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Personal/ Intro Question

What is your name

How old are you

What is your occupation?

What types of websites and applications do you use?

What are your favorite brands?

What types of pets do you have

How often do you need a foster home

What is your monthly expense on your pets?


Have you ever needed to take foster care service before?

Have you ever taken foster care service before?



When was the last time you used foster care

What common challenges do you encounter while taking

foster care services

How did you hear about that foster care service

What do you consider to be the most difficult aspect of

What are the reasons for not having used foster
using this particular service?
care services previousl
What improvements do you think they need
Do you trust foster care service
Are you satisfied with their packages? (fee
What price range do you consider suitable for
Do you recommend this service to others
the foster care service?
Will you still use their services after all the pain points? If

yes, why

What did you find most attractive or appealing about the

last foster care service you used?

An ta a K an
r h (3 3 Tahniat Iqra (2 3 Ka zi A i f a Zahin (2 2 Ka zi Fat a Eus a 2 2
ih r (
Jule kh a Gulshan (24 Akhi Azmiri (3 0 Mobashir Alam Rifat (2 1 Zillur Rahman (47
What types of pets do you have? 1 Ca What types of pets do you have? 1 Do What types of pets do you have? 2 Cat What types of pets do you have? 1 Ca What types of pets do you have? 1 ca What types of pets do you have? 1 ca What types of pets do you have? 1 ca

How often do you need foster home? How often do you need foster home? once a yea How often do you need foster home? rarel How often do you need foster home? Occasionally How often do you need foster home? rarel How often do you need foster home? ne e v How often do you need foster home? ne e v
What is your occupation What is your occupation? Student What is your occupation? Freelance What is your occupation? Microbiology tutor assistan
What types of pets do you have? 7 cat
What is your occupation? Gym Traine What is your occupation? Studen What is your occupation? Job holde
What types of website and application do you use? What types of website and application do you use? What types of website and application do you use? What types of website and application do you use? How often do you need foster home? What types of website and application do you use? What types of website and application do you use? What types of website and application do you use?

What are your favorite brands Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, Bkas Instagram, Spotify, Whatsapp, Behance, Pinterest, What are your favorite brands? A arong, Yello w, Pink flash, occasionall Facebook, Youtube, Bkash, Chalda Facebook Youtube, Bkas

What is your monthly expense on your pets What are your favorite brands? App le, Fossi Chaldal, Foodpand Gadgets and Gea
What is your occupation? Studen
What are your favorite brands? Samsung, Sar What are your favorite brands? Nik What are your favorite brands? N/

Have you ever needed to take foster care service before? What is your monthly expense on your pets? 35 00 What are your favorite brands? A arong, Xiaomi, Paste What is your monthly expense on your pets? 2 500 What is your monthly expense on your pets? 1700-200 What is your monthly expense on your pets? 1 500-200 What is your monthly expense on your pets? 1 50
Have you ever taken foster care service before? Have you ever needed to take foster care service before? What is your monthly expense on your pets? 3000- 35 0 Have you ever needed to take foster care service before?
What types of website and application do you
Have you ever needed to take foster care service before? Have you ever needed to take foster care service before? Have you ever needed to take foster care service before?

When was the last time you used foster care Y E Have you ever needed to take foster care service before? Ye -
use? linked in, telegram, Pinterest, Facebook, Ye Ye N

What common challenges do you encounter while taking Have you ever taken foster care service before? Ye Ye Have you ever taken foster care service before? Ye
Instagram, T witte Have you ever taken foster care service before? N Have you ever taken foster care service before? N Have you ever taken foster care service before? N

foster care services When was the last time you used foster care? last yea Have you ever taken foster care service before? Ye

Last mont
When was the last time you used foster care? This Yea
What are your favorite brands? V ouge, Meher
What are the reasons for not having used foster care What are the reasons for not having used foster care What are the reasons for not having used foster care

& w
Are you comfortable with their service charges What common challenges do you encounter while taking When was the last time you used foster care? What common challenges do you encounter while taking services previously? N/ services previously? N/ services previously? N

