1938) stitutions of workers' professional education; on such histitu-
appeared a very fuU review and analysis of this disturbmg book, tions as, for example, the Electro-Techidcal Workers' Institute
from which we take the following extracts : ' The author of Father Pérez del Pulgar, S.J., the Salesian shops for pro-
provides a thorough refutation of the fiction spread in demo- fessional instruction and other similar schools. And you wiU
cratic countries by Franco's apologists, alleging that Franco see legions of selected workers, speciaUsts, educated with superior
Spain is not Fascist. Pemartín not only admits that Rebel moral ideals, come out of these instimtions and constitute the
Spain is Fascist, but boasts that Spain wdl become the most most loyal squadrons of Spanish Fascism." Specially marked for
Fascist state in Europe. " We have said before that we in Spam destruction by the Spamsh Fascist State is the famed Institución
had the right to be more papist than the Pope," he writes ; " in Libre de Enseñanza, the Free Educational Institute, which was
the same way we can be more Fascist than Fascism itself, because formed in 1876 " as a protest against state and clerical control of
our Fascism must be perfect, absolute : ' Fascism is a rehgious education," as Rhea Marsh Smith describes it in the recent
conception,' Mussohni has written. Spanish Fascism wiU book, Tfie Day of the Liberals in Spain. " It was a private
be, then, the rehgion of Rehgion. Fascism," he declares, " not association," Rhea Marsh Smith writes, "independent of any
only can and must be in Spain, but Spain is the only European rehgious or pohtical party. The methods of teaching were
nation where it can achieve its absolute expression." The progressive. It gained European fame, stimulated other institu-
new Spain of Franco is to be mihtaristic and anti-democratic. tions, and helped secure greater freedom for Spanish teaching."
Pemartín writes : " Therefore, however necessary the im- On this matter Pemartin says: " Of the Free Educational
mediate mihtary triumph may be, the ulthnate mihtary action Institute, anti-CathoUc, anti-Spanish, there must not be left
is not less so. There should be understood by this last the pro- one stone on another. University education in Madrid wUl
longation of the military command as long as necessary to purify be, inexorably, from here on, patriotic, Cathohc and loyal, or it
and elevate Spanish political life by the infusion of those high wUl not be." The Rebel Spanish State is not only to be Fascist
mihtary virtues and the eradication of contrary pohtical vices." within its own borders, but its foreign pohcy is to foUow that of
Or again : " . . . Spam must have a vital military tone, the " International Fascism," which is the title Pemartín gives
same as her companions, the other Fascist nations. . . . Finally Chapter VIII of his book. In the first-line of international
in one way or another, we are all agreed in repudiating the Fascism he hsts Italy, Germany, Rebel Spain, Portugal, Hungary
democratic Repubhc and in desiring a mihtary government of and Japan; in the second-line, pro-Fascist states, he lists
centrahsed power, of a single man, of a single caudillo, that is Guatemala, San Salvador and Nicaragua, and foUovring these,
to say, monarchist." This plan for Spain envisages not rehgious Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chde, Cuba, Argentina, Ireland,
liberty and freedom of worship, but a state church, with religion Belgium and Poland. Opposed to this Fascist group, Pemartín
serving the political ends of the state. " We must be absolutely puts Russia, France " through her internal degradation suffered
intolerant of ideologies and opinions contrary to the Catholic at the hands of the ignoble Jew Blum," England and, "behind
rehgion, and their propaganda must be absolutely and decisively these, the other Anglo-Saxon nations, still suffering from the ;
banished in all its forms, be it pohtical, philosophical or opium of democratic parhamentarism." In this latter category ;
proselytising for false rehgious," he states. Also : " Spanish he includes the United States, which m another place he caUs =
Fascism must be a Cathohc Fascism, but it must be well under- " not a nation but a huge conglomeration of peoples and races, •
stood that it is not only Cathohc but Catholic Spanish." And : under the moral depression of the defeat which Japan wUl inflict
" If we want to be real Fascist, we must support ourselves on our on them, sooner or later." Of England he writes : " The
fundamental national ideology which is Cathohc. The Spanish evident decadence of the British Empire could also have in this,
