Yin Et Al. - 2019 - Building Information Modelling For Off-Site Construction Review and Future Directions

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Automation in Construction 101 (2019) 72–91

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Building information modelling for off-site construction: Review and future T


Xianfei Yina, Hexu Liub, , Yuan Chena, Mohamed Al-Husseina
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 1H9, Canada
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5316, USA


Keywords: Building Information Modelling (BIM) and off-site construction (OSC) are increasingly applied in the archi-
Building information modelling (BIM) tecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry due to their many benefits to project stakeholders, such as
Off-site construction (OSC) enhanced design visualization, improved data exchanges, reduced construction waste, improved productivity,
Literature review and higher product quality. Substantial research efforts have thus been devoted to these topics in recent decades,
Bibliometric review
resulting in a large amount of literature regarding BIM and OSC. This research explores the state-of-the-art in
Qualitative review
BIM for OSC by means of a bibliometric-qualitative review method. The objective of this research is to uncover
In-depth discussion
the synthesis between BIM and OSC and to identify research trends as well as gaps in knowledge that can be
addressed in future research on BIM for OSC. Science maps are constructed by means of bibliometric analysis in
order to objectively identify the main research topics of these two fields both separately and jointly based on
identified academic publications from Scopus (i.e., 4395 publications on BIM, 2841 publications on OSC, and
113 publications on BIM for OSC). A qualitative review is further conducted on 77 screened research publica-
tions (including articles, reviews, conference papers) with a particular focus on BIM for OSC. Through quanti-
tative analysis and in-depth discussion of BIM for OSC, research gaps are identified, and future directions are
further proposed as follows: BIM-based generative design for prefabrication, cloud BIM-based data exchange for
OSC, robotics and 3D printing for OSC, BIM-enabled big data analytics toward best OSC practice, benefits and its
assessment model of BIM for OSC. This research contributes to the body of knowledge by synthesizing the state
of the art of BIM for OSC and exposing the research needs in this area in order to improve AEC practice.

1. Introduction industry. The joint use of BIM and OSC are recommended to improve
the performance of the construction industry [4]. In this context, BIM
Building information modelling (BIM) and off-site construction and OSC have been increasingly applied separately or jointly in the
(OSC) are two paradigms that have been claimed to potentially address construction industry. In academia, research efforts have also been in-
the long-standing issues such as lower efficiency and productivity in the creasingly directed toward these two fields.
construction industry and profoundly innovate the construction in- As BIM and OSC are increasingly being applied in the construction,
dustry [1]. According to the National Building Information Model more studies are being devoted to this research area. However, some
Standard Project Committee, BIM is defined as “a digital representation key questions in BIM and OSC remain unclear, including but not limited
of physical and functional characteristics of a facility,” while a BIM is “a to, 1) what are the latest research topics and trends within BIM for
shared knowledge resource for information about a facility forming a OSC? 2) how to achieve in-depth integration between BIM and OSC?
reliable basis for decisions during its life-cycle; defined as existing from and 3) what are the research needs of BIM for OSC? To fill this gap, this
earliest conception to demolition” [2]. OSC refers to a construction research seeks answers to these questions for benefits of academia and
method that “brings on-site construction works into a climate-con- industry through a quantitative-qualitative review surrounding BIM
trolled facility where advanced machinery and manufacturing tech- and OSC. A quantitative review (i.e., bibliometric analysis) is employed
nologies can be utilized to prefabricate buildings in a standardized and to answer the question regarding the latest research topics and trends of
efficient manner” [3]. Indeed, BIM and OSC are highly interrelated and BIM for OSC, whereas qualitative review (i.e., systematic review) is to
could be applied together to maximize their benefits to the construction provide an in-depth integration between BIM and OSC, as well as the

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: xianfei@ualberta.ca (X. Yin), hexu.liu@wmich.edu (H. Liu), ychen10@ualberta.ca (Y. Chen), malhussein@ualberta.ca (M. Al-Hussein).

Received 13 October 2018; Received in revised form 5 January 2019; Accepted 20 January 2019
Available online 31 January 2019
0926-5805/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
X. Yin et al. Automation in Construction 101 (2019) 72–91

research needs regarding BIM for OSC. This mixed-review can eliminate Other research, such as Ding et al. [15], Succar [16], and Singh et al.
biased conclusion and subjective interpretation of domain knowledge [17], also summarized the BIM-related research to provide a research
and research trends while providing a deeper insight on research gaps and implementation framework for both academia and industry.
and needs. By doing so, this research theoretically contributes to the On the contrary, there are a few attempts that apply the quantitative
body of knowledge in two folds: 1) research topics and trends regarding approach in BIM literature review. For example, Yalcinkaya & Singh
BIM for OSC research is evaluated and identified in an objective [18] applied latent semantic analysis to identify 12 principal research
manner; and 2) in-depth integration of BIM and OSC, as well as research areas and 90 specific research themes in BIM research. Li et al. [21]
gaps and needs, are revealed via in-depth qualitative analysis. used a bibliometric approach to summarize domains knowledge of BIM
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, based on 1874 academic papers related to BIM. Santos et al. [22] also
previous works related to BIM and OSC topics are summarized. In conducted a bibliometric analysis of existing BIM literature between
Section 3, research methodology (i.e., mixed-review method) is illu- 2005 and 2015 and categorizd research efforts into eight groups using
strated in detail. Subsequently, the results and findings are described in content analysis: (1) BIM adoption and standardization, (2) BIM and
Section 4. Section 5 discusses the findings from the bibliometric and spatial information, (3) BIM programming, (4) collaborative environ-
systematic analysis of existing literature review and identifies the gap in ments and interoperability, (5) construction management, facilities
knowledge and future directions regarding the joint research of BIM management and safety analysis, (6) image processing, laser scanning
and OSC. The final section concludes by highlighting the research and augmented reality, (7) sustainable construction, and (8) BIM re-
contribution of this paper. views. Oraee et al. [23] conducted a bibliometric analysis of 1031 BIM
studies and a critical review of 62 papers on collaboration in BIM-based
2. Previous work construction networks. Their study revealed that previous research in
promoting BIM-enabled project collaboration primarily focuses on BIM-
This section discusses existing literature review on BIM and OSC to related technology issues, rather than managerial antecedents. As a
clarify the need of the mixed review on BIM for OSC presented in this complement, He et al. [24] concluded a scientometric analysis of the
paper. managerial areas of BIM in order to seek new insights into BIM-based
project management. Zhao [25] performed a scientometric review of
2.1. BIM-related review BIM research published between 2005 and 2016 and provided a land-
scape of BIM research with respect to co-authorship, regions and in-
In 2010, Becerik-Gerber and Kensek [5] identified research trends of stitutions, co-occurring subject categories, co-occurring keywords,
BIM in the AEC industry by means of workshop discussions. The iden- journal co-citation, author co-citation, and document co-citation. Hos-
tified research areas include: (1) the investigation of centralized data- seini et al. [26] applied systematic forensic techniques to illustrate a
base and linked data, (2) BIM coordination for sustainable design, (3) clear picture of the body of knowledge on BIM from 2444 academic
integrated project delivery (IPD) for promoting BIM, (4) education on publications. However, these quantitative reviews on BIM have been
IPD, BIM, and sustainability, (5) return on investment, and (6) man- limited to summarizing research topics on BIM and have not included
agement issues on BIM-based projects. Subsequently, Cerovsek [6] in-depth qualitative discussion of existing literature for the purpose of
presented a comprehensive review of BIM technological development shaping future research.
from the perspective of the model, modelling tool, communicative in-
tent, individual project work, collaborative project work, and standar- 2.2. OSC-related review
dization with ISO STEP. Soust-Verdaguer et al. [7] critically reviewed
studies on BIM-based life cycle assessment (LCA) and discussed how With the dramatically increasing research dedicated to BIM, OSC is
BIM can simplify data input and optimize data output for LCA. Simi- also attracting a growing attention from both industry and academia in
larly, Eleftheriadis et al. [8] reviewed continuous BIM developments for the AEC industry. Kamali & Hewage [28] comprehensively summarized
LCA, aiming at the formalization of research guidelines for a BIM-based the benefits associated with OSC methods, such as a shortened sche-
decision-making paradigm in the sustainable energy domain. Pärn et al. dule, improved safety and quality, higher efficiency and reduced waste.
[9] conducted a comprehensive review of scientific literature on BIM For this reason, a large amount of research has been devoted to OSC in
and facility management (FM), with a focus on the integration of BIM- the AEC industry in past decades. Along with the growing body of
FM for the operation and maintenance phase of building. Bradley et al. knowledge regarding OSC, Li et al. [29] summarized a systematic re-
[10] presented a systematic review of BIM research in the infrastructure view on the management of prefabricated construction (MPC) and
domain and identified four research gaps regarding BIM for infra- identified the main MPC topics as “industry prospect,” “development
structure: (1) lack of a common data format, (2) lack of holistic in- and application,” “performance evaluation,” “environment for tech-
formation management, (3) misalignment of the business process with nology application,” and “design, production, transportation and as-
the BIM process, and (4) missing information governance and data sembly strategies.” Mostafa et al. [30] systematically synthesized the
usefulness definition. With the increasing popularity of cloud com- state-of-the-art research on OSC with a particular focus on the use of
puting technology, Wong et al. [11] explored the literature on cloud- lean and agile principles as well as simulation in OSC. More recently,
BIM in the construction sector, concluding that more research efforts Hosseini et al. [26,27] presented the state of off-site construction re-
should be made toward the application of cloud-BIM for post-con- search based on the scientometric analysis, though without qualita-
struction stages of building lifecycle management. Saieg et al. [12] tively reviewing existing literature for the purpose of identifying re-
conducted a systematic literature review of BIM, lean, and sustain- search needs. Table 1 tabulates existing reviews with respect to BIM and
ability research for a better understanding of their synergies for the AEC OSC.
industry. Lu et al. [13] investigated the connection between BIM and With respect to the joint research of BIM and OSC, previous research
green buildings by conducting an in-depth review of scientific literature mainly focuses on how BIM can be used in OSC. For instance, Abanda
between 1999 and 2016. More recently, Antwi-Afari et al. [14] re- et al. [31] studied the impacts of BIM on OSC in order to address the
viewed studies on critical success factors for BIM implementation be- following questions: (1) how BIM can be used in OSC; (2) how BIM can
tween 2005 and 2015, concluding that collaboration in the AEC sta- overcome barriers hindering the adoption of OSC; and (3) what are the
keholders, earlier and accurate 3D design visualization, coordination quantitative benefits of BIM for OSC. Although BIM has been advocated
and planning of construction works, improved information exchange for its potential to facilitate OSC, as reported by Abanda et al. [31],
and knowledge management, and enhanced site layout planning and limited research efforts have attempted to synthesize research trends
site safety are common factors for successful BIM implementation. and to identify research directions in BIM for OSC. In particular, few

