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Ye > Step TE Balame Radios. eta f Pox O8spife [ 87000 in (psi fy 87000 + fy * Be o-gs for frre 4ooopsi eae Rt fe’ - 4o00 qin serra = 2 065» fe’ » yooapsi Ps 3 % Biome S200 : en f a, i oa dopa Step #31. Deturmén 1 5 0+ 008 : f eae + Ey « 29000 ksi m= y O85 fe" Res pnlite gael apie), an at Zi | 2 oe Cos ; > Step tie oateuminu Rainad Mos UM oy ston Mas 1:2M5 + 16M, ie we coed elo noe sum ae — Stopisi- Aswiming a o factor = 0.99; ae aay beam weight Ma = Mu ( ft+kips) (casio on st a Wad) if > Steps 6 Requied bd? from Rai From het» we got bd? 2 Mn x ooo Cin?) (65d andh). ve ow Checks: Gling stip #7). Gee aan X(oIS) & 0-4 (o+k) (Kp /ft) Stprg : oe ae ian bah) rh Css b - i Ki - viens - n(d) (n-1) gee ES. % €s= 24000000 psi é , G €e = 3600000 psi pupa: Conclusion: Analysis Mn = fe: “a cfd -& which wer ds contralng. 2 on PMn > M14 (C= 0-85 fob ée «[/dne Jovi T= Asfy find a oy, corneas Nand (a=Be] find xi t= 0-0-0022 —, compression Ss nee Ep- > 0005S _, Tension cont vol | * Et = 0002 - 01005 —4 Jnansitim control. fe ONT C2 OHA Check condilion (Bs erg ae nr short @lumns- ; ee o> DESIGN OF Cowmn: : ( Braad Non- sw Step #1: Per omd Mu Calculations: 4) Pos 1+2Po +1°6Pi (Pu ein Beam /y ) Mus 1*2Mp +1°6Mi (mu 08 in beam) ry — Step#2: Calculate "e'- a= Mu. Pu i Step#3! Calculate kK? : Braucl Non -sWoy § Kel Stoptea: Caludale 37 (given ght of column > _Stoptst e Sead tonalite . lg Pat 12 < 40 (OK if not gi ig ie am ig mae vom ; ae hh < 34-1264, => Shoat Oesign ¥ Lh sas (in stay teal) TT mm ee ee eee > 34 “12041 Long Busign zm, (+) > angle cunvature . a (-) > Qouble curvature . Cemndilios ) My =m, oe Slope: Gipsy , Ec= $7000 Ife Casi) Eye ae (ksi) risen » $= — > (aBumed Dimmension) ie Step#7: ly ear? hon) b xh Cinches) ai . z Tee i 12 Y 7 A ™, Rn—> pes cy Mu —? Mn Slepars: Toes 2x{ As [ h- 2¢Ccavea of one wide ‘} as a Onishi Step; ab) pe Pangan! 20S aoa Tee W2D4t6l Els OE ely tEs hee Step ttt: Euly’s Y Caketa stay iad Gee Step tits damula: av 1 +B, mt 3 Step #2, Bdns of : t Step i2y Pea Tel CK? Cm = 0:6 +0+4™, mM, Stp# 13 Step #14: 6ns = Cm Ph = Pu : ee [aca ] 4 oS 0°75 Pe Canc BER tise ie Me = bnsMy. Step # 16:- Oesign Eamhial ; Mc xt2 . 4, eee Stop# 17 Py caleutale; 2As” Po= Co + Cs -T pEqyt], Pas 0.85 fe'ob + as [fy oes he] ~ Asfy CEq)# 25 TG Ch -2) + Cs(de-4’)) = Pr e's edt de - bf, Pee 8 ie aa 2552 cover of one wide. B in ii eee ' Sips i8: 1 lett Sth snaluls rusia a=pe > a » Picton Or Counans Stp#1: Odiunine Ki C swe) Lents : “a and wy, CTabl) Stp#2: kw 22 ‘ if aes £22 (Short column) if te > 22 Clong re) Stip# 3: See os fr Non- swoy (Stipa 6 b 13) Slips Me= Mas + 850s) PaaS = Ma sand Ms = given (Seay moment) Steps y:. Cds Me Slip #5 :- we Cm= 110 Fin. fy as (Step #17 to 20) of Long a _—_————————— °> Design OF Sworr Couns Design: x: SPIRAL Couns :_ a): Matuial pa fe > fy cusumes fq = 0-604 Age Pu AAW titel dBerribn. ial) 050 fe’. fy py) ie _—— hid es KON wthed aa xix a *[ Sp te Step atts Select Ruimfoncum