(23300582 - The Mathematics Teacher) Some Observations On Graphing in Modular Systems

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Some Observations on


By ANTHONY J. PICARD pairs (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5),
University of HaY!aii ~6, 6),.and so on. Note t ha t the pair (5, 5)
Honolulu, Ha waii IS eqUiva lent to (1, 1) a nd (6, 6) is equiv-
alent to (2, 2) ·with respect to the modulus
four ; so there a re only 4 unique pa irs to
ONE interesting applicat ion of modula r consider. Since each number is paired with
syst ems which provides a n opportunity itself, the graph of the multiples of 1 is a
for students to reinforce th e basic ideas of set of 4 d iscret e points . (See fig. 1.)
congruence c lasses a nd to search for pa t-
terns in novel situa tions is the construc- 4

tion of graphs of m ultip lica tion ta bl es ·with
respect to a given m odulus. T h e novelty
of the situa tion arises from using a circu la r •I
set of points for t he coordinate syst em. 1
~'or any given m odulus m, t he graph of
the multiples of a na tura l number, n, •
will be genera ted as follows. Each natura l Fig. I
number 1, 2, 3, ... , k, . . . will b e pa ired
with 1 X n, 2 X n, 3 X 11, . • . , lc X n, ...
respectively . If k X 11 > m, then k will be Any p oint, k, for which t here exists an
paired with s wher e s = k X n (mod m) ordered pa ir (k, k X n) such that k X n
and s ~ m . The ordered pairs (k, k X n) = k m od m will be call ed a fi xed point;
will be graphed on a circula r set of m t ha t is, a ny poin t k that is 11 joined to"
points, labeled clockwi e 1, 2, . . . , m, itself is a fi xed point. If k is a fixed point
by joining k to k X n by a stra igh t line. 2 and if t here is no other ordered p a ir of t he
Note that while k is 1 1joined to" k X n, graph (r, s) such tha t s = k mod m, k will
k X n is not 11 joined t o" k unless there be ca ll ed an isolat ed point; that i!), a ny
exists a n ordered pair whose fi n:;t compo- fixed point to which no other point i
nent is congruent to k X n a nd whose sec-
'joined" is isola ted . A graph t hat con-
ond component is congruent to k. This sists of only isola t ed p oints will be called
suggests that t he r elation 11 joined to" is a 11 null gra ph. " 3 H ence the graph of t he
not symmetric for poin ts of this kind of mul tiples of 1 is a null graph .
graph. The multiples of 2 genera te the ordered
Consider the m ultiplica tion of na tura l pairs (1, 2), (2, 4), (3, 2), a nd (4, 4) 'vith
numbers with resp ect to the modulus four. respect to the modulus four. Since the
T he mult iples of 1 generate the ordered ordered pairs (5, 10), (6, 12), and so on,
are congruent to (1, 2), (2, 4), and so on,
I. The original idea for this discussion arose out
of a session with slow 7th and 8th graders using
there a re aga in only fom unique pairs to
¥~CSM 's materials for slow learners, "St retchers and
rinkers" (Harper & R ow). 3. J ohn Fujii, Puzzles a11d Graphs (Washington,
th 2. T he autho1· a r bitrariJy chooses to use m rat her D.C.: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
an 0 for the integers congruent t o the modulus. 1966) ' p, 4.

l\I ay 1971 459

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consider. The graph formed from these
SuMMARY FOR Moou1.us FouR
pairs contains a single fixed point, 4, which
is not isolated. ( ee fig. 2.) ;\lui-
Number Number Fixed Poiota
Fixed Points of Fixed of Lines of on Linea or
tiples Points Sym•netry Symmetry
1 1, 2, 3, 4 4 4 4/ 2
2 4 1/ 1
3 3 2,4 2 2 2/ 1
4 4 1/ 1

Fig. 2 One furthe1· observatio n will complete
the discussio n of the modulus four. If the
The multiples of 3 generate the ordered multipl es of 5 are computed, 1 is paired
pai r~ (1, 3), (2, 2), (3, 1), and (4, 4); so with 5, 2 with 10, 3 with 15, and so on.
the graph Rhown in figure 3 contains two Since 5 =1, 10 =
2, and 15 3 mod 4, =
fix ed points, 2 a nd 4, which a re both this set of mult iples produces a graph iden-
isolated. The multiples of 4 generate the t ica l to th e graph of th e mult iples of 1.
ordered pairs (1, 4), (2, 4) , (3, 4), and H ence t here a re o nly 4 distinct graphs of
(4, 4 ) , which produce a graph (fig. 4) with 4 p airs each in the modulus-fou r system.
one fixed point, 4, which is not isolated. The previous comment suggests there
will b e 5 graphs of i5 pairs each in the
4 4 modulus five system. ( ee fig. !5.) The