X. Yin et al. Automation in Construction 101 (2019) 72–91

Table 1 3.1. Mixed-review method

Summary of literature review on BIM and OSC.
Review article Research method Research theme The mixed method usually refers to a methodology for conducting
research that integrates quantitative and qualitative methodologies
BIM OSC within a single research [34]. The goal of the mixed method is to utilize
the strengths and minimize the weaknesses of both qualitative and
Abdirad and Dossick [98] Systematic review x
Antwi-Afari et al. [14] Systematic critical review x quantitative methods [35]. In this paper, we take advantage of the
Becerik-Gerber and Kensek Workshop discussion x mixed method to gain in-depth understanding of the reviewed topic
[5] while offsetting the weaknesses inherent in using either the quantitative
Bradley et al. [10] Systematic review x or qualitative method in isolation. There are five rationales underlying
Cerovsek [6] Critical review x
the mixed research method according to Greene et al. [36]: (1) trian-
Chen et al. [32] Critical review x
Ding et al. [15] Critical review x gulation: the mixed method can be used to achieve mutual corrobora-
Eleftheriadis et al. [8] Critical review x tion between quantitative and qualitative; (2) complementarity: the
He et al. [24] Scientometric analysis x results from one method can be used to describe or enhance the other;
Hosseini et al. [26] Scientometric analysis x
(3) development design: the sequential implementation of the two
Hosseini et al. [27] Social network analysis x
Kamali and Hewage [28] Critical review x
methods gives the latter opportunities to capitalize on the benefits of
Li et al. [21] Bibliometric analysis x the former; (4) initiation: the mixed method can be applied in order to
Li et al. [29] Critical review x identify whether there is any paradox and contradiction in the findings,
Lu et al. [13] Critical review x which helps to improve the research design; (5) expansion: the scope,
Mostafa et al. [30] Systematic review x
breadth, and range of the research can be expanded by using different
Oraee et al. [23] Bibliometric analysis x
Pärn et al. [9] Critical review x methods. These five rationales not only motivate the use of the mixed-
Saieg et al. [12] Systematic review x review method, but they also serve to shape the research design. The
Santos et al. [22] Bibliometric analysis x mixed-review method, as a practical application of mixed method re-
Shou et al. [121] Critical review x
search, combines the quantitative review method and qualitative re-
Singh et al. [17] Focus group interviews and x
critical review
view method in the review process [37]. It can reduce the influence of
Soust-Verdaguer et al. [7] Critical review x subjective judgement of the manual qualitative review method and
Succar [16] Critical review x improve the depth and understanding of the results of the quantitative
Volk et al. [192] Systematic review x review method [33,37]. Bibliometric review is chosen as the quantita-
Wong et al. [11] Systematic review x
tive method in the present research, while systematic review is chosen
Yalcinkaya and Singh [18] Latent semantic analysis x
Zhao [25] Scientometric analysis x as the qualitative method. The description and benefits of each method
are expounded upon below.
The bibliometric approach is a statistical analysis method that aims
systematic reviews were carried out to delineate the state-of-the-art at visualizing structural and dynamic aspects of scientific research [38].
development of BIM and OSC and their interconnections. Bibliometric mapping serves as an important technique within the field
of bibliometrics which visualizes the knowledge domain and relation-
ships among articles, journals, and so forth [39]. Bibliometric mapping
3. Research methodology is used in this research to identify the knowledge domain and research
trends regarding BIM and OSC on the basis of the existing literature.
The objective of this research is to synthesize the domain knowledge Meanwhile, a systematic review is carried out in order to provide a
and to identify the research needs and future research direction within comprehensive view of existing research for the purpose of identifying
the field of BIM for OSC in the construction industry. Toward this ob- gaps in the body of knowledge and anticipating future research direc-
jective, a “mixed-review method” is employed in this study. In general, tions [23,40,41]. As a consequence, a mixed-review method is devel-
this method consists of quantitative review (i.e., bibliometric approach) oped to integrate bibliometric and systematic reviews in order to con-
and qualitative review (i.e., systematic approach), so that it is capable struct the full picture of the reviewed topic while singling out certain
of eliminating biased conclusion and subjective interpretation while key areas in order to ensure an in-depth investigation. This mixed-re-
providing an in-depth understanding of domain knowledge and re- view method is proposed based on the rationale of underlying mixed
search trends [33]. method research, namely, triangulation, complementary, development,

Fig. 1. Overview of research methodology.

X. Yin et al. Automation in Construction 101 (2019) 72–91

initiation and expansion (as mentioned above).

Number of results
There are three stages in this proposed mixed-review method (see
Fig. 1). Stage 1 involves a bibliometric analysis of BIM literature and
OSC literature. The objective of this stage is to reveal the knowledge

domains of these two topics (BIM and OSC, respectively). The findings


of these two topics are summarized in this stage. Stage 2 involves a

2003-Aug, 2018
2003-Aug, 2018

2003-Aug, 2018

2003-Aug, 2018
bibliometric analysis of BIM for OSC. On the basis of the identified

Time period
knowledge domains for BIM and OSC individually, this stage identifies
the joint research emphases of BIM and OSC (i.e., BIM for OSC). Stage 3
involves a systematic analysis of research on BIM applications in OSC.
During this stage, the academic publications on BIM for OSC are
grouped by research theme in a systematic manner. The categorization

“BIM” AND “building information model*” AND “Off-site construction” OR “Off site construction” OR “Offsite construction” OR “Offsite manufacturing” OR “Offsite manufacture”
OR “Off-site manufacturing” OR “Off-site manufacture” OR “Off site manufacturing” OR “Off site manufacture” OR “Prefabricated construction” OR “Prefabricated building” OR
structure is determined through a consensus discussion based on

“Off-site construction” OR “Off site construction” OR “Offsite construction” OR “Offsite manufacturing” OR “Offsite manufacture” OR “Off-site manufacturing” OR “Off-site
manufacture” OR “Off site manufacturing” OR “Off site manufacture” OR “Prefabricated construction” OR “Prefabricated building” OR “Precast Construction” OR “Pre-cast
quantitative analysis of research themes (i.e., Stage 1 and Stage 2) and
the theory of project management theory (i.e., life cycle). Stage 3 serves

“Precast Construction” OR “Pre-cast Construction” OR “Industrialized building” OR “Industrialized construction” OR “Modular construction” OR “Modular building”
the “triangulation”, “complementarity”, “development”, “initiation”
and “expansion” purposes underlying this research. Drawing upon the
results from the mixed-review method (i.e., quantitative analysis for
main research clusters and in-depth qualitative discussion for research
gaps), potential research areas are then presented at the end.

3.2. Bibliometric analysis (stages 1 and 2)

To obtain an overall understanding of the knowledge domain and

research trend in BIM and OSC, a bibliometric analysis is conducted in

Construction” OR “Industrialized building” OR “Industrialized construction” OR “Modular construction” OR “modular building”

this research. As illustrated in Fig. 1, a few of the steps are executed
sequentially for the bibliometric analysis of BIM and OSC during stages
1 and 2, respectively. To begin, a data acquisition strategy (i.e., key-
words and database selection) is developed in order to retrieve a
complete dataset for the later analysis. The explanation of the data
acquisition process is described in detail in Sub-section 3.2.1 below.
Subsequently, VOSviewer, a freely available computer program widely
used in developing bibliometric maps [39,42], is employed for biblio-
metric mapping. Various tools can be applied to the bibliometric ana-
lysis, such as CiteSpace [43] and CitNetExplorer [44]. Among them,
VOSviewer is able to generate distance-based maps to visualize co-au-
thorship, keyword co-occurrence, citation, bibliographic coupling, co-
citation map and other factors. It is also widely used in previous con-
struction management literature review research (e.g., [23,26,27]). As
such, research emphases in BIM and OSC are analyzed and identified
using VOSviewer, which lays a foundation for the systematic analysis in
Stage 3.

