The Sacred Hour

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Sacred Hours...

A life-changing concept.

What are they and how to find yours: (thread)

1/ What are sacred hours?

2020 has blurred the lines between work and home, reachable and unreachable.

If you don't set your own constraints, someone else will set them for you.

Enter: sacred hours.

2/ (cont.)

Sacred hours are blocked off chunks that are - you guessed it - sacred.

• Unreachable.
• No distractions.
• Fully off the grid.
• Defended ruthlessly.

Just you and your work for at least two hours.

Completed daily, these sessions quickly compound.

3/ Finding your sacred hours

There are two questions to answer:

• What time of day am I most productive?

• What time of day can I be least responsive?

This will be different for everyone in every circumstance.

From this intersection, choose a two-hour block.

4/ Using sacred hours

With your sacred hours chosen, you have to treat them as such.

Defend them ruthlessly. Let nobody intrude on your sacred hours.

During your sacred hours, work on the highest-leverage task on your to-do list.

Do this for weeks and watch them compound.

5/ My sacred hours

My sacred hours differ by time of the week

• 5 to 7 am on weekdays.
• 6 to 11 am on weekends.
• Noon to 5 pm on Fridays.

I look forward to these sessions every day, knowing the big work will get done.

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