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3rd Year Syllabus

 1st Module:
 General Pharmacology (Chapter 1-5)
 Autonomic Pharmacology (Chapter 6-10)
 Cardiovascular Pharmacology (Chapter 11-15)
 2nd Module:
 CNS Pharmacology (Chapter 22-31)
 Blood Pharmacology (Chapter 34-36)
 Chemotherapeutic Pharmacology (Chapter 43-46)
 3rd Module:
 Chemotherapeutic Pharmacology (Chapter 47-49, 52-55)
 Endocrine Pharmacology (Chapter 38-42)
 Drugs acting on Uterus (From Slides)
 Drugs for Respiratory Diseases (Chapter 11-15)
 Drugs for GIT Disorder (Chapter 59)
 Prostaglandins (Chapter 18)
 Histamine & Ergot Alkaloids (Chapter 16)

General Pathology:
 1st Module:
 Inflammation and Repair (Chapter 3)
 Cell injury, Cell death, and Adaptations (Chapter 2)
 Hemodynamic Disorder (Chapter 4)

 2nd Module:
 Disease of Immune System (Chapter 5)
 Genetic and Pediatric Disease (Chapter 7)
 Environmental and Nutritional Disease (Chapter 8) (only MCQs)
 3rd Module:
 Neoplasia (Chapter 6)

 1st Module:
 Basic bacteriology (Chapter 2,3,4,5,6,7,13)
 Clinical Bacteriology (Chapter 15, 16, 18, 19, 20)
 2nd Module:
 Gram Positive rods (Clostridia, Bacillus, Corynebacterium
diphtheriae, Actinomyces & Nocardia)
 Mycobacteria (M. tuberculosis; M. leprae; Atypical
 Spirochetes, Chlamydia, Rickettsiae, Mycoplasma
 Virology:
 Introduction (Concept, Structure, Classification,
Pathogenesis & Laboratory diagnosis)
 DNA viruses (Herpes Viruses/Human Papilloma
Virus/ Adenovirus)
 RNA viruses (Influenza Virus, MMR, Polio virus,
Rota Virus, coronaviruses, Rabies virus)
 Viral hepatitis (Hepatitis A, B, C, D & E)
 Viral hemorrhagic fever (Dengue, Ebola, Congo
 3rd Module:
 Parasitology (Complete)
 Mycology (Complete)
Forensics Medicine:
 1st Module:
 General Toxicology (Shahbaz)
 Thanatology (Sir Hassan’s Notes)
 Personal Identity (Shahbaz)
 Trace Evidence (Misc. of Shahbaz)
 2nd Module:
 Autopsy (Shahbaz)
 Law (NRA)
 General Traumatology (Shahbaz)
 Road Traffic Accident (Shahbaz)
 Regional Injuries (Shahbaz)
 Special Toxicology
-Corrosives (Slides)
-Irritants (Phosphorus, Mercury, Arsenic, Lead) (Slides +
 3rd Module:
 Asphyxia (Sir Hassan’s Notes)
 Drowning (Shahbaz)
 Firearm Injuries (Shahbaz)
 Habituation + Addiction (Slides)
 Bomb Blast (Slides)
 Electrocution (Shahbaz)
 Starvation (Sir Hassan’s Notes)
 Hypo/Hyperthermia (Sir Hassan’s Notes)
 Thermal Injuries (Shahbaz)
 Lightning (Shahbaz)
 Infanticide (Sir Hassan’s Notes)
 Impotence (Shahbaz)
 Virginity (Shahbaz)
 Forensic psychiatry (Shahbaz)
 Special Toxicology (Shahbaz)
1. Opium
2. Strychnine
3. Dhatura
4. Wheat pill
5. Kerosene oil
6. Barbiturate
7. Organophosphorus
8. Aspirin
9. Paracetamol
10. Abrus
11. Ergot
12. Alcohol
13. Nicotine
14. Oleander
15. Aconite
16. Digitalis
17. Cocaine
18. Cannabis Indica
19. Capsicum
20. CO
21. Naphthalene
22. Hyoscyamus Nigar
23. Maddar
24. Castor Oil
25. Marking Nut
26. Snake Venom

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