How did you hear about that foster care service foster care services? Careless about their health, What common challenges do you encounter while taking foster care services? Trouble finding the exact location, S atc
Do you trust foster care service? Ye Do you trust foster care service? Ye Do you trust foster care service? N O, Worried about pets
What do you consider to be the most difficult aspect of Unhygienic, Not trustworth foster care services? Their res ponse timing, slightly f
sharing oods bet ween different cats, my cat got skin What is your monthly expense on your pets? 2 What price range do you consider suitable for the foster What price range do you consider suitable for the foster with a stranger, Having less information about the
using this particular service? Are you comfortable with their service charges? Ye unhygienic as they kee p all pets togethe f
in ection from there, not enough sun light Thousan care service? 200-40 5
care service? 1 caregive

What improvements do you think they need How did you hear about that foster care service? Frien Are you comfortable with their service charges? Ye Are you comfortable with their service charges? No, Tech Exposure: Medium Tech Exposure: High What price range do you consider suitable for the foster

Are you satisfied with their packages? (fe What do you consider to be the most difficult aspect of How did you hear about that foster care service? Cousi Current ee f : 350, Expectation: 25 care service? 10
Qazi Afia Qazi Afia
Do you recommend this service to others using this particular service? Communication ga What do you consider to be the most difficult aspect of How did you hear about that foster care service? Tech Exposure: Low
Will you still use their services after all the pain points? If What improvements do you think they need? using this particular service? Non Faceboo Have you ever needed to take foster care

yes, why? Are you satisfied with their packages? (fee ) Yes, 40 What improvements do you think they need? Fle ible time x What do you consider to be the most difficult aspect of
service before? Ye
Qazi Afia

What did you find most attractive or appealing about the Do you recommend this service to others? N schedulin using this particular service? Non
Have you ever taken foster care service
last foster care service you used Will you still use their services after all the pain points? If Are you satisfied with their packages? (fee ) Ye What improvements do you think they need? use se parate
Tech Exposure: High yes, why? N Do you recommend this service to others? Ye food bowls for each cat, have room for sun basking before? Ye

What did you find most attractive or appealing about the Will you still use their services after all the pain points? If Are you satisfied with their packages? (fee ) N
Qazi Afia
last foster care service you used? Friendly, sent videos of ’ f
with their overall service, they
yes, why? Yes, I m satis ied Do you recommend this service to others? Ye

my pet regularl regularly give updates on voice and video calls Will you still use their services after all the pain points? If
When was the last time you used foster care?
Tech Exposure: Medium What did you find most attractive or appealing about the yes, why? Yes, as a returning customer they ha e

last foster care service you used? They are very sincere discounts and the issues were not major to me months ag
Qazi Afia
and ocused to each and e ery cat s needs v ’ What did you find most attractive or appealing about the What common challenges do you encounter

Tech Exposure: High free service for

last foster care service you used?
while taking foster care services?
newborn babies, give enough time and space to each
Qazi Afia
cats, helps in adoption
Commitment loss se ( p f
arate ood bo wl), cat
She has to take oster care ser vice every once or twice a
Tech Exposure: High
got contagious skin disease
year. From her experience she is less likely to trust foster
How did you hear about that foster care
care services and prefers someone known to her taking care Qazi Afia

of her pets. She’s concerned about their sincerity and hardly

service? Frien

trust the service homes as her pet once suffered from injury. What do you consider to be the most difficult

Though she appreciates how regular they were with the aspect of using this particular service?
updates and liked their way of communication.
Location and reach-ability(No pick and drop

What improvements do you think they need?

