Benson, ITEC 7480, Syllabus

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K-12 Blended and Online Learning

Syllabus Outline for an Online/Blended Unit of Instruction

Template Self-Check

Alexandria Benson (2023) 1

K-12 Blended and Online Learning

Course Welcome Did you include

Information Welcome to Mrs. Benson’s 3rd Grade Math Class! course title, instructor
This class is taught in a blended online format, information, grade
which means you will have opportunities to level, subject area,
learn math through face-to-face instruction office hours and
and online instruction. required textbooks or
At North LaFayette Elementary School, students can
access materials for this class by logging into Google
Classroom. Yes, the students
and parents are
The 2023-2024 school year will be my fifth-year teaching aware of the course
third grade. I am excited to watch NLE third graders grow title, instructor
as learners. information, grade
level, subject area,
Textbooks/Resources office hours and
All course materials will be provided to students and there required textbooks
are no required textbooks for the course. All or resources.
materials/resources will be provided by North LaFayette
Elementary School. However, here are some additional
websites and resources that you may find helpful to
practice third grade math skills.
o Mrs. Benson’s Bitmoji Classroom
o Coach Digital

Communication/Office Hours
Alexandria Benson (2023) and guardians can ensure they stay up to date on 2
all of the wonderful things happening in our classroom and
school by joining Class Dojo. I will use Class Dojo to send
K-12 Blended and Online Learning

Expected Expected Student Audience Is the expected

Student student audience
Audience My students live in the Walker County School District and described? (Are your
attend North LaFayette Elementary School, which is students in the
located in LaFayette, Georgia. All learners have completed USA?)
second grade and have been promoted or placed in third
grade. Yes, the expected
student audience
described as well as
the prerequisites for
the course.
Teacher Communication Did you provide at
Communication You can expect a response from me within 24 hours by least two forms of
emailing me at, communication are
messaging me on Class Dojo, or calling the school. I can included in the
be reached between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. syllabus?
Monday through Friday via Class Dojo, email, or school
phone. Yes, there are at
least two forms of
I look forward to communicating with you! communication
listed within the
syllabus—email and
Class Dojo.

Alexandria Benson (2023) 3

K-12 Blended and Online Learning

Course Course Description Does this clearly

Description Throughout the 2023-2024 school year, 9 math units will identify the broad
be taught to third grade students. The curriculum map can goals or topics to be
be found on the State Department of Education Website. covered? Does it
Here is a link to a PDF of the state standards for third outline the general
grade math. topics, concepts and
Third Grade Math Standards skills to be covered?

Unit 1: Building a Strong Foundation Yes, the topics to

Unit 2: Exploring Multiplication be covered are
Unit 3: Relating to Multiplication and Division listed for students
Unit 4: Place Value, Addition and Subtraction up to 10,000 and parents. These
Unit 5: Two-Step Problems and Time are all standards
Unit 6: Fractions as Numbers that are provided by
Unit 7: Connecting Length, Perimeter, and Area the state of Georgia.
Unit 8: Two-Dimensional Shapes
Unit 9: Culminating Capstone Unit

Alexandria Benson (2023) 4

K-12 Blended and Online Learning

Learning Learning Outcomes Are these

Outcomes measurable and/or
By the end of the unit, observable? Do they
describe what
1) The learner will be able to demonstrate building a students must know
strong foundation in mathematics with at least 80% and be able to do?
accuracy. Do they involve some
2) The learner will be able to explore multiplication cognitive challenge
through hands-on investigations and authentic and active learning?
problems, explore patterns and properties, and
collect, analyze, and interpret numerical and Yes, each of these
categorical data with at least 80% accuracy. learning outcomes
3) The learner will demonstrate their understanding that are measurable, as
multiplication and division are inverse operations that the expectation is
can be used to solve problems involving equal that students
groups, arrays, and area measurements with at least master each of the
80% accuracy. learning outcomes
4) The learner will demonstrate their understanding of with at least 80%
place value to round number to the nearest 10 and accuracy. A variety
100 and fluently add and subtract up to 10,000 with at of activities and
least 80% accuracy. assessment tools
5) The learner will solve and represent authentic will be utilized to
problems using all four operations with at least 80% assist students in
accuracy. demonstrating
6) The learner will represent fractions with models, mastery of the
diagrams, and number lines and use these models to learning outcomes.
compare, find, and generate equivalent fractions with The ten learning
at least 80% accuracy.
Alexandria Benson (2023) outcomes describe 5
7) The learner will use a ruler to measure length to the what students must
nearest half or quarter of an inch with 80% accuracy. know and be able to
K-12 Blended and Online Learning