a Ast = Py P49 Stopes: _ “ty BOR ESSS ee ie oy . re yer) = 08S x 0-75 pal) fousaal x xo Ast y PPn > Py (ork) 2 Step #6. Select the Apinalls :- S <_ Kdip Fyt eal eed = Rees el #4 /Ach]-1) tye = fy dsp = spinal dia: 0375” DARE RES 5. Ach « Deyn 2 2 ee => No+3 Bars o> Step #7: Lop Splices Qesign 9°75 (Tabk A-13 = 38in) ° > DEsigw OF SHorr CoLuMN DEsiqn « > Tied Columns: (Basco!) z a3: Pu, andMu ( Beam, Slab) @ Matuial Propeilies zI9 fy. fe amd Py = b ag Fp = 0-015 Ctaial) Pile eT 5 Cin*) O40 | fe’ 4 al (singe picle) ey d tind ee, a diy = MackPSD Cans in fe)— (take ee Pu ‘ = a hed hm to be salisfied fon shont ; > Com We. 34-12 £4 i Bhaced > K 24 amd Mr a Ma ke4 Mz (inh) sy: tos eh eb. ia oi = Klu e u 6 = umbupportid. lmgih B= 03xKh salisfy ey: > Stipes + caltabalinns, Y= d= 2@:5) 0 d » Step #4: Triton action Olag nan :- Pn. Pa gg oMn Mu x a ksi) Agh dxdxd ; BRSOPaS! Ast BY 5 No-of Bars — select = Pu ksi) ~— (Fam Table 10A6,) dX inches) find Ff. SP OUPH6: Pus man toad copad : lead copa Pi 2 bP 0:85 4 fish » Step#7: Lp jsplies:- le [fie v6 |e Ye = ge tro = 4 a0 Aa Jf: dg=1 west) 1+34g = Ans. Cinches) > Stip#8: Ties Salechion + ———» (Puxtovo) s + ai fe’ bud co Ve ae al PRs (ig-28) ea h “eh aspy” Va > 9S os *75) » main bars = ndof Bats. x Ben clin » ties = novof Bars x Bar dia. = — nar » SrarCase Design, ' aD ay en a Ousign:. (without landing) assume woist thickness "4" Step# 1: sins6.9q - waist thickaww _, find x Cinche) Stop ees risen oe Step#3: Trapezoided oa: A+ [#2] Crmmcty) (150) jy 7 He 18? puerta) osume wt of slap cove = 5b/p | F Geerl2 van Aon Step# 5: ai Na Dead Load = Area + wt -of roy ae s oF Taape Sip Ome bf Jr ' Step #6: Wa (b/ft) = 1120 +1-6L a (Aol given, tam 100) Step #7: Wo (/ft) 47 = aie length. off Stain case at which 2 x 1000 stains occupy ) Stip#8: — thickness of Stp=t = 2% +x Zi 2 tefariael amet) = 0°75: tL (ban dia) eae te SINCE; fe) —> ut a=0-s” find As 3 (in) Csi) Be fy sir a= Asiy> 2 a asumed (0°K) F Fre : 0-85 a ae”) S= #3 ey Asmin = 00033 by, Cin?) ese At Stop #11: Shean Check :- Bir iY Vu = Wa [oo - sae io LF 12 —Hinched) Ove = 0°75 (2) Aw fe ey yr Check: wD Nes) Vy < ae (OK) Cn ~ Shean. neiofovememt) en »> STAIR CASE Design wt. of landing + 2 Find Ra» By takiog maments at one Point . Muy= Ra i “tet [ Lending 00 (Stip #8): Wy = 1:20 + 1.6L Ife rp) (220 “ani G landing stats dee) _ Both fir stains and Leste . disn, 2 Stalaload ec cfoay [Stay Mu and Ww fram SFO and Brap (Take meremt “oF” mig point) 3 re (029) (Sip#9)1 d= db’ ~o.75 - A bar dia aleya Stars > dO =d-0-75 21 ponies 2 Lamcuing > d= g- cas aN cee 02S step ee a Gp) Asin) = pod = +00336d, 4, ¢ eames G londi oak de gang aa ~ Ladd)’ uclomd' cone Step #1) Vy Check Gk coe istoo i G ep iene im CSC. {| ene ste (lad Bistere, e (stys2a3) 57 cae = “Total ong 1. indy 5 aE ih 28 ; in 24 above pr stairs . ee waieg formula, > DESinN OF STAIRCASE: @: Simply supported Stains : N,? Find tu, ” fin » oF | x Too [ seul patios + 1 x6 Jam) 12 12 fee tum = 10” Us sum thicknem + yiser thickness +6” Pus sun x live load~ (fier) 12 Pu= 162Py #406PL 5 Wu = Pa (4h) munhin > Moment at mid Span: i + (= total width of Stains yp Ma= wl a 8 bs 12% | Vu = Wy L-@ d= t -1” \ a 12 Ny Aanfacmnt aign weg (pis) iow : Chao w > Stas Design: 2 <2 CTuo wey ) . D: (Co- efttcent MertHoD ) Iwo way Slob System :- & >2 (ont wey) sopst ed » Step #1: pefine fe’s fy » Le eee ee a ea lee gee u perimaler il in half frm » Slep#2: Slab thicknss = PORE ED & botiside) 180 1 » Step #3: 8 = Ye x Slab thickness (ft) the ts0tb/fe+ » Shp #4 otal dead load = Given O-L 4 sof ut of Slab >> Step #5: Factoyed Load = Lo = eds ok i ae — a rl =W (6S, j Leet onamlees +> Step#6: Aspect Rabi: Le — shonla Le bong ie » Stipe7? Reinforcement Ralio: Fo. ae cS fy 8700 +fyf ° 8S) Fae = Sb (0:75) Prine 1298 SR fy log » Step #8 Solwe Pamnels: Pamnel #1: ae (sud? a Roe oe re7) } negabire moments caleutalim Cy ( r9nnfton) Ma (neg) = Ca,(neg) raiiraalhs, CE ee in) x12 Mo (nig) = Cocng) ru x ly —=> ci) (b) Positive Moms Calaulolions: Coeds Chl oe CET) — Ma. (+e) dl = Cadl a xwdl x lo?® Se ee Ma (+ve) UW = Ca x wll x la? —4 ci SY r6eL ocr ny am koe Mare OS Chg x wal «ib? yy Ie. Mb (+ve)U = Col x wu x b?—s evi Total- © +@ (viiiy © Negabie momants om vis-cotinuus side,’ 1 ae Ma. (rey) = aget Y) Se ee oe (14g) « a4 vit) ———> (X) > Reimfosament alcudtation: Shorlin. dinedlion Langer bineclion Hi ve) mid span seinforament Uy) pes raids Pai Mu= (WV) = My= = Cus sin) oie (8) — Same steps ] Bote ATE zai (iy cent - und (neg-R) Mu=(8) <5 e, man spacing ay tame Slips mn) it (nuge): (dice tices ci Disemt. end :. pe My = Mu = (1) —+ Same ae ie (18) Same Slips . iiiy Discant~ end Neg (R):- Mus (9) — Some steps Chae cubailny ok fr oitun Bees tap): SUf weight « fo ‘ footing weight Se 1500/H, Soil waght = (Of -4) iS Soil wil wh Camunnee : Holy (Step #3): piece soil ree ee 1 qax Troconns © */f) Yer ra Cooking - wi + sit -wt) Lf Ya: Crivm > allowable BC. (Stp #4): Width of fooling ber? CL (hy) Otre gin Ve (Sup #5): Ultimate ing Phussures: Yen 1620-4 + 106LL b (Stip 6): Feeling Thicknurs :. les ee teh Sa oe] 1 =wall thickness (9%) Vex O75 (200A) The ba compan both to calewfale "J" & assumed (ox) Ofer wite ne Fea Mus Va Sn sed ALvise with new Co). 8(b-a)* Femperolire Ruinforcmemt » As = 0-0026d + befg» . > FOOTING Design: (2) Combind Fe (Sp #1) Assume thickness “b*” amd ‘Chs)* ‘ Csopn2) Effedie ma dante Final grade cin) = gie* (Stp*3) er Ya ~ 22 Fa - Il Pelaet Ic (Step #4). Anca (fe?) « [eateete tee end x (000 aoe ’ eee =/olt ali b ore B . ns fox) foal OE a] Actal loads of two columns. (Stp # 6): Length. of festing s Zeek (Stip #7): Reged width . Area dmgth (Sap#8): Net soil fechas Ee factoed Load fr beth col ee ae Pa Coli) PuCcl2) . Adu LiLo ittterrecr dire? natumine Mu (max) x8 (Pes and ang sw ce Par He Va ol B amd (Step #9): Icheries colurmn: OVe= (Step #11): Longitudnal Stee! hal Nice, Rotem ve Mu — TOP Bars My => Mu Te . got et Ott —9 oie pis wt — fy and ley C - end tun + memnts) (Step#?2): Thamsverse