Food should be ser e se v parately and separate

s pace for each pe
Are you satisfied with their packages? (fee )
yes (p p
er et 200tk and t wo pets 300tk
Do you recommend this service to others? N

Will you still use their services after all the pain

points? N

What did you find most attractive or appealing

about the last foster care service you used?

secure place and good behavior

Tech Exposure: High

a i Imdadul Islam

Overall, the interviews provide a range of perspectives from different pet j

Pro ect Overview: Foster C
are Service Websit e
Pro ect: Foster C 

are Service

Interview 1 Interview 2 Interview 3 Interview 4 Interview 5 Interview 6 Interview 7 Interview 8 owners regarding their experiences and preferences with foster care services . .
We had taken interview from 8 individuals Overall, the interviews provide a range of perspectives from
j -
Introduction: Our pro ect aims to create a user friendly website dedicated to connecting pet owners with reliable foster care services for their beloved pets This website will . Overview:

Pet owner: Antara K han, 33 years ol Pet owner: Tahniat I q 23

ra, years ol Pet owner: Kazi Afia Zahin, 22 years ol Pet owner: K azi Fatiha Eusra, 22 years ol Pet owner: J
ulekha G ulshan, 24 years ol Pet owner: Akhi Azmiri, 3
0 years ol Pet owner: M obashir Alam Rifat, 21 years ol Pet owner: Zillur Rahman, 47 years ol Here are the key points
different pet owners regarding their experiences and preferences with foster care services.C ommon
serve as a platform where pet owners can easily find trustworthy caregivers who can provide temporary care for their pets when needed The primary goal of our pro ect is to. j j -
Our pro ect aims to create a user friendly website dedicated to connecting pet owners with

Type of pet: 1 ca Type of pet: 1 do Type of pet: 2 cat Type of pet: 1 ca Type of pet: 7 cat Type of pet: 1 ca Type of pet: 1 ca Type of pet: 1 ca There is a variety of pets owned, including cats and dogs, with some
challenges mentioned include concerns about health and hygiene, communication gaps, response
ensure the well being and happiness of pets while offering convenience and peace of mind to their owners .
reliable foster care services for their beloved pets Through our dedicated foster care

Fre quency of needing foster care: Not specifie Fre quency of needing foster care: Once a yea Fre q uency of needing foster care: Rarel Fre q uency of needing foster care: Occasionall Fre quency of needing foster care: Occasionall Fre quency of needing foster care: R arel Fre quency of needing foster care: Neve Fre q uency of needing foster care: Neve individuals having multiple pets
timing, and unhygienic conditions when pets are kept together .
Key Features and Functionality service website, we aim to bridge the gap between pet owners in need of temporary care

Occupation: Not specifie Occupation: Studen Occupation: Freelance Occupation: M icrobiology tutor assistan Occupation: Studen Occupation: G ym Traine Occupation: Studen Occupation: J ob holde The fre q
uency of needing foster care varies among pet owners, with some
Attractive aspects mentioned include friendly and sincere caregivers, regular updates and videos,
U R ser egistration and Profile C reation: Pet owners can register on the website, create profiles, and provide necessary information about their pets, including species, solutions and experienced caregivers who can provide a safe and nurturing environment .
Favorite websites and applications: Not specifie Favorite websites and applications: Facebook, Favorite websites and applications: Instagram, Spotify, Favorite websites and applications: Not specifie Favorite websites and applications: L inkedIn, Telegram, Favorite websites and applications: Facebook, YouTube, Favorite websites and applications: Faceboo Favorite websites and applications: YouTube, Bkas needing it occasionally or rarely, and others not at all
' .
secure places, and individual attention to pets needs These interviews provide valuable insights into
breed, age, and specific care re q uirements -
Our user friendly platform will streamline the process of booking, and communicating with

Favorite brands: Not specifie M essenger, Instagram, Bkas Whatsapp, Behance, Pinterest, Chaldal, Foodpand Favorite brands: Aarong, Yellow, Pink flash, G adgets and Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, Twitte Bkash, Chalda Favorite brands: Nik Favorite brands: Not specifie / /
Occupation and favorite websites applications brands vary across the
the experiences, preferences, and concerns of pet owners when it comes to foster care services . Search and M atching System: A comprehensive search system will be implemented to allow pet owners to find suitable foster caregivers based on criteria such as .
caregivers while prioritizing the welfare of pets We believe that by creating this website, we