3.2.1. Data acquisition

Data acquisition of existing literature is crucial in this research since
Manual screening based on the 113 studies in Stage 2

it determines the scientific articles from which the conclusion will be

drawn. For this reason, the database and searching strategy are care-
fully selected. In this research, Scopus was chosen as the literature
“BIM” AND “building information model*”

database. The reasons for selecting Scopus are as follows: (1) it has a
relatively wide range of coverage in the domain of construction re-
search compared with other databases such as Web of Science, Google
Scholar, and PubMed [26,27,44,45]; (2) it is a better choice for inter-
Literature search strategies and their results.

disciplinary research topics, such as BIM and OSC, than Web of Science
[45]; and (3) it has a wide range of coverage on journal publications
Search keywords

Existing literature related to BIM in this database was then retrieved

by using keywords, “BIM” and “building information model*”. (It
should be noted that the wildcard character * is used to capture re-
levant variations of a word, such as “building information model,”
“building information modelling,” and “building information mod-
eling,” as shown in Table 2). To obtain a comprehensive dataset of OSC


research, several studies, including cao et al. [47], Hosseini et al. [27],
and Mao et al. [48], are referred to in determining the keywords. Ac-


cordingly, the keywords selected were: “Off-site construction” OR “Off

Table 2

site construction” OR “Offsite construction” OR “Offsite manufacturing”


OR “Offsite manufacture” OR “Off-site manufacturing” OR “Off-site

X. Yin et al. Automation in Construction 101 (2019) 72–91

manufacture” OR “Off site manufacturing” OR “Off site manufacture” Table 3

OR “Prefabricated construction” OR “Prefabricated building” OR Identified academic journals and number of articles from 2003 to Aug 2018.
“Precast Construction” OR “Pre-cast Construction” OR “Industrialized Journal/conference title Number of articles
building” OR “Industrialized construction” OR “Modular construction”
OR “Modular building”. The keyword search field in Scopus was set as BIM OSC BIM for OSC
title/abstract/keywords in order to retrieve all the publications con-
ACI structural journal 0 3 0
taining the selected keywords in their title, abstract, or keywords sec- Advanced engineering informatics 61 0 0
tion. The search period was set as after January 2004 to August 2018, Applied mechanics and materials 72 60 4
giving a 15-year period of consideration, which is suitable considering Automation in construction 277 31 8
the development history of BIM technology. A screening process was Canadian journal of civil engineering 8 9 0
Computer-aided civil and infrastructure engineering 8 1 0
conducted successively for the purpose of refining the results to the
Concrete London 4 32 0
relevant engineering scope. For example, research papers within the Congress on computing in civil engineering 84 4 2
subject area of medicine or agriculture were excluded in this step. A proceedings
further refining process was conducted by checking the source title in Construction and building materials 1 15 0
Construction innovation 30 11 1
order to exclude papers from irrelevant journals or conference pro-
Construction management and economics 15 23 1
ceedings. Those remaining after the screening process were fed into the Engineering structures 0 25 0
bibliometric analysis. The search strategies (i.e., keyword selection), Journal of bridge engineering 1 5 0
along with their results, are tabulated in Table 2. Journal of computing in civil engineering 59 5 1
Journal of construction engineering and management 65 12 1
Journal of information technology in construction 58 0 0
3.3. Systematic analysis (stage 3)
PCI journal 3 9 1
Procedia engineering 113 33 3
Following the bibliographic analysis in stages 1 and 2, a qualitative
analysis of carefully selected papers was conducted (as shown in Fig. 1).
The task is performed manually by the research team; as a result, re-
search themes of each paper were summarized and discussed among the
team. The purpose of qualitative analysis, it should be noted, is to
provide an in-depth discussion and deeper insights regarding BIM for
OSC and shed light on the needs for future research. The data acqui-
sition method in this stage is similar to the one in Stage 2. Specifically,
the first and second queries in Table 2 are combined in order to retrieve
existing literature related to BIM for OSC. However, some resulting
articles, such as duplicated or topic unrelated, need to be removed for
the systematic analysis. As a result, screening processes are carried out
before the systematic analysis of the targeted literature. Afterwards,
identified academic articles are reviewed one-by-one, and categorized
based on their research focus considering the lifecycle of the OSC
process and bibliometric analysis results. On this basis, an in-depth
discussion on BIM research in OSC is presented to inform future re-

Fig. 2. Variations in the number of published studies on OSC, BIM and BIM for
4. Results and findings
OSC (2003–Aug 2018).

4.1. Overview
BIM publications showed a rapid increase since 2005. The number of
The keyword search strategies listed in Table 2 were employed to publications on BIM for OSC is relatively small, compared with the
identify relevant academic articles and their journals and conferences, number of publications on both OSC and BIM, of which there were 32 in
which have been partially summarized in Table 2 and Table 3. Notably, 2018. The trend shows a growth state, indicating an increasing atten-
the number of resulting BIM publications is quite low due to the use of tion to the application of BIM in the area of OSC. The burst in BIM for
“building information model*” as keyword to search the academic da- OSC research occurred in 2014, when the number of publications ex-
tabase; by contrast, while 4D modelling and product modelling, which ceeded 10 for the first time. This trend has continued until now. (Note
are the terms used for BIM in the early 2000s, were not included in the that data was collected in August 2018, which means that it does not
search. As shown in Table 3, the majority of academic publications on include the complete data for 2018. This explains the lower numbers for
BIM and OSC are found in the top journals in the field, including Au- 2018 shown in Fig. 2 and the drop from the previous trend.) Based on
tomation in Construction, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Con- the details included in Fig. 2 and Table 3, it can be shown that, while
struction Management and Economics, Journal of Construction Engineering substantial research has been conducted on BIM and OSC topics, fewer
and Management, Advanced Engineering Informatics, Journal of Informa- endeavours have been made into BIM for OSC research.
tion Technology in Construction, and Computer-Aided Civil and Infra-
structure Engineering. Among these journals, Automation in Construction 4.2. Bibliometric analysis
is the journal that includes the most publications on these three topics.
The next most productive publication forum is a conference proceeding, 4.2.1. BIM and OSC
Procedia Engineering. This proceeding makes significant contributions to To construct the knowledge domain of BIM and OSC, keyword co-
the field of BIM and OSC; however, the number of publications it in- occurrence in each research area was mapped using VOSviewer. The
cludes on BIM for OSC is not as outstanding as for the other two topics. network visualization was chosen to demonstrate the results of biblio-
Fig. 2 shows how the number of publications on the three topics metric analysis on BIM and OSC literature. The output of the
under review (OSC, BIM, BIM for OSC) varies each year. Publications on VOSviewer (i.e., Network Visualization) is distance-based maps in
OSC showed an overall upward trend since 2003, while the curve for which the distance between two items reflects the strength of the

X. Yin et al. Automation in Construction 101 (2019) 72–91

relation between the items [39]. A smaller distance generally indicates The average year published shows the average time period in which
a stronger relationship. The item label size reflects the number of a given keyword has been investigated by researches. For example,
publications in which the term was found. A bigger label size indicates topics such as IFC, interoperability, IPD, and lean construction received
that more publications contain this item. Different colours represent more attention around 2014, while studies focusing on point cloud,
different groups of items that clustered by the clustering technique of energy efficiency, green building, and Internet of Things (IoT), were
VOSviewer [49]. published with greatest frequency during the period 2016 to 2017,
indicating that the latter represent emerging themes in BIM research.
The “links” are the number of linkages between a given item and other Co-occurrence analysis of author keywords in BIM. The use of ones, while the total link strength reflects the total strength linked with
author keywords for bibliometric analysis to describe the patterns in a specific item [52]. For instance, the total link strength of OSC is 36,
existing research is recommended by a few studies, including Lee and which is in the middle level of all the keywords and indicates the strong
Su [50] and van Eck and Waltman [44]. More recently, an increasing inter-relatedness between BIM and OSC.
number of studies, such as reviews of emerging trends in global PPP Based on the research clusters in Fig. 3 and the research density
research [51], BIM-based collaboration [23], mapping knowledge obtained from Table 4, several findings were identified and are sum-
domains of BIM [21] and citation analysis of BIM [26], have marized as follows:
employed this approach to investigate the knowledge base and
identify key research areas in the construction research. As a result, (1) Interoperability and data management (yellow cluster, lower-left;
they are chosen for the present research as the basis for developing the green cluster, middle-left)
co-occurrence map for a better understanding of current research
patterns, topics, and relationships. Information of 4395 publications One major benefit of BIM in the AEC industry is enhanced work
obtained from Scopus was fed into the VOSviewer. The minimum efficiency through interoperability [53]. BIM is intended to minimize
number of occurrences of a keyword was set at 20 so that 38 of the 6410 the rework of modelling building information for different engineering
keywords meet the threshold. This threshold selection was based on purposes and to facilitate decision-making in various aspects of the AEC
two aspects: (1) existing bibliometric literature review (e.g., industry [54]. As a result, substantial efforts were dedicated to data
[23,26,27]); (2) multiple experiments to generate the optimal exchange among BIM applications, resulting in a large number of
graphics for research clusters. Other threshold selections were based publications in the cluster of interoperability. Keywords such as IFC,
on the same criteria in this research. The co-occurrence keywords are interoperability, semantic web, ontology, and knowledge management
grouped into several clusters with various colours in Fig. 3. The detailed frequently appear in BIM-related research. As early as the 1990s, re-
quantity information of each of the keywords in Fig. 3 (all greater than searchers and industry practitioners were attempting to address inter-
20) is tabulated in Table 4. The occurrence shows the number of operability by means of standardization. In this context, IFC was pro-
occurrences of each keyword from the author keywords retrieved from posed as a neutral data format for building information exchange for
the 4395 citations. For example, other than the keyword BIM, IFC the AEC industry [55,56] and has been continuously supplemented over
(industry foundation classes) is the one that appears most frequently years. To date, IFC is capable of describing rich building information
among all the keywords, which indicates that it has been investigated (such as geometry information, material information, vendor
extensively in the existing research.

Fig. 3. Author keywords co-occurrence of BIM.

