Sharma Chetiya 2009 Simplifying The Six Sigma Toolbox Through Application of Shainin Doe Techniques

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Simplifying the Six Sigma Toolbox

through Application of Shainin
includes research articles that
focus on the analysis and
resolution of managerial and
academic issues based on
analytical and empirical or
case research
DOE Techniques
Sunil Sharma and Anuradha R Chetiya

Executive The success of a Six Sigma programme in an organization depends to a large extent on the
success of the Six Sigma projects, which in turn depends on how the team handles the prob-
Summary lem and whether the right combination of tools is being applied to address the root cause. The
Six Sigma toolbox consists of a wide range of tools comprising, on the one hand, simple and
commonly used tools like flow charts, Pareto analysis, and cause-and-effect diagram and the
more advanced statistical tools like design of experiments, regression analysis and many more,
on the other hand. While the simple tools are easy to apply, understand, and analyse, engi-
neers perceive the more advanced tools difficult to comprehend. Design of experiments (DOE)
is one such tool. Two well-known approaches of design of experiments are the Classical DOE,
pioneered by Sir Ronald A Fisher and the Taguchi approach, pioneered by Dr Genichii Taguchi.
A third approach to experimental design—the Shainin DOE techniques, offered by Dr Dorian
Shainin–can be considered as a very good alternative to the other approaches. They are much
simpler than the factorial designs, response surface designs, and orthogonal arrays of the
conventional approaches of DOE, but at the same time are recognized as being very powerful
and effective in solving the chronic quality problems that plague most manufacturers. Shainin
DOE basically works at eliminating suspected process variables by mostly using seven differ-
ent tools, viz.,
• Multi-Vari Charts
• Component Search
• Paired Comparison
• Variable Search
• Full Factorials
• B vs. C (Better vs. Current) Analysis
• Scatter Plots or Realistic Tolerance Parallelogram Plots.
Though not very well documented, these tools have proved to be the key drivers in the suc-
cess of many companies, e.g., Motorola.
This article examines two projects of a leading automotive and general lighting lamp manu-
KEY WORDS facturing company, in which a combination of the standard Six Sigma tools and Shainin tools
has been successfully used to address the root cause of the problems. The advantage of using
Shainin tools is that:
Six Sigma Tools
• Very small sample sizes are required to analyse the problem. Often samples as small as 2
Factorial Designs or 3 are enough to make statistically valid conclusions.
Shainin DOE • Statistical software is not required to analyse the data. In fact, Shainin DOE does not even
require knowledge of complex statistical tools.
Suspected Sources of • It involves employees at all levels, including workers and junior staff in problem solving
Variation that was hitherto a domain of senior technical experts.
• Also, the success of the projects had a very positive effect on the morale of the employees
Red X in terms of convincing them that Six Sigma is not all about using complex statistical tools.


technical feature that distinguishes Six Sigma Intermediate Six Sigma Methods
from other quality approaches is its ability to These methods include a host of enumerative and ana-
use statistical methods within a structured for- lytical statistical tools.
mat to reduce defects and improve processes. Some of
the criticisms of the Six Sigma methodology perhaps A few enumerative statistical methods are:
stems from the fact that it is sometimes too statistical
• Distributions
and beyond comprehension of the people involved in
• Statistical inference
implementing it in practice. Eckes (2001) is of the opin-
ion that Six Sigma initiatives can fail if the organization Some of the analytical methods that can be used in Six
believes that better quality is possible only through the Sigma problem solving are:
use of sophisticated statistical tools. The objective of this
paper is to examine as to how to simplify and demystify • Basic control charts
the use of Six Sigma tools. While a critical element of Six • Exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA)
Sigma is the rigour of methodo-logy, it is also true that charts
the methodologies and tools that work for one organi-
zation may not do so for another. Because of diversity Advanced Six Sigma Methods
in products and processes, it becomes imperative to These include tools like
choose the right combination of Six Sigma tools, to
rightly select projects, to deal with specific challenges • Design of experiments (DOE)
of different structures and processes. It examines the • Regression and correlation analysis
applicability of a simpler but not very frequently used • Process capability analysis
methodology known as the Shainin methodology in Six
While the basic and intermediate methods are relatively
Sigma projects.
easier to understand and use, the advanced methods are
perceived to be difficult to comprehend and interpret.
Design of Experiments (DOE) is one such tool.
Pyzdek (2003) has classified Six Sigma tools into three
• Basic Six Sigma methods
• Intermediate Six Sigma methods Six Sigma process improvements consist of analysing
• Advanced Six Sigma methods relationships between an output variable (Y) explained
wholly or partly by process variables (Xs) that affect the
Basic Six Sigma Methods output. A key step in Six Sigma projects is the identifi-
cation of the root cause of the problem out of the poten-
The basic Six Sigma tools are further categorized as prob-
tial Xs. Experimental design is one of the tried and tested
lem solving tools, 7M tools, and knowledge discovery
statistical techniques long used by industrial engineers
tools (Table 1).
to identify the key variables affecting output. Through

Table 1: Basic Six Sigma Tools

Problem Solving Tools 7M Tools Knowledge Discovery Tools

Process mapping Affinity diagrams Run charts
Flow charts Process decision program charts Descriptive statistics
Matrix diagrams
Check sheets Histograms
Tree diagrams
Pareto analysis Interrelationship diagraphs Exploratory data analysis
Cause-and-effect diagrams Prioritization matrices
Scatter plots Activity network diagrams

