2014-01 Winter

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IODE … women dedicated to a better Canada WINTER 2014

Communities Benefit from IODE Involvement

Each year, the members of IODE
Dr. W. J. Knox, Kelowna, BC,
have a special stuffed bear made to
honour a chapter member. Kay
Pettman, an active member for 68
years, holds her special ‘Good
News Bear’ which was made to
honour her. She doesn't get to
keep the bear – it is donated to the
local food bank. A ticket to win
Members of IODE Rt. Hon. Vincent the bear rewards each donation to Members of IODE Margaret Brand,
Massey, C.H., Sydney, NS, attended a the food bank. Someone else will Nepean, ON, worked, laughed and donat-
Citizenship Ceremony during the 300th win and snuggle with this bear! ed their time at the Philemon Wright
Anniversary of the Fortress of Louisbourg. Partnering with the food bank is High School cafeteria to assist in prepar-
Shown (l-r) President Mora Smith, Pamela great publicity for IODE. ing a turkey dinner for 200 people. The
Baker-Clark, Lorraine Walker, Velma chapter also provided $500 towards the
Rhymes, an RCMP Corporal and Sheila cost of the dinner and for gifts for those
MacDonald. Both Velma and Sheila are children attending. One student said the
60-year pin recipients. The Fortress of gift she received from IODE would be the
Louisbourg is a national historic site and the only gift that she would receive for
largest 18th century reconstruction project Christmas. IODE members usually need to
in North America. More than a dozen keep a tissue handy for tears when carry-
buildings are open for viewing and during ing out their good works.
the summer re-enactors populate the streets
of the restored fortress. Visit and relive a pe-
riod of time in Canada’s history.

IODE Royal Baby Literacy Project

Inspired by the birth of the first great- and promote your chapter and IODE.
grandson of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth Special edition bookplates have been
II, IODE Canada is launching a new liter- developed for placement in books donated.
acy project. Chapters are encouraged to These can be ordered from Head Office or
collect books suitable for young children downloaded from the National website to
and donate them to libraries, grief centres, be used with Avery 5164 labels. Keep a
schools, daycares or shelters in honour of record of all books collected and report their
Prince George. values to IODE Canada on 2014 Annual
Take pictures of your presentation and Report Forms. The results of the book drive
submit them to Echoes or for use on the web- will be announced in St. John’s, NL, at the
site. Invite the media to your presentations time of the 2015 National Annual Meeting.

IODE Canada is a national women’s charitable organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life
for individuals through education support, community service and citizenship programs.
The Official Publication of IODE Message from National President E. Anne Mason
No. 416 - Winter Issue January 2014

PATRON: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II I had the honour of attend- application, coming soon on
HONORARY PRESIDENT: ing a 100th Anniversary cel- www.IODE.ca. On page 8,
Her Excellency Mrs. Sharon Johnston, C.C. ebration last fall for IODE you will find an update on
40 th Northumberland the 2013 grant recipient.
The National Chapter of Canada IODE Regiment in Norwood, I invite you to the 114th
40 Orchard View Blvd., Suite 219 ON. Community partners, National Annual Meeting,
Toronto, ON M4R 1B9 family, friends and members taking place this year on 30-
Tel: 416-487-4416 gathered together to reflect 31 May at the Four Points by
Fax: 416-487-4417 on a varied history of sup- Sheraton in London,
National President Anne
Toll Free: 1-866-827-7428 port and involvement in Ontario. The theme this
Mason (l) with Lisa Cossar,
Email: iodecanada@bellnet.ca their small rural town. It was year is Lead by Example. In
President of IODE 40 th
Website: www.IODE.ca Membership a wonderful evening of Northumberland Regiment, addition to plenaries, work-
memories and a window in- at the chapter’s 100 th shops and the presentation
EDITOR: Linda Dennis
to the future of this vibrant Anniversary dinner. of special annual awards, this
Echoes Committee reserves the right to edit
chapter. year we are pleased to pres-
all IODE chapter notes. Articles appearing in
They are not alone. In 2014, several more ent Chicken Soup for the Soul co-author Janet
Echoes may be reprinted with credit given
chapters will celebrate 100 years as an IODE Matthews as a guest speaker on Saturday. I
to IODE Canada. Printed in Canada.
chapter. This is a significant landmark and look forward to seeing you in London!
I congratulate everyone on this remarkable By the way, did you notice in my picture
Submissions to Echoes can be sent to
achievement. See the names on page nine. that Lisa Cossar is wearing a United Nations
When is your anniversary? How will you Peacekeeper bar with her IODE badge? Lisa
celebrate? Perhaps with a special project to is one of 26 members who have this hon-
Changing your address or your email address?
further enhance your community? Don't for- our. She wears her bar for her husband,
Please let us know!
get to recognize the valued members of your Lieutenant Colonel Ross Cossar, former
STAY CONNECTED chapter who deserve special recognition for Commanding Officer of the Hastings and
their accomplishments! Start planning now Prince Edward Regiment. IODE is proud of
and tell us all about it. its association with our country’s troops and
The IODE 100th Anniversary Grant we thank them all for their service to
Visit us at www.IODE.ca Program to alleviate child abuse and neglect Canada.
will be offered again in 2015. If you know Yours in IODE,
of an individual or organization who quali-
fies for the grant, please be sure to tell them
IODE Dr. W. J. Knox, about the program. Watch for the updated
Kelowna, BC, spon-
sors a car at the Little
Travellers Safety
Village. Go IODE! Notice of the National Chapter of Canada IODE Annual Meeting