graph of the mul t iples of 1 is agai n a null
graph. If the graph of the multiples of 1 i,
3 3 excluded , each graph ha~ exactly one
fixed point, 5, and one vertical line of
symmetry . Th e graph of the multiples of
• 2 is identica l to the graph of the multiples
2 2
of 3. Notice that .5 is an isola.ted point of
Fi~. a Fig. 4
every graph except th e graph of the multi-
ples of 5. If the segment joining a to b is
One immediate observation about t his
consider ed distinct from the segment
set of g raphs would be thttt the graph of
joining b to a, then every graph except the
th e multipll'S of 2 is a 1R0° rotation of the
graph of the multipl es of 1 contains 4
graph of the multiples of 4. Another would
segments . The graphs of th e multiples of
be that 4 is a fix ed point of every graph.
2 and 3 are unique in that the 4 segments
A third observation would be that the
form a cyclic path; that is, the path may be
graph of the multipl rs of 1 has four lines
t raced without lifting the pencil in such a
of symmetry , th e graph of the multiple.
way that each edge is traced only once and
of 3 has two, and th e graphs of the
the starting point and terminal point are
multipl es Z a nd 4 each hav e one. This is
the same. 4 (See fig. 5. )
exactly the number of fi xed point for
One additional observation will com-
each of these gra phs, but it is not true
that every line of ·y mmetry pa e , plete the discussion of the modulus five.
through a fixed poin t . The four fixed If the cyclic path for t he multiples of 2 is
points fo t· the multiples of 1 fall on two traced from 1 to 2, 2 to 4, 4 to 3, and 3 to l ,
line · of symmetry; a nd for the multiples it may be de cribed by the quadruple
of 3, the two fix ed point fa ll on one line (1, 2, 4, 3). This notation will define a
of ymmetry . ( 'cc ta ble 1. ) 4. I bid .. p. lf..

460 The l athe matics Teacher

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Multiples of I Multiples of 2 Multiples of 3
5 5
• • 5


• •2

Multiples of 4 Multiples of 5
t 5

4-------- 4

3 2 2
Fig. 5

directed cyclic path obtai ned by con- points on the respective directed cyclic
necting each point of the quadruple to the paths.
succeeding one and the last point to the There app ear to be a re lationship be-
tween these directed path and the gene-
TABLE 2 rators of this system-that is, those
SuMMARY FOR Moo u Lus F1v~: numbers whose succe ·sive power::; produce
1\tul- Number :-:umber Fixed Points all t he non-zero element s of the system
tiples Fixed Points of Fixed of Lines of on Lines of
(see table 3).
Points Symmetry Symmetry

1,2,3,4,5 5 5 5/ 5 Some elementary conclusion::; can be

easily proven at this point. For example,
2 5 l 1/ 1
for any modulus m a nd a ll natural num-
3 5 l 1/ 1 bers n, m is a fixed point of the graph of
4 5 l/ 1 the multiples of n. This statement follows
from the statement n X m = 111 for any
5 5 1 1/ 1 modulus m and for all natural numbers n.
Hence m will a lways be paired with m.
first. Notice that the quadruple (2, 4, 3, 1) A second result is that the graph of the
defines the same directed cyclic p ath. This multiples of 1 will be a null graph for any
suggests that the quadruple notation is not modulus nt because the multiplicative
unique; that is, any point may be used as identity 1 pairs every number k with it elf
a starting point as long as the direction is and with no other number. That is, every
preserved. T he d irected cyclic path in the
graph of the multiples of 3 i described by TABLE 3
(1, 3, 4, 2). Since (1, 3, 4, 2) has the CoNs~:cuTI V~: Pow~:as or 2 ANI> 3
wiTH R ESPJ·:cT ·ro •r1n: MoouL LJS 5
opposite direction of (2, 4, 3, 1), it is a
u.nique directed cyclic path. If consecu- 2 1 ;;~ 2 mod 5 3'•3 mod 5
tive powers of 2 and of 3 are computed, 22 a 4 mod 5 32 m4 mod 5
23 s 3 mod 5 3 3 a 2 mod 5
the order in which points of the path are 2• s 1 mod 5 34 s l mod 5
generated is identical to the order of the

May 1971 461

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Multiples of 2 Multiples of 3