X. Yin et al. Automation in Construction 101 (2019) 72–91

Table 4 sustainable construction, capitalizing on its perceived technical pre-

Top keywords in BIM literature. mises, such as a rich information database and its interoperability for
Keywords Occurrences Average year Links Total link BIM-based analysis. Research was carried out to leverage BIM for
published strength building performance analysis toward sustainable design and green
building—e.g., Modelica [67] and PV*Sol [69].
BIM 2416 2015 37 1061
IFC 183 2014 23 170
Interoperability 103 2014 21 93
(3) Facility management (brown cluster, middle-left)
Facility management 96 2015 21 91
Information 88 2015 22 72 More broadly, BIM can be utilized throughout the building lifecycle
technology (i.e., design and planning; construction; operation, repair and main-
Collaboration 82 2015 19 75
tenance; and demolition) to promote sustainability in a variety of
Laser scanning 75 2015 16 59
Sustainability 63 2015 14 56 contexts [70–73]. Specific stages of the building lifecycle, “design,”
Ontology 62 2015 12 59 “construction,” and “facility management” (i.e., “operation, repair, and
Point cloud 56 2016 11 42 maintenance”), as well as other emphases such as “green building,”
GIS 55 2015 14 49
“energy efficiency,” and “sustainability,” appear as high-frequency
Visualization 50 2015 20 47
Energy efficiency 49 2016 11 41
keywords in BIM literature. Numerous studies were devoted to BIM-
Simulation 47 2015 13 44 based energy simulation and modelling during design [58,73–76] and
IPD 44 2014 10 42 waste management and CO2 reduction in construction [54,77]. In the
Lean construction 42 2014 12 39 meantime, research on facility management with a particular focus on
Virtual reality 40 2016 16 37
building operation [71,78] also received greater scholarly attention,
Off-site construction 39 2016 15 36
Augmented reality 37 2015 13 33 specifically with respect to green building by means of BIM-based smart
Case study 32 2015 9 30 building solutions.
Green building 31 2016 11 28
RFID 31 2014 10 28 (4) As-built BIM and integrating BIM with new technology for various
Cloud computing 30 2015 13 30
Automation 30 2015 10 24
engineering applications (blue cluster, upper-left; red cluster,
IOT 27 2017 16 26 middle)
LCA 27 2016 4 23
Communication 26 2014 9 25 Another popular research area under review involves integrating
Implementation 26 2015 5 23
BIM and emerging technologies, such as laser scanning, virtual reality
Parametric modelling 26 2014 8 22
Semantic web 25 2015 9 23 (VR), augmented reality (AR), cloud computing, and Geographic
HBIM 25 2017 8 18 Information System (GIS) for various engineering applications. This
Cultural heritage 24 2016 7 22 research is clustered into the blue cluster as shown in Fig. 3. For ex-
Sustainable design 24 2014 4 21 ample, Tang et al. [79] and Hichri et al. [80] have explored laser
Model view definition 22 2016 8 22
Productivity 21 2015 7 21
scanning, one approach toward as-built BIM, for the purpose of project
Parametric design 21 2014 5 19 inspection and control. With the advancement of VR, researchers are
Knowledge 21 2014 7 14 interested in the integration of BIM and VR in order to provide project
management stakeholders with a more intuitive and interactive manner to be in-
Construction safety 20 2015 10 18
volved in the project decision-making. Typical recent examples include
Note: keywords in Table 4 are listed according to the number of their occur- a VR-based cloud BIM platform [81], Real-time synchronization of BIM
rences (highest to lowest). data in VR [82], and BIM-VR for interior design [83]. AR, on the other
hand, is capable of augmenting BIM with realistic contexts, maximizing
information, and so forth) so that it is commonly used to expedite many BIM benefits to the construction field. Many studies were carried out on
aspects of construction tasks (e.g., scheduling, quantity take-off, cost this topic, including construction defect management using BIM and AR
analysis, etc.) [57,59]. In addition to the schema supplements, research [84]. Another emerging topic is the integration of BIM and GIS [32].
efforts were also carried out to enhance the expressiveness of IFC im- GIS is an information technology to collect, share, manage, and analyze
plementation languages (i.e., IfcExpress, IfcXML, IfcRDF, and IfcOwl) data, with a focus on spatial data at the macro scale, rather than at the
[60] and data transfer efficiency (i.e., IfcJSON) [61] for improved BIM individual building scale. Integrating BIM and GIS could provide a
interoperability through emerging information technologies such as promising solution for utility and asset management. Nevertheless, the
Semantic Web. This research trend is reflected in the frequency of majority of related studies are still in their infancy; substantial research
keywords including knowledge management, and semantic web ap- efforts are required to apply these emerging techniques in an efficient
pearing in this cluster. Through these developments and advancements, and effective manner. Indeed, this is a potential research area as the
project stakeholders have better technology and tools to collaborate, construction industry has been relatively slow to embrace the full po-
resulting in time and money savings, improved communications, im- tential of information technologies [85].
proved coordination, and increased quality [62,63].
(5) BIM collaboration and implementation (pink cluster, upper-right;
(2) Sustainability (purple cluster, lower-right) light-blue, upper-right)

According to studies by Dong et al. [64] and Alwan et al. [65], the In past decades, researchers and industry participants exhausted
construction industry consumes high energy and contributes to green- their efforts to implement BIM in practical projects. Various BIM fra-
house gas emissions. To mitigate the environmental effects of con- meworks, protocols, standards, and guidelines were formulated to
struction projects, sustainable construction has attracted increasing guide the practical implementation for better collaboration. For in-
attention in recent years. Several building performance analysis soft- stance, Jung & Joo [86] proposed a practical BIM implementation
ware (e.g., Ecotect, GBS, IES, etc.) have been developed to improve the framework from the perspectives of project, organization, and industry
sustainability of building design and construction processes [66]. BIM by comprehensively reviewing the construction-integrated construction
has also been advocated to assist project stakeholders in facilitating (CIC) and BIM literature. Gu & London [87] summarized the perception
and expectation of BIM in the AEC industry from the perspectives of

X. Yin et al. Automation in Construction 101 (2019) 72–91

product, process, and people, and developed a collaborative BIM de- interpreted as follows:
cision framework with the objective of facilitating BIM adoption. Other
implementation strategies, such as BIM standards and protocols im- (1) Product design and performance of prefabricated projects (blue
provements [88], BIM guidelines developments [89], and BIM benefits cluster, right; brownness cluster, lower-right)
investigation in certain projects [90], are all well developed. On the
basis of guidelines and standards, many case studies were carried out to OSC is not a new concept within the AEC industry. Early studies in
demonstrate the effectiveness of BIM implementation. These case stu- this field primarily emphasized precast construction, especially from
dies cover a wide range of areas, including facility management the perspective of structural performance as demonstrated by the
[91,92], existing building operations [71], and waste management clusters (blue and brownness) in the right of Fig. 4. Owing to this,
[93], all of which aim at facilitating the practical application of BIM in precast concrete is a frequent keyword appearing in the existing lit-
real-life projects. In response to this, researchers established various erature. Even to date, precast construction has received more attention
models for assessing BIM implementation, such as a case-study ap- than either modular construction or wooden panelized construction.
proach [90] and goal-driven approach [94]. All these efforts were un- Specifically, the blue and brownness clusters in the visualization focus
dertaken with the objective of innovating the AEC industry through the on the characteristics (e.g., durability, seismic design, and perfor-
innovative use of emerging BIM. mance) of various types of precast concrete [95–97]. These clusters are
also dedicated to modular building design and specifically the aspect of
mass customization [99], modular coordination (e.g. joint, connection) Co-occurrence analysis of author keywords in OSC. A similar [100], composite structures [101], etc. All of the aforementioned re-
process is deployed to reveal research focuses for OSC. Publication search clusters have studied OSC projects from the structural point of
information such as author keywords are extracted from the Scopus view and laid a theoretical foundation for practical prefabricated
database, and they are then fed into the VOSviewer. The minimum structure design.
number of occurrences of a keyword was set at 5. 54 of the 6248
keywords meet the threshold. These keywords, whose occurrences are (2) OSC process management (others exept for blue and brownness
greater than 10, are listed in Table 5, along with the detailed quantity clusters)
information in other aspects. From Table 5, we can see that BIM and
sustainability are discussed extensively in OSC literatures while BIM As shown in Fig. 4, topics relating to process management, such as
and IOT (which are published around 2016 and 2017) are the emerging sustainability [102], simulation [103], lean construction [104], supply
topics in this research area. Fig. 4 presents the network view of keyword chain management [105], life cycle assessment [106], optimization
occurrence analysis from the VOSviewer. As shown in Fig. 4, several [107], BIM [108], success factors [109], robotics [110] and in-
keywords (e.g., off-site construction, sustainability, BIM, precast dustrialization [111], have been widely discussed in the literature.
concrete, supply chain management, and etc.) are presented with a These keywords occur frequently with respect to OSC. These studies
larger size of font, indicating a greater frequency of appearance in have emphasized the management perspective of OSC with respect to
existing literature. Several research clusters were identified and shown the adaptation of various technologies and lean principles in order to
in different colours in Fig. 4. improve construction process and supply chain performances in terms
Generally, these studies in OSC fall into two groups (i.e., process of cost, scheduling, quality, and environmental sustainability. For in-
management, and product design and performance). In this section, the stance, Arashpour et al. [107] applied algorithms to optimize multi-
research clusters are grouped into two categories, namely, product skilled resource utilization in OSC. Alvanchi et al. [103] applied dis-
design and performance, and OSC process management, which are crete-event simulation to plan OSCs in a more analytical manner. With
emerging technologies such as BIM, Liu et al. [108] developed a BIM-
Table 5 based approach to plan and manage the on-site operations for panelized
Top keywords in OSC literature. building projects. Other researchers have sought to identify both the
Keywords Occurrences Average year Links Total link barriers and corresponding mitigation strategies with regard to OSC
published strength implementation. A large number of studies have been conducted to
establish frameworks, guidelines, and best practices for promoting the
Off-site construction 498 2014 51 225
BIM 56 2016 22 42
implementation of OSC, such as Hong et al. [112]. Notably, the benefits
Sustainability 55 2014 20 42 of OSC which could lead to more sustainable construction, such as its
Precast concrete 39 2013 15 23 potential for reduced waste [113] and reduced life cycle CO2 [106],
Simulation 32 2014 14 21 have also been investigated. This underscores the fact that sustain-
Supply chain 29 2015 11 23
ability occurs frequently in this research cluster.
Lean construction 29 2014 14 24
Seismic design 25 2015 5 9 4.2.2. BIM for OSC
Mass customization 23 2012 8 9 Interestingly, less attention has been directed toward BIM for OSC.
Case study 20 2013 9 12 Only 113 results were obtained for this research topic from the Scopus
Industrialization 20 2012 11 14
Connection 18 2012 9 13
database, which is relatively fewer in comparison with BIM (4395) and
Optimization 17 2015 8 9 OSC (2841) (see Table 2). In this section, 113 publications related to
LCA 15 2015 5 10 this topic were analyzed using a bibliometric approach, with the in-
Critical success factors 12 2014 4 12 tention of exploring the current research patterns in BIM for OSC.
Quality management 12 2012 7 8
Finite element analysis 11 2014 3 5
Procurement 11 2014 5 9 Co-occurrence analysis of author keywords. The keywords of 113
IOT 10 2017 4 7 academic publications on BIM for OSC were fed into VOSviewer to
Conventional 10 2016 6 9 generate a co-occurrence graph of author keywords. The minimum
construction number of time that a keyword must occur to be included was set to 3.
Productivity 10 2013 9 8
Robotics 10 2009 5 6
Of the 220 keywords, 26 met the threshold. The cluster view of author
keywords in the VOSviewer is shown in Fig. 5; the bigger the circle
Note: keywords in Table 5 are listed according to the number of occurrences indicates the more times the item occurs in the literature [39]. The
(highest to lowest). detailed quantity information for each of the keywords of BIM for OSC

X. Yin et al. Automation in Construction 101 (2019) 72–91

Fig. 4. Author keywords co-occurrence of OSC.