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 3. To receive and consider recommen-

Annual Meeting of The National Chapter dations from the War Memorial
of Canada IODE will be held at the Four Committee;
CORRECTION: Location of Points by Sheraton Hotel, London, ON, 4. To elect Directors to hold office
International Peace Garden on Friday, 30 May 2014 at 9:30 o’clock in until the 2015 Annual Meeting.
the forenoon (Eastern Standard Time) for
In the last issues of Echoes, there was the following purposes: Dated at Toronto, Ontario this 15th day
an error in the Citizenship article on page 1. To receive and consider the Annual of January 2014.
4, regarding the Peace Garden. It states Report for the fiscal year ended 31
that the garden is on the Manitoba- December 2013 together with the BY ORDER OF THE BOARD
Montana border. It is on the Manitoba-
auditor’s report;
North Dakota border. Thanks to those
members who spotted the error! 2. To appoint auditors for the ensuing
year; Chris Bateman, Secretary

A National Program

Needs Your Help *
By the numbers

Number of school days

IODE started breakfast programs in
Labrador in 1978. School children in
Number of schools
Davis Inlet and Northwest River received
a daily nutritious mid-morning snack, receiving food 14
including milk, to supplement their
scanty diet. It was recognized that an Students in the
inadequate diet limits the ability to learn.
Building on the success of this pilot
2 smallest school
project, Snack Pack was launched in
1980 to provide milk, cookies and juice Students in the
to 850 students initially in Black Tickle, largest school 375
Davis Inlet, Happy Valley, Hopedale,
Makkovik, Nain and Northwest River.
The program has not been static. Now approximately 1,700 students in Total Number of students
14 schools are offered milk, juice, crackers, 1,700 receiving a snack
peanut butter, cheese products and cereal.
Granola bars and fresh frozen hamburger
Cost of shipping
and chicken breasts are also sent to some
the food in 2013
The Kids Eat Smart Foundation annu-
ally donates $1,000 to support the IODE
Snack Pack initiative. The Edith and $20,600 Cost of the food in 2013
Gordon Benson Foundation granted
Snack Pack $10,000 in 2010. While chap-
ters have contributed an average of
$17,600 per year over the past four years to Year end balance $8,600
support this project, only $12,000 was in the fund
received in 2013. THANK YOU to all
those that sent in donations!

The order for food is placed in June for delivery in early September. $12,000 SHORTAGE FOR 2014
We need your help to continue this great program. Consider making your
chapter or personal donation to Snack Pack early this year.

Your National Councillors and National Officers

endured a very snowy February day as they
paused at the corner of Yonge Street and Orchard
View Blvd, Toronto, on their way to the monthly
National Advisory Committee (NAC) meeting.
With Shirley Lamont (l), IODE Bow Fort, Calgary,
AB, is Jane Cushing, National Services Officer,
who travels from Saint John, NB. Sandra Smith,
National Education Officer, of Pain Court, ON, was
bundled up against the wintry weather as she took