9 9

2 7 2

5 4 5 4
Fig. 6A

Multiples of 4 Multiples of 5

9 9
• •

2 7 2

5 4
Fig. 6B

Multiples of 6 Multiples of 7

9 9

2 2

5 4 5

Fig. 6C

point of the graph of the multiples of 1 is from th e fact that multiplying by m

an i olated point for any modulus m. pairs 1 with m, 2 with 2m = m, :3 with
Another conclu ion is that the graph of t he 3m =
m, .. . , a nd m - 1 w it h (m - 1)
m ultiples of the modulus m will always con- X m = m. A conclusion tha t may not be
si t of exactly m - 1 . egments, each con- apparent from the examples g iven is that
necting one of the points 1, 2, 3, ... , t he graph of the multiples of m - 1 will
m - 1 to m. Thi follow from the fact consist of a set of di joint parallel segment
that m i a fixed point of every g raph and and two isola t ed points if modulus m is

462 The ~lathematics T eacher

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-IN E A similar s tatement can be made for 4 and
7 jn the graph of the multiples of 4. This
Number Number Fixed Points suggests that k1 a nd k2 will have identica l
Mul- Fixed Points of Fixed of Lines of on Lines of
tiples Points Rymmetry Symmetry graphs if and only if k2 X k1 = 1 mod m
I 1 1 2, ' ' '1 9 9 9 9/9 and if k1 and k2 a re not 1, m - 1, or 111,.
For example, there is exactly one number
2 9 1 1 1I I
k between 2 a nd 7 such that 2 X k = 1
3 9 1/ 1 mod 9. There is exactly one number k
4 3,6,9 3 3 3/3 between 2 a nd 7 such that 7 X k = 1 mod
9. There is no number between 2 and 7
5 9 1 1/ 1 such that 3 X lc = 1 mod 9 or 6 X k
6 9 1/ 1 = 1 mod 9. Another observation that
3,6, 9 3 3 can be made from the graphs in table 4
7 3/3
is that th e gntphs of those numbers th at
8 9 1/ 1 a re relatively prime to 9 have at least one
9 9 1/ 1 isolated poinL and t hose tha t arc not r eln,-
t ively p rime to 9 have none.
The observation that certa in pa irs of
even and a set of disjoint parallel segments gra phs may be identical •·educcR even fur-
and one i olated point if the modulus m is ther the number of graphs that mu t be
odd. The previous s tatement m ay be constructed for a ny given modulus. For
shown by considering the multiples of example, with a modulus seven, 2 X 4
m - l . For any natural number k, = 1 and 3 X 5 = l. S ince the graphs of
k X (m - 1) = k X m - /c. But k X m the multiples of 1, 6, and 7 hav e already
= m, so k is paired with m - k. Because been described , it is only necessary to
the points of the system a re arranged in a graph the multiples of 2 and :~ in order to
circle, the segment ( 1, m - 1) will be complete the set of graphs for the modulus
parallel to (2, m - 2), and so on. If two seven (sec fig. 7).
of the segments are connected, there exists
a pair (lc, m - s) with k = s, which is a Graph of the Multiples Graph of the Multiples
of 2 or 4 of 3 or 5
contradiction. If m is odd, m/ 2 is not an
integer, so m/ 2 - ~ will be paired with
m/ 2 + ~ . If some point (r, s) has s
7 7

= m, then s =
r X (m - 1) = r X m - ,.
= m - ?'. That is, if s = m, then m - r
= m. But. th is is true if 1· = m, which 5 2
implies m is an isolated poin t . The proof
for an even morlulus is similar to th e o ne 4 3 4
above. Fig. 7
In order to establish some further
generalizations, consider t he modulus 9. It appelti'H t hat the graphs for prime
Because of the previous discussion we need moduli JJ > 3 (excluding th e graphs for 1,
only construct the graphs of the multiples p - 1, and p) may b e grouped in to two
of 2, 3, 4, .5, 6, and 7 (see figs. 6A, 6B, 6C, differe nt cn.Legories. E ach graph is a cyclic
and table 4}. path of p - 1 segments (a nd one isolated
The graphs of the multiples of 2 and 5 point), or it is composed of two cyclic
are identica l, and th e g raphs of the multi- pat.hs, each of (p - 1) 2 segment s (and
ples of 4 a nd 7 are identical. A careful one isolated point) . For the modulus
inspection of the graph of the multipl es of seven, Lhe graph of th e 111L1ltiples of 3 or f>
2 reveals that both 2 and .5 are joined to 1. forms a cyclic path of s ix segments and the

!\lay 1971 463

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CoNs~;cuTJ v~; PowERS OF 3 AND 5 MOD 7

