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(MEMS and _ Qe Vo Braye the phashes A resonant Bh Aue Quant um Anree Scanned with CamScanner TEMES | IR EAIA EES SEER CSE ieee iOS a eae EN Wiatioie Mant eenate 0 Mee mnmEe magnetic ave exh itsiting Anterberente, eliSkrack\ on eAG! On. e\nenniies emma Rainier an Minera Want as 8 Ugnt cays whicn can Propayele she celleed ana daltected, mye Arajectory) eh Tsuen cueNape rey eemuers| similar oo Pertice — avajectory. “The Aransitlen elram anve optics to gtometrical optics is qustiMled AF the wavelengih of Ught A Is much smalter Anon the characteristic scales ct the problem Reina considered REEL y where Lean he aq Atshance cl Light prepaggtion jthe ae ck on Nominated abject jere. Ler os consider eriefl4; lrosic quantum concepts related So wave Melds, According be Max Plane ond Abort Einstein , electromagnetic waver Inderacting with eater can lhe emitted and abtorbed In cirecte Emerqy portions Cavanta) —phatens = (ime CAST ok ag photon J, ig Prepertional te tne Tregwency ot the wool” E-nwo, +O where R=100x 10-38 4_g 1s Ane so-called reduced Plorck anstant hz QRH WW Ane Plonev’s conchant, Each photon live @ particle, has a mementony e-a eO® where q@ ys Ane wove vedor Eq vation @ con we readily generatized for eledromagnedic waves In a electric = rediom woth Alelectric. constant E+ Scanned with CamScanner a Sr nS ei am 8 Da per Hauling into acwunt Ane relations gs BPi/ae and p=nY- On aehining a tpetential?” energy as Ved 2 rub eer) /Came) we get T= F/am xvod =0 Which iy a direct analogue cf Abe energy conservation Lae For a particle “In quantum Aneory, Instead of he wove Intensity one Introdvees, Ane nemieer of quanta , Nay. Tt each avanta transfers ne energy ARO ANen The Intensity defined as The energy tlox density , is T =RwENae (NV where V ic volume 4, wet toe pts cal vations , it is pescible +e Jina By comparing Ane aleve i 4 Pansy ne relationship bedween tre classical omprituce ot Ave electri. eld Fo ond ane comber of quentat Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner he Latter equation determines the iE Alto yeNSoa ne Moe na eee 2 ee eee ND) = nto is excluded eeeauce Se es Soe ee ee From @ GQ) ona Ui) 5 ee Sins aNS Gros ee omer of Anis particte 2, 2 hike 5 en celationsh\ F By avbediteting CHI) in GD ae can see hs between bh cena.) teks Renney ere a on Sen gence Baie. on oes inteqec misemse ls syrmetic wavelvnciions ues - [= GG) oo aa Ane behaviour Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Siiloriy, Nor a quantum wire, Awe Coordinales are Cendisered in Ane — Schro dinger’s equation confining Abe Neckro RA) Nn ise mediradlehs “Ine corres poncing potential, vows) i ©) insice tem wire 40, outside jane wire Where 9 tne wire is vestricled tay the conditions och Gly, ofy gly Pec eae ok eo ne O04 ah, De { Gea er . Soom Gur « TAT Seesf BE on far) B. Discuss Are elleck and application el nero technolaqy in Various oreasy Nanotechnology and nanomaterials can be applied in all Kinds ef Industrial sectors, They ere qeneratty, found in trase areas! Electronics: : Corben nanotubes are close to replacing silicon as a elhiclent microchips and devices, ac well as Lighter , more con dvetlve cand Stronger Se proses roperties mate 1 material for mating smatter, taster and mere Han ideal cansiciate Scanned with CamScanner Environment! Ric peritication with ens ,voarteoater porification usith nonokubtote, Or mancbitiration cystens for heavy metals Feo: Nano blosentorg | ices a | epee am ot ice cunt eam Presence of pathogens in food or nanscempasites to improve food productien. Textiles Nametechnatogy mares it pottiicie to develop smart Salerics Bret aco e ust nine ula imed. NJ AL Sirongers Lighter and mare deroble materials 4o mauve mrotorayle helmets or spots eqsipment- Voit s 1 Bring out Wrielly the eaters of Molecular eam Epitony Tre MBE method cn be realized in a Nigh vacoom , wnere mrcteclar or GAomic ears deliver onto © gutsctrale ne. Necessary components f,, qresing The desired crystattine layer, For erompte, seppoce Ahei we want 4. gree