DNA - RNA Introduction Assignment

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A lesson about DNA/RNA structure

What is DNA and RNA?

DNA (deoxyribose nucleic acid)- is a type of nucleic acid and is the carrier of
genetic information.

RNA (ribonucleic acid) - is another type of nucleic acid that is mainly used as
a messenger in the process of converting DNA into proteins. There are 3 main
types of RNA

- mRNA (messenger RNA)

Both DNA and RNA are
- rRNA (ribosomal RNA) involved in storing
- tRNA (transfer RNA) genetic information and
using that information
to build proteins
Use the internet and
Recall paste an image of the
organelle where all
Genetic material such as DNA is found where genetic material is
in the cell? housed in eukaryotic cell
in the space provided

When the cell is replicating DNA is

condensed up into a _Chromatin_ to prevent
damage and tangling of the DNA
Recall- use the internet if you need.

what is a monomer of
nucleic acids? Use the
The monomer of nucleic acids are monomers to build
called Nucleotides. It has 3 a nucleic acid
components: polymer in a
vertical line.
1. A base.
2. A sugar (deoxyribose)
3. A phosphate residue.
A nucleotide is composed of 3 major parts

(a) A nitrogen base

(b) A phosphate group Phosphate group

(c) A pentose sugar

Nitrogen base

Label the diagram on the slide with

Pentose Sugar
The black boxes on the top of the slide
Watch the following video and write 3
important takeaways from the video

1. The sugar in DNA is deoxyribose

whereas in RNA it’s ribose.
2. Three types of RNA: Messenger,
Transfer, Ribosomal.
3. Both the molecules of DNA and RNA
are formed of monomers known as
Structure of DNA
1. What common tool does this shape remind you
of?This shape remind me of Ladder.

2. How many strands do you see? 2.

The structure of DNA is known as a Double Helix.

The “sides” are made of alternating sugars and
Structure of DNA
DNA is composed of a sugar called deoxyribose...visit the following website
and define deoxyribose in the space provided below.

Website: https://biologydictionary.net/deoxyribose/


Deoxyribose is the five-carbon sugar molecule that helps form the phosphate
backbone of DNA molecules.By itself, deoxyribose can exist as a linear molecule or as a
five or six-membered ring.
Structure of DNA
The “rungs” of the ladder are made of nitrogen base pairs
and are held together by hydrogen bonds

Visit the following website and name the 4 base pairs that
DNA contains


A- Adenine

T- Thymine

C- Cytosine

G- Guanine
DNA Structure
Watch the following animation and
make 2 observations.

1.Chromosomes connected with

nucleosomes connected with DNA for a
layer of regulatory control of gene

2. Genes are encoded by DNA and found

within chromosomes.
DNA Structure Below in the box provided insert an
image of an apple in a tree AND a
car in a garage
There are rules when it comes to base

A always binds with T

C always binds with G

Use the following saying to help you remember

“Apples in the Trees”

“Cars in the Garage”

Let’s Practice Base Pairing DNA!
Directions: To the base pair given write the correct matching base pair for
DNA across from it in the text box provided.






Use the internet to find an image of

DNA Structure the purines and the pyrimidines in

DNA and place them below

★ Adenine and guanine are known as Purine:

purines because of their double
ringed structure

★ While cytosine and thymine are

known as pyrimidines because they Pyrimidines:
are a single ring.
Visit the following website and describe below what the difference is
between a deoxyribose sugar and a ribose sugar?

Website:Ribose Vs. Deoxyribose - Science Struck


Both are organic compounds but their structure is almost identical, with just one
difference. Ribose sugar has a hydroxyl (OH) group at position 2, whereas deoxyribose sugar
has a hydrogen (H) atom at position 2. Due to this, deoxyribose sugar is more stable than
ribose sugar. Both are sugars the difference is deoxyribose is lacking oxygen.
RNA Structure
The structure of RNA is known as a single helix
because it only has 1 strand.

The sides are made of alternating ribose sugar

and phosphates while the “rungs” are made of 4
nitrogen bases for RNA the 4 bases are:

★ Adenine
★ Uracil In RNA the base pairing
★ Cytosine goes as follows:
★ Guanine
A binds with U
Uracil replaces thymine in RNA C binds with G
“The RNA World Hypothesis”
Watch the video and write 3 key
takeaways about RNA

1. RNA can so 2 jobs that is store

information & perform various that
keeps cells alive.
2. RNA world hypothesis says that
billions of years ago a self replicating
RNA was formed.
3. One way or another self replicated
RNA emerged, multiplied and evolved.
Let’s Practice Base Pairing RNA!
Directions: To the base pair given write the correct matching base pair for
RNA across from it in the text box provided.






Drag the description the the
correct side of the table
Let’s Compare DNA and RNA


Single strand Double stranded

Ribose Sugar Deoxyribose Sugar

3 Different Types 1 Type

A, U, C, G A, T, C, G

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