3 1 = 3 .,. 3 36 = 243 .,. 5 51= 5 a 5 56 = 3125 5!! 3

32 = g .,. 2 36 = 729 5 1 52= 25 iiE 4 56= 15625 a I
33 =27 .,. 6 37 =2 187 =3 53 = 125
54 = 625
IIi 6
57 = 78125 iS 5
34 =8 1 ... 4 1!1

graph of the multiples of 2 or 4 forms two of (p - 1)/ 2 segments. I nvestigation of

cyclic paLhs of three segments. the pa th t,hat doesn' t have 1 as a vertex re-
An observation similar to the one for veals t ha t p - 1 and all the generators
the modulu · five involving directed cyclic are the only vertices of this path. This
path and generators may be made for the suggests that once the graph of a non-
other prime moduli. Consecutive powers generator has been constructed, the gen-
of 3 mod 7 generate the directed cyclic erators may be determined from the ver-
path (3, 2, 6, 4, 5, 1), while consecutive tices of the pa th that doesn't have 1 as
powers of 5 mod 7 generate the directed a vertex .
cyclic path (5, 4, 6, 2, 3, 1). (See tab le 5.) Unfortuna tely, there is no way of con-
The graphs of those numbers n veying in print the sense of excitement that
(n EE { 1, p - 1, p}) that are not genera- t he actual construction of these graph
tors for prime moduli possess another in- generated. The reader should experiment
teresting property. These graphs con ist at this point by constructing a complete
of two di tinct but identical cyclic paths set of graphs for several prime and non-

Gr·aph of the Multiples of 2



Fig. 8

464 The Mathema ti cs T eacher

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Graph of the Multiples of 3

Fig. 9

prime moduli. With this background, the points and they occur in pairs on lines of
reader will enjoy verifying or disproving symmetry.
the following statements. In each, the 6. If p is any prime modulus and 11 is
modulus rn or p is greater than three. any number not congruent to 1, p - 1,
1. For any modulus m, if m a nd n a re or p, then the graph of the multiple.· of n
relatively prime, the graph of the mul- will be a cyclic path of p - 1 segments
tiples of n contains at least one isolated a nd one isolated point or two distinct
point. cyclic paths of (p - 1)/ 2 segments each
and one isolated point.
2. For any prime modulus p, p is the
only isolated point of every graph except 7. If p is any prime modulus and 11 is a
the graph of the multiples of p and 1. number such that consecutive power of
n genera t e 1, 2, 3, . . . , p - 1, then the
3. For any prime modulus p, there a re graph of the multiples of n is a cyclic path
(p - 3)/ 2 pairs of identical graphs. except for the isolated point p.
4. If rn is any even modulus a nd if 11 is 8. If p is any prime modulus, the graph
an even number, the graph of the mul- of the multiples of 2 is identical to the
tiples of n contains an odd number of graph of the multiples of (p +
1)/ 2 and
fixed points and there is a line of sym- the graph of the multiples of p - 2 is
metry through each fixed point. identical to the graph of the multiples of
5. If m is any even modulus and if n is (p - 1)/ 2.
an odd number, the graph of the multiples 9. If m is any odd composite number,
of n contains an even number of fixed the graph of the multiples of 2 is identical

l\fay 1971 465

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to the graph of the multiples of (m + 1}/2 Discussion
and the graph of the multiples of m - 2 The relationship of this type of graphing
i. identical to the graph of t he multiple to number theory, theory of graphs,
of (m - 1)/ 2. modular arithmetic, and the geometry of
If t he moduJu · is large enough, the certain higher-order curves is fairly ob-
graphs of t he multiple of certain numbers vious. It may provide t he necessary moti-
fo rm a set of tangent to orne familiar vation and interest to lead student into
and interesting curves. For example, for the di. cu . ion of some very sophisticated
th e modulus 72 th e graph of the mult iples mathematic . At a much less sophisticated
of 2 fo rms an epicycloid with one cu ·p lev el, it may provide slow students with
(fig. ), the graph of the multiples of 3 an opportunity to practice number com-
fo rms an epicycloid with t wo cusp (fig. 9), binations in a novel situation and to
and the graph of the multiple of 4 form search for unfamiliar pattern without be-
an epicycloid with three cusp .5 As n be- coming bogged down in lengthy computa-
comes larger in proportion to m, the dis- tions. It may also give them some insight
tinctness of t he cu rve outlined by the into t he way in which math ematicians use
gmph decrea es. induction to form generalizations. G
5. IT. A. Elliott, J . R. Maclean , and J. l\1 . J orden,
Grom(try in the Classroom, New Concepts and Methods 6 ..\ nthony J. Picard. "The D anger/ Ynlue of
(Toronto : Holt, Rinehart & Winston of Canada. Leaping to Conclusions... ARITHM ETIC TEACHER n
( Februar~· 1970): 151- 53.
19&8) . p. 143.


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