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Chapter 28: America in a World at War War on Two Fronts I.

Containing the Japanese Japanese airplanes attacked American Airfield at Maniladestroying Americas air power in the Pacific. Filipino and American troops gave up their defense of islands in the Philippines on May 6 Two offensives from North and West would come together to invade Japan. Allied victories of Battle of the Coral Sea, May 7-May 8, 1942 June 3-June 6, 1942-Victory at Midway; regained control of the Central Pacific for the U.S. Americans force assaulted 3 islands: Gavutu, Tulagi and Guadalcanal ferocity, heavy losses on both sides, but Japan was forced to abandon Guadalcanal II. Holding off the Germans British wanted a series of Allied offensives around the edges of Nazi Empire, which might delay the Invasion of France. o Roosevelt wanted to keep good relation with Churchill o Supported British plan to undergo attack at the end of Oct. 1942 American offensive drove last of Germans from Africa in May 1943 with help of Allied Air and Naval Power and of British Forces Winter of 1942-1943, the Red Army held off a major German assault at Stalingrad in Southern Russia July 9, 1943 American and British armies landed in Southeast Sicily: Conquered in 38 Days June 4, 1944: Captured Rome Postponement of the Invasion of France gave Soviets time to move toward countries of Eastern Europe III. America and the Holocaust The Holocaust: Nazi campaign to exterminate the Jews of Europe 1942: There were evidence that Jews were being gathered from all over Europe and murdering them o 6 million Jews Genteel Anti-Semite: Prevent Jews from entering the U.S. in large numbers; imperiled Jews ignored/rejected The American People in Wartime I. Prosperity War induced Economic Recovery (unemployment, deflation, industrial sluggishnessvanished) Federal budget is growing; Gross National Product is soaring o 1939: $9 billion $100 billion (increased during peacetime)






The War and the West Govt created large manufacturing facilities in California and elsewhere to serve the needs of its military %40 billion worth of Capital Investments 10% of all money the Federal Govt spent between 1940 and 1945 went to California Labor and The War The war gave an enormous boost to Union Membership (10.5 million in 1941 to over 13 million in 1945) So called little steel formula- %15 limit on wartime wages No strike pledge- no stop to production in war time Maintenance of membership agreement- ensured new workers in unionized defense plants would automatically enroll in unions 15,000 stoppages during war, wild cat strikes (Smith Conally Act; War Labor Dispute Act) Stabilizing the Boom October 1942, Anti-Inflation Act passed; gave admin authority to freeze agricultural prices, wages, salaries and rent o Office of Price Administration, led by Leon Henderson Chester Bowles; This administration was resented National Debt rose from $49 billion in 1941 to $259 billion in 1945 Revenue Act 1942, established 94% rate for highest brackets and imposed tax on lowest income families Mobilizing Production 1939, search for effective mechanism to mobilize the economy for war Jan. 1942, War Production Board -> Super agency with broad power over economy o Under direction of Former Sears Roebuck Executive Donald Nelson o Never able to win control of military purchases; never able to satisfy small business **Transferred much of WPBs authority to a new office in the White House: Office of War Mobilization New Industry producing synthetic rubber emerged, to make up for loss of access rubber in the Pacific Military production was becoming excessive Wartime Science and Technology American Govt poured substantial funds into research and development (Technological/Scientific Innovation) 1940, National Defense Research Committee; MIT Scientist Vannevar Bush later became the office of Scientific Research and Development $100 million on research




Technological Advantages lie within the Germans and Japanese (mechanized armor tanks, submarine technology, fighter planes) America and Britains technique of mass production Greater numbers than German and Japan o Radar and Sonar; rapid advances put allies far in advance of Germany and Japan in Radar Technology o Acoustic Mine Transmitted Sounds 1942, British and American produce new bomber plans that were more effective with great capabilities on missions Dec. 1942, Oboe System; sent sonic messages when within target Greatest Advantages in technology and knowledge was the gathering of intelligence, much through Great Britains Ultra Project o Steal German /Japanese intelligence device o Most important: puzzle enemys system and advances that help decipher coded messages sent by Japanese and Germans **Enigma Machine (Change coded system) codes could be deciphered** 1941, success by the American Magic Operation (counterpart o British Ultra) in breaking Japanese Coding African Americans and The war Summer of 1941, A Philip Randolph, President of Black Brotherhood of sleeping car porters Insisted on integrating work forces Randolph planned a massive march with 100,000 demonstrator FEPC Rare symbolic victory for African Americans making demands of the Govt Demand for labor in war plants moved blacks from rural to industrial cities (it brought more African Americans than the Great Migration, 1914-1919) o Led to urban tension/racial violence CORE: Congress of Racial Equality, 1942 o Public and Political Pressures for change in the military Segregation was wasting manpower in the military The traditional pattern of race relations were eroding Native Americans and the War 25,000 Native Americans performed military service such as WWII Code-talkers, speaking their own language over radio in military communications (enemies wouldnt understand) Indian Reorganization Act of 1934: National unity Mexican-American War Workers Mexican workers entered U.S. during war to shortages on the Pacific Coast




1942, Braceros (Contract Labors); Mexicans work specific jobs in America Employment gains for Mexican Americas due to wartime labor shortage they formed 2nd largest group of migrants o Over 300,000 of them served in U.S. Military June 1943, Zoot-Suit Riots; lasted 4 days in LA, whites invaded Mexican American communities and attacked them Women and Children at War Dramatic increase in female employment by 60%; 1945 Many women entered industrial work force to replace male in the military Raise the Riveter famous wartime image that symbolized new importance of female industrial work force Most women worked in service-sector jobs Limited Child Care while both male and female parents worked. Scarcity for child-care facilities led to leave them alone: called eight hour orphans Great Post-War Baby Boom: Rise in birth rate that accompanied increase in marriages War Time life and Culture Economic Good Times: abundance of war years created rise in American Life: more money to spend Book, theatre, movie industries increased; Radio Ownership and listening increased o Business were doing HELLA GOOD Fighting for future prosperity: Home is where the good things are-generousity, the good pay, comforts, democracy, pie. The Pin up Betty Grable, symbolized modest girlfriend USOs; young women serve as hostesses in clubs, dress nicely and talk with lonely men to give them a healthy outlet o Dance Brigades; no contact with service men except when dancing The Internment of Japanese Americans Ethnic Distinctions Blurred o Italians had provisions, forbidding them to travel o Displayed hostility towards German Americans **Ethnically began to seem less a source of menacing difference instead a healthy diversity encouraged by Americans Japanese in America had been target of ethnic and racial animosity; whites consider Asians so foreign that they could not never become real Americans 100,000 (iisei, Nisei) were rounded up and moved to relocation centers; they were not brutal, but harsh and uncomfortable

1943, Japanese Americans attended school, drafted into American Military, others moved to cities for factory/service jobs XIII. Chinese Americans and the War American Alliance with China enhanced legal and social status of Chinese Americans 1943, to improve relations with Govt of China, congress repeated Chinese Exclusion Act which barred almost all Chinese Immigration since 1892 There were a higher proportion of Chinese Americans because they were similar to African Americans (Jobs, factories, military) XIIII. The Retreat from Reform Victory of War was more important than reform Greatest Assault on new deal came from conservatives in congress who seized on war to do what was wanted in peace time. o End of mass unemployment; decreased need for relief programs as the Civilian Conservation corps/works progress administration o Increasing numbers 1944 Election: revolved around domestic issues and, indirectly, the presidents health. The Defeat of Axis

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