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Title of Experiment CENTRIFUGAL FORCE

Course Code BNJ 37301 Section

Semester and session

Lecturer/Instructor 1. Encik Wan Mohd Wardi Bin Wan Abdul

Name Rahman
Group Members Matric
Prakash A/L Ramakrishanan CN200153 Theory (C2) 10 %
Shasmita Lakshmi A/P CN200211 Observation (P3) 20 %
2. Murualikaran
Muhammah Sholehin Bin DN210105 Results (P2) 15 %
3. Nordin
Calculation (P4) 10 %

Discussions 25 %
Date of Experiment Conclusion (C3) 15 %

14.12.2022 References (C1) 5%

Date of Submission TOTAL 100%

21.12.2022 TOTAL
Approved stamp

1.1 Theory

The apparent outward force that rotates a mass is known as centrifugal force.
Imagine a ball being whirled around on a string or the outward motion you experience
when driving around a curve. Since the system is not rotating, there is no outward
acceleration in an inertial frame. The ball or your body just continues to go in the
same direction that they did at first. However, they seem to be accelerating away in
the rotating reference frame of the string or the car. The direction of centrifugal force
is always outward and away from the axis because the Earth revolves around a fixed
axis. Thus, in the equator and at the poles of the Earth, it is the opposite of the
direction of gravity.

Ocean depth at the equator would be 20 km greater than ocean depth at the poles if
Earth were a perfect, hard sphere. However, this cannot be seen because centrifugal
force distorts the solid Earth. The radius near the equator is roughly 20 km bigger
than at the poles, indicating that Earth is a spheroid rather than a sphere.[1]

The forces that rotated objects encounter are centripetal and centrifugal forces. An
object is kept moving in a circle by the centripetal force, which is always directed
toward the centre of the circle. As an illustration, the centripetal force of the sun's
gravitational field maintains the Earth rotating around it. The centrifugal force,
meanwhile, is an apparent outward force acting on a rotating object. The sensation
you get while riding a merry-go-round that makes you want to fly outwards is an
illustration of centrifugal force.

1.2 Objectives
1) Understand and Illustrate how the centrifugal mechanism works.
2) Understand the theoretical equation F = mrω2 works and that it is unaffected
by the direction of rotation.
3) Understand the theory for centrifugal force.
4) Understand speed squared and centrifugal force are proportional.

Centrifugal force component

Rotating mechanism with dome removed component


I. The work surface needs to be solid and level. On a surface that is uneven or inclined,
do not use the centrifuge.

II. The rotor should not be opened while it is running. Even though many centrifuges
feature a "safety shutoff" in the event that the lid is opened, all that happens is that
the rotor's electricity is cut off. For some time until friction slows and eventually stops
it, the rotor will continue to spin due to its own inertia.

III. When the rotor of the centrifuge is spinning, do not move, bump, or jar it. Tell
everyone else in the vicinity to avoid the device while it is in use. Make sure the cord
isn't hanging from a table edge where a person could snag their foot and pull it


4.1 Experiment 1 (Fixed Mass and Radius, Varied Speed)

1. Create a blank result, as in Table 1.
2. Lift off the safety dome.
3. Fit the two 50 g matching pair of masses (total 100 g) to the measurement arms at
radius 100 mm from the center.
4. Fit a 100 g single mass to the counterbalance arm at 100 mm from the center
(opposite) to balance the two opposite masses.
5. Fit the safety dome.
6. Press the button to zero the force reading.
7. Turn the velocity control (clockwise or anticlockwise) to set the speed to that shown
in the first line of the table.
8. Allow a few seconds for readings to stabilize and record the actual force.
9. Repeat for the other speeds shown in Table 1.
2 −1 2
10. Plot graph Force against Speed Squared [𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 (𝑁) vs. 𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 vs (𝑟𝑎𝑑. 𝑠 ) ].

