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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

Compilation Edition, and Publication: Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

Vicente Amezaga Aresti

A 73 page Chronology

Vicente Amezaga as a man- details of his life, Countries where


Algorta (Getxo Biskaia - Euskadi) 07.04.1901 - Caracas, 02.04.1969

Lawyer, Historian, Lecturer, Poet, Writer, Translator, Columnist

Press (3 Countries), Politician and Professor.

He performed in four countries: Euskadi, Argentina, Uruguay and Venezuela

Countries where he lived- and where he left his legacy


1) A Chronology of 73 pages..................................... 3
2) Publications of his Works..................................................... 25
3) Index of his Works............................................... ........ 27
4) Titles of their Works without Content.................................. 67
5) Unpublished Works............................................... ............ 70
6) Vicente Amezaga in Figures............................................... . 72

Compilation Edition, and Publication: Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren

Machine Translated by Google

Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

Vicente Amezaga Aresti

A 73 page Chronology

1901. July 4: Born in Algorra (Getxo} Vicente de Amezaga, Benjamin of Seven Brothers, son of the drowned Pedro
de Amezaga.

1908: He studied at the San Bernardo de Algorta College.

1917: Basque Country.

1918: Begins in Priodism, Founds Gobela Magazine.

1918: Spanish Flu Ends His Father's Life

1918: English-Basque translation: Tagore, Rabindranath: Txori biak. Euzko Deya (Bilbo)

1919: First period of creation of Poetry in Basque * Period 1919-1936

or Intziriak or
Euskaldun barriaren bestia or Berez or
Ez dago!
o Abertzalearen
ituna o Neure aberria o Ene
Urtzi! o Ituna o
Udabarri goiza
o Eleizalde
hil da o Koskotegian o
Lorarik onena o
Paultxoren irribarrea
o Euskera zeruan o
Euskerari o Otoia o Itsaso
aurrean o Guztiz
garbiari o
lertegiari o Tibalt
erregerena o Biziaren

1920: Gaztelera-Euskara translation: Abesti bulgariarra (zatiak). Euzko Deya (Bilbo)

1920: Gaztelera-Euskara translation: Bulgarian Asele (zatiak). Euzko Deya (Bilbo).

1920: Gaztelera-Euskara: León, Fray Luis de: Jauna donokiratziau. Euzko Deya (Bilbo)

1920: Gaztelera-Euskara translation: Palacio Valdés, Amando: Deunen ibilaldia. Euzko Deya (Bilbo)

1920: French-Basque translation Béranger, Pierre-Jean de: Errimiña. Euzko Deya Bilbo

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

1921. Euzko Esnalea Award for Translation of Licenciado Vidriera.

1924: He entered the Faculty of Law of Valladolid.

1927: Graduated in Law from the University of Valladolid.

1927: Gaztelera-Euskara translation: Villegas, Esteban Manuel de: Al Cefiro. Apirilaren lagun elkarra. Zenbait egile:
Sentences. Itz oroigarriak. Euskal Esnalea (Donostia)

1931: June To José Antonio Aguirrc, Iza La ¡kurriña and Proclaim From The Balcony Of The Town Hall The Advent Of
The Republic.

1931: March to Gernika. First Conflict With The New Republic.

1931: Catalogs and Orders the Lezama Leguizamón Library, in Neguri.

1931 -1935: Municipal Judge of Getxo

1931. April. Advent of the Spanish Republic.

1933-1935: Professor of History and Language at the Getxo Secondary Education Institute.

1936: Obtained a prize with his translation into Cuskera of Licenciado Vidriera de Miguel de Cervantes.

1936: Appointed General Director of Education of the Basque Government. Gives the Order to Create the First Ikastola
in Plencia.

1936. July. The Spanish Civil War begins.

1937 Second Period of the creation of Poetry in Euskera * Period 1937-1968

or Hizkuntzaren Deia or
Lagun ieri or
Mirentxuren Mahai-Zkena or Aita
Jaunaren Zahartzaroa or Herrimina or
Jaiotzean or Amerikarako
Bidean or Emakume Euskal-
Ikasleren ETS or lurmina or Mona Lisa or
Euskal poetak or Axular

Compilation Edition, and Publication: Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren

Machine Translated by Google

Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

o Urrundik o
Getxori o
Getxoko basetxe zaharrentzako kantua o Musu bat o
Ene maitea o
Askatasun o
Arrabita soinu o

1937: June 14: He marries María Mercedes Iribarren and begins the Exile Route, from which he would not return.

1937: June 24: By sea into exile, leading a group of Basque refugee children. (500 Children)

1937: Directs the Donibane Garuzi Children's Colony.

1937. December: Catalonia, Represents the Basque Minister of Justice, Mr. Leizaola. and Organizes the Evacuation of
Basque Children in Said Nation. 1938: He goes to Paris as his Secretary.

1938, May 7: Their First Daughter, Miirenlxu., is born in Paris

1938: Fn Mission to the Spanish Embassy in London taking care of the Children's Colony in England.

1939 Third Period of the creation of Poetry in Euskera Period 1939-1965

o Athalie o
Bihotza jauzten jat o
Ontziburu!, nire ontziburu! o Aholku
onaren balada o Agur o
o Artzain
maiteminduak bere maiteari o Bakartasuna o
Zurekin hizketan o
Finojosako neska
behizaina o V. hamalaukoa o Andere
bati o Bihar o Loreei o
Ofeleri o
Ofeleren kantuak o Hobigilearen kantua
o Maitagarrien kantua o L
XVI. hamalaukoa or Reading
Bahitegiko Leloa or Errusiako

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

1939: His second daughter, Begoña, is born. In Paris 2 September.

1940: June 25, obtains a visa from the Biarritz Chilean Legation

1940: September 28, processed a visa at the Mexican Consulate in Marseille ((Document

1940: November 7, Obtains the Argentine Visa at the Argentine Consulate in Marseille.

1941: Embarks on the Alsina Steamship Headed for America. It Will Take More Than Fifteen To Arrive
Months. He will embark on three ships, the Alsina, the Quanza, and the Rio De La Plata.

1941: Gaztelera-Euskara translation: Angelus. Alsina itsasontzian mezak ospatzeko


1941: Together with the politician Telesforo Monzón, he prepared a Dictionary of Basque Idioms,
During the voyage on the boat. Alsina

1941: He is detained for four months in Dakar. He is Interned in the Concentration Camp

of Casablanca, Argentina, in exchange for continuing to issue entry visas to French

Vichy Government Demands That Those From Alsina Leave The Fields.

1941: July 24, In the Kasba-Tadla-Casablanca Concentration Camp- write Letter AD

Francisco Basterrechea.

1941: July 30, Obtains Visa From Mexico (Original Document)

1941: October 30, Obtains the Boarding Visa in Casablanca ((Original Document)

1941: November-14, Buy Two Tickets At The Societe Marocain De Tourisme –

Casablanca Destination Veracruz On The Vapor Quanza - (500 Francs) (Original Document)

1941: November 29, Visit Havana Cuba – with permission ((Original Document)

1942: Writes His Poetic Work War and Exile.

1942: April 15, disembarks in Buenos Aires. Together with his wife Mercedes Iribarren- in
the ship Rio De La Plata

1942: May 5, Write the Press Article - Our Good Name

1942: October 25, Conference at the Euzko Txokoa Buenos Aires Headquarters
Theme: The Law of October 25, 1839 and its significance in the history of Euskadi
(Original Of The Invitation, As Well As The Original Text Of The Conference 20 Pages)

1942: December 10, Conference at the Basque Action Headquarters in Argentina.

1942: December 20, Press Article - Euzko Deya Buenos Aires - Let's Sing In Basque.

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

1943: Gaztelera-Euskara Translation: March 1, Press Article - - Embeitia Tar Kepa –

Euzko Deya Buenos Aires

1943: Marqués De Santillana: Finojosako neska behizaina. Euzko Deya (Buenos Aires).

1943: March 10, Article in the Press - Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, - The Basque People Ventilates
A matter of life or death

1943: August 10, Conference at the Teatro Alvear Buenos Aires Theme -pedro De Enbeita.

1943: January 21, His Daughter Arantzazu is born..In Buenos Aires – Argentina.

1943: Gaztelera-Euskara translation: Cervantes, Miguel de, El Licenciado Vidriera Egile

ezezaguna: My God does not move me to love you. Ez nakar, ene Jaun, zu maitatzera. Euzko Deya
(Buenos Aires)

1943: February 20, Press Article - – The Dancing Basque and French Literature.

1943: English-Basque translation Marlowe, Christopher: Artzain maiteminduak bere maiteari.

