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The Hadith and Sunnah


16-Sep-22 Islamiat 2
Topic outlines
 The meaning and definition of Hadith
 The difference between Hadith and sunnah
 Ruwayat and derayat
✓ Ruwayat-e-Hadith
✓ Derayat-e-Hadith
 Hujjeat-e-Hadith
 Inscription of Hadith
 Uloom al-Hadith
 Position and justification of Sunnah as a Source of Law
The Hadith: meaning and definition
 Hadith-----derived from ‘Tahdis’---- means “to inform”
 In Islamic terminology-----every saying, deed, and sermon
delivered by Hazrat Muhammad (SAW), or any act done in
the presence of him and he did not express the dissent------- is
called Hadith.
 Later every saying of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) used to be
called Hadith
 Mutating the word of Hadith----- in every event the meaning
“to inform” will be explicit.
The Hadith: meaning and definition

 According to Allama Asqalani (RA) the writer of Fath-ul-Bari (the

exegiest of Saheeh Bukhari) states that in terms of Sharaa, Hadith

meant the words and deeds attributed to Hazrat Muhammad (SAW),

therefore is antonym to Quraan, which is ancient in the factor of

The Hadith: meaning and definition
Hazrat Abdullah-bin-Masood (RA) reports that Hazrat
Muhammad (SAW) said “only two things carry importance, the
one is speech and the other is the method of action, so the
words of Allah are the best of speech and the best method is the
deeds of his messenger”

 Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) termed his own speech as Hadith.

Thus he gave exclusiveness to his own speech over others, and
the word Hadith denotes only his speech
The difference between Hadith and Sunnah
Hadith: Sayings of the Prophet
 Examples:
 “Whoever suppresseth his anger, when he hath in his power to
show it, God will give him a great reward.”
 “The exercise of religious duties will not atone for the fault of
an abusive tongue.”
 “Trust in God, but tether your camel”
 “The acquisition of knowledge is a duty incumbent on every
Muslim, male and female.”
 “The ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the
Sunna: Examples of the Prophet
 Examples:
 Dress: wear clean, neat clothing – not brightly
 The specific method of prayer.
 Don’t eat garlic (or other pungent food) when you
know you’ll be in a closed space – mosque for
 Cover for people’s flaws
 In Islamic terminology, the term Hadith refers to the sayings, actions and
tacit approval of prophet for any action.
 There are three basic kinds of Hadith.
 1. Qawli Hadith - what prophet said and spoke.
 2. Fi’ali Hadith- the action of prophet what he performed and
 3. Taqriri Hadith- which comes from prophet silence regarding any action.
 There is another division of hadith on the basis of sanad.
 Marfu’a - Hadith which sanad stretches back to the prophet.
 Mawqoof - Hadith which sanad reaches to the companion of prophet.
 Maqtoo’a - Hadith where student of the companion of the prophet tabi’ is
the end of the sanad.
 There is another division of Hadith on the basis of strength of narrators.
 mutawatir
 Hadith which is reported by such a large number of people that they cannot
be expected to agree upon a lie, all of them together.
 Ahad
 Hadith which is narrated by people whose number of narrator does not
reach that of the mutawatir
 Mash'hur - famous: Hadith reported by more than two reporters.
 Aziz - rare, strong: at any stage in the isnad, only two reporters are found to
narrate the hadith.
 Gharib - strange: at some stage of the isnad, only one reporter is found
relating it.
 For judgment of reliability of sanad and matan of the Hadith, it is
divided into three categories.
 Sahih Genuine Hadith that passes all the tests and can be regarded without
any question coming from the prophet.
 Hasan Strong Hadith but raising some doubt about the authenticity.
 Daif Weak Hadith that raise many questions about its authenticity.
 There are two kinds of Hadith according to the nature of words of
 Hadith Nabawi- which contains the words that Muhammad, spoke himself.
For example holy prophet said,
 “all actions are judged by intentions”
 Hadith Qudsi – which contains the words from Allah.
 For example, when Allah completed creation, he wrote in his book which is
with him above the throne. “truly my mercy overcomes my wrath”

Ruwayat and derayat

 It is essential to understand that the hadith owing to its

influence and being an obligatory edict is deen, because
without it is not possible to understand or interpret the holy
 The enemies of Islam, particularly the hypocrites, with the
motive of harming the cause of Islam adopted the hateful
method to spread false and self-made Ahadiths.
 Allah has where guaranteed the preservation of Holy quraan,
has also provided for the protection and security of Hadith and
sunnah. He created such scholars of Hadith who eradicated
such evil attempts by enunciating such principles on which the
ahadith could be tested. Ruwayat and derayat are two such
criterion for this purpose.