designed experiments, changes are deliberately intro- source through a process of elimination (Shainin, 1993b),
duced into the process to better understand which of called progressive search. These techniques, also referred
the Xs are affecting the output variable. There are two to as the Shainin System for quality improvement, de-
well-known approaches to experimental design. The first veloped over a period of over 40 years, are simple but at
approach is the classical design of experiments credited the same time powerful and easier to interpret and im-
to Sir Ronald Fisher who initially experimented in the plement in an industrial environment. In a way, these
field of agriculture. However, this method is now widely may be considered as the non-parametric equivalent of
used in many fields. The second approach is the Taguchi Taguchi’s DOE as they do not make any restrictive as-
approach pioneered by Dr Genichi Taguchi of Japan who sumptions about population parameters.
adopted the classical approach to reintroduce the con-
cept of orthogonal arrays. The commonly used classical “Ninety per cent of the tolerances and specifications are
Design of Experiment (DOE) tools are the family of fac- arbitrarily decided and are not correct for the intended
torial experiments consisting of full factorial designs and applications” ( This of course
in no small measure contributes to a host of what are
fractional factorial designs. A full factorial allows us to
called ‘chronic quality problems’ – problems that keep
test all possible combinations of factors affecting output
recurring. Finding solutions to these problems then be-
in order to identify which ones are more dominant. A
fractional factorial tests just a fraction of the possible comes a major challenge for engineers and quality prac-
combinations. Though a very popular tool, many engi- titioners. The Shainin techniques are primarily known
neers and quality practitioners find design of experi- to produce breakthrough improvements in eliminating
ments difficult primarily because of the complexity of chronic quality problems. These are highly effective in
having to create the conditions for conducting the ex- pinpointing towards the root cause and validating it.
periments in an industrial environment where interrupt- Applications of the Classical and Taguchi methods in
ing production lines and changing machine settings may various fields have been extensively researched. A few
be sometimes difficult and unproductive. very recent contributions in this area are from Wang and
Ren (2007), Singh, Maheswari and Pandey (2007), See
SHAININ DOE APPROACH and Wong (2008), Abdo (2008), Rao, et al (2008), and
An alternative to the Classical and Taguchi experimen- Anawa, et al (2008). In contrast, the Shainin system has
tal design is the lesser known but much simpler Shainin not been extensively reviewed, academically, and very
DOE approach developed and perfected by Dorian limited studies have been carried out in this area. Bhote
Shainin (Bhote and Bhote, 2000), consultant and advisor (1990) compared Shainin techniques with Design of Ex-
to over 750 companies in America and Europe. Shainin’s periments and Taguchi methods, in the context of the
philosophy has been, “Don’t let the engineers do the electronics industry and concluded that the Shainin tech-
guessing; let the parts do the talking.” Shainin recog- niques are simpler, less costly, and statistically more
nized the value of empirical data in solving real-world powerful than the other two. Logothetis (1990) also
problems. He introduced the concept of Red X, the domi- evaluated the Shainin techniques in relation to the
nant source of variation, among the many sources of Taguchi methods and statistical process control meth-
variation of a problem that inevitably accounts for nearly ods. Bhote (1991) and Bhote and Bhote (2000) described
all the unwanted effect. In fact, Shainin (Shainin, 1995; these tools in their books, but there have been many criti-
1993b), classified all causes of chronic quality problems cisms regarding their claims and the tools described.
into three X’s, viz., the Red X, the Pink X- the second Though Nelson (1991), Moore (1993), and more recently,
most important cause(s), and the Pale Pink X – the third Zeigel (2001) criticized the Shainin System as unsubstan-
most important cause(s). According to him, these three tiated and exaggerated, Steiner, et al (2008), are of the
Xs together account for over 80 per cent of the variation opinion that some of the ideas behind the Shainin Sys-
that is allowed within the specification limit and when tem are genuinely useful. Goodman and Wyld (2001)
captured, reduced, and controlled, these can eliminate offered a case study involving the use of Shainin DOE
this variation. Shainin developed techniques (Shainin in an industrial operation. This study suggested that ‘the
and Shainin, 1990; 1992a; 1992b; 1993a; 1993b; Shainin, Shainin methodology is very practical and can be easily
Shainin and Nelson, 1997) to track down the dominant executed in many settings, making it one of the most


approachable quality techniques available.’ Verma, et al in these techniques, “Motorola’s plants, suppliers, and
(2004) used a slightly different approach to compare the customers all over the globe conducted about hundreds
methods. In their study, three cases of Taguchi experi- of Shainin experiments as part of their Six Sigma qual-
ments were picked up from the available literature and ity movement.” Daimler Chrysler, General Motors, and
the Shainin method was then re-applied to find out Delphi Corporation are some of the other companies
whether it had an edge over the other DOE techniques. reported to have used the Shainin Methodology success-
A comparison between Taguchi and Shainin techniques fully. The American Society for Quality (ASQ) has very
in an aerospace environment was offered by Thomas recently instituted the Dorian Shainin Medal in recog-
and Anthony (2005). A few other authors who have stud- nition of his contribution towards developing the Shainin
ied these techniques are Traver (1995), Ledolter and techniques that are now widely recognized as simple,
Swersey (1997), Does, Roes and Trip (1999), De Mast, et powerful, and practical tools to help in solving the manu-
al (2000) and Steiner and MacKay (2005). facturers’ problems. In 2005, statistician Karl Bennet was
the first recipient of this award for his work in this area.
Motorola is one of the many companies to have used
these tools. Though Motorola’s phenomenal success with The Classical DOE, Taguchi DOE, and Shainin DOE are
Six Sigma approach is now history, a little known fact is compared with each other in Table 2.
that the Shainin techniques were one of the key drivers An examination of the three approaches clearly indicates
of their success. Motorola started using them way back that the Shainin tools have an edge over the other two
in 1980 with remarkable results. According to Bhote approaches in terms of cost, time, training, complexity,
(1991), who has done a significant amount of research scope, and ease of implementation.

Table 2: Comparison of Classical, Taguchi, and Shainin Approaches of DOE

Classical DOE Taguchi DOE Shainin DOE

Primary tools Factorial experiments Orthogonal arrays a. Component search
b. Multi-vari analysis
c. Paired comparison
d. Product/Process Ssarch or Variable search
e. Full factorials
f. B vs. C (Better vs. Current) analysis
g. Scatter plots
Advantages Effective when interaction Effective when interaction Very powerful irrespective of the presence
effects are not present effects are not present or absence of interactions.
(20 to 200% improvements). (20 to 200% improvements). Maximum optimization possible.
Limited possibilities for Limited possibilities for
optimization. optimization.
Cost/Time Moderate Moderate Low
Training 3 to 5 days 3 to 10 days 1 to 2 days
Complexity Moderate High Low (based on simple & basic mathematical
Scope Requires use of statistical Requires use of statistical Software not necessary.
software e.g., SAS, SPSS, etc. software e.g., SAS, SPSS, etc. Can be used at prototype, pre-production
Used mainly in production. Used mainly in pre – and production stages.
production. However, can be
used at the design stage
under certain constraints.
Ease of Moderate Poor High
Implementation Requires knowledge of Almost no knowledge of statistics required.
statistics. Easy to understand at all levels including
Engineers find methods shop floor workers, engineers, and suppliers,
complex to comprehend thus creating an overall positive impact.
and interpret.
Source: Bhote, 1991.

