Understanding The Self

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The Spiritual Self Witchcraft – The use of spells and the invocation of spirits
Religion came from the latin word “religare” which means
“the bond between man and God”; Latin “religio” which Dungan (soul) – Means the soul of the living person. An alter
means obligation, bond, reverence. person acting as a guardian angel to the person and willpower

Religion as a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to Religiosity – Actuations that show devotion or reverence to
the sacred and the profane, which unite into one single moral deities
community called church
Voodoo – Refers to a black religious cult practiced in the
• In the prevailing religious view among Filipinos is that Man Caribbean and the southern US, combined Roman Catholic
is a tripartite being: 1. Body 2. Soul 3. Spirit Others would rituals with Traditional African magical and religious rites
regard the human person as a dualistic being composed of the Terminologies
body (material) and soul-spirit (spiritual).
Sorcery – The art, practices, or spells of a person who is
• In western philosophy: supposed to excercise supernaural powers through the aid of
evil spirits, otherwise known as Black Magic
Soul is the principle of life in man
Body is the matter, soul is the form
Enchantment – The state of being under a spell
As long as body and soul are one unit, man is alive
Mojo – A magic charm, talisman, or spell
Death is the separation of soul from the body Incantation – A series of words said as a magic spell or
The body cannot stay alive without the soul charm Terminologies
But the soul lives without the body
- The soul ceases to experience thirst, hunger, cold and heat. Hex – A magic spell or curse; cast a spell on.
Dungan (soul) Used by Ilonggos when the person is alive; Conjuration – Supernatural accomplishment by invocation or
“kalag” or “detached”, “free”, when he is dead spell
– not normaly seen by the naked eye. The Curse – is the expression of a wish that misfortune, evil,
– sometimes it comes out of the body and takes on a visible or doom may befall a person or group
form such that of an insect or animal – may leave the body
voluntarily as when the person is asleep Denunciation – Public condemnation of someone or
– when a person can see himself in his dreams it means that something Terminologies
his “other self” has left the physical body
Deliverance – To rescue from captivity, hardship, or
domination by evil

Exorcism – Ceremony that drives out evil spirit

The Spiritual Self
3 Different probable meanings: The Practice of Religion: Belief in the Supernatural
Being and Powers
1. “spiritual” relates to the soul or spirit, usually in contrast to
material things.
• Religion is a sacred engagement with a supernatural being
2. the term “spiritual” in a religion relates to religious or who, as we belive, has the power to govern life.
sacred things rather than worldly things
• Religion satisfies the emotional and spiritual needs of the
3. the term “spiritual” is temperamentally or intellectually akin individual.
to or in connection or affinity with the mind, spirit, or
temperament • It is believed that the spiritual nature will lead him to the
right path.
Terminologies: Rituals and Ceremonies: The function of rituals,
Rituals – Practices done by group of people as handed down
religion, magic
to them by their elders

Ceremonies – Events held to celebrate • These societal rituals were proven effectual and beneficial.
Hence, disobedience often times meant receiving supernatural
Magic – Power influencing the course of events through sanctions such as illness.
mysterious or supernatural forces
• On the other hand, religion is a belief, faith, creed and Makatu by the Bukidnons
conviction, it is mostly embodied by rituals and practices
under which its manifestations and executions are evidence of The concept of “dungan” spirit or soul
one’s religiosity
The ‘soul’ or spirit of a person is called:
• Magic is often confused with sorcery or tricks. Magic is the Ikararuwa by the Ibanags Kadkadduwa by the Ilokanos when
power that apparently influences the course of events through
the soul is in the physical body and karuruwa when it depart
the intercession and aid of supernatural forces.
The Bisayan dungan has a secondary meaning of “willpower.”
• In Mindanao, Harang is done in cornfields after the natives
harvest the first “anagon”, they offered it to the deities of the
farm and land throughout a priestess' prayer
A strong dungan is the intellectual and psychological capacity
Harang to dominate or persuade others to one’s way of thinking.
• Divided into 3 parts
A person with a lot of willpower is said to “have a strong
1.Pagtawag (invitation) dungan.”
2.Pangamuyo (pleadings / prayer)
3.Bayad (offering) Two people under one roof may lead to a spiritual competition
between the two dungan - defeat (and sickness) of the one
Surondon with the weaker dungan
• Obligatory rites and callings that are followed by the
Antiquehanons of the Visayan Region, which comes from the
word “sunod” which means “obey”
Viktor Frankl
ASWANG Filipino ghouls and shapeshifters.
• Founder of Logotherapy a form of psychotherapy that he
developed after surviving Nazi concentration camps in the

Logotherapy - developed on a concept based on the premise The myth of Aswang is popular in the Visayas, particularly in
that the primary motivational force of an individual is to find a the provinces of Capiz, Antique and Iloilo. The aswang is also
meaning in life. known as wakwak, tiktik, bal-bal, soc-soc, and yanggaw.