Thursday, 29 May

ondon will be the host city this year. Conveniently situated near many
Meet & Greet
of our members who live in southwestern Ontario, London is an easy
Join IODE Ontario and London members for mimosas
two hour drive from Toronto and accessible to delegates by train, bus or punch from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
and air. The National Annual Meeting is your opportunity to gather with Complimentary
Officers of IODE Canada,
provincial, municipal and pri- Thursday, 29 May
mary chapters and members at Dinner at Windermere Manor
large. Through formal business Windermere Manor is located on the Western University
sessions, guest speakers, work- research park and a beekeeper has partnered with the
shops and the fun of relaxed manor/hotel to provide honey for the kitchen. A short
social events we will review tour of the on-site bee hives will occur prior to dinner.
our accomplishments of the Cost: $55, space limited
past year and discuss plans for Sunday, 01 June
the year ahead. The theme Tour Backstage at the Stratford Festival
for NAM 2014 is Lead by Enjoy a guided backstage tour of the production heart
Example. As volunteers in IODE, we do this every day in our communities, of this unique Canadian theatre. Sets, props, costumes,
showing others what can be achieved by working together and the personal stage, dressing rooms, along with a presentation of the
satisfaction of giving back to our communities and those in need. NAM 2014 current playbill season, will be the focus of this special
will give you new ideas to Lead by Example in your communities and as tour. This tour will be followed by lunch and a cash bar,
leaders within IODE. You will return home with new and renewed IODE served in the beautiful Eaton Members Lounge which
opens on to the festival gardens. Transportation by bus
friendships and a fresh perspective on our organization. Join us!
from London and return is included in the package.
Visit www.IODE.ca for updates.
Internal theatre areas, with its many steps, are inacces-
A continental breakfast is included in the registration sible for those with disabilities but the main theatre
NEW price and will be served outside the meeting room areas, shops and gardens along with the luncheon room
this year: each morning between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. are easily accessible for all who wish to experience the
grounds and have a casual lunch with your friends and
fellow IODE members.
Cost: $55
EARLY Submit your registration to NAM 2014 in London before 05 May
2014 and you will be eligible to win a two-day REGISTRATION
BIRDS to NAM 2015 in Newfoundland! Transportation and tours are
CAN WIN not included. No cash value and non-transferrable.
Ontario Dinner Medieval Times: The year is 1547 and the townspeo- Again this year, attendees at the annual meet-
Goodtime Productions will provide ple and Ladies-in-waiting are invited ing are encouraged to bring a board book or pre-
this musical-comedy variety show with to a royal feast. school book to be donated to a local health
a real story line involving the entire Please dress in appropriate period unit for distribution. Each book received
cast and audience. No utensils will be costume. Who knows, perhaps Robin enters you into a draw for prizes! These books
allowed during this three-course finger- Hood and his merry men may appear. will receive the IODE Royal Baby Literacy
licking good feast. Ample napkins and Join the fun and fantasy of the Project bookplate.
finger bowls will be provided. medieval royalty.
Enjoy guest speaker Janet Matthews,
Four Points by Sheraton - Enjoy your time in a comfortable hotel author, editor, professional speaker
with rooms that have a coffee maker, microwave and a fridge to keep and spiritual mentor on Saturday,
all your drinks cool! There is free parking and free high speed internet following the luncheon. Janet is co-
access in public places and in your room. The fitness centre is open author of the Canadian bestseller,
24 hours – so bring your running shoes and keep fit. There is a heat- Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul
ed indoor pool and sauna which is open from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. and O Canada, the Wonders of
www.fourpointslondonontario.com Winter. Her exciting and entertaining presen-
tation will inspire, uplift and inform you.
Flights: You can fly directly into the London International Airport.
Her books will be for sale to attendees.
Taxis to the hotel cost about $50, so plan to share, if possible.
Consider inviting a friend for the luncheon.

30 - 31 May 2014 Lead By Example
A FULL REGISTRATION (includes 2013 Annual Report) Friday includes breakfast, coffee break, Opening Ceremonies, $245
Annual Business Meeting, presentation of awards, RCMP Luncheon, Plenary Sessions, Ontario Dinner Medieval Times
Saturday includes breakfast, coffee break, plenary sessions, All Members Luncheon with guest speaker Janet Matthews,
National Annual Dinner, Invitation to Newfoundland and Installation of Directors
Early registration entitles the delegate to be eligible to win FREE registration to the 2015 NAM in Newfoundland. (SEE PAGE 4 FOR DETAILS.)


B FRIDAY REGISTRATION (includes 2013 Annual Report) Includes breakfast, coffee break, Opening Ceremonies, $135
Annual Business Meeting, presentation of awards, RCMP Luncheon, Plenary Sessions, Ontario Dinner Medieval Times

C SATURDAY REGISTRATION (includes 2013 Annual Report) Includes breakfast, coffee break, Plenary Sessions, $140
All Members Luncheon with guest speaker Janet Matthews, National Annual Dinner and Installation of Directors