Shainin DOE Tools: An Overview of Select Tools And, in the last case of high cyclical variation, the team
Shainin DOE basically works at eliminating suspected needs to focus on identifying which stream causes the
process variables (Xs) mostly by using seven different highest variation to get down to the root cause. DeMast,
tools (Bhote, 1991): Roes and Does (2001) have studied this technique in
• Multi-Vari Analysis
Component search: Component search technique is a
• Component Search
simple but powerful tool to lower down the number of
• Paired Comparison
suspected sources of variation to the family of Red X or
• Variable Search
the Red X itself. This technique can be used primarily in
• Full Factorials
assembly operations, i.e., when a product can be disas-
• B vs. C (Better vs. Current) Analysis
sembled and re-assembled, as it allows finding the com-
• Scatter Plots or Realistic Tolerance Parallelogram
ponent of an assembly that is most likely to cause the
problem. This technique is used to find the suspected
Subsequently, Bhote and Bhote (2000) added three more source of variation (SSV) that either originates from the
tools to the list, viz., Product/Process Search, Concen- assembly process or the components in the assembly.
tration chart, and Response Surface Methodology. How- Thus, the various stages of the component search method
ever, our aim is to study the application of a few basic (Bhote, 1991) are:
but effective tools along with their application in Six
• Ballpark stage: This stage determines whether Red X
Sigma projects.
or Pink X is actually present among the components
A brief discussion and understanding is necessary be- or factors being investigated.
fore these tools are applied: • Elimination: The second step involves elimination of
all unimportant main effects and their associated in-
Multi-vari analysis: Multi-vari analysis is used to re- teraction effects.
duce a large number of suspected sources of variation • Capping run: This stage consists of re-verification of
to a smaller family of variables containing the dominant the important and unimportant effects.
source of variation. A multi-vari analysis is based on • Factorial analysis: Once the important and unimpor-
the assumption that any process variation can occur as tant factors have been double-checked, factorial
a result of three factors, viz., analysis is used to determine the magnitude of the
important SSVs and their interactions.
• Positional or Part-to-Part Variation
• Temporal or Time-to-Time Variation Once the problem components are identified, a paired
• Cyclical or Stream-to-Stream Variation comparison can be used to further identify the para-
meters in the component causing the problem.
Each type of variation is individually measured using a
run of approximately 3 to 5 units produced consecutively Paired comparison: Paired comparison is similar to com-
at any given time. After a time lapse, another run of 3 to ponent search except that it is used when components
5 units are produced. This process is repeated until 80 cannot be reassembled or disassembled. This technique
per cent of the out-of-control variation in the process is uses a small sample consisting of good parts and bad
captured. A plot of these results indicates which one of parts to further narrow down the range of potential
the three variations is maximum. Simple tools like the sources of variation. The good and bad parts are selected
average and the range are then used to identify which on the basis of a suitable parameter related to the prob-
type of variation out of these three is the highest. In case lem. Selecting the good parts implies selecting the Best
the positional or part-to-part variation is the highest, the of Best (BOB) parts and selecting the bad parts implies
source of variation is usually attributed to the machine selecting the Worst of Worst (WOW) parts with respect
or the process design. Further tools can be used to iden- to the desired response. The terms BOB and WOW are
tify the exact cause. If time to time variation is high, the attributed to Shainin et al (1997). Steiner et al (2008) are
team needs to try and identify the event that has caused of the opinion that this comparison of extreme values of
the shift in average in a variable over a period of time. the response variable is unique to the Shainin System


and its roots lie in the assumption that the values of the Better vs. Current (B vs C) analysis: This is a final vali-
two groups must be substantially different and hence dation tool useful in validating the root cause identified
identifiable. Usually 8 good and 8 bad parts are selected. using the other methods. Here B stands for the better
Once the sample is selected, each SSV is measured on process and C stands for the current process. Some ap-
the 16 parts and the results are recorded in the form of a plications of this method are:
table. The analysis to pinpoint a suspected source of
• to validate the root cause
variation as being significant or not significant is based
• to validate product/process changes made
on a minimum “endcount” (Bhote and Bhote, 2000),
• to validate improvement actions.
which is described later. This technique can be used only
when the suspected source of variation is measurable An advantage of this method is that it can be applied
on both the good and bad parts. This technique is ex- using very small sample sizes starting from 3 from the B
plained in more detail in the project illustration. process and 3 from the C process, to make a final con-
clusion with a certain degree of statistical confidence
Product/Process search or Variable search: The first
whether the B process is better than the C process. This
three methods are generally used to reduce the SSVs to
technique is explained in detail in the project illustra-
a smaller number. Once this is achieved and the number
of SSVs has been reduced to a range of 5 to 15, the vari-
able search technique can be used to further zero-in on Scatter plots or Realistic tolerance parallelogram plots:
one or two variables that could possibly be the domi- The purpose of scatter plots or realistic tolerance paral-
nant sources of variation. It is very useful to separate lelogram plots is to determine an optimum and realistic
the important variables from the unimportant ones, con- level of tolerance value. It is a graphical representation
trol the former, and open up tolerances on the latter. of thirty observations of the independent variable against
This technique can be used to identify factors of varia- corresponding values of the dependent variable. If there
tion related to the process parameters and is especially is correlation between the two, then the independent
useful in case the sources of variation are related to in- variable is the dominant source of variation and an ap-
put material dimensions which are subject to change propriate target value along with a tolerance can be de-
during processing. Ledolter and Swersey (1997) have termined graphically. In case of absence of correlation,
given a critical evaluation of variables search as an ex- the independent variable is not important and the toler-
perimental design method for uncovering important ance can be opened up to an economical level.
factors. Anthony (1999) has given a brief description of
Although the tools are systematic and follow a logical
this method, showing with the help of an experiment
sequence, these can be applied individually or in groups
that it is a powerful tool for identifying key process vari-
depending on the nature of the problem. A compara-
ables and therefore recommending its utilization by the
tive analysis of these tools is presented in Table 3.
engineering fraternity in manufacturing organizations
as a problem-solving tool. Anthony and Cheng (2003) The Shainin tools have the following major advantages.
have illustrated the potential of Shainin’s variable search These tools are:
method as a powerful methodology for problem solv-
ing with the help of a simple catapult example. • simple to comprehend by both engineers and line
Full factorials: This is same as the full factorial of Clas- • logical and based on common sense
sical DOE except that here Shainin recommends its use
• practical in terms of implementation in prototype
once the number of SSVs has been bought down to four
building, production as well as easy to work with
or less than four by using one or more of the above tech-
niques. Thus, the maximum size of the full factorial ex-
periment would be 24.Also the objectives of this tool • universally applicable in a wide range of industries
remain the same as those of the variable search tech- • statistically valid and powerful
nique, i.e., pinpoint the Red X or the Pink X, separate • able to produce excellent results with quality gains
and quantify the important and unimportant factors, and of up to 100-1,000 per cent.
open up tolerances on the unimportant ones.