on AL Gans, layer On GaAs - Tren, Wen, Ame euostrate BEAL Gem and the alomic beanG | are Nexes ol Ane element AL, GaAs os well ay beame ob Sopants Pypicay, si is used doe R= Seping ane Be dor p- oping - Sevres of the elements ave contained Sn astperalely yeated y) chancsenid aye aeega Proms, wnich are | seperally ana slocely oe oy irected onto tne aubetrate — curdace. + he oes f Baas toe hespentire te bocte gle Scanned with CamScanner GQ) Colom blockade devices Tn PRYICS 5 Covlomle tocade 14 Ame increased resistance ax ama wis voltages of an electronte device comprising) Or \east one tow — capacitance Avnnel junction . Recording 46 ane vars ct quantum mechanics Anere 1s ea non—vaniching Claracr Bren. 2cr9) ersaaei U4) (toc gon Ge ATEN gon mares else ot the leorrier 49 reach Ane other side, When a bios voltone 1S orplied AWis moans there wil) tee a current How: Neglecting adsitional eVbets jAhe unnetng current tail be prepertionel Ae the bias Vettage . Tn cledivical tems, the tunnel junction hehaves a8 @ recintor with a constant resistance j alco Enon ag an ohmic resictor. Bere” Rectglor) > depends: eepacentially en. ayxcl Esta en talee lease Wypical parrier *hicknessey are on the oF der of one 40 several Monomerers. An arrangement: ot Awe condectors with an Anakating Nayer in between net only har © cesiclance yet also o Finite capacitance he insulator is alco called dielectric iq this context, Ave fonwel junction beheves as 0 capacitar. WY Optical memory: i na Optical memory is an electronic Storage mediom Anat uses 0 laser beam +o store and redrieve the data. If we Slossity dre memory system Then optical memery comet onder Ane extemal memory in the computer sytem The [ics practical application of Anis optical technoteqy 1 Aas we ise Mpirtns, toot Scanned with CamScanner ricatlon. F hoo Discust, Jy clbielor atom Gera cnalaysh ste MmmcgmmL aResarag nano sivedvres Aevice oF electric direvit scaled To produce an — individvol Ao exploit Aeon te nanesize 19 8, or B, dimenclons, one needs AAditonal medhods First ef atl jon a waler it Is necessary 40 produce patterns Gerresponding to features of the nanodevice or Sreviery, THE may Be dene using one of the anolithegrapny methods varkin ie otolithe! S metho: Starting hy photolithegophy » Ant tho a a transparent quartz plate with the Ame reticle are made vp of pamtern on involves Ane Qeneration et a reticle, which Is on Giertties) CY) Meru Pee icin, re Felice tie cvally made eottware norotlon Which moves os prescribed BPR by paver - acoutal Gane eledron-oeam resist) 15 MeCeKSOnY pattern. Opaque regions On Won -oxide layer, which absorbs wey a computer conteatied An eleciron—\oeam — a nent Se deposited onto “Re ober prrotercsists: positives and vv Light is exposed witn Ae we removed. Scanned with CamScanner S&S Disco o ‘ ‘seuss ln detail amy ene method of manocharacterization r * roaress jn : FESS in daborication ystvay and vse ot manostroctures sovid not he possible without equate Aechniques ter the Characterization of hese Streclores. These 4echniques should allow ane to debermine Phe Geometrical porameters of compe sition Shape and : nonoetrudures the icbilastion of ek Chemical othe Strain Sields ,ete Biel es ectitcs ah Aechnique Yields surtace topegrapnies and wortefunction Gf an stomic scale ireetly in real space. the principle epinist nich: “lc. “oases! Jon Naleciranmminn en Consists essentiatly of tornet \nvestiqated Cine second ve Neclrode) . he metal tip is fixed to a Fectengplar plezodrive marked ac oes i i" sis siraightlonward. Tt @ Scanning metal tip Cont electrade ot the Aesction) aver tre curface do be Pa Py ana P,- the Pierodrive is made of piezoelectric material. The tunnel current, Ty , is a sensitive Junction of the Rep bebseen tne bp end he! euface,s, ie, my x Veep GAs Bigs 9 Jt Gre ‘average borrier Mheight » the omerical valve oh is equal to nity cre ay wi ace A ees barrier height fo, is equal to the ceore funedion tor natal sor doped — semiconaucter. With a typical value ot J of several eV, tr changes ley an order ob ape For every 1 ne