WEDNESDAY 28 MAY – National Officers and War Memorial Buffet Luncheon (includes breakfast, coffee break & lunch) $55
THURSDAY 29 MAY – National Advisory Committee Luncheon (includes breakfast, coffee break & lunch) $55
THURSDAY 29 MAY – “Meet & Greet” with IODE Ontario/London N/C
THURSDAY 29 MAY – Dinner at Windermere Manor (space limited) $55
FRIDAY 30 MAY – Ontario Dinner – Medieval Times (guests only) $55
SATURDAY 31 MAY – Breakfast: Primary Chapter Presidents N/C
Breakfast: New Members and 1st Time Attendees N/C
Breakfast: Members of Chapters Under National Jurisdiction N/C
SATURDAY 31 MAY – Luncheon Guest Only (guest speaker Janet Matthews) $35
SATURDAY 31 MAY – Annual Dinner (guests only) $55
SUNDAY 01 JUNE – Stratford Festival Theatre Backstage Tour and Lunch (includes transportation) $55
For complete details see www.IODE.ca TOTAL $

IODE Registration Deadline 06 May 2014 TO IODE Canada

Send completed form (one per individual) and Suite 219, 40 Orchard View Blvd.
cheque payable to IODE Canada. Toronto, ON M4R 1B9

Name _________________________________________________________________________________ First Time Attendee

Chapter ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________________ Joined IODE in _________
City ____________________________________________ Province _______________________ Postal Code ________________
Telephone _______________________________________ Email Address ______________________________________________
In case of emergency _________________________________________________ Telephone ____________________________
Special Dietary Needs ________________________________________________________________________________________

Photocopy this form for your records. Your cancelled cheque is

your receipt. Refunds will not be issued after 13 May 2014.

Reservations should be made directly Reservations Toll Free: 1-800-368-7764

with the Hotel before 13 May 2014. Reservation Code: IODE
FOUR POINTS BY SHERATON Convention Room Rates:
1150 Wellington Road South, London, ON $110-$125 plus applicable taxes

IODE Thrift Shops Across the Country

The Vintage Look

ood quality, gently used clothing is gathered the stories from different outlets
the draw to IODE thrift stores in to see how they worked and gauged the
cities across Canada. While people returns. Results were impressive.
who shop here may be looking for vintage Location is important. The Thrift Shop
clothing, a fashionable gem, costumes or in Kelowna finds Main Street the desired
clothes for the local theater company, most spot. Stores often move many times to re-
are looking for an inexpensive wardrobe. duce rent, re-locate closer to clientele or to
Merchandise may include men’s, women’s readjust the size of the store. The
and children's clothing, coats, boots, some Opportunity Shop located on a main street
shoes, linens, housewares, jewellery and in Oakville has found 900 square feet to be
books. Unless items are in the festive or the right size. A big consideration is stor-
holiday section, most prices are under $5. age although generally, once merchandise The Thrifty Things Shop, operated by IODE
Why are they successful? The hard is out of season and not sold, it is sent to a Tantramar, Amherst, NS, has been in opera-
local charity for further processing. tion for more than 30 years. Two workers,
work, business acumen, creativity and a
Staffed by IODE members who work in IODE members with help from volunteers,
sense for retail are characteristics shared by
staff the store in two shifts each day it is open.
the IODE women who direct the eight re- teams selling, pricing, sorting, cleaning and
Shown (l-r) is volunteer Dianne Chitty with
maining IODE stores. Your Echoes editors arranging displays, they all experience a members Dot Arthurs, Shirley Young and
feeling of accomplishment. Being an IODE Dody Dickenson.
sales lady can be a very satisfying job. Shops
can also be a meeting place for some who
visit it every day to chat with the ladies on
duty and to see what ‘treasures’ they can
It is not a secret - it takes work - a lot of
work. In the IODE Dr. Herbert A. Bruce
shop, members are required to take one shift
a month in the store, which means 24-27
members a month volunteer. Additionally
members in groups of three (many of whom
Gladys Retzlaff is behind the counter, helping also do a shift a month) volunteer to sort
the shop chairman, Annette Plamondon, in through the donations, price the acceptable
the "cutest, oldest little shop" in Kelowna, BC.
ones, decide which are to be donated else-
Annette also knits and sews items for sale in
the shop. Students fulfilling their high school where and which are to be thrown out. Shannon Keast of IODE Bow Fort welcomes
Each spring and fall all the clothes in the clients to Offbeat Outfitters, the thrift store
volunteer community hours love to work here
operated by IODE Calgary.
with members of IODE Dr. W. J. Knox. …continued on next page

Stories from the Shops

“ A young lady came in on a cold day a “ A long-time street person who lived in a shelter and “A girl came in from the
few years ago. She was a street girl and was bused back and forth each day came into the shop streets to shop one day. Our
she was so cold that I gave her a winter twice a day, every day just for something to do, and IODE member spent some time
coat. I happened to be working in the shop did a bit of shopping. Then he moved up the ladder talking with her then gave her
one day a year or so later when she came first to assisted housing and now he has a small place a spontaneous hug of compas-
in. She had got her life back together and downtown. Every member who worked at the shop has sion. The young lady explained,
was married. She remembered the coat helped him in his move to his own HOME. We have as she burst into tears, that she
and me and thanked me. If someone is in donated the essential items, bedding, dishes and lamps. had not had a hug from anyone
need, we don’t charge him or her.” It really makes you feel good.” for so long.”

