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Ark Details and Specifications

The arks will have an overall length of 19,250 meters (19.25 kilometers or 63,156
feet 2 inches). Their maximum beam will be 2,750 meters (2.75 kilometers or
9,022 feet 3.5 inches). Vessel height from the bottom of the keel to the flight deck
will be 1,203.125 meters (1.203125 kilometers or 3,947 feet 3 inches).
The arks will have an outer hull consisting of titanium-reinforced Special
Treatment Steel (STS) with an inner hull made of tungsten-reinforced Mild Steel
(MS), separated by a void 250 meters (0.25 kilometers or 820 feet 2.4 inches)
wide. This void will contain the ballast tanks, fuel storage tanks (along the lower
hull levels) as well as the vessel's air-conditioning and atmospheric reprocessing
systems (along the higher hull levels). The passenger accommodation,
consumables storage and vehicle storage decks will consist of 0.0508 m
(0.0000508 km or 2 inches) of ordinary shipbuilding-grade Mild Steel (MS) laid
over 0.254 m (0.000254 km or 10 inches) of enhanced Special Treatment Steel
(STS) in order to accommodate the much heavier loads anticipated.
The control systems for the arks consist of a spacious bridge containing the
required system input consoles, display consoles and communications stations. For
propulsion systems, each ark will contain sixteen Bechtel A2B pressurized heavy-
water reactors, four each supplying steam at a working pressure of 210.921
kg/cm^2 (3,000 psi) and a working temperature of 1,648.888 °C (3,000°F) to a
triple-tandem configuration, doubly reduction-geared steam turbine using three
General Electric steam turbines geared to one shaft, for a total of four propeller
shafts. Each propeller will have a diameter of 330 meters (0.33 kilometers or 1,082
feet 8 inches). The reactor compartments will be radiation-proofed using lead
plates having a thickness of 10 meters (0.01 kilometers or 32 feet 9.6 inches). For
monitoring reactor and engine systems, a centralized control room will be installed
in the Bridge Engineering Control station, located directly behind the main
Navigation and Control Complex on the bridge. It will be staffed by just one
officer and two enlisted men at all times. To cut down on crew requirements, the
ships will feature high levels of automation and AI (Artificial Intelligence)-
controlled facilities, requiring only a maximum crew of only around 1,000 officers,
enlisted men and civilian staff.
For scouting, reconnaissance and observational purposes, each ark will have an air
wing consisting of 64 F-35B VTOL fighter jets and 64 UH-60 Black Hawk
helicopters (for a total of 128 aircraft) which will be stored on the hangar deck
below the flight deck (Deck #1). The flight deck will have sixteen launch pads
(eight for the fighter jets and eight for the helicopters), each at a distance of 2,000
meters (2 kilometers or 6,561 feet 8 inches) from the other. The helicopter launch
pads will be 300 meters (0.3 kilometers or 984 feet 3 inches) in length and 100
meters (0.1 kilometers or 328 feet 1 inch) in breadth, whereas the jet fighter launch
pads will be 300 meters (0.3 kilometers or 984 feet 3 inches) in length and 150
meters (0.15 kilometers or 492 feet 1.5 inches) in breadth. The flight deck will also
feature a retractable island on the starboard side of the ark which will be 40 meters
(0.04 kilometers or 131 feet 2.8 inches) long, 20 meters (0.02 kilometers or 65 feet
7.3 inches) wide and 35 meters (0.035 kilometers or 114 feet 9.9 inches) high,
which will be used mainly for flight control operations.
The living quarters will consist of spacious, fully-furnished and climate control-
equipped two-bedroom apartments with an approximate carpet area of 500 m2.
Each apartment/suite is intended to support one family /a group of five or six
members. A large-scale dining/mess facility planned for the arks will each be able
to support upto 250,000 people at one meal service (breakfast/lunch/dinner).
16,000 such facilities will be installed on each ark.
The total passenger capacity of each vessel (excluding the ~1,000 crewmembers
required to operate one ark) will amount to around 20,96,15,427 people (nearly 2.1
billion people per ship). Thus, six ships of this class will need to be built in order to
save the entirety of humankind, most of the animal and plant life on Earth, all the
tools, equipment, vehicles and machinery needed to start a thorough rebuild of
human civilization, and also the world, as we know it (five arks for humans,
animals, plants, vehicles and machinery, and a sixth specifically built for carrying
vehicles and machinery).

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