Steel deozd-t As = minx dds Antinin + (2) Edlenbn + (1) b= bs +d b-bi+d ee Wt Gf As =2 vGtep #13). Beanmg Strumgin: Titerion : Pn = 0°7(0'8S) fe’ by ds fn > Pa As = 0+00Sbid) Exdinicn + Pr = 0-7 (085) fe’bid, Py > Par SH #8) 4s = 9.005614, “> MAT / RAFT Foortngn: (Step #1) Dinmunion of Mat Faundalion oe (Step#2)- % = SE (Ssumia load x moment =e Hl (2 sowie Load) pies] Momunt arm left ope to canbe of col: i fourth toc) T= EC sew tod » manunt on) 5) nica) load! 8 bp 0, 2 -% 3 nv =k y Tee 1 1g? ge py tyke ys 1135 ae ee rem t ey 12 BL Ti =) a (Permitsiole 6c) (stp #5) » Thicknos of Mat + Pus otal factored Lyad (Arial) [oo Y= fe Cksfy a BL 144 Yu= 0°75 (4) A She Bd bo} inlnign be = 4(S +0) cage ba = 38 $24 atu box 2s+d 2 ee We Bei) 18" 3 Hy - ccd?) compare, we > Manx col. Spacing = 175] » Sol readin ~ qu 828 tn cal. loo": CAN tad “wn mantinnad Sthips)2 2 Avg. Load in design Strips = Soil react + col load > Soil prime for aug load = 2G — a /] aL TAM ; - : #ol neachan ey > Inewasing factoy = a z co! ee j » incase col: load: Teas Taal a al @l+load x inc. factor Ce eee » (Sep #7): Check Shear Req: © Iwo a Shean edge a@lumn: Wu= inc. fact col load - soil prersure [Correa +2) 2 5 144 iy Un-Balanad (Mu): (not ay) a els 2] ~ One way Shaan : Inlvion cob: : Vu= Vmag~ OL [aa Fo} |S Ve = 075 Aloo i axa 22 >, GSP). aati a ag ut 3 = Rein forcement + Cie wii tg a) astiee { « ONE WaY Sune Desir’ rae Eee 280 eae 420 sin wppots | | Op me end. continuous 0/30 Ly Both ends condilions 4/35 Te) a lip (Stepse) : ert, Poin = “he Gsebcted fase table) > 4+Sinth L= (shontin Side +2 x1t4om) De Al - 27.257 vob indus Un = ia span +h Ghonter side lenght) Cinches) (Step #2): Dead Loads :- TOE Seif ut of slab = ( thicknus of slab) X2400 = psig (rm) ¢ oa Live Load + ft = 200 kg S/n > > (in Ip) Se . ; a: IL. doe Facored + — x 9:81 kN /ind Yop da ae Pe + 164] qe [ oe Sa mit) (Stip#3): Factored Bending Momeals 1. Ae £67 continue Ma = date (fe-kips) > Tempuastune. Rebnfistimert- hoe (Step #4): ie Reinfonament: = 0*002 RAO asure i a- % 1008 (13m) 2 mee spacing As = __ Ma x2 +1 (din mm) Least of ofy(d -%) ea) 2h (378mm —> (Sinches) east b = [000 eS 5 Asemm> 0085 fe" b : now. ta pis 7am. find (Bsa tgain Bee ated ae * Foorines /couumn / TsoLatéo FooTINen: (Step 1), Oy ee ‘Slap soll weignt : DF Ss 1aspch (Stip#2) Effective soil oe oe ‘ateaable soil prsrsure ( pst) CPsf) ay = Va.” - soil weight ¢psf) (Slip #3): Ansa of fig (ft?) As DLebe Tye a oe 1000 ‘ae Syuane noot gives us dimmunsins a ti 2 (Step #4): Upward. Pressure / Beosing Presture + he (ksi) Gus 22 DL DO Dit , Lu kip bem aes (Stpws): ye ee 7, re Vo he bee - 4] i poses Sore compare both of there to caludah J” ths (Stpw6): Critical Primalirs Cin) b, = 4( a +0) (Stip #7) Pornching Shean Check: (a and an in tnchep) tee Bes Bnav, «ps Cups) ls (s48) ] a CCI AY fea bed Vu, < Vc (a-e) (Stip# 8): One Wey shean neck: doen (Stipe) iG Fs [OD > He Calf (bendy Vu, < Ve (ax)

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