4.2 Experiment 2 (Fixed Speed and Radius, Varied Mass)

1. Create a blank result, Table 2.
2. Fit the two 10 g matching pair of masses (total 20 g) to the measurement arms at
radius 0.1 m from the center.
3. Fit a 20 g single mass to the middle balance arm at 0.1 m from the center (opposite)
to balance the two opposite masses.
4. Fit the safety dome.
5. Press the button to zero the force reading.
6. Turn the velocity control (clockwise or anticlockwise) to set the speed to that shown
in the first line of the table.
7. Allow a few seconds for readings to stabilize and record the actual force.
8. Stop the rotation, remove the weights and fit the two 20 g weights (total 40 g) to the
outer balance arm as shown in the second row of the table, matching them with a
single 40 g weight.
9. Repeat steps 4 to 7.
10. Repeat for the other matching weights as shown in Table 2.
11. Plot graph Force against Mass [Force (N) vs. Mass (kg)].

4.3 Experiment 3 (Fixed Speed and Mass, Varied Radius)

1. Create a blank result, Table 3.
2. Fit the two 50 g matching pair of masses (total 100 g) to the outer balance arm at
radius 0.02 m from the center.
3. Fit a 100 g single mass to the middle balance arm at 0.02 m from the center
(opposite) to balance the two opposite masses.
4. Fit the safety dome.
5. Press the button to zero the force reading.
6. Turn the velocity control (clockwise or anticlockwise) to set the speed to that shown
in the table.
7. Allow a few seconds for readings to stabilize and record the actual force.
8. Stop the rotation and refit the two weights to the outer balance arm at the next radius
as shown in the second row of the table, matching them with the single weight.
9. Repeat steps 4 to 7.
10. Repeat for the other radius positions as shown in Table 3.
11. Plot graph Force against Radius [Force (N) vs. Radius (m)].


Based on the experiment, we have observed the experiment for fixed mass and radius,
when motor velocity is 5, the theoretical force is 0.25 N and the actual force is 0.24 N which
is the lowest force. When the motor velocity is 30, the theoretical force is 9.0 N and the
actual force is 8.84 N which is the highest force.

For the second experiment we have observe about speed mass and radius. When the total
mass of matching weight is 20 g the theoretical force that we get is 1.8 N and the actual
force is 0.30 N which is the lowest force. When the total mass of matching weight is 100 g
the theoretical force is 9 N and the actual force is 8.80 which is the highest force that we get.

Figure show Data of Table 1

Figure show Graph of Force against Speed Squared

Figure show Data of Table 2

Figure shows Graph of Force against Mass(Kg)

Figure show Data of Table 3

Figure shows Graph of Force against Radius(m)


It is evident from the outcome that there is a linear relationship between the
centrifugal force, mass, angular velocity, and radius. Since the centrifugal force is a
result of inertia, the masses generally continue moving in a straight line, which
causes the centrifugal force, the centrifugal force will change if the mass, speed, or
radius changes. The larger the speed, the mass, or the position of the mass, the
greater the centrifugal force.


From the experiment carried out in centrifugal force it can be concluded that
changing the variables in our experiment affected the results greatly. The centrifugal
force increased as the angular velocity, mass, or radius increased. The only slight
difference between the theoretical and experimental results, which was carried about
by an experimentation error, is between the two. Constructing the angular velocity
accurately was challenging due to the possibility of minor differences in decimals that
would affect the readings. It is impossible for the machine to have been calibrated if it
produces inaccurate readings. Things need to be taken into account in order to avoid
these errors and obtain the experiment's true value.


[1] Lynne D. Talley, James H. Swift in Descriptive physical oceanography. ScienceDirect.

(2011). Retrieved December 25, 2022, from

[2] Lab Manager (no date) 6 safety tips for operating a centrifuge, Lab Manager.
Available at:
9835 (Accessed: December 27, 2022).



[5] Antonas, S. (2015, November 8). Centrifugal Force. Retrieved

December 25, 2022, from

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