Class 7th First Term

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Name: ___________ Date: ________

Amarpuri Public Sen. Sec School, Goindwal Sahib

Half Yearly Exams (Session 2023-24)
Grade: 7th Subject: Social Studies
Time allowed: 3hrs Maximum Marks:80
Geography (28)
I Fill in the blanks:- 1x4=4
1. Magma is found in the ………..of the earth.
2. A long deep passage through which lava travel is called…………. .
3. The ………….is the lowest layer of the atmosphere.
4, The zone where life is exist is called………….. .
II MCQs:- 0.5x4= 2
1. What is the supercontinent called…..
(a) Etna (b) Pangaea
(c) Stromboli (d) Wegener
2. Which of the following is used as a building material?
(a) Granite (b) Basalt
(c) Coal (d) Chalk
3. Damage of environment cause…….
(a) Construction (b) Global warming
(c) mining (d) Farming
4. Which is the lowest layer of atmosphere.
(a) Exosphere (b) Mesosphere
(c) Stratosphere (d) Stratosphere
III Match the columns:- 0.5x4= 2
1. Lava a. mantle
2. Marble b. vent
3. Layer of earth c. Intensity of earthquake

4. Richter scale d. Metamorphic rock

IV True and false 0.5x4=2

1. Granite and dolernite are examples of igneous rock.
2. Tectonic plates move at a high speed.
3. Atmosphere contains air , dust and water vapour.
4. Plants absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis.
V. Answer the following questions.(Do any four questions) 2x4= 8
1. Describe the composition of the atmosphere.
2. What is Folding ? Give two examples of fold mountains.
3. What is the age of the earth?
4. Write the difference between continental crust and oceanic crust.
5. What are uses of rocks and minerals?
6. What is the benefits of ozonelayer.
V Long Answer Questions.( Do any two questions) 2x5=10
1. Write note on Troposphere.
2. What is rockcycle ? Explain the process of formation of rock with the help of a
3. What is a Volcano? Draw the diagram of volcano and lable it.
4. Discuss different types of earthquake waves.
History (26)
I MCQs:- 4
1. Macro Polo was a Foregien traveller from
(a) Portugal (b) France
(c) Italy (d) Venice
2. Mahmud Ghazni invaded India
(a) 10 times (b) 15 times
(c) 17 times (d) 20 times
3. The founder of the Slave Dynasty was
(a) Qutubuddin Aibak (b) Iltutmish
(c) Raziya (d) Balban
4. Babur was a ruler of
(a) Ferhana (b) Awadh
(c) Gujarat (d) Panipat
II Fill in the blanks:- 1x 3=3
1. Rana sanga was defeated by………………..
2. The Chola Empire was divided into several………….
3. The …………..was the head of the pargana.
III Match the column:- 0.5x5=2.5
1. Mamluk a. Hauz Khas
2. Raziya Sultan b. Divison of the empire
3. Alauddin Khalji c. 1236-1240
4. Iqta d. slave
5 Muhammad binTughlaq e. transfer of capital
IV True and false. 0.5x4=2
1. Jizya was abolish by Akbar.
2. Raja raja was the son of Rajendra Chola.
3. Tea and coffee was introduced during the medieval period.
4. Amoghavarsha wrote poetry in Telgu.
V Answer the following questions.(Do any three) 2x 3= 6
1 Which University was established by Dharampala?

2. Write note on Mahumad Ghazni.

3. What does the term mumlak means?

4. What is the meaning of Nur Jahan?Who was she?

Long Answer type questions.(Do any 2) 3x2= 6

1. Describe Akbars Rajput policy.
2. Differentiate between
i.Ur and Sabha ii. Zat and Sawar
3. Discuss the reforms made by Alauddin khalji.
VI Map Work:-
1. On an outline of India ,mark the extent of Alauddiin . 2.5
Civics ( 26)
I MCQs:- 0.5 x4=2

1. In normal condition ,censorship does not affect

(a) Movies (b) TV serials
(c) News (c) None of these
2. A state Legislative with one house is …………………
(a) Local self government (b) Unicameral
(c) Bicameral (d) Council of Ministers
3. Equal wages for equal work means
(a) Political equilty (b) Social equilty
(c) Religious equilty (d) Economic equility
4. The State government collects revenue in the form of …………..
(a) Taxes (b) fees
(c) Bribes (d) investment
II Fill in the blanks:- 1x4=4
1. The …………..appoints the Chief Minister of India.
2. Cinema ,T.V ,radio are collectively called……………
3. RIT came into force in the year…………. .
4. A money bill can be introduced only in the ……………… .

III True and False. 0.5x4= 2

1. An ordinary bill can be introduce in either house.
2. Most state legislative are bicameral.
3. The Chief Minister is the nominal head of the state.
4. The legislative council is the permanent house.
IV Match the Columns. 0.5x4=2
1 Right to information a. 1966
2 Pess Council of India b. Public Information Office
3 Public opinion c.18 years and above
4 Adult in India d. Expression of feelings
V Answer the following questions:-(Do any 4) 4x4= 16
1. Define the following terms:
A .Deadlock
b .Councils of Ministers
2. What is mass media ?
3. When are the sessions of the Legislative Assembly held?
4. What steps have government in India taken to bring social equality?
5. What are the responsibilities of the media?
6. Differentiate between the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council.

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