IODE members
continue to reduce, reuse
and recycle. IODE thrift shops
Open since 1953, this Opportunity Shop is op- service communities across
erated by IODE Maple Leaf, Goderich, ON. Canada.
Forty-one members and four non-members
volunteer their time to keep the displays attrac-
tive. They also take articles on consignment.
A wide variety for your shopping pleasure. Offbeat Outfitters
1318 1 St., S.W., Calgary, AB
Operated by: IODE Calgary
IODE Diamond Jubilee, Penticton,
BC, President Wilma Moore works IODE Baron Tweedsmuir
with Kristine Unrau, Treasurer. has been operating a thrift Second Time Around
Operating since 1957, this thrift shop for 45 years. Visit 5037 - 50 St., Olds, AB
shop is run by eighteen members www.IODE.ca for more Operated by:
and now includes twelve non-IODE stories. IODE Baron Tweedsmuir
volunteers to assist with the work.

IODE Opportunity Shop

202 Anglesea St., Goderich, ON
store are changed over. ‘Changeover’ can take Operated by: IODE Maple Leaf
two to three days with four to five IODE ladies
donating their time and effort. The next sea-
son’s clothing is displayed after it has been IODE Opportunity Shop
washed, ironed and folded. The shop is thor- 432 Kerr St., Oakville, ON
oughly cleaned from top to bottom and left Operated by:
smelling April fresh. That’s the dedication you IODE Angela Bruce
see from the ladies who provide exemplary
service and commitment. IODE Victory Shop
Return on investment of time and effort is Since 1943, members of IODE Angela Bruce
have operated a thrift store at various loca- 358 Algonquin, North Bay, ON
rewarding. Profits after rent and utilities ranged Operated by:
tions in Oakville, ON. The store is now
from $11,000 to a high of $50,000. Amazing, situated on a corner and more customers are IODE Dr. Herbert A. Bruce
when you consider much of the merchandise is attracted to this very successful business
under five dollars. Donations are welcomed venture.
from the community and regular donors are Thrifty Things Shop
very appreciated. As with many IODE 141 Victoria St. E., Amherst, NS
methods of raising funds, the old fashioned ones Operated by: IODE Tantramar
continue to prove effective both financially
and in building friendships. Why not try to IODE Thrift Shop
contribute to one in your area? 1425 Ellis Street, Kelowna, BC
Operated by:
IODE Dr. W. J. Knox

“ A few years ago, a scruffy-looking man came

shopping for some new clothes. He explained that IODE Thrift Store
he was just out of jail, but needed the clothes to The IODE Victory 464 Main St., Penticton, BC
attend a wedding. We managed to find the whole Shop in North Operated by: IODE Diamond
works: shirt, tie, jacket, pants and even shoes. He asked to hold Bay, ON, operat- Jubilee
the clothes while he fetched his money. Near closing time, a woman ed by IODE Dr.
came in, asked if her boyfriend had come in to get his wedding Herbert A. Bruce,
clothes and seemed pleased he’d been successful and that I was is open for busi- IODE Thrift Shop - Kokanee
holding them for him. The shop closed and he had not come back. ness as cus- 670 Baker St., Nelson, BC
Then I looked for the bag of clothes. They were gone, the girlfriend tomers park in Operated by: IODE Kokanee
was gone and he was long gone to his wedding, we hope.” front of the store!