Table 3: The Shainin DOE tools

Tool Objective Where Applicable When Applicable Sample Size

Multi-vari chart To reduce a large number To get a snapshot of how At engineering pilot run, Min 9- 15
of unrelated variables to a a product/ process is production pilot run or
family of smaller related currently running in production
Components search To determine if the Red X is In assembly operations At prototype, 2
in the assembly process or engineering pilot run,
the components in the production pilot run
assembly or in production
Paired comparisons Provide clues to determine Where there are matched Same as component 1 to 20
the red X by using a paired sets of differently search
comparison of good and performing products that
bad parts cannot be disassembled
Variable search Pinpoints the Red X, When the number of In R &D, development 1 to 20
Pink X etc variables is between engineering and in
Finds the magnitude of the 5 to 20 production
important main and
interaction effects
Open up tolerances on
unimportant variables
Full factorials Same as variable search When the number of Same as variables 1 to 16
variables are between search
2 and 4
B vs. C analysis To validate a new/better Usually follows one or In prototype, pilot run Min 3B’s and
process over a current one more of the above tools or production 3C’s
Scatter plots or Determines optimum values Follows the above tools In pilot run 30
Realistic tolerance for Red X, Pink X variables
Parallelogram plots and their maximum
allowable tolerances
Source: Bhote, 1991.

Some other benefits reported by users of Shainin DOE LAMP MANUFACTURING COMPANY
techniques are accrued by virtue of their direct role in:
Company Profile
• solving chronic quality problems
The company is a leading manufacturer of automotive
• reducing process variations
and general lighting lamps with a group turnover ex-
• eliminating defects
ceeding Rs 250 crore. With exports to nearly 60 different
• reducing/eliminating scrap/rework/testing
countries, it is the largest exporter of lamps in the coun-
• reducing cost of poor quality
try. The company gets nearly 33 per cent of its income
• increasing field reliability of products
from exports and the rest from the domestic segment. It
• improving financial parameters, like return on invest-
has five fully integrated state-of-the-art manufacturing
ment (ROI) and market share, etc.
facilities at Noida in NCR and Dehradun and Haridwar
Among the Shainin tools, factorial designs and scatter in Uttaranchal. The five units together deliver over 150
plots are commonly known and used. However, the million lamps annually, all benchmarked to international
main differentiators of the Shainin tools are component regulations for quality, performance, and safety. One of
search method, paired comparison method, product/ the five facilities, is a 100 per cent export-oriented unit
process search, and B vs. C analysis. In order to high- (EOU), catering to exports mostly to USA and European
light the application of these tools, we choose two countries like Italy and Germany. The company also has
projects from the selected predominantly automotive all major quality certifications like ISO 9001:2000, ISO/
lamp manufacturing company known to apply Shainin TS 16949:2002, ISO 14000:2004, and OHSAS 18001:2007.
tools extensively in their Six Sigma projects. It saw a change in ownership in the year 2007 following


which there has been a reorganization in management Business Potential and Objectives for the Future
structure that has resulted in a renewed focus on man- The domestic passenger vehicle segment is expected to
agement initiatives and an increased thrust on global register a 15 per cent CAGR over FY 08-10 to 2million
business. units and the company is set to capitalize on this oppor-
tunity unfolding in the domestic markets. Also, strong
Product Profile growth in the automotive sector over the past 3-4 years
In the automotive segment, the company manufactures would result in a steady growth in replacement demand.
a series of halogen-based lamps used as headlamps and With strong penetration in OEMs and servicing of after
fog lamps in vehicles. In the general lighting segment, sales markets through service stations of various OEMs,
its product profile includes compact fluorescent lamps the company is well placed to capitalize on the growth
(CFL), magnetic and electronic lamps, metal halide prospects in the replacement market. It is also aggres-
lamps, and sodium vapour lamps. Fifty-five per cent of sively exploring opportunities to tap newer markets of
the company’s revenue comes from automotive lamps the US, Middle East, and China. According to the latest
and the remaining 45 per cent from the CFL segment. estimates, its export business is expected to grow at a
CAGR of 15 per cent and domestic automotive lamps
Market Profile revenue to grow at a CAGR of 18-20 per cent over FY
The last decade has seen a steady growth of the auto- 07-10. Further, it is looking to foray into the luminaries
motive lamp segment. This can be primarily attributed segment and has entered into joint ventures with two
to two major reasons. Firstly, the phenomenal growth Italian companies and a Chinese manufacturer for sup-
of the automobile sector in India, which is now the sec- ply to the mass market. Efforts are on to bring Light
ond largest two-wheeler market in the world and the Emitting Diode (LED) technology to the Indian market,
fourth largest passenger vehicle market in Asia. With through a joint venture with a US-based company for
rise in volumes in the two-wheeler and four-wheeler LED technology, though this project is at a very nascent
segments, the demand for automotive lamps is also on stage. Net sales at the company are expected to grow at
the upswing. In the automotive lamp segment, the com- 30 per cent CAGR over FY 07-10 and the company is
pany has a 70 per cent market share in both original expected to demonstrate an earnings growth of 35 per
equipment manufacturer (OEM) and after-sales market. cent CAGR for FY 07-10.(These data are sourced from
It is also the largest exporter of automotive lighting from www.
India with a revenue of Rs 900 million in FY 2007. In the
two-wheeler segment, it is clearly the market leader with
The Quality Initiative at the Company
an impressive 80 per cent market share. Secondly, the With the aim of benchmarking their products to inter-
European Union (EU) norms have now made it manda- national levels of quality, performance, and safety, the
tory to fit vehicles with halogen lamps which give company launched the Six Sigma movement with a high
brighter lights and also last longer and are more envi- level of commitment. It trained about 25 black belts and
ronment-friendly. So, all new vehicles now come fitted 120 green belts who have successfully completed over
with halogen lamps. 39 black belt projects and 133 green belt projects. Keep-
ing in view the company’s working principle to ‘keep it
The company has an impressive list of about 36 OEM simple,’ it uses Shainin DOE tools in all its Six Sigma
clients both in the two-wheeler and four-wheeler seg- projects. The two projects described now reinforce the
ments. Its major clients in the four-wheeler segment are view that a complex Six Sigma toolkit is not always the
Maruti, Hyundai, Honda, and Ashok Leyland. Among
answer for successful projects. A toolkit consisting of a
two-wheelers, its major clients are Hero Honda, TVS
combination of simple classical Six Sigma tools and
Motors, and Bajaj. The company also supplies to MICO
Shainin DOE tools can be equally effective. Both projects
BOSCH, Lispart, and Crompton. On the supply side, the have used the structured Six Sigma DMAIC (Define,
company’s major raw materials are glass, molybdenum, Measure, Analyse, Improve, and Control) format.
and tungsten which are mostly imported from Europe
and Japan.