Euzko Deya (Buenos Aires)

1943: April 20, Article in the Press - Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, - Foreign Travelers in the Basque

1943: May, accepts the new responsibility of organizing the Basque Week in Uruguay

1943: May, Article in the Press - Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, - Dialogue of the Dead

1943: May 10, Article in the Press - Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, - On the Champs Elysees, Euskaldun
V Vasco. Dialogue of the Dead.

1943: English-Basque translation: CHAUCER, Geoffrey: Aholku onaren ballad. Euzko Deya
(Buenos Aires) 1943.

1943: July 10, Press Article - Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, - Jovial Intermediate

1943: August 4, Pedro De Enbeitia Lecture, The Bard Of Euskadi.- Presidente Alvear Theater,
Buenos Aires.

1943: English-Basque translation: Kilmer, Joyce: Zuhaitzak. Euzko Deya (Buenos Aires

1943: August 20, Article in the Press - – Worse Than The Disease.

1943: October.- Moved to Montevideo, Uruguay.

1943: October 10 – Conference at the Uruguay University- Embeita El Bertsolari

1943, October 17, Boga, Boga Marinela.- Radio El Espectador, Montevideo,

1943: October 30, Article in the Press - Uruguay – Subject The Basque Language.

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

1943: October 30.- Organized the Great Basque Week in Montevideo, Uruguay. On October 30, Basque Week
began, whose celebration would last until November 13.

1943: During the Months of October and November - Press Article: 1. The Basque Week

1943: During the Months of October and November - Article in the Press: 2. The Basque Months

1943: During the Months of October and November - Press Article: 3 Territory

1943: During the Months of October and November - Press Article: 4.


1943: During the Months of October and November - Press Article: 5. Music

1943: During the Months of October and November - Article in the Press: 6. Dances

1943: During the Months of October and November - Article in the Press: 7. Games and Sports

1943: During the Months of October and November - Article in the Press: 8. Mythology 1943: During the Months of

October and November - Article in the Press:9. Religion: Heretics and Witches

1943: During the Months of October and November - Article in the Press: 10. Basque Language

1943: During the Months of October and November - Press Article: 11.
Basque Literature

1943: During the Months of October and November - Article in the Press: 12. Las Pastorales Suletinas

1943: During the Months of October and November - Article in the Press: 13 The

1943: During the Months of October and November - Press Article: 14.
Basque Writers in Spanish

1943: During the Months of October and November - Press Article: 15.
Basque Political Organization

1943: During the Months of October and November - Press Article: 16.
treaties with england

1943: During the Months of October and November - Press Article: 17.
Treaties of Friendship and Good Correspondence

1943: During the Months of October and November - Press Article: 18. The Gernika Tree

1943: During the Months of October and November - Press Article: 19.
Democracy and Sense of Human Dignity

1943: During the Months of October and November - Press Article: 20.
Universal Nobility Social Aspects of Jurisdiction

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

1943: During the Months of October and November - Press Article: 21. The Maíato Tree

1943: During the Months of October and November - Article in the Press: 22. The Basque Woman

1943: During the Months of October and November - Article in the Press: 23. El Caserío

1943: During the Months of October and November - Press Article: 24. The Iron Industry

1943: During the Months of October and November - Press Article: 25. Argiñas Yarotzas

1943: During the Months of October and November - Press Article: 26.
sailors and discoverers

1943: During the Months of October and November - Press Article: 27.
colonizers and founders

1943: During the Months of October and November - Press Article: 28.
Garibai, Urkiza, Alberdi, Larrañaga...

1943: During the Months of October and November - Press Article: 29. "Short In Words..."

1943: During the Months of October and November - Press Article: 30.
"Word of Basque
1943: During the Months of October and November - Press Article: 31. Basque

1943: Gernika and Basque Liberties Conference.- Fine Arts Hall, Montevideo,

1943: November 1, Zabala Bruno Mauricio Conference.- Plaza, Montevideo,

1943: November - Basque Language Conference.- Paraninfo University of Montevideo,

1944: March, Translation From Basque to Spanish - A Salaberri – Solferino Ko Ixua – Euzko Deya De Buenos Aires.

1944: March 30, Article in the Press - Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires - memory of Gernika.

1944: English-Basque translation: Wordsworth, William: Bihotza jauzten jat. Euzko Deya (Buenos Aires)

1944: April 10, Article in the Press - El Plata, Montevideo, - The Invasion of Europe.

1944: April 26, Press Article - El Plata, Montevideo -

1944: April 30, Conference at the University of Montevideo – Subject The Basque Language

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

The Original Of 20 Pages Of The Conference Is Owned

1944 English-Basque translation: Pope, Alexander: Bakartasuna. Euzko Deya (Buenos Aires)

1944: May 14, Plaza Guernica Inauguration - Inauguration Conference - Plaza Located On Avenida
Catalunya With Ramon Anador Crossing.

1944: English-Basque translation: Whitman, Walt: Ontziburu!, nire ontziburu! Euzko Deya (Buenos

1944: May 16, Inauguration - Basque Language Courses - Included in the Program of
Higher education

1944: May 30, Press Article - El Plata, Montevideo, - Basque-Uruguayan Community

1944: English-Basque translation: Milton, John: Zurekin hizketan (Paradise Lost poemaren
zati bat). Euzko Deya (Buenos Aires)

1944: July 30, Article in the Press - Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, Current Affairs Dialogue.

1944: English-Basque translation: Emerson, Ralph Waldo: Agur. Euzko Deya (Buenos Aires)

1944: September 10, Inaugurated In Colonia de Sacramento City, - Plaza Gernika.

With a conference in memory of that collective martyrdom. He will call it the Colony Oak - A
Complete Copy of the Lecture Delivered is Possessed.

1944: September 21, Welcome Conference to the Rev. Padre Ducatillon – Euskal Erria

1944: Gaztelera-Euskara translation: Iriarte, Tomás de: Burintza eta zaldia. Euzko Deya (Buenos

1944: November 10. Article in the Press - Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, - Juan Sarrasqueta.

1944: November 15, Conference in Euskal Erria- Theme: The Loss of the Basque Charters.

1945: Press article - El Plata, Montevideo, 1945. - Saint Ignatius and the Basque language*

1945: February 28, write a press article - Subject: Doctor Real Aldecocea

1945: April 18, His Male Child is Born. Joseba Bingcn.

1945: Composes a poem in honor of President Roosevelt.

1945: His mother dies.

1945: Hopes of a possible return to Euskadi were founded,

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

1945: April 29, Eighth Anniversary of the Destruction of Gernica Conference - Presidio El
Act The President Of The Uruguayan Association Of Galeuska- Dr Vicente Amezaga

1945: May 5, Press Article - Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, -Words Of


1945: July 10. Press Article - El Plata, Montevideo, - Reading Victor Hugo.

1945: July 10, Creation of the Chair of the Basque Language - At the University of Uruguay.

1945: August 8, Initiation of Activities of the Department of Basque Studies.

1945: September 21, Lecture at the Exhibition of the Painter Carmelo Arzadun.

1945: November 30, Conference -visit of the Basque Delegation to the town of San Jose - Uruguay-
As Director of the Uruguayan Department of Basque Studies of the University of Uruguay.

1946: January 10, Press Article - Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, "urrundik", Verses De
Telesforo De Monzón* Bergara, 1905 – Bayonne, 1981

1946: February 26, Article in the Press - Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, - Basque Brotherhood

1946: March 20, Press Article - El Plata, Montevideo, - agur!

1946: March 20, Press Article - Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, "alboras" and "Albokaris"

1946: Galeuska Magazine appears in Buenos Aires.-

1946: August 25, Conference in the Auditorium of the University Theme - The Iv Centenary of the Death
of Father Vitoria.

1946: October 10. Press article - El Plata, Montevideo, - Fervently prayed the Rosary

1946: October 20. Press Article - Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, The Town Of The Hermitages

1946: November 4, the work Basque Surnames in Uruguay is published – Compilation 4,000 Surnames.

1946: The United Nations Security Council Unanimously Declares The Moral Condemnation Of
The Franco Regime.

1946: December 25, Montevideo - Christmas songs.

1947: With the collaboration of the Professor of Constitutional Law Jiménez de Arctxaga, he founded the
Chair of Basque Culture at the University of Montevideo.

1947: March 3, Press Article - El Plata – Irureta Goyena and the Basques.

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

1947: April 10, Article in the Press - The National Good – Theme at Easter

1947: French-Basque translation: Egile ezezaguna: Orhoit gutaz. Euzko Deya (Buenos Aires)

1947: Article in the Press - El Día, Montevideo. - The Basques sing and dance...

1947: Press Article - - On the Tenth Anniversary of the Destruction of Guernika

1947: May 5, Board of Directors of the Instituto de Estudios Superiores – Approves The Carrying Out Of The
Course On Basque Language- In A Letter Addressed To Him.