M onthly expense on pets: Not specifie Favorite brands: Apple, Fossi Favorite brands: Aarong, Xiaomi, Paste G ea Favorite brands: Vogue, Meher & Swatc Favorite brands: Samsung, Sar M onthly expense on pets: 15 00- 200 M onthly expense on pets: 150 interviewees, indicating diverse backgrounds and interests location, availability, experience, and specialization in caring for specific pet types -
can contribute to the overall happiness and well being of pets and provide peace of mind to

Previous experience with foster care: Not specifie M onthly expense on pets: 35 00 Monthly expense on pets: 3000-350 M onthly expense on pets: 2500 M onthly expense on pets: 200 M onthly expense on pets: 1700- 200 Previous experience with foster care: Ye Previous experience with foster care: N M onthly expenses on pets vary, with some individuals spending more than Profile and R eview M
anagement: C
aregivers will have profiles showcasing their experience, q .
ualifications, and reviews from previous pet owners This will enable pet their owners .
L ast time used foster care: Not specifie Previous experience with foster care: Ye Previous experience with foster care: Ye Previous experience with foster care: Ye Previous experience with foster care: Ye Previous experience with foster care: Ye Reasons for not having used foster care services R easons for not having used foster care services others owners to make informed decisions when selecting a caregiver for their pets

C ommon challenges with foster care: Not specifie Last time used foster care: L ast yea L ast time used foster care: Last mont L ast time used foster care: This yea L ast time used foster care: 9 months ag Reasons for not having used foster care services previously: Not specifie previously: Not specifie Previous experience with foster care services is mixed, with some having Booking and Communication: The website will facilitate easy booking of foster care services and provide a communication channel for pet owners and caregivers to
C omfortable with service charges: Not specifie C ommon challenges with foster care: Careless about C ommon challenges with foster care: R esponse timing, C ommon challenges with foster care: Trouble finding C ommon challenges with foster care: C ommitment loss previously: Not specifie Trust in foster care service: Ye Trust in foster care service: No, worried about pets with used it before and others not discuss and finalize arrangements

Heard about foster care service: Not specifie health, unhygienic, not trustworth unhygienic as pets kept togethe location, sharing food between cats, cat got skin )
(separate food bowl , cat got contagious skin diseas Trust in foster care service: Ye Suitable price range for the foster care service: 15 a stranger, lack of information about caregive C ommon challenges mentioned include concerns about health and hygiene, Service Packages and Pricing: Foster care service packages will be offered with varying durations and amenities .C lear pricing information will be provided to ensure

Difficult aspect of using the service: Not specifie C omfortable with service charges: Ye C omfortable with service charges: Ye infection, lack of sunligh Heard about foster care service: Frien Suitable price range for the foster care service: 200-40 Tech exposure: High Suitable price range for the foster care service: 10 communication gaps, response timing, and unhygienic conditions when transparency and help pet owners choose the most suitable options for their pets and budget

Improvements needed: Not specifie Heard about foster care service: Frien Heard about foster care service: C ousi C omfortable with service charges: No, expectation: 250, Difficult aspect of using the service: L ocation and Tech exposure: M edium Tech exposure: L ow pets are kept together U pdates and M edia Sharing: C aregivers can provide regular updates, including photos and videos of the pets, ensuring that owners stay connected and reassured about

Satisfaction with packages: Not specifie Difficult aspect of using the service: C ommunication ga Difficult aspect of using the service: Non current fee: 35 reachability (no pick and drop service Service charges and satisfaction with packages vary, with some individuals '
their pet s well being - Existing methods such as word of mouth - -
R ecommendation of the service: Not specifie Improvements needed: Not specifie Improvements needed: Flexible time schedulin Heard about foster care service: Faceboo Improvements needed: Separate food serving and space comfortable with the fees and satisfied, while others have specific Feedback and Rating System: A feedback and rating system will be implemented, allowing pet owners to provide feedback on their experience with the caregivers and recommendations and online classifieds are time -
Will continue to use the service: Not specifie Satisfaction with packages: Yes, fee: 40 Satisfaction with packages: Ye Difficult aspect of using the service: Non for each pe expectations or express dissatisfaction overall satisfaction with the service .
consuming and lack transparency There is a lack of