The Six Sigma Projects Selected Figure 1: A Model of the Halogen Lamp in Project A

Six Sigma projects are usually executed with the help of

the Six Sigma players, which typically include black belts
and green belts among others. A black belt is a project
manager with a full-time responsibility of leading Six
Sigma projects. He leads the team through the five
phases of the project, viz., Define, Measure, Analyse,
Improve, and Control (DMAIC) of a Six Sigma project.
A black belt usually possesses a technical degree or ori-
entation and is required to be a master of basic statisti-
cal tools. Green belts are usually managers who are
involved part-time in Six Sigma projects and also hold
other regular responsibilities. They provide technical
Source: Quality Control Department of the Selected Company.
background and support to the black belts. Also, unlike
a black belt, a green belt needs to be just familiar with
Figure 2: Pareto Chart for Defects in Automotive Lamp
basic statistical tools. A green belt can serve as a project in Project A
leader in smaller projects within a department or a unit
once Six Sigma has been institutionalized within an or- 100

ganization. Green belt projects are usually less demand- 0.4 80

ing than black belt projects. It may be mentioned that 0.3

some of the technical considerations of the projects are 0.2 40
beyond the scope of this paper; our attempt has been to 0.1 20
focus on the application of the Shainin tools.
0.0 0

The first project, Project A, was a green belt project. A Defect Sub Main Mount Shell Others
Filament Filament Tilt Crack
team leader, a sponsor, and three team members were a Bend Bend
part of this project. The project concerning defects in a Count 0.19 0.12 0.10 0.05 0.02
halogen lamp was a priority project as the price of non- Percent 39.6 25.0 20.8 10.4 4.2
Cum % 39.6 64.6 85.4 95.8 100.0
conformance in this case was very high. A DMAIC meth-
odology was followed in the project and it was
Gage R & R Study
completed within two months. This project demonstrated
To evaluate the effectiveness of the measurement sys-
the application of the Shainin techniques, product/proc-
tem, a Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility (Gage R
ess analysis, and multi-vari analysis along with a few
& R) study was conducted with the help of MINITAB.
other basic Six Sigma tools to bring down the defect rate.
Repeatability measures the variability in measurements
Project A with one measurement instrument and one operator
while measuring identical characteristics on the same
The problem in this case was that of defects in the fila- part. Reproducibility measures the variability in meas-
ment of a halogen lamp (Figure 1). This particular lamp urements with one measurement instrument by differ-
consisted of two coiled tungsten filaments, viz., a sub- ent operators, again while measuring identical characte-
filament and a main-filament mounted in a glass enve- ristics on the same part. Repeatability captures the in-
lope and filled with a small amount of halogen gas. At strument variability and reproducibility captures the
the outset, a Pareto analysis (Figure 2) indicated that operator-to-operator variability. The total Gage R & R
maximum variation was coming from a bend in the sub- in this case was not significant since it was less than 20
filament of the lamp. As a result of this problem, the per cent. So measurement system variability was elimi-
wastage was estimated to be 0.19 per cent. A project nated.
charter was prepared, the problem was defined as ‘sub-
filament bend,’ and a target was established to reduce In this phase, potential factors causing the bend were
the sub-filament bend wastage to 0.05 per cent. brainstormed. A brief description of the sleeving pro-


cess is given below to understand the suspected sources glass envelope. Because of this connection, a shield tilt
of variations (SSVs) better. could also adversely impact the filament.

The Filament Sleeving Process Identification of SSVs

The basic unit of the filament is a tungsten wire. To en- A cause-and-effect diagram (Figure 4) was used to iden-
able the tungsten filament to be welded to the conduct- tify the key sources of variation during the sleeving proc-
ing pins of the lamp, the connecting ends of the tungsten ess.
filament are wrapped in small moly foil/moly wire
tubes, which aid in the welding. This process is called Three potential SSVs were finally listed as:
‘sleeving process’ (Figure 3). The moly sleeve also pro- i) Filament leg angle without sleeve
tects the filament from vibrations generated when the ii) Filament leg angle with sleeve
vehicle is on the road. This process was considered as iii) Shield tilt
most likely to cause the bend in the sub-filament. Fur-
ther, a protective heat shield is welded over the lamp Shainin DOE Product/Process Search
and is electrically connected to the filament within the Since the SSVs were related to the sleeving process, a
Shainin DOE product/process analysis seemed to be the
Figure 3 : The Sleeved Filament in Project A
most appropriate tool in this case. In product/process
search technique, initial data can be generated in two
ways. According to the first method, a list of all SSVs
that affect the response, is prepared. In case the SSV is
related to the process parameter, the actual value of the
parameter is measured after the part has been processed.
And finally, the response is measured after the part has
been processed. Based on this response, a decision is
taken about whether the part is a Best of Best (BOB) or a
Worst of Worst (WOW) part. This process is continued
Source: Quality Control Department of the Selected Company. till 8 BOB and 8 WOW parts are obtained. Alternatively,