 This branch of knowledge is concerned with reproduction and
reporting of Ahadith. In the terminology of Hadith it is called
 In detail, it is concerned with the sources from which the
Ahadith has been reported, a thorough screening of the reporter
of such Hadith be carried out. This investigation should
specifically include; the education, piety, power of memory,
self-control, and self decision characteristics of the reporter
throughout his lifespan.
 Such utmost precaution has been prescribed in this regard that
the reporter, if he happens to be a government servant, cannot
qualify for a reporter, and his Sanad is not treated as credible.
 Other than riwayat-e-hadith, the mohaddisin and researchers of
Islam have prescribed other principles of interpretation, and
explanation and critical review of Hadith. These principles , in
addition to the testification of the Sanad of Hadith, also lay
down rules for the testing of syntax (language rules/ sentence
structure) and grammar of the Hadith, regardless of position,
status, and power of the reporter. Thus the focus is text of the
Hadith, for example:
 Any Hadith whose wording were not consistent with Arabic
grammar was not accepted.
 Any Hadith representing vulgar and indecorous matter was not
 If any Hadith describes that on commission of ordinary sin or
fault, there is no redemption and the committer would be sent
to hell for good, such Hadith will not be acceptable, because
this is repugnant to several ayahs and commandment of the
holy Quraan in which Allah has promised to forgive such sins
after the sinners repent.
 According to the principle of Derayat no such Hadith is worthy
of reliance which assert the superiority of a particular tribe,
group, or nation over others, in a manner that devalued or
degrade others.
 The meaning and purpose of Hujjeat-e-Hadith is that Hadith of Hazrat
Muhammad (SAW) should be practiced by the Muslims as the
commandments of Quraan.
 It is needed to understand that the holy Quraan is an inexhaustive
dictum of Allah. It is a book of canon and the mean through which the
commandments of Allah have reached us. Laws always have broader
in perspectives and requires further explanation. Therefore the
interpretation of His commandments were assigned to Hazrat
Muhammad (SAW) by Allah.
 The various dictates of Allah were conveyed to us by the channel of
Wahee-e-Matloo (i.e. the Quraan) and Wahee –e- Ghair Matloo (i.e.
the Ahadith and Sunnah). And through these sources they form the
crux of our conduct and behavior. Allah says in Quraan “the prophet
does not say by his own will, unless it is revealed to him and he
conveys the revelation to the human being”.

 Allah himself said in the holy Quraan “I have revealed the book

to you (Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) , so that you may explain to

them what have been revealed for them”. This makes it clear that

to make any act or performance obligatory, along with Quraan the

existence of related Sunnah is a must which should not be ignored

or overlooked.
Inscription of Hadith
 It is not true that at the time of revelation of Quraan , the Arabs were ignorant of
 The holy Makkah was important trade centre even before advent of Islam. There
was no shortage of literate people. Similarly there were many people in madinah
who were familiar with reading and writing.
 It was also true that along with there sophisticated speech and language there power
of memory was also matchless.
 In Arab the quraish tribe was regarded to be more prominent and elite for holding
the honors of custodianship of kaaba. They were interacting with so many people of
other nations.
 Indeed at the time of revelation there were 40 copyists of revelation.

 Quraan has also emphasized on writing.

 The prisoners of Badar were asked to teach 10 Muslims the art
of writing for their liberty.

 The foundation of Suffah was laid near Masjid-e-Nubuwwi in

which people were also used to learn the art of writing.
Famous Books of Ahadith: Sihah-e- Sittah

1) Sahih Bukhari Imam Abu Abdullah

Muhammad Bin Ismail Al-
(Death 256 A.H.)

2) Sahih Muslim Imam Muslim Bin Hajjaj Bin

Muslim Al-Qushairi
(Death 261 A.H.)

3)Jami’ Al-Tirmazi Imam Abu Isa Muhammad

Bin Isa Al-Tirmizi
(Death 279 A.H.)

4) Sunan Abi Dawood Imam Abu Dawood

Sulaiman Bin Asha’ath
(Death 275 A.H)

5) Sunan Al-Nasaee Imam Abu Abdur

Rahman Ahmad Bin Ali
(Death 303 A.H)

6) Sunan Ibn-e-Majah Imam Abu Abdullah

Muhammad Bin Yazid
Ibn-e-Maja Al-Qazweeni
(Death 273 A.H)
Uloom al-Hadith
 Uloom al-Hadith is a section of the sciences which has been taught within
the Hawza system for centuries.
 It is a term which does not refer to merely one science, as ‘Uloom' literally
means sciences; rather it refers to any science concerned with the traditions
of the Holy Infallibles and their companions.
 These sciences are numerous, however scholars generally concern
themselves with three particular sciences from amongst the Uloom al-
Hadith, these three sciences are known as:
 1. Tarikh al-Hadith
 2. ilm al-Rijaal
 3. ilm al-Dirayah
 The primary concern and interest of these subjects is the Hadith of the
Infallibles and their companions, for example Tarikh al-Hadith refers to the
History of the Hadith and how certain works were compiled as well as the
circumstances surrounding their compilation.
 ilm al-Rijaal is a science which concerns itself not with the Hadith’s content
but rather it’s chain of narration through which a scholar attempts to
investigate the individuals (Rijaal) who have transmitted the report and assess
each on the basis of the reliability or unreliability of these narrators, in order to
ascertain whether the Hadith is trustworthy.
 ilm al-Dirayah is contrary to ilm al-Rijaal as it is not concerned with the chain
of narrators of a Hadith, but the text of the Hadith.
Position and justification of Sunnah as a
Source of Law
 Sunnah is the second primary source of Islamic law
and its position is next after the Qur’an.
 •In case when the jurist does not find a text in the
Qur’an for a case he has to settle, he has to recourse to
the Sunnah in derivation of the rule.
 The Sunnah of sound and complete chain of narrator
which meant for legislation and legal rules is as an
authoritative source of Islamic law.
 Proof of the Sunnah as the source of law is established
by Qur’an and Ijma
 Natiq A.Q (2010). Sirat-e-Mustaqeem (Urdu & English )
(20th ed). Karachi: Tahir Sons
16-Sep-22 Islamiat 27

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