Fig. 5. Author keywords co-occurrence of BIM for OSC.

X. Yin et al. Automation in Construction 101 (2019) 72–91

Table 6 Distribution analysis of articles and their citations. Further

Top keywords of BIM for OSC literature. citation analysis was conducted to identify the research distribution
Keywords Occurrences Average year Links Total link across the world. VOSviewer provides a function to categorize the
published strength documents and their citations based on the country of publication,
which can be seen in Fig. 6. The minimum number of documents from
BIM 63 2016 24 50
each country was set at 5; therefore, 9 countries met the threshold out
Off-site construction 45 2016 20 41
Sustainability 4 2018 3 2
of 28 possible countries). It is obvious that the United States contributes
IOT 4 2017 2 4 the most in terms of BIM for OSC. China has the second-most studies
Lean construction 4 2017 3 3 concentrating on this specific topic; however, their citation number is
Product architecture 4 2017 6 3 relatively low. On the contrary, Israel is very prominent in the number
of citations. United Kingdom, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Canada are
Simulation 4 2016 3 3
Case study 4 2016 3 3 fairly balanced in both the number of documents and the number of
Parametric modelling 4 2016 3 3 citations. All of the countries mentioned in Fig. 6 made significant
Information technology 4 2016 4 2 contributions to this field, considering it is an emerging field with fewer
Modularization 4 2015 2 2
studies conducted than other comparable fields.
Energy efficiency 3 2018 2 1
Information delivery 3 2018 5 2
manual 4.3. Systematic analysis
Challenges 3 2017 2 2
Ontology 3 2017 2 2 To provide deeper insights into research on BIM for OSC, a sys-
Supply chain 3 2017 2 2
tematic analysis of selected articles is presented in this section. Among
Cost estimation 3 2017 2 2 the 113 publications resulting from stage 2 of the present research, a
Information exchange 3 2017 5 2 screening process was conducted to eliminate duplicate papers, papers
Model view definition 3 2017 4 2 on unrelated topics, and non-peer-reviewed papers. In the end, 77 ar-
Planning and control 3 2017 3 2 ticles, reviews and conference papers (see Appendix A) were selected
4D simulation 3 2016 3 2
Maintenance 3 2016 1 2
after the screening process. The resulting articles are categorized into 5
management groups: (1) BIM-enabled product design and manufacturing for pre-
Laser scanning 3 2015 2 2 fabricated buildings, (2) BIM-enabled logistics planning, (3) BIM-en-
Interoperability 3 2012 2 1 abled assembly planning, (4) as-built BIM for OSC, and (5) success
Building systems 3 2011 3 2
factors of BIM implementation in OSC. The categorization structure
Coordination 3 2011 3 2
(i.e., 5 categories) is determined through a consensus discussion among
Note: keywords in Table 6 are listed according to the number of occurrences the research team. Two factors are considered in the development of the
(highest to lowest). categorization structure, including: (1) phases of the project life cycle,
and (2) scientific mapping of research themes. As reported by Rich
literature is tabulated in Table 6. [127], one criterion in categorizing objects is the body of underlying
As shown in Fig. 5 and Table 6, other than the keywords BIM and theories. As such, the project phases from the theory of project man-
OSC, the occurrence of keywords is evenly distributed. Most of the agement theory are referenced to developing the categorization struc-
publications pertaining to BIM for OSC have been published in the ture. Meanwhile, scientific mapping of research themes in stages 1 and
period after 2016, indicating recency compared to studies exploring stage 2 is also factored in to minimize subjective judgments and biases
either of the two topics (BIM and OSC) separately. Keywords such as in the development of the categorization structure and corresponding
information exchange, product architecture model, information de- in-depth discussion. The following subsections illustrate the interaction
livery manual, information technology, and model view definition form between BIM and OSC and provide in-depth discussion for each
the biggest cluster in Fig. 5, which indicates that information man- aforementioned research category.
agement is a major topic in research on BIM for OSC. It also implies that
OSC projects can provide a promising testbed and environment in 4.3.1. The interaction between BIM and OSC: A product and process
which to apply emerging technologies (e.g., BIM and laser scanning) perspective
and to test BIM-related theoretical issues such as data exchange. BIM and OSC are tightly associated with the product and process
The rest of the clusters are distributed in Fig. 5 with similar sizes. perspectives. In terms of product design, BIM is well-known as a
The topics referred by these keywords are emerging subtopics within parametric modelling tool by construction practitioners with the
the area of BIM for OSC, such as sustainability, supply chain manage- widespread use of the BIM-authoring software (e.g., Revit, Bentley, and
ment, simulation, paramatric/as-built modelling, maintenance, and ArchiCAD). Substantial efforts have been made to improve those
lean construction (shown in Fig. 5 as a blue cluster). In fact, there are parametric modelling tools. For example, improvements include para-
synergies existing between BIM and lean construction research [115], metric modelling for precast concrete [128] and the development of a
as well as among BIM, lean, and OSC [116,117]. Many studies on these modular coordination rule-based algorithm integrated with BIM [129].
three initiatives have thus been carried out, resulting in their frequency Indeed, BIM not only serves as a parametric design tool for OSC, but
of occurrence in Fig. 5 and Table 6. also as a philosophy for its construction process. The inherent char-
acteristics of OSC mean that its processes involve more participants
than in stick-built construction, because manufacturers represent ad- Citation analysis toward significant articles. Citation information ditional parties. In addition, the overall process of OSC differs from the
for the 113 documents was analyzed to reveal the significant traditional construction method. In general, a traditional construction
publications in the field of BIM for OSC. The citation analysis results life-cycle consists of four stages: plan, design, construction, and operate
are shown in Table 7. The 10 most-cited papers and the number of times [130]. However, besides the design, construction (assembly on-site for
each article was cited is listed in Table 7. This exercise shows an OSC scenario), and operation stage, three more post-planning processes
emphasis in BIM research on parametric modelling and data exchange are in typical for OSC: manufacturing, storage, transportation [132].
in the precast industry. By implication, the success of OSC can be linked Therefore, OSC by the nature of its fragmented process demands ef-
to BIM interoperability and data management issues as well as the fective communication technologies and tools (i.e., BIM-enabled
adoption of BIM. seamless data exchange) to facilitate collaboration among project

X. Yin et al. Automation in Construction 101 (2019) 72–91

Table 7
Most-cited academic publications regarding BIM for OSC.
Number Document Title Cited times

1 Lee et al. [118] Specifying parametric building object behavior (BOB) for a building information modelling system 164
2 Eastman et al. [119] Exchange model and exchange object concepts for implementation of national BIM standards 86
3 Jeong et al. [120] Benchmark tests for BIM data exchanges of precast concrete 82
4 Sacks et al. [114] The Rosewood experiment - Building information modelling and interoperability for architectural precast facades 59
5 Babič et al. [122] Integrating resource production and construction using BIM 58
6 Kaner et al. [123] Case studies of BIM adoption for precast concrete design by mid-sized structural engineering firms 53
7 Sacks et al. [124] A target benchmark of the impact of three-dimensional parametric modelling in precast construction 38
8 Nawari [125] BIM standard in off-site construction 37
9 Kim et al. [68] A framework for dimensional and surface quality assessment of precast concrete elements using BIM and 3D laser scanning 35
10 Demian & Walters [126] The advantages of information management through building information modelling 35

assemblability of prefabricated building elements [110]. Yuan et al.