Figure 4: Cause-and-Effect Diagram for Filament Bend in Project A


Electrode setting method Jig movement

is not correct

Gauge is not made for

Electrode not aligned
Bridge wire not aligned
Electrode positioning
not correct

Electrode holder design

Bridge machine heads wear out inclined
Sleeve angle not OK Shield tilt
(leg angle with sleeve)
Filament angle not OK Heads are not at same
reference MACHINE
Electrode push to wire

sample selection can be done by deciding on the lot size and for the shield tilt is 11. Further, if the endcount is
to be produced and then selecting 8 BOB and 8 WOW ≥ 6, then the parameter is considered significant at 90
parts from this lot based on the response variable. per cent level of significance and if total count ≥ 7, it is
considered significant at 95 per cent level of significance.
In this case, the second method was used. A lot size of
In this case, endcount for all three parameters were sig-
100 pieces was manufactured and 16 units – 8 BOB and
nificant. So, the team identified and studied the specifi-
8 WOW – were selected based on the response variable,
cations for the good range for all three SSVs. An analysis
i.e., the leg angle in this case. The BOB pieces were de- and comparison of these values with the design specifi-
cided from among the ones with minimum to no bends cation indicated that the leg angle of the sleeving ma-
in the sub-filament and the WOW pieces were chosen chine required certain modifications. As a counter
from among the ones with considerable amount of bend measure to improve the leg angle, the sleeving machine
in the leg angle, thus providing a comparison of extreme heads were suitably modified. Samples taken from the
values of the response. All the three SSVs were meas- process after this modification indicated that the wast-
ured. The observations for each of the SSVs arranged in
age from sub-filament bend had come down signifi-
ascending order are shown in Table 4.
cantly, but not to the target figure of 0.05 per cent as
The observations were analysed by using the endcount desired.
technique, given by Bhote and Bhote (2000) (see Tukey,
Shainin DOE Mult-Vari Analysis
1959 for more on endcount). This technique is briefly
described now. First of all, the top count is the number Once the angle was taken care of, the team now moved
of BOBs before changeover to WOWs. The bottom count on to investigate the third SSV, i.e., the shield tilt. It took
is the number of WOWs from the bottom until the first up a Shainin DOE multi-vari analysis, which has been
changeover to BOB. The endcount is defined as the sum described in the tools overview section. All three varia-
of the top count and the bottom count. As an example, tions, viz., part–to-part, head–to-head, and time-to-time
in Table 4, if we consider the response for leg angle with variations were studied for the third SSV, i.e., the shield
sleeves, the number of Bs from the top before changeover tilt. The part-to-part variation based on the range was
to G is 6. This is the top count. And the number of Gs 2.23. The head-to-head variation and the time-to-time
from the bottom before changeover to B is also 6. This is variation came out as 0.79 and 0.530333 respectively.
the bottom count. And, therefore, the total count is 12. Thus, the highest variability was coming from the part-
Similarly, the count for the leg angle with sleeve is 10 to-part variation.

Table 4: Response of the Three SSVs Arranged in Ascending Order

Sl.No. Leg Angle WO Sleeve Response Leg Angle W Sleeve Response Shield Tilt (0) Response
1 80.23 B 81.75 B 0 G
2 81.54 B 81.78 B 0.1 G
3 81.78 B 82.78 B 0.45 G
4 82.78 B 83.25 G 0.75 G
5 83.5 B 83.49 B 0.96 G
6 83.56 B 84.28 B 1 B
7 84.55 G 84.78 B 1.35 G
8 85.23 B 85.26 B 1.78 G
9 85.96 G 85.36 B 2.1 B
10 86.39 B 88.56 G 2.1 G
11 86.48 G 89.5 G 2.78 B
12 86.54 G 90.05 G 3.5 B
13 86.78 G 90.12 G 3.78 B
14 87.56 G 90.56 G 4.25 B
15 87.95 G 90.78 G 5.36 B
16 88.02 G 91.23 G 6.36 B


A cause-and-effect diagram along with some brain- sign specification for the lamp was 2.50-2.78 ampere. The
storming now pinpointed towards two suspected actual current recorded by the team was 2.84 ampere.
sources of part-to-part variation in shield tilt, viz., High current results in more wattage, which leads to
premature lamp failure. This was a major concern for
i) Electrode wear-out
the company as customers were rejecting lots and the
ii) Electrode length
financial impact of these rejections was considerable
After analysing a little further, the team finally identi- apart from loss of goodwill with its clients. The prob-
fied the final root cause as electrode wear-out. As per lem clearly needed immediate attention.
the latest information available, from the company, at The team now moved on to the next phase, i.e., the Meas-
the close of 2008, this process is currently reporting a ure Phase. In this phase, it was important to understand
wastage of 0.09 per cent. all the process variables that were affecting the output.
Therefore, first a capability analysis of the process (Fig-
Project B ure 5) was conducted by using MINITAB to gauge the
The second case was a black belt project. This project current capability of the process. The process capability
was completed by a team of four, which included one ratio Cp was 1.70 and the process capability index, Cpk
team leader and three team members. Process capabil- was 0.05. Cpk is generally considered a superior indica-
ity analysis was initially used to study the process per- tor of process capability as it takes into consideration
formance. The breakthrough in terms of identifying the the shifts in the process average over time. In this case, a
root cause emerged by application of two very interest- Cpk value less than the Cp value definitely indicates that
ing tools from the Shainin family, viz., paired compari- the process variability is high. While the PPM below the
son analysis and B vs C analysis. LSL was in control, the PPM above the USL was 533333
indicating that the Sigma level of the process was below
For this project, the problem was based on customer 1.
complaints regarding a particular model of halogen lamp
fitted in two-wheelers. Based on a study of the com- Identifying the SSVs
plaints, the team defined the problem as: High current Once the problem was identified and quantified, the next
in main and sub-filament of the model. The current de- step was to list the potential sources of variation. After

Figure 5: Process Capability Analysis in Project B

Process Data

USL 2.78000 Within

Target *
LSL 2.51000 Overall
Mean 2.78442
Sample N 120
StDev (Within) 0.0264870
StDev (Overall) 0.0288687