Topics by Topics by Week Did you list the topics

Week Semester 1 to be covered each
Unit 1: Building a Strong Foundation Weeks 1-2 week?
Unit 2: Exploring Multiplication Weeks 3-8
Unit 3: Relating Multiplication to Division Weeks 9-12 Yes, the provided
Unit 4: Place Value, Addition & Weeks 13-17 pacing guide and
Subtraction up to 10,000 unit topics are
provided by the
State of Georgia.
Semester 2
Unit 5: Two-Step Word Problems and Weeks 17-20
Unit 6: Fractions as. Numbers Weeks 21-24
Unit 7: Connecting Length, Perimeter and Weeks 25-27
Unit 8: Two-Dimensional Shapes Weeks 28-29
Unit 9: Culminating Capstone Week 30

Alexandria Benson (2023) 6

K-12 Blended and Online Learning

Expectations of Student Expectations Did you outline class

Student participation with
Participation Students are expected to: descriptions of how it
is measured
o Upload assignments to Google Classroom in a timely (expectations for
manner (Weekly assignments are due by Friday at discussion forums,
3:00 p.m.) number and
o Login to Google Classroom daily (Monday through frequency of logins,
Friday). amount of time in
o Complete all work independently unless other online class, group
instructions have been given by Mrs. Benson. project participation,
o Review rubrics and checklists provided. synchronous
sessions, etc.)?

Yes, all of the class

expectations are
listed for the

Alexandria Benson (2023) 7

K-12 Blended and Online Learning

Student Student Communication Expectations Did you describe the

Communication In the Classroom expectations for
Expectations 1) Raise your hand for permission to speak. student behavior
2) Be an active listener which your peers and teacher when communicating
are talking. online?
3) Ask for help when needed.
4) Be kind to others. Yes, the
5) Utilize Number Talk Hand Signals during carpet time. expectations for
6) Contribute to discussions. students' behavior
Online communicating
1) Login daily (Monday through Friday) to check course online are clearly
announcements and updates. defined for the
2) Respond kindly to classmates and teacher. students.
3) Read feedback given by your teacher.
4) Read rubrics and checklists provided to you.
5) Utilize Number Talk Hand Signals during synchronous
6) Contribute to discussions.

Alexandria Benson (2023) 8

K-12 Blended and Online Learning

Late Work Late Work Did you explain the

Policy Late work will only be accepted when discussed priorly consequences for not
with Mrs. Benson. The student, parent, and/or guardian is submitting
encouraged to call Mrs. Benson to discuss the need for a assignments on
late assignment. time?

Missing Work Yes, the

In the event of an unexcused absence, a student will have consequences for
up to three consecutive school days to make up missed submitting
assignments. Call, email, or message Mrs. Benson on assignments on
Class Dojo to create a plan to receive missing work. time have been

Alexandria Benson (2023) 9

K-12 Blended and Online Learning

Grading Policy Grading Policy Is a grading policy

Instead of a single overall grade, Standard Based Grading defined with point
(SBG) breaks down the subject matter into smaller distribution or
“learning targets.” Each target is a teachable concept that weighting scheme? Is
students should master by the end of the course. the grading scale is
Throughout the term, student learning on each target is included?
recorded. Teachers track student progress, give
appropriate feedback, and adapt instruction to meet Yes, the grading
student learning needs. Each learning target is aligned to scale is provided by
an assessment given to students. Students can take a re- Walker County, and
take an assessment after remediated instruction has been they utilize
given. standard-based
Grading Scale:
A = 90% - 100%
B = 80% - 89%
C = 75% - 79%
D = 70% - 74%
F = 0% - 69%

Alexandria Benson (2023) 10

K-12 Blended and Online Learning

Assessments Assessments Area a variety of

assessment types
Assessment types could include the below listed included? Is at least
assessment types: one assessment
requiring either
o Tests- Edulastic (allow three business days for applying, analyzing,
grading) evaluating, or
o Quizzes- graded automatically creating?
o Projects- allow five business days for feedback
o Warm-ups- graded automatically Yes, there are a
o Class Discussions- allow three business days for variety of
feedback assessment types
o Math Journals- allow three business days for included.
feedback Additionally, there
is at least one
assessment which
addresses applying,
evaluating, and