change QEP 58. The control unitscv jap cau oF the Scanned with CamScanner see ond Arve strudures can be Seperated toy tne Sollowing Mpehod: Heh Ane eRe ap jase Me eaaatae bby Ag while) scanning ab Wequency Wher than the cut: otf Arequeney of the contre) Beit Thes the mediation is me longer compensated ley the teadbace oop ot the contral Unik. AS a result, the current will ke modulateg by ATE Then the ratio 4y= S041) /acx ol Berges yet a tvedt «Aen eee eho revealing Ahe contarsination spt Since v2, Ty andla can be measured , the topography and athe Becta bone Von adn be! irecanctres eel é & vi 5 ae BR eke (66) Gi Goes eaccie oyee Gi) Photonic structores CY Qvantorm cascade laser: rontem cascade larers are Semicondoctor lasers that emit Ba ke fenva raca Nongrtsave TR Wands, ond ore Ainding new OPPIcations in precicion sensing, Spectroscopy >medical and applications. Theic elec Bering range ond fast response allow for faster and more precice compact trace elemen* detectors ana get analyzers ore replacing slower and leraer FTIR, mass, Spectroscopy , anc phototnermal micraspecirescopy systems. ore comprised of dozens of alternating layers ‘of Semiconductor Jorming quantor energy wells Anat “contine the electrons to. energy states. As each electron traverses the asi Vb transitions trom one mtom wet) @cis Scanned with CamScanner to optical Siveers , Inuiess Printing one reblective displays . Pretenic crustals ore Wighly ordered pnaterials with a periodic Aiclectric Constant ushose period 14 an the order of the wavelength of \nterest. me eblect ot confining and controling “the propagation oF Vight stems trom the. pretonic hand gap , 0 light prepagation Variations tana ob Frequencies Vn which, ergtat is Verbidden. ond periodicity , it WB, DD and |B pratenic crystals. in Ane Photonic “Pree gh in the refractive, i Seshgn jnaex is Pessibie 4 Ane formation of bole structores and crystal Formation ja moteriats. Through, Aechnstagical methods ana eapeciatly regimes of qreetng various aypes oof cryttals ore have a let in greeing pore, qereratty diferent, Ahey concider the commen steps in Using St Aechnategy ag an example Common. Here we materials, pots Sieh! ore me Silicon Pettorsing s crystals: steps oes Pieces or ao produce Nigh - quality GY Preasction of imporities jg Conversion De ioale aes Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Rewor oa Ao classically fey pladen Prenomenen was, Selias — con octor Vacuurs, Awe metal films Each of the when a Aunneting information Scanned with CamScanner We write ariel note on ioleqical Aagging “Tre ack Anat — nanoparticles exist in the came S'Bomain as Proteins — maves ranemeterials — svitalte for blo Lagging or Natoelting . In order to Interact with a Wlsloaical AargeE jg | loiclagical or molecular coating or layer acting at a bicinerganie interbace gnovia tee atached to the mane particte, Gxamptes (ot icleqical coatings may Include antiedies , biopolymers och as collagen , or monolayers of Small molecuiey Anat make, ioe Nano particles bie compatible. As. Optical detection Acchniques care wide specad in iological research, Manoporticles ghavid either Moeresce or change heir optical et tee ae Neano-porticles vsvatly toim ane Scanned with CamScanner NB Bring ot ane feature ot photonic etructure, ane hence: Their Appricatlon in various areas, Photonic erystale are the subject of Rumerous — investiqation © becavse of heir nique characteristics , with prospective applications ranging Seon, ges fencing (ite Spier Hitters, imaiers printing jana ceblective ais “f Protenic eryttaly are Righly ordered material with a periodic dleledric Senstant , wrest period is on ‘tne order of tne wavelength Cor peavelength ronke) 2. ApEGes ammeeetteck (et) amino eno (eels Ane propagation ct Light stems from tne protesic pandgap , a band of Areqvencley in which Light propagetlon in Ane protentc crystal Is Aorcidden. Trroogh variations In the refractive index and periodicity, AE Is possinie to design ID) Dane AD photonic eryshats.

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