Attractive aspect of the last foster care service used: R ecommendation of the service: N R ecommendation of the service: Ye Improvements needed: Separate food bowls for each Satisfaction with packages: Yes, per pet 200tk, two pets Recommendations and intentions to continue using foster care services are R esources and Educational C -
ontent: The website will feature educational resources, articles, and guides related to pet care, health, and well being, providing valuable standardized processes for booking, communication, and

Not specifie Will continue to use the service: N Will continue to use the service: Yes, satisfied with cat, sun basking are 3 00t also mixed, with some recommending and planning to continue, while information to pet owners .
updates during the foster care period, leading to anxiety

Tech exposure: High Attractive aspect of the last foster care service used: overall service and update Satisfaction with packages: N R ecommendation of the service: N others do not recommend or plan to continue j G
Pro ect oals .
and discomfort Additionally, there is a scarcity of

Friendly, sent videos regularl Attractive aspect of the last foster care service used: R ecommendation of the service: Ye Will continue to use the service: N Attractive aspects mentioned include friendly and sincere caregivers, C -
reate a user friendly website that provides a seamless experience for pet owners seeking foster care services .
educational resources on pet care A dedicated foster care

Tech exposure: Medium Sincere and focused on each cat s need ' Will continue to use the service: Yes, returning customer Attractive aspect of the last foster care service used: regular updates and videos, secure places, and individual attention to pets ' Establish a network of reliable and experienced caregivers who are passionate about pet welfare service website is needed to address these challenges by

Tech exposure: High with discounts and minor issue Secure place and good behavior needs Ensure the safety, health, and happiness of pets during their foster care experience -
providing a user friendly platform that connects pet owners

Attractive aspect of the last foster care service used: Tech exposure: High Tech exposure ranges from low to high, indicating varying levels of Foster trust and transparency by implementing a robust review and rating system for caregivers with trustworthy caregivers, ensures transparent

Free service for newborn babies, time and space for familiarity with technology .
Offer a range of service packages to accommodate different pet care needs and budgets communication and bookings, prioritizes pet safety, and

each cat, helps in adoptio These interviews provide valuable insights into the experiences, preferences, Provide educational resources to empower pet owners and promote responsible pet ownership .
offers valuable educational resources .
Tech exposure: High and concerns of pet owners when it comes to foster care services, highlighting Target Audience: Our website will cater to pet owners who re q uire temporary foster care services for their pets due to various reasons such as travel, illness, or personal

areas for improvement and potential opportunities to enhance the services . -

circumstances The target audience includes individuals who prioritize the well being of their pets and seek trustworthy and reliable caregivers to ensure their pets are well

provided .
taken care of during their absence .

Regenerate response C onclusion: Through our dedicated foster care service website, we aim to bridge the gap between pet owners in need of temporary care solutions and experienced

. -
caregivers who can provide a safe and nurturing environment Our user friendly platform will streamline the process of finding, booking, and communicating with caregivers

. -
while prioritizing the welfare of pets We believe that by creating this website, we can contribute to the overall happiness and well being of pets and provide peace of mind to

their owners .

K azi Fatiha Eusra J ulekha G ulshan Tahniat I ra q K azi Afia Z ahin Z illur R ahman

Age 22 Age 25 Age 23 Age 22 Age 47

L ocation Dhaka, Bangladesh Location Dhaka, Bangladesh L ocation Dhaka, Bangladesh L ocation Dhaka, Bangladesh L ocation Dhaka, Bangladesh
Occupation Assistant Tutor Occupation Business holder Occupation Job Holder
Occupation Freelancer Occupation J ob Holder

Pet Ty pes Tech Exp osure Pet Ty pes Tech Exp osure
Pet Ty pes Tech Exp osure
Pet Ty pes Tech Exp osure Pet Ty pes Tech Exp