[138] developed a novel design process, which integrated BIM with the
DFMA for prefabricated buildings. A BIM-based framework, which took
into account DFM and DFL, was developed by Sharma et al. [137] in
order to mitigate the rigidity of the OSC design process and to increase
the coordination during the process. DFM and DFA concepts are also
described as product-based design and project-based design, which
were investigated by Ramaji & Memari [133]. A product architecture
model (PAM), combining the product-based nature of manufacturing
the building elements and the project-based nature of assembling on-
site, was developed in this research, which extended the BIM platform
to support OSC and provide an information management framework for
such buildings. BIM serves as the mediator between manufacturers and
builders in the OSC industry. Additionally, semantic web technologies
are used to link product component catalogues (for manufacture) with
Fig. 6. Documents and citation country/region distribution. precast BIM models (for assembly) to produce building components
descriptions and to provide BIM end-users with linked data from the
stakeholders. product catalogue [139].
The application of BIM in OSC contributes to the progress of both Several studies, e.g., Barkokebas et al. [140], have focused on the
BIM and OSC. On the one hand, BIM can facilitate the product design improvement of productivity in the design and manufacturing process
and process planning of OSC with its parametric modelling and nD- through BIM tool implementation. Nath et al. [104] re-engineered the
integrated features. For example, design changes can be made easily for shop drawing production process to improve the productivity of precast
standard building elements, which are required for OSC, with the elements design. This was achieved by leveraging BIM capabilities in
parametric modelling feature of BIM [133]. Likewise, construction se- terms of parametric design functionality and interoperability among
quence rules integrated with a 3D BIM model can generate project project stakeholders. Alwisy et al. [142] proposed a BIM-based system
schedules automatically [108]. The adoption of OSC also can simplify for automating the design and drafting for manufacturing of wood-
the BIM modelling process to some extent, since the modular building frame panels for modular residential buildings. A system called
elements required by OSC can be pre-modelled as BIM objects into a MCMPro (modular construction manufacturing) was developed out of
BIM library. BIM modellers can re-use these objects directly or make this research, which could enhance the productivity and quality of the
easy modifications when they are being used in similar projects [134]. design process. Lee & Kim [143] conducted a BIM-based 4D simulation
(3D graphics and resource components) to improve the productivity of
4.3.2. BIM-enabled product design and manufacturing factory manufacturing in terms of process, quantity, and quality. A case
BIM has been widely accepted as a parametric design tool in the study in that research showed how these indicators improved. Altaf
construction industry, however, prefabrication of building elements et al. [144] proposed an integrated approach to planning and control-
have obstacles of employing current BIM parametric tools due to dif- ling the panelized buildings production process using a radio-frequency
ferent nature of off-site manufacturing process and on-site construction identification (RFID) system and simulation model. In this research,
process [135]. Traditional on-site construction design emphasizes the BIM serves as the database to store the building elements information.
function or aesthetics of the building itself, while, for OSC design This approach was shown to reduce the production time through the
process, designers not only need to take traditional design criteria into real case of a panelized manufacturing company in Canada that im-
consideration, but also manufacture, logistics, and assembly processes plemented the approach. Productivity can be improved through the
[136], leading to different criteria in the OSC design, namely, Design implementation of BIM within the design and manufacturing processes
for Manufacturing (DFM), Design for Assembly (DFA), Design for Lo- of OSC projects.
gistics (DFL), and Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA)
[137,138]. Among these criteria, DFMA is the one that considers the 4.3.3. BIM-enabled logistic planning
most constraints by integrating different professional knowledge do- A typical supply chain for an OSC project includes several stages,
mains into the design stage, improving the manufacturability and including design, manufacturing, factory inventory, delivery, on-site

Fig. 7. A typical supply chain of OSC projects [145].

X. Yin et al. Automation in Construction 101 (2019) 72–91

inventory, construction site, and end-project (Fig. 7) [145]. Pre- algorithms (IGA) to accomplish the optimization target in terms of
fabricated building elements (e.g., walls, floors, columns, beams, etc.) shortening project duration. IGA was used to find the optimal assembly
must go through the supply chain (see Fig. 7) to form a complete sequence of precast buildings, and BIM was used for parametric mod-
building. Therefore, it is important that information about the building elling and visual simulation to validate the optimal results. The on-site
elements at each stage is collected in real-time; for instance, the con- assembly operation of OSC can be supported by the BIM-based Internet-
struction site needs the schedule of the manufacturing to make the of-Things platform, which was proposed by Li et al. [157]. This BIM
assembly schedule [146]. Other major problems relating to the OSC platform integrated several information technologies, such as radio
supply chain (precast, in this case) have been identified by Abedi et al. frequency identification technology and VR technology, and could as-
[105]. In their research, problems are summarized based on the con- sist the on-site assembly process in several ways, including staff regis-
struction stages, namely: planning, design, manufacturing/production, tration, order management, assembly confirmation, quality checking,
transportation, installation, and construction. Accordingly, a context- real-time progress monitoring, progress visualization, and providing an
aware cloud computing building information modelling (CACCBIM) error alert.
prototype was developed for precast supply chain management. The
importance of the planning loads process in the context of Engineer-to-
4.3.5. As-built BIM for construction control
order was pointed out by Bataglin et al. [147], since it influences both
In order to improve the quality, schedule, and cost performance of
the production process and the assembly process. In their research,
OSC projects, as-built information is collected to pair with as-designed
some guidelines on how to use BIM to assist the change of production
information in BIM for project control purposes. Quality control and
plans considering the logistic impacts was proposed.
assessment of the prefabricated elements receive much more attention
Information technology, such as RFID [19,145,148,149], plays an
in research on as-built information collection. Currently, quality in-
important role in OSC supply chain management due to its advantages
spection is conducted manually in most projects, which leads to low
in data acquisition, which is the central topic in BIM-enabled logistics
efficiency and accuracy [155]. The inspection data cannot be stored
planning for OSC [150]. Mobile technology was utilized to track the
properly for later management analysis in most cases as well [59].
building module's location through embedded RFID tags, and a BIM-
Therefore, a laser-scanning method is widely used to collect the as-built
based information management system was developed to improve the
information [59,155,158–162]. The data, obtained from laser scanning,
communication among stakeholders and reduce duplicated works
is cleaned by the data mining process in the subsequent steps. Several
[145]. Prefabricated construction enabled by the Internet-of-Things,
data cleaning methods are applied in the previous research, such as
which was proposed by Zhong et al. [149], aims at realizing real-time
density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise [155] and
visibility and traceability as an extension of BIM-enabled logistics
random sample consensus [158]. Information, such as geometric in-
planning for OSC. This represents a promising future research topic.
formation [155,161,162], dimensional-quality information [59,163],
and surface-quality information [68] can be extracted from the data
mentioned above. Further manipulation, which is related to BIM, is
4.3.4. BIM-enabled assembly planning
conducted to realize different objectives. For example, with geometric
The schedule and cost of OSC have been shown to be significantly
information, as-built BIM can be created automatically [155]; with
less than traditional stick-built construction, according to a recent
dimensional-quality information and surface-quality information, as-
survey [151]. This reduction relies on the inherent concurrency of off-
built BIM can be compared with as-designed BIM to detect quality is-
and on-site operations for this type of project. From supply chain
sues for project control purposes [68]. Belsky et al. [164] explored
analysis, as shown in Fig. 7 (see Section 4.3.3), the off-site operations of
procedures and algorithms for a semantic enrichment of BIM, which
the project can be summarized as design, manufacturing, and logistics.
enriches additional semantic information into BIM models based on the
For the on-site construction operation, the assembly is the last job be-
scanned geometric model. Future research will focus on the automatic
fore the completion of an OSC project. A training system was developed
laser scanning process in a real-life project environment compared with
for the on-site precast installation step, so that workers could be trained
the semi-automatic process in a controlled laboratory environment
to perform these activities in a safe and effective manner [152]. A social
network analysis was conducted by Li et al. [132] to reveal the schedule
risks of the whole OSC process in the context of Hong Kong. Several
BIM-centered strategies were proposed in this study to mitigate the 4.3.6. Success factors of BIM implementation in OSC
revealed schedule risks. Benefits and barriers of OSC with the support of BIM were identified
Liu et al. [108,153] investigated the on-site schedule of light gauge by several studies from different perspectives
steel construction using BIM, a particle swarm optimization algorithm, [20,31,112,123,124,131,134,165–167]. The consensus is that BIM is
and a simulation model. A Revit add-on was developed to integrate beneficial (in terms of cost, schedule, quality, and etc.) to OSC [168];
these tools for automated schedule generation. The schedule results can however, some obstacles (e.g., lack of corresponding codes and policy,
be exported to an MS Project file for end-users. Wang & Yuan [154] and changes required to company organizational structure, etc.) weaken the
Wang et al. [156] studied efficient assembly sequencing of precast value of BIM application in OSC. Literature that suggests how to apply
buildings, including the application of BIM and improved genetic BIM in OSC in a manner that takes advantage of its potential for

Table 8
Success factors in BIM-enabled OSC.
Success factors Reference

Technology Software Li et al. [21]; Faghirinejadfard et al. [175]; Abanda et al. [31]
Information exchange standard Abanda et al. [31]; Nawari [125]; Ramaji & Memari [176]
Information sharing/management Demian & Walters [126]; Korman & Lu [166]; Lu & Korman [167]; Borjeghaleh and Sardroud [99]; Li et al. [131]
Stakeholders Designer Qi & Li [174]; Marzouk et al. [177]; Isaac et al. [178]
Manufacturer Li et al. [20]; Lee & Kim [143]; Sacks et al. [124]; Li et al. [132]
Construction contractor Li et al. [20]; Li et al. [131]; Qi & Li [174]
Maintenance and operation personnel Ismail et al. [179]; Marzouk et al. [177]; Ismail [180]; Qi & Li [174]
Process Project delivery Li et al. [21]; Grosskopf et al. [181]; Nawi et al. [182]; Gledson [183]
Culture Policy Li et al. [131]; Li et al. [20]; Haron et al. [184]

