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Audiometry: Masking
Mohamed A. Hamid , MD, PhD; Kenneth H. Brookler, MD

Frequency In Hertz (Hz)

125 2SO 500 1000 2000 4000 8000

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Figure. The unma sked left BC (» thresholds mirror the normal
right ear hearing . BC thresholds with no plat eau (J--J) show
a low-frequency A-B gap that disappe ared when the plateau \Vas
appli ed ([ - - - J)./n this situation, the right BC thresholds should
be tested below 0 dB. (0 = right AC; J = left BC masked; x =
left AC; 0 = left masked AC.)

Audiometry provides information about hearing func- gen erally accept a level of 40 dB across all frequencies
tion, not about diagnosis. Many different causes ofhearing for air-conduction (AC) test ing. Masking is applied to the
impairment produce similar aud iometric results.Neverthe- nontest ear if the AC threshold of the test ear is greater
less, we rely upon audiometric test results to help establish than 40 dB above the BC threshold of the nontest ear.
a diagnosis, so it is essential that they be accurate. One During BC testing, masking is app lied to the non test ear
common source of error occurs when the audiometric whenever there is an air-bone (A-B) gap greater than 10
stimulus is perceived in the contralateral (nontest) ear, dB in the test ear. Masking should be applied whenever
and patient responses are unknowingly recorded as if they the difference between the BC ofthe two ears at any given
had resulted from stimulation of the test ear. Audiologists frequency exceeds 5 dB .
avoid this error by expert use of masking. Audiometers are calibrated so that a 10-dB masking
Since pat ients with conductive or mixed hearing loss noise will block a 10-dB pure -tone signal. Masking of the
have a good chance of being successfully treated with nontest ear is achieved by using "effective masking" (i.e.,
surgery, it is critical to determine the degree of the con- 40 dB greater than the nontest-ear threshold) and/or by
ductive component in these cases. However, testing of reaching a plateau of 15 dB (in 5-dB increments), during
patients with conductive or mixed hearing loss poses a which the test ear hears the pure tone at the same level.
challenge to the audiologist. For example, interaural at- Effective masking is used primarily to save time . Mask-
tenuation produces cross -hearing in the nontest ear via ing without a plateau can lead to either undermasking or
bone conduction (BC). Although interaural attenuation is overmasking.
frequency-dependent, hearing scientists and audiologists Undermasking leads to false A-B gaps and is usually

From the Cleveland Hearing and Balance Center, Beachwood, Ohio (Dr. Hamid), and Neurotologic Associates, PC, New York City (Dr. Brookler).

646 ENT-Ear, Nos e & Thr oa t Journal· October 20 06


the resu lt of operator inexperience or a fai lure to follow bilateral conduct ive hearing loss. In such patients, in order
masking rules. In the case illustrated here (figure) , the to provide 40-dB masking above the BC threshold in the
left, low-frequency A-B gap occurred as a resu lt of not nontest ear, the masking level may exceed interaural at-
using the plateau method, and it disappeared when proper tenuation and produce an inadvertent threshold elevation
masking was applied. In this situation, the results of the by masking the test ear, as we ll. It is difficult to establish
256 - and 5 12-Hz tuning fork tests, which lateralized to the an accurate masking platea u in this patient populat ion .
right ear, were a tell tale sign of a false A-B gap . A lthough This is referred to as a "masking di lemma," and it can
uncommon, BC hypersensitivity (BC thresholds in the be rec tifie d by using insert earphones, which have higher
nontest ear less than 0 dB) can lead to undermasking ifthe interaural attenuation levels.
true threshol ds are not used to calculate effective masking In summary, masking is critical during audiome try. Mask-
leve ls. (We described BC hypersensitivity, which is usu- ing rules , effective masking, masking plateaus, and insert
ally present wit h superior canal dehiscence, in the August earphones should be used rout inely to achieve proper mask-
2006 AUDITORYANDVESTIBULAR M EDICINECLINIC.') In such ing and to avo id under- and overmasking problems.
cases, it is recommended tha t true BC thres ho lds be used
for effective masking. Refe rence
Overmasking is common ly encountered in patients with I . Broo kler KH, Hamid MA . The "normal" audio gram. Ear No se
Thro at J 2006;85:486.

Reach More Patients.

The Mayo Stand

eq uip men t does no t fit th em all. Mak e oro p haryngea l surgery

easie r w ith a simp le ex tensio n . Th e C A N T Co rpo ra tio n h as

crea te d th e D edo Ext en sion th at fit s b et w e en th e M ayo Sta nd

an d th e Crewe- Dav is mouth gag so th at it can b e adj us te d t o

Extensi on "DE98-B" a lso
fit lar ger pati ent s. Th e DE 98- A mo un ts to th e squa re- sided
availa ble for t ub ular support The Dedo Extension

M ayo Stan d , w hi le th e D E98-13 fit s th e tubula r- sided su p po rt.

Th e D ed o Ex tension - a sim p le but effec tive sol utio n .

Applicable Pro cedures

T&A 's
• Uv uloplas ty
All oro phary ngeal procedur es using
a Crew e- Davis mouth gag

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C DR PO RATl o n

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Volume 85, Num ber 10 647

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