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Written Assessment

As an actor portraying Proctor, I would use a variety of facial

expressions to convey various emotions as Proctor said various
things. When I say "I did," I clench my teeth together so I can
appear enraged when I tell them I've been binded to the devil's
service. This might also make me seem evil, since the devil is also
evil. Furthermore, it makes me seem frightening because talking
with someone who has sworn allegiance to the devil is frightening,
and the look on my face may make it even scarier. This may
create a tense environment in the audience because when someone
clenches their teeth, they seem angry and devilish, which adds to
the tension.
Furthermore, if I was playing the role of Proctor, I would use
facial gestures such as smiling and closing my eyes at the same
time to make myself appear proud when I say, "I am John
Proctor." I'd also pause for a second after saying "I" to
emphasise the point, as Proctor can believe he's a really
important guy. I'd also point to myself while tilting my head up
slightly and keeping my eyes straight. This will make the audience
happier and they would be pleased with Proctor for finding a way
to be happy during this difficult period.

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