1947: May 11, Xabier Iñaki, His Last Son, is born.

1947: July 10, Eusko Deya - Dialogues The Mountain and the Sea.

1947: July 30. Article in the Press - Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, - Arteche and his Car. The Punishment of the Gods.

1947: September 25, Beginning of the Conference Cycle of the Department of Basque Studies.

1947: November, Conference - Current Uruguay.- Paraninfo of the University of Montevideo.

1948: February 2, Conference Remembrance Act Juan Ibarra Aguerrebere.

1948: May 20, Press Article - Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, The Other Grandson of the Tree of

1948: June 3, Press Article - El Plata, Montevideo, Juan De Zumarraga* Durango 1463 – 1548.

1948: July 6, Conference - Plinio the Younger-Auditorium of the University of Montevideo

1948: July 10, Press Article - Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, Doctor Couture at the Uruguayan Academy of Letters.

1948: August 8, Press Article - El Día, Montevideo, - Basque Studies

1948: September 7, Press Article - Uruguayan Belonging - The Day, Montevideo, -larrañaga, The Exalted
to Our Lineage.

1948: November 4, Press Article - El Plata, Montevideo, -the Spanish Reality Under Franco.

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

1948: November 19. Article in the Press - El Día, Montevideo, - The Solar Houses of the Basque Country.

1949: April 10, Press Article - El Plata, Montevideo, - Defense of Freedom

1949: April 30, Creation of the Basque Language Chair- At the Institute of Higher Studies in
Montevideo. (original document)

1949: May 11, Prena article – El Plata Uruguay- We will know how to comply

1949: September 14, Press Article - El Plata Uruguay– The Floral Games

1949: October 30, Press Article - Euzko Deya – Triumph of the Spirit.

1949: December 2, Article in the Press - El País, Montevideo - Euskera Day.

1949: December 3, Basque Language Day Conference – Euskal Erria San Jose

1949: December 6, in the Auditorium of the University of Montevideo, Celebration of the Day of the
Basque Language, Under the auspices of the Department of Basque Studies, of the Faculty of
Humanities, Inaugural Conference.

1950: January 11, - Press Article - El Plata, Montevideo, - Castelao* Upon His Death -

1950: April 29, El Plata Montevideo, Guernica On The 13th Anniversary

1950: August 12, Article in the Press - El Plata, Montevideo, - Vasco Francisco De
Victoria* (1486-1546)

1950: September 20, Article in the Press - El Plata – With Freedom I Do Not Offend or Fear.

1950: November 4 Press Article - El Plata, Montevideo, - Misery and honor

1950: December 2, Conference on Basque Literature - Euskal Erria Society Acts room.

1951: April 27, Article in the Press - El Plata, Montevideo, The Martyrdom of Guernica.

1951: May 27. Press Article - El Día, Montevideo, - The Endearing Landscapes

1951: Latin-Basque translation: Plinio Gaztea: Plini gaztearen idazkiak. Euzko Gogoa (Guatemala)

1951: June 14, Interview Daily Accion - Graphic Summary

1951: July 3, Press Article - El Plata, Montevideo, - This Is The Justice They Command

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

1951: July 12 Lecture at the Moretti- Cabanas Oteiza Art Salon

1951: October 3, Lecture - Basque Surnames. - Assembly Hall of the University of Montevideo.

1951: December 7, Conference - The Basques "genius and figure".- Moretti Gallery, Montevideo,

1952: February 6 Press Article - El Plata, Montevideo, - Ramón María De Aldasoro*

1952: February 22, Press Article - El Plata, Montevideo, - In Tribute To The

Memory of Don Juan Uraga*

1952: Conference at the University of Uruguay – Theme: Basque Literature

1952: Press Article - - Death of Don Ramon Maria Aldasoro.

1952: April 26, El Plata Press Article, Montevideo - Guernica On The 15th Anniversary

1952: April 30, Press Article - – In Memory of Compatriot Baracaldes Juan De


1952: English-Basque translation: Shakespeare, William: Hamlet, Danimarkako erregegaia.

Ekin (Buenos Aires)

1952: October 23, Article in the Press - El Plata, Montevideo, - Two Men and a Town.

1952: November 17, Article in the Press - El Plata, Montevideo, - Franco and the Basque Culture

1952: November – Conference - The Law of October 25, 1839.- Auditorium of the University of Montevideo.

1952: November 17, Press Article - Montevideo, Something About the Basque Character

1952: November 25, Publication of the Book - Translation into Basque of Shakespeare's Hamlel. - Editorial
Ekin - Graphic Workshops Angel Dominguez Buenos Aires

1953: April 23, Lecture - Gonzalo De Berceo.- Auditorium of the University of Montevideo.

1953: May 1, Article in the Press - Euzko Deya, Mexico, - Essay on the Return

1953: July 2, The Renaissance Conference. Prince of Viana.- Auditorium of the

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

University of Montevideo.

1953: July 6, Uruguay University Conference - Plinio the Younger Through His Epistolary.

1953: July 17, Article in the Press - El Plata, Montevideo, - The Region ¥ El Mundo.

1953: Article in the press - Euzko Deya, Mexico - Let's sing in Basque.

1953: Lecture - Bernardo D'etxepare.- Auditorium of the University of Montevideo,

1953: December 3, Editorial Florensa y lafon De Uruguay- Delivers 200

Copies Of The Book - Platero Ta Biok – Translation By The Author Juan Ramon Jimenez

1954: Santi Onaindia In His Anthology Selects A Cluster Of Poems By Vicente De Amezaga.

1954: February 4, Personal Letter and delivery of a copy of the Basque Version of -Platero and its Author D. Ramon Jimenez.
Who Acknowledges Receipt With A Letter 04-20-1954 I -,

1954: April 24, Press Article - El Plata, Montevideo - Guernica On The 17th Anniversary

1954: English-Basque translation: Wilde, Oscar: Reading Bahitegiko Leloa. Euzko Gogoa (Guatemala)

1954: Figure as Delegate of the Ministry of Public Instruction of Uruguay before the
VIII UNESCO Conference,

1954: August 20, Press Article - El Plata, Montevideo, De Arturo Campion and Jayme
Bon, (1854-1937)

1954: Latin-Euskara translation: Zizeron, Marco Tulio: Adiskidetasuna. Euzko Gogoa (Guatemala)

1954: September 30. Press Article - Euzko Deya In Uruguay, Montevideo, By Arturo Campion and Jayme-Bon, (1854-1937)

1954: English-Basque translation: Shakespeare, William: LXVIgarren hamalaukoa. Euzko Gogoa (Guatemala)

1954: October 20,. Press Article - El Plata, Montevideo, - Uruguay and Unesco*

1954 November 15, Press Article - El Plata Montevideo - Freedom and hope.

1955: April 3, Press Article - El Plata, Montevideo, - Goodbye To Uruguay.

1955: May 5, Press Article - El Plata, Montevideo, - Basque Art

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

1955: May 27, Conference - Zumarraga.- Auditorium of the University of Montevideo.

1955: July 5, moved to Venezuela. (Pan American ticket 611847)

1955: Press Article - – Idazlearen Lankaiak – Euzko Deya Mexico.

1955: Press Article - Euzko Deya, Mexico, - In Defense of the Basque Language

1956, January 13, Conference - Pro Resurgence of the Basque Language.- Basque Center of Caracas.

1956: January 30, Secretary of the Basque Center of Caracas. (copy of the contract)

1956: His Wife Returns From Euskadi To Venezuela

1956: Listed as John Boulton Foundation Title Researcher.

1956: Press Article Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, - Anvil and hammer

1956: Press article - El Nacional, Caracas, 1956. Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, - Our Don Pió Baroja and
Nessi (1872-1956)

1956: July, Press Article - Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, Dialogues of Absence V


1956: Gaztelera-Euskara translation: Jiménez, Juan Ramón: Betiko lorea. Egan (Donostia)

1956: September, Press Article - Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, - Begoña De Naguanagua

1956: October, Article in the Press - Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, September - Youth Problems.

1956: October Maracay Conference.- Macaray Basque Center (Venezuela),

1956: December His Daughter Arantzazu Returns By Boat From Euskadi To Venezuela

1957: Appointed Corresponding Member of the Academy of the Basque Language.

1957: Article in the Anniversary Magazine of the Caracas Basque Center - Basque Literature.

1957: October, Press Article - – What We Cannot Forget -euzko Gastedi Caracas

1957: November 11, Conference at the Caracas Basque Center - The Loss of the Basque Charters.

1957: Article in the Press - Euzko Gastedi Caracas – Christmas Song.