Finding and creating meaning Tiyanak impakto, it is a baby who died before receiving
baptism rites.
• 3 ways of discovering meaning in life according to Viktor
Frankl White Lady Dressed in white. Long hair. Beautiful face
covered in blood. Woman foating on air…
1. In suffering • this is an opprtuntiy given to us to
change, do better, and trancend such situation.
Tikbalang (also tigbalang, tigbalan, tikbalan, or demon horse)
2. As human beings we are “vulnerable to the weaknesses
of the human factor”. we should not allow our selves to Manananggal
wallow in self-pity. Kapre
– We should be responsible enough to conquer such guilt Sigbin
feelings by ascending over such transgression, growing Nuno sa Punso
beyond ourselves, and by changing our selves

3. Life and death – The opportunities to act properly and Ways to Interact with the Supernatural
the potentialities to fulfill a meaning, in doing so, everything 1. Prayer – As thanksgiving, request, or demand, prayer is
can be stored and treasured. Finding meaning in the life we generally distinguished from ordinary use of language by a
live one day at time. special gesture, often archaic, speech patterns.

“We can discover this meaning in life in three different ways: 2. Music – Musical instruments, singing, chanting, and
1. by doing a deed; 2. by experiencing a value; and 3. by dancing are variously used for their integrating effect on the
suffering.” - Viktor E. Frank people as well as on the spirits.
Kaluluwa by the Tagalogs
3. Physiological Experience – Drugs, sensory deprivation,
Gimokud by the Bagobos
mortification of the flesh, etc. practitioners are asked to heal and are divine while in
possession trances-which when they are thought to be
possessed by spirits.
4. Exhortation or Preaching – The person who acts as
intermediary between the people and the gods acts in two 4. Priests – They are generally fulltime male specialists, who
directions. officiate at public events.

5. Reciting the Code – Many religious have myths that relate THE 1987 CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE
the activities of the gods and describe codes of moral behavior PHILIPPINES Article IV
expected by the gods Ways to Interact with the Supernatural
1. Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the
adoption of this Constitution
6. Simulation – Voodoo employs simulation, or the imitation
of things. 2. Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the
7. Mana and Taboo – The idea that power reside in things that
should be touched (the power of man) and things that should 3. Those born before January 17, 1973, of Filipino mothers,
be avoided (things that are taboo). Ways to Interact with the who elect Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of
Supernatural majority

8. Feasts – The eating of the sacred meal – for instance, Holy 4. Those who are naturalized in accordance with law
Communion as a simulation of the last supper – is found in
many religions. SECTION 1 provides that the following are deemed citizens
of the Philippines
9. Sacrifices – Some societies make sacrifices to a god in order
to influence the god’s action, either to divert anger or to attract THE POLITICAL SELF
good will. Ways to Interact with the Supernatural NATURALIZATION -is the legal act of adopting a foreigner
into the political body of the state and clothing him with the
10. Congregation – the main function of religion is social. rights and privileges of a citizen.

11. Inspiration – The gods pick favored people to ARTICLE IV SECTION 2 Natural-born citizens are those
communicate with. who are citizens of the Philippines from birth without having
to perform any act to acquire or perfect their Philippine
12. Symbolism – Religious symbols can be direct citizenship. Those who elect Philippine citizenship in
representation of deities in the form of paintings, icons, accordance with paragraph (3), Section 1 hereof shall be
statues, or masks. deemed natural-born citizens.

Types of Religious Practitioners SECTION 3 Philippine citizenship may be lost or reacquired

1. Shaman – usually a part-time male specialist who has fairly in the manner provided by law.
high status in his community and is often involved in healing.
SECTION 4 Citizens of the Philippines who marry aliens
2. Sorcerers and Witches – In contrast with shamans who shall retain their citizenship, unless by their act or omission
have fairly high status, sorcerers and witches of both sexes they are deemed, under the law, to have renounced it.
tend to have fairly low status.

3. Mediums – They tend to be females. These part-time

SECTION 5 Dual allegiance of citizens is inimical to the • In voting
national interest and shall be dealt with by law • In dealing


POLITICS - includes all the activities associated with GENDER SENSITIVITY

government; the theory and practice of government,
especially the activities associated with governing, with
obtaining legislative or executive power, or with forming
and running organizations connected with government

CITIZENSHIP - the legal status of being a citizen of a

country and the social conduct that refers to the duties
and responsibilities that come with being a member of a

IDENTITY - is what identifies somebody or something,

this could be the name or essential character that
identifies somebody or something

NATIONALITY - status of a person which reveals his/her

place of birth, i.e. from where he/she belongs. It defines the
belongingness of a person to a particular nation


• Larger community
• Collective pride
• National identity

• Taxpaying citizens
• Obeying traffic rules


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