state must be Cathohc," the Rebel educator declares and outhnes our fuU conception of the CathoUcisation of the modern world,
the consequences of his statement : " (i) The Catholic rehgion a place analogous to that of the decadence of the Roman Empire
must be declared the ofiicial rehgion of the State. (2) No teach- in the Christianisation of the old world." The Fascist countries
ing wdl be permitted against the Cathohc rehgion, neither in are treated with more respect. Italy and Germany, he declares, -
official estabhshments nor m private. (3) No proselytism, public are " new buds in the sun " and he praises the " pohcy of tension
o r private, wiU be aUowed in favour of other rehgious. (4) No

Biblioteca Nacional de Espaa

and danger, of which Italy has given such a magnificent example
in the Abyssinian war, and doubtless Germany is to give in the THE "NATIONALISTS'
future, as foretold in Mein Kampf." Moreover, " if Germany,
Italy or Portugal should be attacked or conquered by the Masonic H6IL MITUR! VIVA IL
demagoguery of other countries, or by the satisfied or selfish DUCE »
ACH so;
imperiahsms of the so-called rich nations. Spam would feel eVIVA !
obhged, xmder penalty of losing her self-respect, to come to the
rescue with all the forces of the State and the potentiahty of her
favoured geographical position. . . . " Latin America is also to
be drawn into the Fascist orbit. One of the imperatives of
Spanish existence, he declares, is " T o extend and expand our
great Latm, Christian, Hispanic culture and our pohtical juris­
diction, above aU; over the South American countries, of Hispanic
soul and language." T h e labour organisations in Rebel Spain
will /be founded on the patterns of Nazi Germany and Fascist
Italy. " T h e magnificent German national-socialist movement
. . . deserves all our admiration and enthusiasm," writes OF CERVANTES HFRE-
Pemartin. " The interior organisation, especially that dealing with IVIVA LA REPÚBLICA;
the relations between labour and capital, is also very notable,
highly original and worthy of the greatest attention . . . the
outstandmg feature of the German organisation is its G e r -
manicism, which should move us to establish our own organisa­
tion—identical in aims—but profoundly Spanish." This ofiicial
in Franco's Government describes the Phalangist plan for labour
organisations (embodied in the Franco Labour Charter of March
9th, 1938) as identical with their Itahan models : " The Itahan AT UAST !
National Corporation is exactly the same as the National Vertical A TONGUE I
Syndicate of the Phalanx. T h e only difierence is in the name and CAN UNDERST/«NOJ
m the method of fulfilment ; in the exact point of verticahsa-
tion or fusion of the divergent elements." On yet two
other points Pemartin identifies Phalangist Spain with the
Fascist International : anti-Semitism and anti-Masonry. H e
writes : " T h e programme for the total Cathohcisation of Spain men were drunk in a cabaret and, to amuse themselves, they
cannot be achieved without decided and opportime action against staged a " b u r i a l " of Primo de Rivera. They were arrested
the Anti-Catholic sects; agamst Masonry and Judaism. . . . and have probably been executed. These men had left t h e
We do not want to end this book without vigorously pointing Peninsula for Africa a few days earUer and were to instruct new
out that Masonry and Judaism are the two great and powerful recnuts. T h e rebel " High Commissioner" has issued an
enemies of the Fascist movement in the regeneration of order that aU native property-owners who left the Spanish
Europe ; even more specifically in the regeneration of Spain, Protectorate durmg 1936-37-38 must return to that zone within
in the totaUy Cathohc meaning which we advocate. Hitler fifteen days. After that time the authorities wUl proceed t o
is thoroughly right in his anti-Jewish fight. Mussohni has sequester all forms of property, real and personal, belonging to
perhaps done more for the greatoess of Italy, through the those who have not obeyed the order. A traveUer who arrived
dissolution of Masonry than through any other measure." ' from the Spanish Protectorate this month of December stated
that bloody coUisions had taken place the night before—^between
sentinels of a native prison ui Tetuan and a group of young
Unrest behind Franco's Lines Arab NationaUsts. They had attempted to free a number o f
In spite of the brutal repressions, arrests en masse, daüy soldiers lately imprisoned by the rebel authorities because they
executions, tortures infiicted upon pohtical prisoners and had refused to go back to Spain. There was shooting on both
deserters, the movement of protest against the Burgos Junta sides and, as a result, two men were kiUed and several wounded.