1958: February, Press Article - Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, - Dialogue of Emigrants

1958: April-June. Article in the Bulletin of the National Academy of History, Caracas,

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Men of the Guipuzcoan Company

1958: March 12, Jesus De Galindez Conference.- Basque Center of Caracas.

1958: April, Return of his daughter Mirentxu from Euskadi to Venezuela.

1958: May Press Articles El Nacional, Caracas - Language and nationality

1958: Article in the Press - Basque Country Buenos Aires - Language and nationality.

1958: September 15, Press Article - El Universal, Caracas, - Elcano, Juan Sebastian*

Cetaria, 1476 - Pacific, 1526.

1958: November 11, Conference - Loss of the Basque Fueros.- Basque Center of Caracas.

1958: December, Press Article - Caracas - Politics and patriotism

1959: February 11, Article in the Press - Letter to the Director of the newspaper La Religion.

1959: February Press Article - The Basque House

1959: March Press Article - El Universal - Words of Defense.

1959: Article in the press - El Universal Caracas – Topic – About the Basque Language.

1959: March 11, Press Article - El Universal, Caracas - Jesus De Galindez* Madrid, 1915 - New York, 1956.

1959: Article in the Press - Euzko Gastedi, Caracas,- Simple Ideas.

1959: April 2, Press Article - El Universal, Caracas, The Prince of Viana* (1421-1461)

1959: Article in the Press - Aberri, Caracas, - The Basque National Anthem.

1959: June 10, Performs Monographer Position General Archive of the Nation.

1959: Greek-Basque translation: Eskilo: Prometeo Burdinetan. Euzko Gogoa (Guatemala)

1959: Publication Editorial Sucre Editions of the Eugenio Mendoza Foundation – Biography of the Educator University
Rector, Scientist and politician JM Tebar 1847-1909

1959: Press Article - Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, - Guecho Symphony

1959: October 7, El Universal Caracas – Articulo Prensa El Pastor Bueno. Monsignor Arias

1959: November 11, Press Article - El Nacional – Don Pio El Temerario died

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

1960: February Press Article - El Universal, Caracas – Aramburu.

1960: March 1960. Press article - - José Antonio De Aguirre, or La Lealtad

1960: German-Basque translation Goethe, Johann Wolfang: Lurmiña (Mignon poemaren moldaketa).
Egan (Donostia).

1960: December 12, Article in the Press - Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, - Leizaola: Culture V
Responsibility* San Sebastián-Donoslia, 1826-1988

1961: February 5, Press Article - – Tribute to Father Zabala

1961: March 17, Press Article - - Honoring Dardo Regulez El Universal Caracas and the Country Uruguay.

1961: March 22, Conference - José Antonio Aguirre.- Basque Center of Caracas.

1961: Article Mona Lisa - Egan San Sebastian Magazine N- 1-3, January June

1961: April, Press Article - El Universal, Caracas - From Bolívar to Zaldivar

1961: April 30, Press Article - El Universal – The Bridge of San Miguel.

1961: Cycle of 60 Classes on Basque Culture - Pro Universidad Vasca - Taught at the Basque Center in Caracas.

1.—The Earth. Primitive Territory and current Basque Soil. Zones and landscapes. .the Mountain
and the Sea.

2.~The Primitive Basque Man. The Basque in Pre-History. The Franco Cantabrian Civilization;
Its Scope and Characteristics and Survival in Today's Euzkadi.

3.—The Historical Basque Man. Concept of the Basque Through the Greeks and Romans,
French and Spanish Literature of the Golden Age; Foreign Travelers; Characterological

4.—The Agricultural Complex, El Pastoril and the Maritime Complex. Miners and ironworkers.

5.—Ancient Religion. Basque calendar. Mythology.

6.—Christianity; Its Introduction In The Country. Sorcery. heterodox. Sense of Basque Religiosity.

7.—The Basque Language: General Characteristics; Primitive Area Of It; Regression Of

Its Frontiers Through The Various Historical Vicissitudes.

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

8.—The Basque House; Its Ethnic and social function. Legal Institutions Derived From
It; The Trunk; The Heir; Flower Communication.

9.—The Basic Family of Basque Political Democracy. The Bonfire Vow. Other Family
Root Institutions.

10.—Emigration; Roots and scope of this problem.

11.—The Surname; Its Origin, Classes and significance; Basque Surnames in


12.—Ancient guilds and brotherhoods; Neighborhood Relations.

13.—The Autonomous and democratic Municipality; Its Aspects In The Different Regions Of The
Basque Country From The Origins To Our Days.

14.—Social Organization. Content of Basque Democracy; Sense Of Equality; Reaction

Against Feudal Attempts Of Older Relatives.
Universal nobility.

15.—The Dissociative Elements: Oñacinos and gamboinos, Agramonteses and

Beaumonteses, Sabeltzuris and sabelgorris.

16.—The People In The Roman, Visigothic And Arab Periods: Struggles And Vicissitudes; Unit.
Sancho the Greater.

17.—State Institutions. The Duchy of Vasconia;

19.—Dominion of Vizcaya; Shields of Guipúzcoa and Alava; Characteristics Of The Same;

Separation and Mutual relations.

20.^Laburdi, Zuberoa and Genabarra; Own development; Its Links With France and
England and its Relations With the Southern Basque States.

21.—Fueros Vascos: Its Written Appearance in the Different Regions of Euskadi; Fundamental
Character Of Them.

22.—Basque Law: Basic Institutions Of It; Origin, meaning and value of the same.

23.—Foral Bodies.—the General Meetings; Organization and functions; Other Government

Bodies. The Regiment and the General Council.

24.—International Life; The Treaties With England and the Basque Maritime and
Commercial Expansion.

25.—The Meida Age. The Calls Unions To Castile; Its meaning and scope. Absorption Attempts;
Four Patriotic Glories.

26.—The Renaissance. The Conquest Of Navarre; Story of a Perfidy.

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

27.—The Basques in the Companies of the Crown of Castile; Precedents and Development.

28.—The Basques in the Castilian Literature; From Gonzalo De Berceo to Our Days.

29.—The Basque language; Bernardo Dechepare, First Poet in the Basque Language; Study of his work.

30.—Pedro De Axular, The Greatest Basque Prose Writer. Study of his "gero".

31.—The Prince of Viana; Image Of His Homeland And Renaissance Man.

32.—The Counter-Reformation. Ignatius De Loyola and Francisco De Xabier.

33.—Discovery of America. The Basques In The Sea; Whalers and cod boats.
Basque Ships and Maritime Inventions.

34.—The Great Navigators. Juan De Lacosa, Sebastian De El Cano.

35.—The Right of the Newly Discovered Peoples; Francisco De Vitoria and his Doctrine of International

36.—The Missionaries. Antxieta, Azpilikuetas, etc.

37.—The Civiliators. Juan de Zumarraga.

38.—The Founders. Irala, Garay, Zabala.

39.—The Colonizers. Urdaneta and legazpí and the Company of the Philippines.

40.—The First Voices of Liberty; Alonso De Erciilla and Lope De Aguirre.

41.—The Eighteenth Century. Maritime Development; The Bilbao Consulate. International

Projection Of Its Ordinances.

42.—Overseas Commercial Companies; The Real Compañía Guipuzcoana de Caracas, Summary

of Its Activities and achievements.

43.—Cultural Companies: The Basque Society of Friends of the Country; Peñaflorida and its Collaborators.
Scope of the Work Carried Out.

44.— 19th century. The French Revolution and its Impact on the Continental Euzkadi.
Loss of the freedoms of these regions.

45.—The Napoleonic Deed. Results Of It In The North And In The South

46.—The Spanish Dynastic Question. The First Carlist War; Meaning of the Basque intervention. Zuma
1 Acárregui, The Basque War Genius.

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47.—The Second Carlist War. Her CARACTERISTICS; Loss of Freedoms, Survivals.

48.—Jose Maria De Iparkaguirre; The Wandering Bard.

49.—The Reaction In The Country; Fueristas and "Euskalerriakos". Cultural and political
attempts of the Renaissance; Arturo Campion.

50.—Sabino De Arana Goiri; Roots, Life, Work and doctrine.

51.—Basque Renaissance. Cultural aspect. Congress of Basque Studies. The Basque

Studies Society. The Language Academy.

52.—Epic Poetry. precedents The Poem "euskaldu-nak" By Nicolás De


53.—Popular Poetry. The Bertsolaris. The Bard Pierre De Echahun.

54.—The Lyric. precedents and contemporaries. Xabier De Lizardi and his Work.

55.—The Theater. The "pastorals". Modern Attempts At Creation.

56.—The Basque Book in Basque and Spanish; History, Present and future.