Project Updates

• Royal Baby Signature Book - The spe-

cial book of good wishes addressed to
the royal baby, Prince George, has been
sent to Kensington Palace. IODE mem-
bers from across Canada and friends
signed the book for the young Prince. The 2013 IODE 100th Anniversary initial lessons learned. This population
Grant awarded to The Children’s Aid of parents, generally in their 20s and 30s,
Society of the District of Nipissing & often had undiagnosed learning chal-
• IODE Coat of Arms - Work is progress- Parry Sound for their innovative Play lenges such as ADHD/FAS/FAE or men-
ing on the development of the armorial Your Part Parenting program was a great tal health issues. These parents would
bearings for IODE. The artist with the success. The primary goal of the program not be able to fit into a parenting pro-
Canadian Heraldic Authority has been was to improve parenting skills for par- gram offered in the community. Their
selected and some initial designs have ents who were working with the CAS attendance would drive away other
been considered. This process could to retain custody of their children or attendees due to their poor social skills.
take at least a year to complete and IODE have their children returned to their Standard parenting brochures required
eagerly anticipates this great honour. care. The program provided the knowl- adaptation to better suit a lower reading
edge, skills and strategies they needed in level. Parenting topics needed adjust-
order to foster their child’s optimal ment to meet the needs of this group.
• IODE 2014 Planners - There are still growth and development in a safe, stim- The facilitator found it beneficial to
some planners left at a discounted price ulating environment. These parents meet before and after a session to learn
of $5 each. Contact Head Office at needed a second chance at parenting of the most immediate concerns and
iodecanada@bellnet.ca. Remember to and the family court required them to pressing issues, often ones not on the
order your 2015 planners – see page 11
accomplish a checklist of life-style standard parenting syllabus. Flexibility
for details.
changes before their children could be and humor were two ingredients in large
returned. measure required to navigate some
Two chapters in North Bay partnered heart-wrenching circumstances.
• Lac-Mégantic train disaster - IODE to make this program a success - fulfill- As part of the IODE funding, a
Canada has sent $2,000 to IODE de ing the motto of IODE Manitou: “In psychologist, Dr. David Armstrong, has
Gaspé, New Carlisle, QC and IODE HMS joining hands we accomplish much”. been hired to tabulate the statistical
Victory, Montreal, QC, for them to pur-
Joanne Bernier, Past President of IODE information gathered to help prepare a
chase books to augment the school li-
brary in Lac-Mégantic . The derailment
Manitou, was one of the IODE volun- presentation to the Ontario Association
disaster destroyed the public library locat- teers that assisted with childcare so that of Children’s Aid Societies. Identifying
ed in the centre of the small picturesque parents could attend their sessions. The best practices with this particular popu-
town. The Quebec chapters felt it would chapter provided gifts of books, sippy- lation of parents and children is the goal.
be important to help the local school and cups and bowls for the children. Helen Lessons learned here can help others
it’s library while the town awaits recon- Nancekivll, Services Officer for IODE plan their programs.
struction. Dr. Herbert A. Bruce, organized good The 100 th Anniversary Grant
grooming bags for moms and dads. Both Program will again be offered in 2015.
chapters working together received ad- Encourage agencies that you are
ditional financial assistance from IODE involved with to apply and participate
Canada for this phase of the project. in finding the next grant winner.
Linda McLay, program designer and Become involved, as these two chapters
30 year veteran of infant and child de- in North Bay did, to help alleviate and
velopment services delineated some prevent child abuse and neglect.

News From Across the Country

Congratulations to 60-Year Pin Recipients

To celebrate Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee year, IODE Canada
produced a 60-year service pin to honour our members who have dedicated
over 60 years of service to IODE. Many names were published in the Winter
2013 issue of Echoes. Further pins were presented to:

Margaret Bennett Ruth Lillico Darleen Springstein

Alexandra Buzunis Sheila MacDonald Betty Storie
Betty Campbell June McDonald Lorraine Sutherland IODE Gloucester, Bathurst, NB, held their an-
Mary Christie Eva Nickel Jean Walker nual Arts and Craft fair at the local high school.
Eleanor Davis Elizabeth Parnham Jo Wallace This craft fair is the largest event in the area
Irene Gildner Velma Rhymes Dorothy Ward with several hundred patrons browsing and
Muriel Heller Inez Ross Roxie Webb purchasing wares from the many vendors’
Margaret Henderson Sheila Sanford Mary Whicher crafts. Chapter President Catherine
Marnie Holloway Kathleen Smith Elaine Willson McLaughlin and Brenda Toth prepare for the
doors to open and entrance tickets to be
collected. Proceeds of over $5,000 were
earmarked for three $500 high school schol-
IODE Captain Garnet arships, support for local shelters and finan-
Brackin member Sandra cial resources for three families to enjoy the
Smith (r), poses with holiday season.
decorator Bonnie Van
Rabaeys in front of one
of the homes on a previ-
ous tour.

