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English Revision

. Title - SOS (Save our Sons)

. Line -

. Stanza - I shall be telling this with a sigh. Somewhere

ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in na wood
and I - I took the one less travelled by, and that has
made all the difference

. Speaker - Well, son, I'll tell you:

. Poet - Carol Ann Duffy

. Simile - But still, like air, I'll rise

. Metaphor - Life for me ain't been no crystal stair. It

had tacks in it, and splinters, and boards torn up, and
places with no carpet on the floor - Bare

. Personification - the ansaphone kept screaming

. Imagery - In the wild purple of the glow'ring sun

. Alliteration - Babylon the bandit

. Enjambment - We Black men of England Too proud to

cry for shame,
. Caesura - Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -

. Rhyme -

. Rhythm -

. Semantic field -

. Emotive language - Let's cry a sea

. Juxtaposition -

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