Potential (Within) Capability

Cp 1.70
CPU -0.06
CPL 3.45
Cpk -0.06
2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9
Overall Capability
Observed Performance Exp. “Within” Performance Exp. “Overall” Performance
Pp 1.56
PPU -0.05 PPM < LSL 0.00 PPM < LSL 0.00 PPM < LSL 0.00
PPL 3.17 PPM > USL 53333.33 PPM > USL 566216.02 PPM > USL 560797.47
Ppk -0.05 PPM Total 53333.33 PPM Total 566216.02 PPM Total 560797.47

brainstorming, the suspected sources of variation were given by Shainin (1993b) and Bhote and Bhote (2000).
identified as: Here is a brief description of an application of this
method. In this method, 10 units — 5 BOB and 5 WOW
i. Resistance of the wire — were first identified from the existing process based
ii. Pitch variation
on the response variable. All SSVs were then measured
Further, the resistance of the coil wire depends on four for each part. The response variable, i.e., current, in this
parameters, viz., case, was also measured.

a) Coil diameter Analysis of the Main-Filament Data

b) Coil length The observations of the main-filament parameters are
c) Number of turns shown in Table 5.
d) MG of the wire.
The specification for the coil diameter is (1.00 ± 0.02)
Some of these parameters are shown in Figure 6. mm. The coil diameter values although well within speci-
fications show significant variability ranging from 0.98
Figure 6: Variables for SSV of High Current in Project B
to 1.01 across the BOB and the WOW units. The number
Pitch Variation of turns is constant at 22 for all the 10 units. The coil
length and the pitch variability seem significant while
the MG of the coil shows no variability. The next step in
paired comparison analysis is to measure the endcount
for each of the SSVs. This is done by first arranging the
Coil Diameter

observations in ascending order and then calculating the

top count and the bottom count. The two counts are then
added to get the endcount. If the endcount is less than
six, it can be concluded at 90 per cent confidence level
that the particular SSV is not significant. The count for
coil diameter is 10; therefore, it is a significant SSV. The
count of the other two parameters, viz., the number of
Coil Length
turns and the length of the main-filament, are 0 and 4
respectively. These two parameters can be eliminated
Shainin DOE Paired Comparison from the list of potential SSVs, as the counts are not sig-
This is a universal Shainin DOE tool and can be applied nificant. Thus, for the main-filament, the coil diameter
to identify the root cause as long as the SSVs are meas- has emerged as the dominant source of variability in
urable. A complete description of this method has been the response.

Table 5: Main-Filament Observations in Project B

S.No. Coil DIA No. of Turns Coil Length Pitch Variation MG Response (Current)
1 0.98 22 4.22 0.191 48.4 2.84 WOW
2 0.978 22 3.96 0.18 48.4 2.84 WOW
3 0.995 22 3.78 0.171 48.4 2.83 WOW
4 0.959 22 3.98 0.18 48.4 2.82 WOW
5 0.987 22 3.87 0.175 48.4 2.81 WOW
6 1.01 22 4.01 0.182 48.4 2.74 BOB
7 1.01 22 3.88 0.174 48.4 2.74 BOB
8 1.01 22 4.32 0.196 48.4 2.75 BOB
9 1.01 22 4.08 0.185 48.4 2.75 BOB
10 1.01 22 3.78 0.171 48.4 2.75 BOB


Analysis of the Sub-Filament Data sis is taken from Bhote (1991). If we choose 2 B units and
A similar paired comparison analysis was carried out 2 C units, the number of possible ways in which we can
for the sub-filament. The observations are listed in Ta- arrange them in rank order is 6 (Box 1).
ble 7. The count for the sub-filament coil diameter is 10.
This implies that the coil diameter has a significant im- Box 1: Possible Arrangement of Bs and Cs
pact on the current. The count of the number of turns is B B B C C C
0 and for the coil length it is 4. Both these counts are not B C C C B B
significant. Thus paired comparison for both the filament C B C B C B
data sets indicate that ‘variability in coil diameter’ is the C C B B B C
root cause of the current problem.
Now, suppose that the null hypothesis and the one-sided
The Improvement Phase alternative hypothesis are as follows:
The purpose of the improvement phase is to implement Null There is no significant difference
a solution to address the root cause of the problem. After hypothesis: between the B and C processes
brainstorming for potential solutions, modification of
Alternative Process B is better than
coil diameter seemed to be the most feasible solution. hypothesis: process C
The specifications for the coil diameter were re-set for
testing the response at the following levels: If we examine all possible arrangements of Bs and Cs in
Box 1, it may be seen that there is only one way in which
• For the main-filament: At 1.02mm and 1.03mm all the Bs can come out on top followed by the Cs, indi-
• For the sub-filament: At 0.97mm and 0.99mm cating significant difference in the two processes being
Since the coil diameter directly impacts the lumen of the compared. If this were true, our null hypothesis would
lamp, the lumen is also measured at each of the above be rejected. Therefore, statistically, the probability of
levels. Minimum lumen standards as per EC 37R regu- rejecting the null hypothesis is 1/6 i.e., 16.7 per cent.
lations are: Extending this concept, when there are three units each
of Bs and Cs, all possible combinations are 20 and once
• Main-filament: 825 ± 15% again there is only one way in which all the Bs would
• Sub-filament: 525 ± 15% come on top followed by the Cs at the bottom. Thus,
concluding that B is better than C represents 1/20 or 5
Five pieces of each filament were made according to the
per cent risk which Bhote (1991) describes as the α risk.
above coil diameter combination. Both the current and
Bhote and Bhote (2000) calls the 3B vs. 3C plan the “six
the lumen were measured for each of these units. Since
pack test.” While choosing the 6 samples, it is very im-
lumen was a limiting factor, the best results were ob-
portant to randomize the order of the six runs. The final
tained for the current and the lumen at coil diameter
analysis is based on the endcount scheme already de-
1.03 for the main-filament and 0.99 mm for the sub-fila-
scribed. When there is no overlap of the B and C values,
then the dominant source has been verified.
Better vs. Current (B vs. C) Analysis of Coil Diameter
In this case, 3B vs. 3C, i.e., 3 units with modification and
Once the root cause has been addressed, it is necessary 3 units without modification (B – with modification and
to validate it. This was done, by using the Shainin B vs. C – without modification) was used to validate the im-
C analysis, which is a confirmation tool to verify whether provement action, i.e., the modification of the coil di-
the actions taken have actually improved the process. ameter. Both the main-filament data and the sub-
Some typical applications of this tool are to validate the filament data exhibited no overlaps of the responses with
cause, product/process changes, and improvement ac- B condition and C condition (Table 6), the conclusion
tions or to compare between two entities who could be being that the process has improved by changing the
suppliers, two machines and so on. specifications of the coil diameter.
B vs. C analysis is based on the theory of combinations.
The following justification and description of this analy- The focus of the control phase is to sustain the gains of