Alexandria Benson (2023) 11

K-12 Blended and Online Learning

Academic Academic Honesty Do conduct and

Honesty academic honesty
Walker County Public Schools does have a cheating policy requirements clearly
that specifies that students who are guilty of cheating may explain the policy on
receive a zero or be subject to other school disciplinary cheating and
action. plagiarism. Are
consequences for
Students enrolled in Mrs. Benson’s class are expected to inappropriate
complete their work independently unless they are given behavior included?
other directions from Mrs. Benson.
Yes, the policy is
Walker County Schools Cheating Policy provided by the
county and the
consequences are

Alexandria Benson (2023) 12

K-12 Blended and Online Learning

Acceptable Acceptable Use Policy Is the Acceptable

Use Policy Walker County Schools has a Technology Policy which can Use Policy (AUP)
be found on the Walker County Public Schools Website. described or linked?
The Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) can be found in the Are consequences
handbook linked below. for noncompliance
Consequences for noncompliance could include causing a
student’s access privileges to be revoked, disciplinary Yes, the AUP is
action and/or appropriate legal action may be taken. linked, and
consequences are
Walker County Schools Student Handbook described.

Alexandria Benson (2023) 13

K-12 Blended and Online Learning

Student Right Student Right to Privacy Did you include the

to Privacy Walker County Schools follow the Family Educational conditions for sharing
Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which can be located or not sharing student
within the student handbook linked below. information?

Walker County Schools Student Handbook Yes, the student

right to privacy act
FERPA: can be found in the
Walker County
1) You have the right to inspect and review their Schools handbook.
students' education records within 45 days of a

2) You can request an amendment of the student’s

education record to ensure that they are not
inaccurate, misleading, or violate the students

3) You have the right to consent to disclosures of

personal information.

4) You must disclose if you do not want directory

information shared.

5) You have the right to be notified from time to time that

your student may be photographed, videotaped, or
interviewed for school activities or events.
Alexandria Benson (2023) 14
6) You have the right to file with the United States
Department of Education if you have a complaint
K-12 Blended and Online Learning

Technology Technology Requirements Do the technology

Requirements requirements outline
To be successful in this course, you will need to following technical
technology: specifications for
1) Internet connection student computers?
2) Chromebook issued by the school. Did you describe the
3) School email account procedures to follow
when technical
Technology Support: problems occur?
1) If technology issues are present, please contact Mrs.
Benson through email or Class Dojo. Yes, the technology
2) If there is an issue with the school issued laptop, requirements are
please contact Ms. Ratliff by emailing her at outlined for the students and the
procedure for
technology support
is shared.

Alexandria Benson (2023) 15

K-12 Blended and Online Learning

Copyright Copyright Statement Did you provide a

Statement copyright statement
This course is managed by Mrs. Benson through Google and disclaimer that
Classroom. The course as well as the resources are identifies the owner
licensed to Walker County School. Course materials of the course?
should not be replicated of edited for any purpose. If you
have questions about any of the materials or resources, Yes, the owner of
please email Mrs. Benson at the course is defined, and the
manager is listed as
learners and their
guardians are also
told that materials
and resources
should not be
replicated or edited.

Alexandria Benson (2023) 16

K-12 Blended and Online Learning

Students with Students with Disabilities Did you indicate your

Disabilities willingness to provide
Walker County Schools follows the Americans with reasonable
Disabilities Act Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of accommodations to a
1793. The details of the rights associated with this act can student with a
be found in the handbook linked below. disability?

Walker County Schools Student Handbook Yes, I did indicate

my willingness to
North LaFayette Elementary provides equal education to provide reasonable
all learners. All teachers at NLE work with special accommodations to
education teachers to develop Individualized Education a student with a
Plan (IEP) for the students who qualify for special disability.
education services.

A variety of services can be made available for students

with disabilities, including extended time on assignments
and tests, assistive technology, small group testing, and
assessment accommodations.

If you have any questions or concerns about special

education services, you may email Mrs. Benson at

Alexandria Benson (2023) 17

K-12 Blended and Online Learning

*This document pairs with Designing a Syllabus for an Online Unit of Instruction (Peer Evaluation Checklist) by Lokey-Vega.

Alexandria Benson (2023) 18

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