X. Yin et al. Automation in Construction 101 (2019) 72–91

improving the project is summarized in Table 8. groups and keywords in each category are summarized in the top part
Specifically, software development and applications serve as the of Fig. 8. These studies cover all the processes of OSC (note that design
foundation for applying BIM in OSC. Various software has been com- and manufacturing researches are combined into one category since
monly used in the AEC industry (e.g., Revit, Navisworks, Bentley, most of the research related to these topics are either concepts or
ArchiCAD [31]). For this reason, substantial research has been carried projects for adapting traditional design processes to DFA, DFL, DFM,
out to improve the interoperability and data management of BIM tools and DFMA and are highly interrelated). Based on the bibliometric
in OSC (e.g., [120,169]). Information management systems with dif- analysis and systematic analysis, the potential research gaps and future
ferent characteristics have been developed to facilitate data exchange directions are summarized as follows:
processes [126,170]. However, the improvement of interoperability
and data management partially depends on the agreement and ex- (1) BIM-based generative design for prefabrication
pectation of data exchange between different project stakeholders
[125]. BIM standards (Information Delivery Manual/Model View De- Historically, the research in the BIM community has been shifting
finition, IFC, International Framework Dictionary (IFD)) have thus been from a focus on the design stage (e.g., parametric modelling) and
explored to streamline interoperability and data management in OSC construction stage (e.g., use of BIM in construction management) to-
[133,169,171–173]. Additionally, the success of BIM's implementation ward facility management. Especially, significant research efforts have
in OSC will derive partly from successful coordination among stake- been devoted to disaster management in recent years. Nevertheless, the
holders (e.g., designer, manufacturer, construction contractor, main- BIM modelling process is still time-consuming, which constrains the use
tenance and operation personnel). Building information can be stored of BIM in the AEC industry [54]. With the advancement of artificial
in the centralized database, providing various stakeholders with an intelligence (AI) technology, there is the potential for integrating AI
information-sharing platform throughout the entire building lifecycle with BIM technology in order to further expedite the BIM modelling
[174]. All parties play an important role in the successful im- process [83]. For instance, design principle and knowledge, such as
plementation of BIM. Patterns of project delivery and local policy are DFM, DFA, DFL, and DFMA, could be integrated with a BIM-based
also mentioned in the previous studies of successful BIM implementa- generative design with the purpose of automating and optimizing the
tion. design for prefabricated projects. Accordingly, BIM-based generative
design factoring modular building principles is a promising area for AI-
5. Discussion and future needs BIM within the construction industry, especially for the modular con-
struction industry.
It should be noted that bibliometric analysis of each field of BIM and
OSC, as well as BIM for OSC, is requisite to synthesis a full picture of (2) Cloud BIM-based data exchange for OSC
research focuses on BIM for OSC and to reveal the gaps and needs re-
garding BIM for OSC. The reasons for bibliometric analysis of each field Since OSC is fragmented into a few construction stages, such as
of BIM and OSC are two-fold: (1) it revealed the fact that BIM and OSC manufacturing, transportation, and on-site assembly, interoperability
are highly interrelated (see Figs. 3 & 4), justifying the need of the and data management among various project stakeholders plays a sig-
present research to some extent. In the keywords occurrence map of nificant role in the success of projects [185]. To this end, a timely in-
BIM research, OSC turns out to be a frequent keyword with the oc- formation-sharing technology is thus required for the OSC industry. In
currence of 39 and total link strength of 36 (which are more than the this regard, Cloud BIM provides a promising solution to the OSC in-
expectations and neglected by existing reviews), following the key- dustry, because it allows project stakeholders to share project data in a
words of integrated project delivery, lean construction, and virtual timely manner from dispersed workstations [186]. Moreover, Cloud
reality. Notably, total link strength indicates the strength of links of a BIM could further contribute to a high level of IT seamless integration,
given term with other terms in the co-occurrence map. The higher total such as BIM-VR integration, BIM-GIS integration, and Cyber-physical
link strength, the stronger its inter-relatedness with other terms. In the systems, which will further streamline OSC processes and facilitate
keywords occurrence map of OSC research, BIM is the most frequent decision making in OSC. Still, research efforts are needed in order to
keyword with the occurrence of 56 and total link strength of 42, in- adopt Cloud BIM for OSC (e.g., achieving an in-depth integration of
dicating its significance in the field of OSC; and (2) it, on the other Cloud BIM and OSC) and to deliver a Cloud BIM-based just-in-time
hand, sheds light on research focuses of BIM for OSC and implies po- planning system for the OSC industry.
tential research needs regarding BIM for OSC. For example, biblio-
metric analysis of OSC revealed robotics is one research focus in OSC (3) Robotics and 3D printing for OSC
(see Fig. 4), while robotics is not receiving much attention in the field of
BIM for OSC as indicated by the bibliometric analysis of BIM for OSC Robotics are commonly used in manufacturing industries, such as
(see Fig. 5). As a result, potential research efforts need to be directed the automobile industry and electronics industry, due to the increasing
toward how to integrate BIM with robotics for OSC projects. labour cost and aging crisis existing in many countries. The situation in
The summary of this study's findings is presented in Fig. 8. A tri- the construction industry is not optimistic as well, which is driving the
angle structure shows the review process and findings in a logical application of high-efficiency OSC methods instead of stick-built con-
manner. The science map constructed to describe BIM and OSC research struction method. This situation can be further improved by integrating
serves as the foundation of this study, from which the research trends BIM with robotics and 3D printing to improve the level of automation in
and topics under investigation are revealed. Bibliometric analysis of this industry. However, there is a lack of research bridging the gaps in
BIM research shows that improving interoperability and data manage- integrating BIM with a manufacturing system and BIM with task-or-
ment, applying BIM for sustainability, BIM for facility management, iented robotics. There is an urgent need to investigate how to integrate
integrating BIM with new technologies, and BIM collaboration and BIM with robotics and 3D printing for OSC projects [187].
implementation are the most frequently occurring topics in the litera-
ture on BIM. For OSC research, two major fields receive much attention, (4) BIM-enabled big data analytics toward best OSC practice
namely, the construction process management and product design and
performance. The research focus regarding BIM for OSC, on the other The rich information in BIM can be used throughout the whole life
hand, is that interoperability and data management. cycle of the OSC project; however, attention has been rarely paid to-
A systematic analysis was conducted with the 77 selected papers ward the outside of the project life cycle. To be more specific, BIM
after the science map's construction. Findings are categorized into 5 information can be treated as a data set and a large amount of BIM form

X. Yin et al. Automation in Construction 101 (2019) 72–91

Fig. 8. Summary of the findings.

the construction big data. Data analysis techniques can be used to 6. Conclusion
analyze these data to reveal valuable insights for the construction in-
dustry. For example, relationships between design parameters of This study mainly investigates the current state-of-the-art of re-
modular elements and building performance and maintenance can be search regarding BIM for OSC. A mixed review was conducted to de-
uncovered by mining big data of thousands of OSC projects. This could velop the science maps of BIM, OSC, and BIM for OSC and to provide
be beneficial to project stakeholders in establishing best practices and deeper insights into the research gaps and needs with respect to BIM for
standards for OSC projects. In this respect, BIM provides a potential OSC. In this research, a quantitative review is conducted using
platform for targeted OSC analysis. More research can be directed in VOSviewer on the topic of BIM for OSC based on the literature retrieved
this area to advance the design and performance of an OSC project. from Scopus. Research focuses of existing academic articles were
identified; they are spread over the whole life cycle of the OSC projects.
(5) Benefits and its assessment model of BIM for OSC In terms of BIM research, substantial existing studies focused on im-
proving interoperability and data management, BIM for sustainability,
There are some social and environmental benefits of adopting BIM BIM for facility management, integrating BIM with new technologies,
in OSC, as we described in Section 4.3.6. For instance, with BIM, the and BIM collaboration and implementation. As for OSC research, the
information-sharing process among stakeholders (designer, manu- construction process managment, and product design and performance
facturer, contractor, etc.) of OSC projects differs from the way it was are two main topics in the existing literature. Research on BIM for OSC
conducted without BIM, which could induce the changes in organiza- has shown an upward trend in recent years, especially after 2005.
tional structure (for example, the stakeholders' organizational structure Identified main research topics from bibliometric analysis are syn-
could become flat, replacing the original vertical structure due to the thesized through a consensus discussion to develop a categorization
fluency of information flow). These would in turn lead to social impacts structure. Then, categorization structure is used to guide qualitative
of adopting BIM in OSC. Meanwhile, the improved coordination among review for in-depth discussions on research gaps and needs regarding
construction parties in OSC projects by using BIM could reduce the BIM for OSC. By doing an in-depth qualitative analysis, several research
rework in the construction process thereby materials and labour man- directions are proposed. Potential research areas along with the re-
hours could be reduced [63]. Other waste created in the construction search suggestions have also been proposed by authors, namely, BIM-
process in various ways could be reduced as well, which mitigates the based generative design for prefabrication, Cloud BIM-based data ex-
environmental impacts of the construction process. change for OSC, robotics and 3D printing for OSC, BIM-enabled big data
The proposed future directions, which are mentioned above, could analytics toward best OSC practice, benefits and its assessment model of
affect the OSC project in various ways. For example, BIM-based gen- BIM for OSC.
erative design for prefabrication improve the efficiency and quality of Some limitations exist in this research. First, the data is retrieved
the OSC design; cloud BIM-based data exchange improves the conven- from one single database due to a consistent data format required by
tional information sharing patterns; robotics and 3D printing increase VOSViewer. In the future, more comprehensive data can be obtained for
the level of automation of OSC industry; and BIM-enabled big data quantitative and qualitative analyses by combining the data from the
analytics toward best OSC practice facilitates to make decisions scien- various database (e.g., Google Scholar, Web of Science, and so on). On
tifically instead of empirically. Nevertheless, researchers have yet to the other hand, potential research gaps and future directions are pro-
quantify these benefits. The measurement criteria need to be developed posed based on the findings of this study and the authors' knowledge,
to quantify the specific performance improvement of adopting BIM in which may lead to the in-comprehensive nature of it. In the future re-
such projects, to persuade project stakeholders to take action toward search, the bibliometric-qualitative review results will be submitted to a
implementing BIM in their projects. group of experts, where experts of BIM and OSC can further supplement
the research findings to increase the comprehensiveness of the sug-
gestions. More comprehensive research suggestions could be derived by

X. Yin et al. Automation in Construction 101 (2019) 72–91

a thoroughly discussion of the presented research results within the

experts' group.