the improvement phase. This is usually achieved by Table 8: Modifications in Coil Diameter Specifications
documentation and standardization of the control meas- in Project B
ures. To ensure that the solution worked, the following Coil Diameter Specifications
steps were undertaken. Before After
Main-Filament (1.00 ± 0.2) mm (1.03 ± 0.2) mm
Table 6: B vs. C Analysis in Project B
Sub-Filament (0.96 ± 0.2) mm (0.99 ± 0.2) mm
Main-Filament Data Sub-Filament Data
Sl.No. Response Units Sl.No. Response Units CONCLUSIONS
1 2.71 B 1 2.68 B The key phase of the DMAIC methodology is the meas-
2 2.72 B 2 2.69 B ure and analysis phase. The tools and techniques used
3 2.73 B 3 2.71 B in this phase determine the success or failure of the
4 2.79 C 4 2.78 C
project to a large extent. In both the projects, the Shainin
DOE tools have been very effectively used to pinpoint
5 2.8 C 5 2.79 C
the root causes and validate the improvement actions.
6 2.81 C 6 2.8 C
A classical DOE approach would have meant applica-
(The figures refer to values of current in Ampere.) tion of factorial designs requiring much more time and
effort, and above all, it would have required changes in
Modifications were made in the drawings of the main-
machine settings. Classical DOE requires large data col-
and sub-filament. The coil diameter specifications were
lection to conduct the analysis. In Shainin DOE, small
changed as shown in Table 8. Control charts were used
samples of 5 BOB and 5 WOW pieces were sufficient to
to display the main and sub-filament current to ensure
analyse the data as seen in both the projects. A very im-
continuous monitoring of the process. As per the latest
portant factor is that data collection was done for both
information available from the company in January 2009,
the projects online without disturbing the regular pro-
the current process capability values of this process for
duction. Also, what is more important is not always the
the main filament are: Cp = 4.09, Cpk = 1.96, amounting
exact Six Sigma results but the methodology followed
to remarkably low defects level of just 0.0025 PPM and
to achieve practically zero defects.
for the sub filament: Cp = 3.10 and Cpk = 1.67, amounting
to defects level of only 0.285 PPM indicating that both No statistical software was needed to be used to ana-
processes have capability well over Six Sigma. lyse the data. In fact, Shainin DOE does not even require
knowledge of difficult statistical tools. Simple operation
Table 7: Sub-Filament Observations in Project B like counts, additions, subtractions, etc., make calcula-
tions relatively easy. The projects were completed within
S. Coil No.of Coil MG Response
No. DIA Turns Length (Current) a span of two months. For the company, the estimated
savings from these two projects was more than Rs 2 lakh
1 0.96 22 4.51 48.4 2.75 BOB
per annum. In addition, the success of the projects had a
2 0.962 22 4.44 48.4 2.69 BOB
very positive effect on the morale of the employees in
3 0.962 22 4.56 48.4 2.74 BOB terms of convincing them that Six Sigma works without
4 0.959 22 4.62 48.4 2.66 BOB complex statistics and big jargons.
5 0.956 22 4.45 48.4 2.75 BOB
The subject of the Shainin methods is very vast and this
6 0.95 22 4.61 48.4 2.81 WOW paper highlights the applicability of only a few of the
7 0.951 22 4.51 48.4 2.84 WOW Shainin tools. However, there is a lot of scope for more
8 0.949 22 4.62 48.4 2.83 WOW research on this methodology particularly comparative
9 0.952 22 4.51 48.4 2.84 WOW research of some of the Shainin methods like Paired
Comparison and B vs C Analysis vis-a-vis the more popu-
10 0.951 22 4.51 48.4 2.82 WOW
lar statistical tools like factorial designs and non-para-
metric testing. Although these methods are not
necessarily the best, according to Steiner et al (2006), the


guiding principles of the Shainin tools are powerful, and of the terminology is trademarked and legally protected,
at least, in combination, unique. Also, these tools are best limiting academic debate and discussion on this system
suited for medium to high volume production. In this of problem solving, which despite many criticisms and
case, the company chosen may be considered as a high having been largely overshadowed by the classical and
volume production company and has used these tools Taguchi techniques in the past, is now gradually being
quite successfully. However, the downside is that most given its due recognition.

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Acknowledgements. The authors express thanks and are indebted to Mr. Sandeep Mathur, GM, Corporate Quality, Phoenix
Lamps Limited and Mr. Muneesh Babu and other executives of the Quality Control Department of Phoenix Lamps Limited, for
sharing crucial information contained in this case. No part of this article may be used without prior permission of the authors
and the company.

Sunil Sharma has been a Senior Reader in the Production & Anuradha R Chetiya is a Lecturer in the Department of Statis-
Operations Management Area at the Faculty of Management tics, Ramjas College, University of Delhi. Prior to this, she had
Studies (FMS), University of Delhi, for about two decades. He been associated with the Department of Statistics, Lady Shri
received his Ph.D. in Total Quality Management from the same Ram College as a Lecturer. She completed her M.Phil in the
institution prior to which he had completed his MBA and area of Sample Surveys from the University of Delhi and is
M.Tech. He specializes in TQM, TPM, and Supply Chain Man- currently pursuing her Ph.D. from the Faculty of Management
agement in which areas he has presented papers at many in- Studies (FMS), University of Delhi. She has presented papers
ternational and national conferences of which at least three at a number of conferences on Six Sigma methodology and its
being at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. He implementation on which her research is also based.
received the UGC Research Award in 2003-05 to work on Sup-
ply Chain Management Practices in India based on which he
is currently authoring a book.

Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In

that space lies our freedom and power to choose our
response. In our response lies our growth and
— Viktor Frankl


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