57.—Journalism, The Story, The Novel; The Translations.

58.—Cultural Magazines; Work done and to be done.

59.—Plastic Arts: Music and Dances; Sports.

60.—The Future of Basque Culture. From Elementary School To University. The Basque
Language Of Culture

1961: May 4, Article in the Press - El Universal, Caracas, - Madariaga, Bolívar and Los Vascos.

1961: May 17, The Prehistoric Basque Man.- Basque Center of Caracas.

1961: June 14, Conference - The Basque Language.- Basque Center of Caracas.

1961: July, Article in the Bolivarian Society of Venezuela Magazine, Caracas, - Belford
Hinton Wilson, A Bolivarian Gentleman

1961: September 13, Orixe Conference* Nicolás Ormaetxea - Euzko Gastedi, Caracas,

1961: October, Press Article - Euzko Gastedi Caracas – Nicolas De Ormaetxa- Orixe.

1962: February, Press Article - – Eusko Gaztedi – Our Land.

1961: November 3, Conference - Ships and navigators. Basque Center of Caracas.

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

1962: February 10, Letter of Recognition to the Ambassador- Act Centro Vasco Caracas

1962: April 30, Press Article - Caracas – April 26 Guernica.

1962: Article in the Caracas Basque Center Magazine - To a Basque Woman - (bingen Aresti)

1962: June 15, Article – Patron In Billa – Zeruko Argia San Sebastian Magazine.

1962: July Press Article - Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, - Resist V Persist.

1963; January – February, Article in El Farol Magazine, Caracas, NA 204, Cocoa Exportation During
the Guipuzcoan Company

1963: English-Basque translation: Lincoln, Abraham: Gettysburg-eko hitzaldia. Caracas.

1963: June, Article – Kementsua – Egan San Sebastian Magazine N- 1-3, January June

1963: Article Poetry in Basque - Getxo Ko Basetxe Zarrentzako Kantua - Egan Magazine
San Sebastian N- 1-3, January June

1963: July 17, Publication of the Book – Men of the Guipuzcoan Company – Artegrafica Workshops.
Caracas – Editions of the Central Bank of Venezuela Venezuelan Economic Historical Collection

1963: The Basque Element in the Venezuelan 18th Century is published in Caracas. Publication of
the Central Bank of Venezuela.

1964: French-Basque translation: Descartes, Renè: Ikasbideari buruzko itzaldia. Egan (Donostia)

1964: Article in the Magazine of the Bolivarian Society of Venezuela,-Bolívar and the Basques

1964: Gaztelera-Euskara translation: Baroja, Pío: Elizabide arlotea. Egan (Donostia).

1964: English-Gaztelera translation Frankel, B., «Venezuela and the United States».
«Venezuela and the United States. Caracas.

1965: January 26, Conference - Sabino Arana Goiri.- Basque Center of Caracas.

1965: January 28, Article in the Press - El Nacional, Caracas, 1965: Sabino De Arana Goiri: The
Basque Liberator* Killed, 1865 - Sukarríela, 1903

1965. March 23, Article in the Press - Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, -a Young Basque

1965: Italian-Basque translation: Bocaccio, Giovanni: Hiru eraztunak. Egan (Donostia)

1965: June 1, Press Article - - El Universal Caracas – La Vigerie

1965 Julio marries his daughter Arantzazu in Caracas with Pello Mari Irujo Elizalde.

1965: August 24, Article in the Press - El Universal, Literary Index, Caracas - Andrés De

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti


1965 September 16, His eldest daughter Mirentxu marries Robert Clark P.

1965: Press Article - Euzko Gastedi Caracas - Narciso De Oyarzabal (18th century)

1965: November 18, write a press article - El Universal - Topic: The Martin Sertucha Trial.

1965: Article in the Press - El Nacional, Caracas, - Basque Humorism

1965: December 16, Article in the Press - El Universal- Caracas - Basque Humor.

1966: April, Publication of the Book – Vicente Antonio De Icuza, Commander of Corsairs –
Talleres Italgrafica Caracas – Cuatricentennial Editions of Caracas 265 Pages

1966: English-Gaztelera translation: Carl, George, "The boundary dispute between British Guiana and
Venezuela." «Origins of the border conflict of Venezuela and Guyana», Caracas.

1966: Article in the Centro Vasco Magazine.- 30th Anniversary, Caracas, - Three Emigrations

1966: April 15, Publication of the book The Basque Element in the Vxiii Venezuelan Century –
Vargas Caracas Typography – Cuatricentennial Editions of Caracas 372 Pages

1966: Gaztelera-Euskara translation: Bolívar, Simón: Letter from Jamaica. Hego amerikar batek
uharte honestako zaldun bati egiten dion erantzuna. Magazine of the Bolivarian Society
(Caracas- Venezuela)

1966: July 24, Magazine of the Bolivarian Society of Venezuela, Caracas, the Bilbao of

1966: September, George Carl - Translation From English to Spanish - Origins of the Boundary
Conflict Between Venezuela and British Guiana - Historical Bulletin of the John Boulton Caracas

1967. January, Translation From English To Spanish John Lombardi – Slaves In The Republican
Legislation Of Venezuela – Historical Bulletin No. 13, Of The John Boulton Caracas Foundation.

1967: Article in the Caracas Basque Center Magazine – Basque Art.

1967: English-Gaztelera translation: Lombardi, J., «Slaves in the republican legislation of Venezuela».
"The slaves in the legislation of Venezuela". Caracas.

1967: April 23. Press article - El Universal. Literary Supplement, Caracas, - Martin De Ugalde.

1967: English-Basque translation: CRONIN, Archivald: Veronako bi zaldun. Egan (Donostia)

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1967: Press Article - Anniversary Magazine of the Basque Center, Caracas, 1957. - Basque Artists in

1967: May 27, Dissertation on the Anniversary of the Juramtno de Larrazabal Organized by the Board of
Euzko Alderdi Jaltzalia Basque Center of Caracas.

1967: August 9, Press Article - El Universal, Caracas, - Lucio De Aretxabaleta*

1967: August - Conference - Lucio De Aretxabaleta.- Basque Center of Caracas.

1967: October 7, Publication of the Book The Basque Man - Graphic Workshops Amorrotu Buenos
Aires Editorial Ekin.

1968: July 2, Press Article - El Universal, Caracas, - A Reflection Of The Basque Country

1969: Gudari, Caracas, - Towards Freedom

1969, February 4: He dies and is buried in Caracas.

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

Post Mortem Publications

1969: March Article in El Farol Magazine, Caracas, No. 228, - The Books of Colonial Caracas

1969: May, Historical Bulletin of the John Boulton Foundation, Caracas, N." 20, ,- The "gens"
Caracas of the Landaeta

1975: English-Basque translation: Khayyam, Omar: Rubaiyat. Egan (Donostia)

1979: Great Basque Encyclopedia. Publishes 3 of His Books Volume I. Volume Ii and Volume III

1988, August 11 – Algorta- Inauguration of the Plaza Vicente Amezaga

1993: Nostalgia I and II in the Basque Culture in Exile Collection.

2002: Bingen Amezaga (1901-1969), Bidegileak No. 25, Department of Culture of the
Basque Government / Eusko Jaurlaritzako Kultura Saila, Gasteiz,- Book Published by his grandson:
Xabier Irujo Amezaga

2006: Itsaso aurrean, (Poems of the Basque exile in America by Bingen Amezaga), Susa,
Zarautz, - Book Published by his grandson: Xabier Irujo Amezaga

2006: Bingen Amezaga (1901-1969) Author: Irujo Amezaga Xabier

2008: Internet Site That Bears His Name Is Created - With All His Published Work and References -
Created By His Son Xabier Iñaki Amezaga

2009: Bingen Amezaga. Gutunak I (1941-1968), Utriusque Vasconiae, Donostia/San Sebastián.-

Book Published by his grandson: Xabier Irujo Amezaga

2009: Bingen Amezaga ri egindako gutunak II (1939-1969), Utriusque Vasconiae, Donostia/San

Sebastián.- Book Published by his grandson: Xabier Irujo Amezaga

2009: Homo Spelens, Utriusque Vasconiae, Donostia/San Sebastián, 2009 - Book Published by his
grandson: Xabier Irujo Amezaga

2010: The Electronic Publishing House Xamezaga is Created- In Its Catalog Of Works (490) All His
Published Work and References - Created By His Son Xabier Iñaki Amezaga. iribarren

2011: All His Work Published In Electronic Book E-Book - Created By His Son Xabier Iñaki Amezaga.

2012: All His Published Work and Biography On Wikipedia - Location - Vicente Amezaga Aresti -
Created By His Son Xabier Iñaki Amezaga. iribarren.

