My Journey Back To Absa From Senior Developer To

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My Journey Back
to Absa: From
Senior Developer
to Leading
How open communication and a passion for
technology and people led to a successful re‐
union with a former employer.

After experiencing Absa's culture and vision firsthand

during my consulting days, I was captivated. It was a
workplace that felt like home - with inspiring projects
and driven individuals. That's why I jumped at the
chance to join as a Senior Developer.

Fueled by my passion for innovation, I soon found

myself leading the charge for home loans, mortgage
loans, and branch journeys. It's been a fulfilling jour‐
ney contributing to the bank's success, and I couldn't
be more grateful to be a part of such an amazing

However, when the bank made a software-related

shift, I was hesitant to fully embrace the change and
ultimately made the difficult decision to leave. While
my departure was not due to a lack of commitment, I
expressed my concerns to the CIO about my prefer‐
ence for a certain technological state. Fortunately,
that honest conversation paved the way for my return
to Absa, where I am now excited to lead the Physical
Channels branch.

My passion is twofold, encompassing both technolo‐

gy and people. As much as I enjoy working with cut‐
ting-edge technology, I find great satisfaction in help‐
ing others achieve their goals, especially those who
are new to the industry. That's why transitioning from
a technical role to a leadership role has been a fulfill‐
ing opportunity for me. With my extensive domain
knowledge and years of experience working along‐
side the same team, I am confident that we can deliv‐
er exceptional results. It's rewarding to see someone
grow and develop under my mentorship and eventu‐
ally become a successful professional in their own

My other passion is tech, and during my time away

from Absa, I became an avid learner, seeking out op‐
portunities to expand my knowledge and expertise in
this field. I delved deep into the world of micro ser‐
vices architecture and micro frontend architecture,
cutting-edge techniques that have enabled me to de‐
velop a unique perspective on how technology can
drive growth and success in the banking industry. My
experience working at a different organization has
also given me the chance to compare the practices
of my current employer with those of Absa. As a re‐
sult, I am excited to bring the best of both worlds to
our operations here at Absa, leveraging my vast do‐
main knowledge and years of experience working
alongside the same team to deliver exceptional re‐
sults. I am committed to creating a team that is not
only lean but also motivated to drive innovation and
technology delivery.

Having experienced growth opportunities firsthand, I

am committed to providing similar opportunities to
others and helping them become better versions of
themselves. I am aware of the extensive training and
financial support available at Absa, which unfortu‐
nately, I did not take advantage of during my previ‐
ous tenure. However, returning to Absa presents an‐
other opportunity for me to access these resources
and leverage them to maximise my potential.  

In my new role, I am truly thrilled about the bank's

strategic shift from paper-based transactions to digi‐
tal ones, powered by cutting-edge technologies such
as the Internet of Things and big data. This transfor‐
mation is not only geared towards elevating the cus‐
tomer experience in our branches but also position‐
ing Absa as a trailblazer in the banking industry. As a
long-time Absa customer, I am personally invested in
the potential impact this shift will also have on my
life. The rise of online institutions has already set a
new standard for seamless onboarding processes
and user-friendliness, and traditional banks must
adapt to stay relevant in a rapidly changing land‐

In addition to its impact on the banking industry, our

transition to paperless banking is also an important
step towards a more sustainable future. By reducing
our reliance on paper, we can significantly reduce our
carbon footprint and contribute to the health of our
planet. As someone who believes in responsible re‐
source management and the importance of leaving a
positive impact on the world, this aspect of the trans‐
formation is particularly meaningful to me.

If you're thinking of rejoining a former employer, take

a moment to reflect on your previous departure. If
you left on good terms, with open communication
and a mutual understanding that leaving was the
best decision, you'll likely be welcomed back warmly.
But even if you didn't leave on the best note, with hu‐
mility and a willingness to learn from past experi‐
ences, you can approach rejoining in a positive and
constructive way.

No matter the situation, maintaining open communi‐

cation with the company is crucial. Reach out to for‐
mer colleagues and superiors, explain your decision
for leaving, and showcase how you've grown and de‐
veloped since then. Emphasize how your skills and
experience can benefit the company's operations
and show that you're committed to their success. Be‐
fore you know it, you'll be on your way to a bright fu‐
ture with your former employer.

This partnership is an exciting new start for me. I am

thrilled to be part of Absa and its strategic vision for
the future. As someone who values collaboration and
innovation, I am excited about the potential to bring
fresh ideas and skills to the table and work alongside
the talented team. I am committed to continuous
growth and development, both professionally and
personally, and believe that Absa provides the per‐
fect environment.

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