Three members of IODE White Cloud, Wiarton, ON, House tours are popular
were presented with 60 year pins by National 1st Vice- fundraisers for chapters
President Karen Barker (r). Shown (l-r) are Patricia across the country. On
Fabian, North Central Area Ontario Vice-President; the third weekend in
Suzanne McKane, President of IODE White Cloud; November, IODE Canada
Eleanor Davis, Irene Gildner, Eva Nickel. Mary President E. Anne
Whicher, another 60-year pin recipient, had moved Mason attended two Ontario
west the week before the presentation and missed the Christmas house tours: one co-or-
celebration. dinated by IODE Sarnia-Lambton
and the other presented by IODE
Captain Garnet Brackin, Chatham.
Standing in the doorway of one of

Anniversaries • Congratulations on 100 years of service!

the six heritage and contemporary
homes on the Sarnia-Lambton tour
is Monica Deighton, IODE
• On Monday 07 October, 13 members Margaret Stokes, Petrolia.
In 2014 the following IODE Chapters will be
Proceeds from the tour went to the
and past members of IODE Boscawen, celebrating their centennial: St. Joseph's Caring Hearts
Lunenburg, NS, celebrated their 99th IODE Kent, Ridgetown, ON Children's Program. In Chatham,
anniversary. Provincial President Jackie IODE Lord Sackville, Sackville, NB the ninth annual house tour
Guyette, as well as seven members of IODE Valcartier, St. John, NB featured five homes decorated by
IODE Gorham, Liverpool, NS, attend- IODE Kokanee, Nelson, BC local florists and growers. This
ed. It was a joyous occasion with a birth- IODE Catherine McVean, Dresden, ON house tour raises funds for school
day cake and party games. IODE De Winton, Carberry, MB breakfast programs, books for
IODE Boscawen, Lunenberg, NS school libraries, scholarships,
• Members of IODE de Gaspé, New school trips, sponsorships at
IODE H. M. S. Ganges, Salt Spring Island, BC
volleyball camp, water festival and
Carlisle, QC, dined out at the Chateau What is your chapter doing to celebrate its next free skating hours at local arenas.
Blanc in Bonaventure to celebrate their significant anniversary? Plan a project and a
85th anniversary. celebration. Let us know your plans!

Good Works

• IODE John Milton, Milton, ON recent-

Members of IODE Lord Lascelles,
ly donated $500 to the Salvation Milton Lacombe, AB, prepare meals for fami-
Food Bank to purchase food. Rather than ly members staying at the Ronald
donating food, consider donating funds to MacDonald House in Red Deer. Shown
a food bank, as they have greater purchas- (l-r) are Lynne Johns, Karan Gullekson,
ing power. Joan Grover, Marilyn Cameron and Rilla
Hand. Families with sick children enjoy
homemade meals when they are far
from home.

• On 16 May 2011, a devastating wild- Dona Nickolas, and Shirley Lamont. Lana
fire in Slave Lake, AB swept through the Gutowski (second right), Jenna’s mother,
town of 7,000 destroying upwards of 40% works at the library and was pleased to
of the buildings. IODE Alberta and IODE meet the IODE members. Jenna, who
Canada donated more than $10,000 spoke at the 2013 National Annual
towards books and furniture to rebuild the Meeting, could not be present as she has
Slave Lake Children’s Library. On 13 accepted a teaching position in Korea.
IODE Isgonish, Truro, NS, recently contributed September 2013, the grand re-
more than $1,000 to the Colchester Regional opening of the newly built Slave
Hospital Auxiliary, making it possible for them Lake Public Library was celebrat-
to donate 12 new and greatly needed stetho-
ed. IODE Alberta President Diane
scopes to the Inpatient Medical/ Surgical Unit
at the Colchester East Hants Health Centre. Duce (r) travelled to Slave Lake
Standing(l-r): Past President Erma Henderson; to attend the re-opening and tour
Rachel Young, RN; Jason Varner, Director of the new library along with IODE
Finance; Emily Hartson, RN; and President Betty Alberta Officers (l-r) Irene Eyre,
Warner. Seated is Services Officer Beryl Kellty,
who along with Erma, are CRH Auxiliary A plaque honoring IODE’s part-
Members. nership is on display in the gold
section of the Wall of Donors.

Bright Ideas Members of IODE White Cloud, Wiarton,

ON, participated in their community's
Canada Day Parade. Does your chapter
• IODE Hon. Dr. C. H. Blakeny, Moncton, have something planned for July 1st?
NB, has been “couponing for charity”. Your chapter could distribute small flags
Services Officer Judy Brander collects to local kindergarten classes in June,
coupons from flyers, online or at stores to get prior to Canada Day.
items for free. She also collects and trades
coupons with friends and other couponers.
She recently was able to get 33 boxes of free
cereal which were donated to the West End
Food Bank.

Services Officer Laura Pickle, IODE Dr. Innis Mary MacDonald,

Markham, ON, implemented a bright idea from an Echoes article in the
2012 Winter Issue. Instead of exchanging gifts at the chapter Christmas
party, each member was encouraged to fill a children's birthday bag
with articles for the local food bank. Like Calgary IODE members, the
bags were filled with a cake mix, icing, candles, balloons, a toy and
other items for a party. The food bank will distribute the bags as a
special treat to children on their list who have an upcoming birthday.