2013: All His Published Work - Available Locally in the Cloud - E-Cloud - Vicente Amezaga Aresti
Repository - Created By His Son Xabier Iñaki Amezaga. iribarren

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

2014: Complete Works, His Biography, and References - Printed in 9 Volumes - 2,000 pages -
Compilation, Edition, Transcription, and Publication - Printed Editions Xabier Amezaga - Author:
Xabier Iñaki Amezaga. iribarren.

2015: Donation of Complete Works Vicente Amezaga Aresti- to 12 International Libraries - Made by
His Son Xabier Iñaki Amezaga. iribarren

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti





1) CHAUCER, Geoffrey: Aholku onaren ballad. Euzko Deya (Buenos Aires) 1943.

2) CRONIN, Archivald: Veronako bi zaldun. Egan (Donostia) 1967.

3) Egile ezezaguna: Kwai ibai gaineko zubiaren bestia [1]

4) EMERSON, Ralph Waldo: Agur. Euzko Deya (Buenos Aires) 1944.

5) KHAYYAM, Omar: Rubaiyat. Egan (Donostia) 1975 [2]

6) KILMER, Joyce: Zuhaitzak. Euzko Deya (Buenos Aires) 1943.

7) LINCOLN, Abraham: Gettysburg-eko hitzaldia. Caracas, 1963.

8) MARLOWE, Christopher: Artzain maiteminduak bere maiteari. Euzko Deya (Buenos Aires) 1943.

9) MILTON, John: Zurekin hizketan (Paradise Lost poemaren zati bat). Euzko Deya (Buenos Aires) 1944 [3]

10) POPE, Alexander: Bakartasuna. Euzko Deya (Buenos Aires) 1944 [4]

11) SHAKESPEARE, William: Hamlet, Danimarkako erregegaia. Ekin (Buenos Aires) 1952.

12) SHAKESPEARE, William: Uda gau bateko ametsa. Argitaratu gabes.

13) SHAKESPEARE, William: Juli Kaisar. Argitaratu gabes.

14) SHAKESPEARE, William: Macbeth. Argitaratu gabes.

15) SHAKESPEARE, William: LXVIgarren hamalaukoa. Euzko Gogoa (Guatemala) 1954.

16) STEVENSON, Robert Louis: Treasure island [5]

17) TAGORE, Rabindranath: Txori biak. Euzko Deya (Bilbo) 1918.

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18) TURGENEV, Ivan: Errusiako mintzoa [6]

19) WHITMAN, Walt: Ontziburu!, nire ontziburu! Euzko Deya (Buenos Aires) 1944.

20) WILDE, Oscar: Reading Bahitegiko Leloa. Euzko Gogoa (Guatemala) 1954.

21) WORDSWORTH, William: Bihotza jauzten jat. Euzko Deya (Buenos Aires) 1944.


22) Bulgarian besti (zatiak). Euzko Deya (Bilbo) 1920.

23) AGIRRE, Sunday: Zer Pakea! Argitaratu gabes.

24) Angelus. Alsina itsasontzian mezak ospatzeko euskaratua 1941ean.

25) Bulgarian Asele (zatiak). Euzko Deya (Bilbo) 1920.

26) BAROJA, Pío: Elizabide arlotea. Egan (Donostia) 1964 [7]

27) BAROJA, Pío: Mari Beltza [8]. Argitaratu gabes.

28) BAROJA, Pío: Angelus [9]. Argitaratu gabes.

29) BOLÍVAR, Simón: Letter from Jamaica. Hego amerikar batek uharte honestako zaldun bati egiten
dion erantzuna. Magazine of the Bolivarian Society (Caracas) 1966.

30) CALDERÓN DE LA BARCA, Pedro: Loreei.

31) CERVANTES, Miguel de, The Licenciado Vidriera [10]

32) Egile ezezaguna: My God does not move me to love you. Ez nakar, ene Jaun, zu
maitatzera. Euzko Deya (Bueno Aires) 1943 [11]

33) IRIARTE, Tomás de: Burintza eta zaldia. Euzko Deya (Buenos Aires) 1944.

34) ITURRALDE Y SUIT, Juan: Errotazuriko Urretxindorra [12]

35) JIMENEZ, Juan Ramón: Platero eta biok. Florensa & Lafon (Montevideo) 1953.

36) JIMENEZ, Juan Ramón: Betiko lorea. Egan (Donostia) 1956.

37) LEÓN, Fray Luis de: Jauna donokiratziau. Euzko Deya (Bilbo) 1920.

38) LEÓN, Fray Luis de: Salinas itsuari (zatiak).

39) LEONARDO DE ARGENSOLA, Bartolomé: Andere bati.

40) LEONARDO DE ARGENSOLA, Bartholomew: V. Hamalaukoa.

41) MARQUIS DE SANTILLANA: Finojosako neska behizaina. Euzko Deya (Buenos Aires)

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42) PALACIO VALDÉS, Amando: Deunen ibilaldia. Euzko Deya (Bilbo) 1920.

43) VEGA, Lope Félix de: Bihar (XVIII. hamalaukoa).

44) VILLEGAS, Esteban Manuel de: Al Cefiro. Apirilaren lagun elkarra... [13]

45) Zenbait egile: Judgments. Itz oroigarriak. Euskal Esnalea (Donostia) 1927 to 1928 [14]


46) BELLAY, Joachim du: Herrimina eta Urrundik (Heureux qui, comme Ulysse, a fait un beau voyage
poemaren bi moldaketa) [15]

47) BÉRANGER, Pierre-Jean de: Errimiña. Euzko Deya (Bilbo) 1920.

48) DAUDET, Alphonse: Gaucher aita agurgarriaren elixirra [16]

49) DESCARTES, Renè: Ikasbideari buruzko itzaldia. Egan (Donostia) 1963 to 1964 [17]

50) Egile ezezaguna: Orhoit gutaz. Euzko Deya (Buenos Aires) 1947 [18]

51) RACINE, Jean: Athalie antzerkiko zati bat.


52) ALIGHIERI, Dante: Infernua. Argitaratu gabes.

53) BOCACCIO, Giovanni: Hiru eraztunak. Egan (Donostia) 1965.

54) SALGARI, Emilio: Bukaneru zaharra. Argitaratu gabes.

55) SALGARI, Emilio: Argi Mendia. Argitaratu gabes.


56) GOETHE, Johann Wolfang: Lur-miña (Mignon poemaren moldaketa). Egan (Donostia) 1960.


57) ESKILO: Prometeo Burdinetan. Euzko Gogoa (Guatemala) 1959.

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58) STYLE: Agamemnon [19]

59) PLATO: Ion [20]


60) HORAZIO FLAKO, Kinto: Odae. Galdutakoa.

61) LUKREZIO KARO, Tito: Aeneadum genetrix. Galdutakoa.

62) PLINIO GAZTEA: Plini gaztearen idazkiak. Euzko Gogoa (Guatemala) 1951.

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63) VIRGILIO MARÓN, Publius: O Fortunatis. Galdutakoa.

64) VIRGILIO MARON, Publius: Artzai elkarrizketak [21. Galdutakoa.

65) VIRGILIO MARÓN, Publio: Lurgintza-kantak (Georgikak, itzulpen zati txiki bat).

66) ZIZERON, Marco Tulio: Adiskidetasuna. Euzko Gogoa (Guatemala) 1952 and 1954.

67) ZIZERON, Marco Tulio: Zahartzaroa. Argitaratu gabes.


68) ELIZANBURU, Jean Baptiste: Solferino's blind man. Euzko Deya (Buenos Aires) 1944.

69) Herrikoia: The Tower of Alos. Argitaratu gabes.

70) LOPEZ MENDIZABAL, Ixaka, Xabiertxo. Argitaratu gabea,

71) ORIXE, Nikolas Ormaetxea: The Basques. Argitaratu gabes.


72) CARL, George, «The boundary dispute between British Guiana and Venezuela».
"Origins of the boundary conflict of Venezuela and Guyana", Caracas, 1966.

73) FRANKEL, B., «Venezuela and the United States». "Venezuela and the United States".
Caracas, 1964.

74) LOMBARDI, J., «Slaves in the republican legislation of Venezuela». "The slaves in the legislation of Venezuela".
Caracas, 1967.