increases every day in rebel territory. This movement is so T h e young members of the Reformist Party and the majority
real that it has created a most difficult simation in Burgos. I n of students of weU-to-do famiUes are incited against the rebel
this city, the population—as in Salamanca—^is in contact with authorities.
the reahty of the facts and the truth. A movement of rebelUon T h e " Opposition " grows.
was initiated recently obUging the authorities to close forty
bars, cafés, etc., in one day, at the same time arresting all Totalitarian War on Catalonia
customers. Repression does not end there, nor do the protests
stop. According to latest information 300 mihtary men have T h e following are the statistics of the attacks made by t h e
been arrested. They are members of the regiüar army from the Italo-German Air Force on open cities in Catalonia, from July,
rank of colonel down to ensign. I n other cities such as Pamp­ 1936, to October 31st, 1938 :—
lona, Segovia and San Sebastian arrests have increased. Prisons Cities attacked 73
and concentration camps are ftdl of people who until quite Shelling from the sea 18
recentiy were considered as defenders of the " N a t i o n a h s t " Air-raids 627
movement, but who are now classified as " doubtful " or Bombs dropped 16,138
" lukewarm." I n several cities the garrisons have made pubhc SheUs fired 480
demonstrations of sympathy towards the Repubhc, condemning Persons kiUed 4,108
the mvasion. On December 8th three soldiers who were Persons injured 6,174
travelUng in a tram from SeviUe to Camas, when passing through Buddings totaUy destroyed 2,138
one of the main streets of SeviUe, shouted " Long live the Buildings partiaUy destroyed . . 3,798
Republic" invitmg the other passengers to join them, which
the passengers did. T h e soldiers were arrested and court- Barcelona suffered over 170 bombardments; 2,500 people
martiaUed. A spy or " h s t e n e r - i n " of the Itahan Ovra or were kiUed, nearly 3,200 were injured, and approximately 1,200
German Gestapo had denounced them. One very often hears buUdings were wholly or partiaUy destroyed. Smce October 31st
cheers for the Repubhc in the mihtary prisons. I n the civü attacks have multiplied. T h e rebel command maintains that
prisons, where the régime of terror is greater, prisoners do not " only mihtary objectives " are attacked. If we accept, theoretic­
answer the forced shout of " Spain vmited, great and free " aUy, that such " mihtary objectives " existed in San Fehu de
excepting the last word "free "—^which they roar with aU their Guixols, for example, with a population of 6,000 inhabitants,
strength. This form of demonstration by pohtical prisoners what can be left of these objectives after twenty-seven bom­
is such that, in the Pamplona prison, they are forced to answer, bardments ? Why threaten it with new aggressions ? And what
but oidy about a hundred of the 5,000 prisoners obey the order. about Palam6s after twenty-one bombardments ? If there are
T h e others refuse to answer, in spite of the inhmnan treatment any left it must be admitted that Italo-German pilots are very
they receive because of their rebelUous behaviour. T h e anni­ poor, technicaUy speaking, when they cannot make a thorough
versary of Primo de Rivera's death was commemorated through­ job of destroying " mihtary objectives " in defenceless villages.
out Franco Spain by a day of mourning. I n Ceuta that same But the actual truth is that they do not strive to attain any other
day four Spanish non-commissioned officers of the Ifni rifle- end than that of systematically kilUng women, chUdren a n d
aged people.

Prmted m Great Bntarn for the Proprietors, UNITED EDITORIAL LIMITED, I I Gt. Tumsdle, London, W . C . i , by the LONDON CALEDONIAN PRESS L T D .
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