Get Connected with IODE Canada

• In addition to her duties as President of

IODE Col. William M. Gartshore,
What’s New Online at www.IODE.ca
London, ON, Mary Burdon, received the
Volunteer of the Year Award from Steve
Scherrer, Chair, Skate Canada, Western Under Membership:
Ontario Section. We congratulate Mary
• Use the Echoes Submission Form
for her over 60 years of service and thank
to share your chapter stories.
her for her continued community effort.
You can even upload pictures.

• Explore the IODE Member Resources

pages. Your password is
IODE Garage Sale On the Home Page: IODEmember (all one word
• Share your chapter stories and case sensitive).
under IODE Chapters in the
News. • Share Your Story: I have been
an IODE member since...
• Follow the Tweets.
• IODE Holiday Recipe Exchange
• Like us on Facebook. Did you find these recipes and
Join today - those over 55 try them over the holidays?
are the fastest growing
segment of the population • Need Help? Call Head Office
using Facebook! at 1-866-827-7428.

I have been a member since...

Kate Miller, member of IODE Ste. Anne's Point,
IODE Canada is looking for Fredericton, NB shared her story online.
your best suggestion for

hosting great garage sales. ate sees the benefit of be- with groups to plan events and
longing to “a national other skills I can add to my resume
Send yours to
organization that feeds with my chapter president as a ref-
echoeseditor@bellnet.ca. children, gives scholarships and erence to it all.” Her favourite pro-
helps those in need. Move over grams are Born to Read, Roots of
book club, knitting circle or craft Empathy and Snack Pack. Senior
night, I can get all that from my IODE leaders inspire her. “I’m part
Order your 2015 chapter while fundraising for well
established national programs that
of an organization with genera-
tions of knowledge and recipes. In
IODE Planners: help real people in our communi- fact, my mother and grandmother
ty.” Kate doesn’t sound like a are in my chapter. Move over
Support the education fund through the WIFM (what’s in it for me) type of Calendar Girls, starring Helen
purchase of 2015 Teamwork Planners. A person but she does point out that Mirren or First Wives Club...” Kate
pre-order form was included in the January she has learned some important calls out, “I have IODE Canada at
mailing to chapters with a requested skills while being a member. my back and we’re making a differ-
response date of 30 April. If sufficient “…running meetings, event plan- ence for women, children and peo-
orders are received, the planners will be ning, financial management (if ple at risk and in need across the
ordered and distributed in the fall. you’ve been treasurer), working nation.”
Consider purchasing a planner as gifts for
guest speakers, hostesses and to keep track
of your IODE volunteer hours.

“Smile ~
You’re in
IODE” The Museum of Civilization in Ottawa
is looking for IODE artifacts.
If your actions inspire others
to dream more, learn more,

he Museum of Civilization is in
do more and become more, the process of redesigning their
permanent Canadian history hall.
you are a leader. Forrest Pass, Historian at the museum, is
looking for IODE artefacts to add to their
existing collection that includes some
John Quincy Adams
membership badges, a fiftieth Anni -
versary plate and a chapter’s banner.
Forrest has a genuine interest in IODE,
as he is a 2007-2008 War Memorial
Scholar. He states, “It is anticipated that
the history of Canadian women and
Canadian women’s organizations will
figure prominently in the new exhibit.” Forrest is looking for additional
items documenting IODE’s history that illustrate “the breadth of the
order’s patriotic and charitable activities.” His hope is that “the work of
IODE throughout the past century (is) highlighted in this context.”

If you have any hidden gems in your personal collection that you
would entrust to the Museum of Civilization, please contact Head
Office. National Archivist Barbara Johnston would love to hear from
you. With your help we can add to the collection on IODE.
IODE Founder’s Day was recently cel-
ebrated with a luncheon and cake at
Camden Park Tea Room for members
of IODE Westmorland, IODE Sir In the November/December 2013 issue of Legion Magazine,
Charles G. D. Roberts and IODE Hon. Valerie Knowles examines the role of female volunteers dur-
Dr. C. H. Blakeny, all of Moncton, NB. ing the Second World War. In her article Volunteers for Victory,
Shown (l-r) are Karen Eustace, Chair she writes about the women’s service organizations, includ-
Moncton Central Committee, Shirley ing IODE, whose members felt the need to become involved
McEwen, Past President IODE in the war effort. “The reasons that women volunteered were
Blakeny and IODE New Brunswick as diverse as the women themselves.” This excellent article
President Rose Carolyn Smith. outlines some highlights of IODE’s contributions and is well
worth reading.

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