1C at High 3C ats High

1 Dog M edium
1 Dog High 1C at L ow

A bout A bout
A bout
A bout A bout

K azi Fatiha Eusra is an assistant Julekha Gulshan is currently a

q . K azi AFia Z ahin is a freelancer and a Z illur Rahman is a hardworking

Tahniat I ra is a cat person She
tutor, besides she run an online student but also an entrepreneur,
loves her ob and loves children . .
home tutor She s a plant parent Afia . .
person He is a wellness oriented

book shop She is a bookworm who loves to read book She is a . loves to be around animals On her . person who loves to maintain

She wants to travel more and
loves to plaint . self conscious person . explore the world . leisure she read books . discipline .
Pain Points Pain Points Pain Points Pain Points
Pain Points

Trouble finding the exact locatio C ommitment los

C areless about their healt
Took long hours to give update Worried about pets with a strange

Sharing foods between different cat No separate food bow

U Separation anxiety of my pet Having less information about the

y cat got skin infection from ther High risk of C ontagious diseases
Not trustworthy
Do not keep pets separately caregiver

Not enough sun light .

Goals & v
Moti ation Goals & v
Moti ation
Goals & v
Moti ation
Goals & v
Moti ation Goals & Moti ation v
U se separate food bowls for each ca Food should be serve separatel
Should be more more carefu
Flexible time scheduling Enough information about the service

Have room for sun baskin separate space for each pet High response rat and the persons behin

All pets should be and vaccinated
L esser fee Increase aintenance R egular detailed update on pets

C omfortable packages

Page Section

K azi Afia
Primary Page

L anding page K azi Afia

Secondary Page

azi Afia

K azi Afia

Blog Service Home Tour About U s Profile / C ontact R eviews FAQ


Kazi Afia
K azi Afia
azi Afia
azi Afia K
azi Afia Kj a i Imdadul Islam
a i Imdadul Islam Kazi Afia

24/7 medical L C C )
House Video M ission & Vision Sign in

Our ocation all Now( TA

support for foster

L og in
Articles on

diagnoses and
Foster C are Vet C onsultation

K K Kj
azi Afia azi Afia a i Imdadul Islam

azi Afia
azi Afia azi Afia

a i Imdadul Islam

azi Afia K azi Afia

Overview of the
Separate sun -
basking area
Single blog Pet habits

Three veterinary
Pet ID Foster health M y bookings

C at boarding Dog boarding Day care

contacts Kazi Afia
azi Afia

azi Afia

azi Afia K
azi Afia

High hygiene
K azi Afia
azi Afia K azi Afia K
azi Afia

K azi Afia K
azi Afia K
azi Afia

C are routine Why U s

Kazi Afia
L ogout

Appointmen t

azi Afia K
azi Afia

Separate area for

each pet
Kja i Imdadul Islam

a i Imdadul Islam

azi Afia

Kazi Afia
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Timely updates

K azi Afia

a i Imdadul Islam

Kazi Afia

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off service

azi Afia azi Afia

Kazi Afia

Add medical card

Only vaccinated

and dewormed

pets are taken

Kazi Afia

Kazi Afia


A ction

L anding Page

Blog Service
Home Tour About U s

C ontact Reviews

24/7 medical
House Video M ission & Vision support for foster


Articles on

diagnoses and

Foster C are Vet onsultation
Sign In

Log In

Our L ocation C all Now( C ) TA

Overview of the
Separate sun -
place basking area

Single Blog Pet habits

Three veterinary
at oarding Dog Boarding Day Care
contacts Why U s
High hygiene
Pet ID Foster Healt M y Bookings

Care routine
Separate area for

each pet

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L ogout

Timely updates

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onfirmation Sign In /

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Only vaccinated

and dewormed pets

Add medical card
are taken

Onboarding Screen

L / Sign up

og in


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ore Notifications

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are Vet Consultation Home Tour

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are Vet Consultation

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Time and Date Time and Date Time and Date
Pet Information

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Vaccination Vaccination Vaccination

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og out R eviews


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