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti


75) Men of the Guipuzcoan Company 1979 -

395 pages https:// Vicente-Amezaga-

76) The Basque element in the Venezuelan 18th century

1979 - 372 pages https:// -in-the-18th-century-Venezuelan Vicente-
77) 77) The Basque man 1979
- 336 pages https:// 78) Jesus Muñoz
Tébar, 1847-1909 1959 - 63 pages
https :// Tebar

79) Nostalgia
1993 - 518 pages

80) Complete works of Vicente de Amézaga Aresti 1979

81) General Juan Uslar 1966

- 30 pages

82) Nicolas Federman, conqueror of Venezuela, 1506-1542 1959 - 64


83) Vicente Antonio de Icuza:

1966 - 265 pages Corsarios-

84) Origins of the boundary conflict between Venezuela and Guyana CARL, George/V
85) The slaves in the legislation of Venezuela». Caracas, 1967.Lombardi, J./V Amezaga

Compilation Edition, and Publication: Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

References to various Editorials that Publish the Work of Vicente de Amezaga Aresti

86. Plini gaztearen idazkiak, Plinio Gaztea —

Euzko-Gogoa (1951ko azaroa-abendua 11/12) — Saioa. Orr.: 31-32 87.
Adiskidetasuna, MT Kikero —Euzko-
Gogoa (1952ko martxoa-apirila 3/4) — Saioa. Orr.: 44-49 88. Adiskidetasuna,
MT Kikero
—Euzko-Gogoa (1952ko maiatza-ekaina 5/6) —Saioa. Orr.: 18-22
89. Adiskidetasuna, MT Kikero
—Euzko-Gogoa (1952ko uztaila-abuztua 7/8) —Saioa. Orr.: 16-19
90. Adiskidetasuna, MT Kikero
—Euzko-Gogoa (1954ko urtarrila-otsaila 1/2) —Saioa. Orr.: 16-18 91.
LXVI'garren Amalaukoa, William Shakespeare
—Euzko-Gogoa (1954ko iraila-urria 9/10) — Poetry. Orr.: 135
92. Reading baitegiko leloa, Oscar Wilde
—Euzko-Gogoa (1954ko azaroa-abendua 12/11) — Poetry. Orr.: 169-172
93. Juan Ramon Jimenez, Juan Ramon Jimenez
—Egan, 5/6-1956 (1956ko irail-abendua) — Narrazioa. Orr.: 188 94.
Prometeu Burdinetan, Eskilo (Aiskilu)
—Euzko-Gogoa 1/2 (1959ko urtarrila-otsaila) — Antzerkia. Orr.: 74-106 95.
Lurmiña, Ametzaga'tar Bingen
—Egan, 3/6-1960 (1960ko maiatz-abendua) — Poetry. Orr.: 140
96. Mona Lisa, Bingen
—Egan, 1/2-1960 (1961eko urtarril-ekaina) — Poetry. Orr.: 16 96.
Euskal poetak, Bingen —
Egan, 3/6-1961 (1961eko abendua) — Poetry. Orr.: 166-167 97.
Urrundik, Ametzaga'tar Bingen
—Egan, 1/3-1962 (1962ko urtarril-ekaina) — Poetry. Orr.: 16
98. Gexo'ko basetxe zarrentzako kantua, Bingen
—Egan, 1/3-1963 (1963ko urtarril-ekaina) — Poetry. Orr.: 35-36 99.
Kementsua, Ametzaga'tar Bingen —Egan,
1/3-1963 (1963ko urtarril-ekaina) — Kontakizuna. Orr.: 66-68
100. Ikasbideari buruzko itzaldia, Rene Descartes
—Egan, 4/6-1963 (1963ko uztail-abendua) — Saioa. Orr.: 197-215
101. Musu bat, Ametzaga'tar Bingen

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

—Egan, 4/6-1963 (1963ko uztail-abendua) — Poetry. Orr.: 106-107

102. Elizabide Arlotea, Pio Baroja
—Egan, 1/6-1964 (1964ko urtarril-abendua) — Ipuina. Orr.: 116-122
103. Ikasbideen buruzko itzaldia, Rene Descartes
—Egan, 1/6-1964 (1964ko urtarril-abendua) — Saioa. Orr.: 182-206
104. Jan Maitea, Ametzaga'tar Bingen
—Egan, 1/6-1965 (1965eko urtarril-abendua) — Poetry. Orr.: 25
105. Iru ereztunak, Gioanni Bocaccio
—Egan, 1/6-1965 (1965eko urtarril-abendua) — Ipuina. Orr.: 66-68
106. Verona'ko bi zaldun, JA Cronin
—Egan, 1/6-1967 (1967ko urtarril-abendua) — Ipuina. Orr.: 62-66
107. Omar Khayyam'en Rubaiyt'a, Omar Khayyam
—Egan, 1/6-1975 (1975eko urtarril-abendua) — Poetry. Orr.: 111-126
108. His Complete Works, Volume I. Volume II and Volume III.- 1979: The Great Basque Encyclopedia
109. Nostalgia I and II in the Basque Culture in Exile collection, directed by José Ángel Ase unce. 1993:

110. Internet site in tribute to Vicente de Ametzaga Aresti – created by his son Xabier Iñaki
Amezaga Iribarren 2008- with his biography and work
. Editorial Xamezaga – Editorial Electronica - created by his son Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren
- Complete Works Published in the Works catalogue- 606 Works – year of creation 2010

. All his Published Work converted into a Format to be read in an Electronic Book e-Book created by
his son Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren February 2012 -
. Creation of the Vicente de Amezaga Aresti Repository (RVAA) - in the Internet Cloud - with the
possibility of interaction or feeding of new materials by the users if it were the case and they were in
their possession of any unpublished Work of Vicente Amezaga Aresti, with the purpose of to enrich
this collection - created by his son Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren - November 2015

. Donation of the Complete Works of Vicente Amezaga to date - 12 Libraries and International Entities
made by his son Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren year 2015 -2016

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti


111) A young Basque. Eusko Gastedi, Caracas, 1965 112)

A young Basque against Aberri. Gudari, Caracas 113)
Goodbye to . El País, Montevideo, 1956 114)
Agur! El Plata, Montevideo, 1946 115)
Aguirre, José Antonio. El Universal, Caracas, 1960
116) Aguirre, Lope de. Caracas
117) Albokas. Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, 1946
118) Aldasoro, Ramon. El Plata, Montevideo, 1952 119)
Something about the Basque character. Montevideo, 1952
120) Andrés de Urdaneta. El Universal, Caracas, 1965
121) Arana Goiri, Sabino. El Universal, Caracas, 1965 122)
The Tree of . The National, Caracas, 1958 123)
Aretxabaleta, Lucio. El Universal, Caracas, 1967 124) Arias
(Monsignor). El Universal, Caracas, October 7, 1959
125) Basque Art. El Plata, Montevideo, 1955
126) Arteche and his car. Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, July 30, 1947
127) Basque Artists. Catalogue. Caracas, 1956
128) Arturo Campion. Montevideo, Caracas, 1954

129) Baroja, Pió. El Universal, Caracas, 1956 130)

Basáñez, Jesús. Basque humor. El Nacional, Caracas, 1965 131) Begoña de
Naguanagua. Eusko Gastedi, Caracas, 1956
132) Belford Hinton Wüson. Magazine of the Bolivarian Society, Caracas, 1961
133) The Bilbao of Bolivar. Magazine of the Bolivarian Society, Caracas, 1966 134)
From Bolívar to... El Universal, Caracas, 1961 135)
Bolívar and the Basques. Magazine of the Bolivarian Society of 136) , 1964
Briceño Perozo, Mario.. Magazine of the General Archive of the Nation, Caracas

140) Gallows. Caracas

141) Campion, Arthur. El Plata, Montevideo, 1954
142) Christmas songs. Montevideo, 1946 143) Let's
sing in Basque. Euzko Deya, Mexico, 1953

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

144) Letter from Caracas. 1958

145) The solar houses. The Day, Montevideo, 1948
146) The Basque case. The National, Caracas, 1962
147) Castelão. El Plata, Montevideo, 1950 148)
The region and the world. El Plata, Montevideo, 1953 149)
Basque Community-a. El Plata, Montevideo, 1944 150) With
freedom I do not offend. El Plata, Montevideo, 1950
151) Congress of Basque Studies. El Plata, Montevideo, 1948..
152) Contemplation. Reading Victor Hugo. El Plata, Montevideo, 1945
153) Couture... El Plata, Montevideo, 1948 154)
Culture and patriotism. Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, 1957

155) Of the Basques... El País, Montevideo, 1951

156) Of our lineage. Scaffold
157) Defense of freedom. El Plata, Montevideo, 1949
158) Two men and a people. El Plata, Montevideo, 1952
159) The day of the . El País, Montevideo, 1949
160) Current affairs dialogue. Buenos Aires, 1944
161) Dialogue of the language. Bulletin of the Basque Institute of American Studies, 1950 162)
Dialogues of absence... Caracas, 1956 163)
Dialogues of emigrants. Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, 1958 164)
Dialogues of the dead. Euzko Gastedi, Buenos Aires, 1943.
165) Dissertation on Basque painting. The Morning, Montevideo, 1951
166) Dr Couture. El Plata, Montevideo, 1948

167) Elcano. El Universal, Caracas, 1958

168) In defense of Euskera. Eusko Deya, Mexico, 1955 169) On
the tenth anniversary. Montevideo, 1947
170) In memory of Guernika. Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, March 30, 1944; El Plata, Montevideo, 1944

171) On the Champs Elysees. Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, 1943 172)
Essay on the return. Euzko Deya, Mexico, 1953 173) Erremin.
Narcissus by... Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, 1965
174) This is justice. El Plata, Montevideo, 1951
175) This is Pizkunde. Caracas, 1956

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

176) Basque Studies. El Día, Montevideo, 1948 177) The

Guipuzcoan Company exports cocoa. El Farol, Caracas, 1963 178) Exhibition... Cabanas Oteiza... El Dia,

Montevideo, 1951 ..