Appendix A. List of papers selected in the systematic analysis

No. Reference Country/re- Research theme


1 Abanda et al. [31] UK How BIM can support off-site manufacture, benefits and how to use BIM to overcome barriers in OSC.
2 Abedi et al. [105] Malaysia The study identified a few issues in the precast supply chain management, such as poor coordination, lack of integration, and lack of
budget, and accordingly developed a system prototype of Context-Aware Cloud Computing Building Information Modelling for
managing precast supply chain.
3 Afsari & Eastman [171] USA This study introduced the MVD with a few of exchange models with the objective of facilitating the MVD implementation and
execution. Precast concrete is adopted as a case study for validation.
4 Alwisy et al. [142] Canada Automation of design and drafting process of panelized buildings.
5 Alwisy et al. [141] Canada Support the manufacturing needs for design and drafting.
6 Aram et al. [57] USA Use BIM to build a knowledge-based framework for estimating quantity takeoff and cost.
7 Babič et al. [122] Slovenia Integrate mass production prefabrication processes with construction site activities through BIM.
8 Barkokebas et al. [140] Canada BIM integrated with simulation to improve modular construction manufacturing.
9 Bataglin et al. [147] Brazil Logistics planning method using BIM in prefabricated building system.
10 Belsky et al. [164] Israel This study presented a novel semantic approach to tackle with BIM interoperability with a case study of precast building. The novelty
of their study is that semantic enrichment inference rules are proposed to enhance the semantic interpretation of the importing BIM
11 Belsky et al. [55] USA This research introduced the IFC schema regarding precast concrete and presented the current status of the national BIM standard.
12 Bortolini et al. [188] Brazil This research applied 4D BIM technology to plan the on-site logistics processes for prefabricated building.
13 Chen et al. [185] Hong Kong Real-time collection, communication, and visualization of information for contractor, logistics company and manufacturer, decision
support for enhancing energy efficiency.
14 Chi et al. [63] Australia This study illustrated a conceptual framework to assure the quality of modular construction in LNG plants, leveraging advanced
sensing and tracking technologies as well BIM.
15 Collins [135] USA This study presented a case study on how to integrate the use of BIM (i.e., Autodesk Revit) into the workflow of architecturally precise
concrete manufactures.
16 Costa & Madrazo [139] Spain This study linked building component catalogues with BIM based on semantic technologies. The proposed approach was able to assist
designers in assembling and dimensioning structural precast components during the project design.
17 Čuš-Babič et al. [146] Slovenia This research studied the industrialized construction from the perspective of a BIM-based material supply chain. The proposed system
is able to streamline the data flow among information systems utilized during the design, prefabrication, and on-site assembly
18 Davila Delgado et al. UK This study used a precast bridge as a case study to demonstrate an approach for modelling and monitoring structural performance
[189] using BIM.
19 Demian & Walters UK This research analyzed and visualized the information flow among the precast information management system, such as email, a
[126] construction project extranet tool, an Enterprise Resource Planning system and a new BIM-based system, concluding that BIM-based
information management could bring more benefit to the construction project.
20 Eastman et al. [119] North Defined specific procedures for developing information delivery manuals; identified some of the data semantics.
21 Faghirinejadfard et al. Malaysia They used BIM as a tool to estimate and compare the cost of two similar buildings constructed by means of IBS and CBS methods,
[175] respectively.
22 Hamdan et al. [190] Canada This research applied simulation analysis to manage building panel inventory based on the data from a BIM model.
23 Hammad & Australia Construction method comparison between modular construction and conventional construction using BIM.
Akbarnezhad [168]
24 Haron et al. [184] Malaysia This research defined the BIM readiness criteria for BIM organizational implementation for an IBS project in order to maximize the so-
call BIM benefits during the project design stages.
25 Hwang et al. [165] Singapore Constraints on using PPVC, mitigation strategies for constraints, use of BIM to improve coordination and facilitate communication
among project stakeholders.
26 Ikonen et al. [145] Finland Develop an information system for precast concrete component logistics.
27 Isaac et al. [178] Israel A graph-based methodology was proposed to modularize building design into non-repetitive modules with the support of BIM.
28 Ismail [180] Malaysia A framework to optimize precast concrete building maintenance.
29 Ismail et al. [179] Malaysia A review of the performance of current maintenance management systems; BIM is proposed to assist the management process.
30 Ismail et al. [179] Malaysia This research concluded that BIM is a potential solution in managing and maintaining IBD buildings in Malaysia.
31 Jeong et al. [120] USA Data exchanges between BIM tools have been tested for precast consrete.
32 Kalasapudi & Tang USA This research proposed a framework for detecting and analyzing fit-up problems of curvilinear components by integrating 3D imagery
[158] data with BIM.
33 Kaner et al. [123] Canada Summarize BIM used in two precast concrete design companies, including difficulties and success.
34 Kim et al. [68] Hong Kong This study developed a framework that combines 3D scanning with BIM for dimensional and surface quality assessment of precast
concrete elements.
35 Kim et al. [159] South Korea Quality inspection of precast concrete components using the 3D laser scanning technique.
36 Kim et al. [186] South Korea Examined the quality of precast concrete element, data storage and management for quality assessment.
37 Kim et al. [59] South Korea Using BIM and laser scanning for dimensional quality control.
38 Korman & Lu [166] USA Using BIM for innovation and increasing the opportunities for prefabrication of MEP systems for modular construction projects.
39 Lee & Kim [143] South Korea BIM-based simulation to optimize the manufacturing factory of modular construction.
40 Lee et al. [118] North A building object behavior (BOB) description notation and method, developed as a shorthand protocol for designing, validating and
America sharing the design intent of parametric objects in BIM.
41 Lee et al. [53] Korea It surveyed existing applications for validating BIM data and then proposed BIM data validation processes. They used precast concrete
as case study to illustrate their validating processes.
42 Li et al. [20] China Current state, challenges and route map of piping fabrication; the influence of BIM to the piping fabrication.
43 Li et al. [152] China This study aimed to develop a proactive Construction Management System for construction training with a particular focus on precast
installation. As the basis, real-time location technology is used to track construction resources.
44 Li et al. [131] Hong Kong Current situation and planning management of prefabrication housing production (MPHP) in Hong Kong (SWOT analysis), IoT-
enabled platform for enhancing MPHP in the Hong Kong construction industry.

X. Yin et al. Automation in Construction 101 (2019) 72–91

45 Li et al. [131] Hong Kong Identify risks in the PHP in Hong Kong by SNA; Proposed a BIM-centrated strategies for mitigating risk in PHP.
46 Li et al. [157] Hong Kong IoT-enabled platform design, real-time data for decision making, visibility with BIM and VR.
47 Liu et al. [3] Canada Panelizing building components considering human involvement and OSC knowledge within BIM environment.
48 Liu et al. [153] Canada This study explored a BIM-based automatic approach to schedule on-site construction processes. The original contribution of this
study is that structural and topological relationship of building panels are analyzed and retrieved from BIM to facilitate the
scheduling analysis.
49 Lu & Korman [167] USA The benefits and challenges of implementing BIM in modular construction are clearly identified.
50 Moghadam et al. [117] Canada Applies both BIM and lean on a modular construction manufacturing (MCM) process; generates the building components' schedules'
Value Stream Map.
51 Nath et al. [191] Singapore Measured the productivity improvement attributed to the implementation of BIM-enabled workflow in the precast industry.
52 Nath et al. [104] Singapore This study measured the productivity improvement in precast shop drawings generation by re-engineering workflow using BIM.
53 Nawari [125] USA Reviews the current state of BIM standards and its impact on OSC.
54 Nawi et al. [182] Malaysia It generally discussed the limitations of the current IBS management system, as well as how BIM-based IPD can address the
fragmentation issues in the IBS industry.
55 Nissilä et al. [150] Finland Schedule control for precast concrete supply chain based on the interface built by BIM.
56 Puri and Turkan [163] USA IFC BIM and a text-parsing algorithm are used to incorporate dimension quality control into design BIM.
57 Qi & Li [174] China List the application of BIM in prefabricated construction during building life cycle.
58 Ramaji & Memari [133] USA Proposed a product architecture model for modular buildings.
59 Ramaji & Memari [169] USA Extend the current Model View Definitions for modular building projects, information exchange among BIM tools.
60 Ramaji & Memari [176] USA This research reported a method for standardizing the information exchanges for modular building construction.
61 Ramaji et al. [170] USA Modular building project process, information exchange for BIM in modular building projects.
62 Sacks et al. [124] North Assess benefits and provide benchmarks for BIM applied in precast concrete constructions.
63 Sacks et al. [114] Texas Examined BIM and product data exchange in the design and fabrication of architectural precast façades.
64 Salama et al. [151] Canada Integrating linear schedules of on-site and off-site operations within BIM to improve the overall schedule.
65 Sharma et al. [137] India, UK A framework to improve the parametric design for OSC projects.
66 Singh et al. [129] India Modular building characterises, rule-based algorithm, BIM software redevelopment, modular coordination rule.
67 Venugopal et al. [172] USA Create an ontological framework, which makes the IFC definitions more formal and consistent for precast industry.
68 Venugopal et al. [173] USA Develop a formal, consistent and machine-readable structure for IFC entities, attributes, and relationships for precast industry.
69 Vernikos et al. [134] UK This research claimed that BIM can improve OSC through focused literature review and semi-structured interviews.
70 Wang & Yuan [154] China Assembly sequence optimization for prefabricated construction.
71 Wang et al. [156] China Assembly sequence planning of precast buildings, optimization of the sequence planning.
72 Wang et al. [160] Hong Kong This study aimed at estimating the dimensions of precast elements with irregular shapes in an automated manner, utilizing 3D point
cloud and BIM.
73 Wang et al. [161] Hong Kong This study proposed an approach to automate the construction of an as-built BIM model based on laser scan data with a case study of
precast concrete elements.
74 Wang et al. [155] South Korea Extract the as-built geometries of precast panels from the laser scan data, store the as-built geometries in a BIM model with laser scan
75 Wang et al. [162] South Korea Laser scanning for quality assessment.
76 Yuan et al. [138] China Design for manufacture and assembly; parametric design of BIM.
77 Zhong et al. [149] Hong Kong nD BIM platform extended by IoT-enabled tools has been developed for prefabricated construction.

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