179) Franco and Basque culture. El Plata, Montevideo, 1952

180) Francisco de Xavier. Basque Country, Montevideo


181) Galindez. El Nacional, Caracas, 1959 182) The

Caracas "gens" of the Landaeta. John Boulton Foundation Bulletin, Caracas, 1969 183) Guernika. El Plata, Montevideo,

1950 184) Guernika. El Plata, Montevideo, 1952

185) He spoke yesterday at the University. The Morning, Montevideo, 1943

186) Towards Freedom. Gudari, Caracas, 1969

187) Basque brotherhood. Euzko Gastedi, Buenos Aires, 1946 188) The Basque

National Anthem. Aberri, Caracas, 1959 189) Men of the Company...

Academy of History Bulletin, Caracas, 1958 190) Honoring Dardo Regules. The Silver, 1961

191) Basque humor. The National, Caracas, 1965


192) Ibarra Aguerrebere... El Plata, Montevideo, 1947 193) Simple ideas.

Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, 1959 194) Ignacio (saint), El Plata,

Montevideo, 1945 195) Bibliographic Information. Magazine of the

General Archive of the Nation, Caracas 196) Jovial intermediate. Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, 1943 197) The

invasion of Europe. El Plata, Montevideo, 1944

198) Irureta Goyena. Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, 1947


199) Jesus de Galindez. El Universal, Caracas, 1959 200) José

Antonio de Aguirre. El Universal, Caracas, 1959 201) Juan de Sarrasqueta.

Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, 1944

202) Juan de Zumarraga. El Plata, Montevideo, 1948

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

203) The floral games. El Plata, Montevideo, 1949


204) Larraflaga. El Plata, Montevideo, 1948 205)

Leizaola. Caracas, 1960 206) The

Basque Language. Bulletin of the Institute of Philology, Montevideo, 1943 207) Basque

language. El País, Montevideo, 1944 208) Language and

nationality. The National, Caracas; Basque Country, Buenos Aires, 1958 209) Reading Victor Hugo. El

Plata, Montevideo, 1945 210) Basque literature. Magazine Basque

Center of Caracas, Í957

211) Lope de Aguirre. Caracas 212)

The books of Caracas... El Farol, Caracas, 1969 213) Lucio de

Aretxabaleta. El Universal, Caracas, 1967


214) Madariaga, Bolivar. El Nacional, Caracas, 1961 215) Martin

de Ugalde. El Universal, Caracas, 1967

216) The martyrdom of Guernika. Montevideo, 1951

217) Misery and honor. El Plata, Montevideo, 1950 218)

Monzón, Telesforo. Urrundik. Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, 1946


219) Narcissus of Oyarzabal. Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, 1965 220) Nicolás

de Ormaetxea. Orixe. Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, 1961 221) Our Don Pío. The

National, Caracas, 1956


222) Orixe. Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, 1961 223)

Ormaetxea, Nicolás. Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, 1961 224) The other

grandson of the Tree of . Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, 1948 225) Oyarzabal,

Narciso. Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, 1965


226) The endearing landscapes. The Day, Montevideo, 1951

227) Words of thanks. Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, 1945 228) The good shepherd. El

Universal, Caracas, 1959 229) Pelay Orozco. A reflection of...

El Universal, Caracas, 1968 230) Politics and patriotism. Euzko Deya, Mexico,

1958 231) The Prince of Viana. El Universal, Caracas, 1959

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

232) Problems of young people., Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, 1956 233)

The next congress... Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, 1948 234) Publications
of the Cuatricenténario de Caracas. National Magazine of Culture, Caracas,
235) The town of the hermitages. Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, 1946 236)
The Basque people... Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, 1943

237) Ramon Maria de Aldasoro. El Plata, Montevideo, 1952 238) The

Spanish reality under Franco. El Plata, Montevideo, 1948
239) Regulate. El Plata, Montevideo, 1961
240) Resist and persist. Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, 1962 241)
They fervently prayed the rosary. El Plata, Montevideo, 1946 242) The Colony
Oak. Cologne, 1944

243) We will know how to comply. El Plata, Montevideo, 1949

244) Saint Francis Xabier. Basque Country, Montevideo
245) Saint Ignatius of Loyola. El Plata, Montevideo, 1945 246)
Sarrasqueta. Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, 1944 247) A great
friend left. El Plata, Montevideo, 1956 248) Getxo Symphony.
Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, 1959 249) Three emigrations. Basque
Center of Caracas, 1966

250) Ugalde, Martin. El Universal, Caracas, 1967 251) A

tree and a man... Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, 1944.
252) A reflection of the Basque country. El Universal, Caracas, 1968
253) Unamuno. The universal. Literary Supplement. Caracas, 1967 254) Uraga.
Tribute. El Plata, Montevideo, 1952 255) Urdaneta. El
Universal, Caracas, 1965
256) Uruguay and Unesco. 1954
257) Urrundik. Verses by Telesforo Monzón. Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, 1946

258) The Basque Francisco de Vitoria. El Plata, Montevideo, 1950.

260) The Basques sing and dance... El Día, Montevideo, 1947 262) The
Basques in Spanish Literature. Galeuzka, Buenos Aires, 1946
262) Foreign travelers. Buenos Aires, 1943

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

263) Victor Hugo. El Plata, Montevideo, 1945

264) Will to survive. Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, 1955
265) Wilson, Belford Hinton. Magazine of the Bolivarian Society of , Caracas, 1966

266) Anvil and hammer. Caracas, 1956


267) Xavier, Francisco. Basque Country, Montevideo


268) Zumarraga. El Plata, Montevideo, 1948

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti


ÿ Period 1919-1936

269) Intziriak
270) Euskaldun neighborhood in beast
271) Berez
272) Ez dago!
273) Abertzalearen ituna
274) Neure aberria
275) Jan Urtzi!
276) Ituna
277) Udabarri goiza
278) Eleizalde hil da
279) Koskotegian
280) Lorarik Onena
281) Paultxoren irribarrea
282) Zeruan Basque
283) Basque
284) autumn
285) Itsaso aurrean
286) Guztiz garbiari
287) artzubiko lertegiari
288) Tibalt erregerena
289) biziaren alegia

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

Period 1937-1968

290) Hizkuntzaren deia

291) Lagun onari
292) Mirentxuren mahai-azkena
293) Aita jaunaren zahartzaroa
294) Herrimine
295) Begoñaren jaiotzean
296) Amerikarako bidean
297) Emakume euskal-ikaslearena
298) artzubiko lertegiari
299) Enbeita'tar Kepari (GB)
300) Mahatsaren gorespena
301) otoi bat
302) Ames
303) urmine
304) Mona Lisa
305) Euskal poetak
306) Axular
307) urrundik
308) Getxori
309) Getxoko basetxe zaharrentzako kantua
310) musu bat
311) jan maitea
312) Askatasun
313) Arrabita soinu
314) Getxo

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

ÿ Period 1939-1965

315) Athalie
316) Bihotza jauzten jat

317) Ontziburu!, nire ontziburu!

318) Aholku onaren ballad
319) Agur

329) zuhaitzak
321) Artzain maiteminduak bere maiteari
322) Bakartasuna
323) zurekin hizketan
324) Finojosako neska behizaina
325) V. hamalaukoa
326) Andere bati
327) bihar
328) Loreei
329) Hamleten neurtitzak Ofeleri
330) Ofeleren kantuak
331) Hobigilearen kantua
332) Maitagarrien kantua
333) LXVI. hamalaukoa
334) Reading Bahitegiko Leloa
335) Errusiako mintzoa

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti


336) Ramon Maria Aldasoro

337) Jose Antonio Aguirre
338) Lope de Aguirre in his Purgatory
339) aramburu
340) Sabino de Arana the Basque Liberator
341) Pike of Aretxabaleta
342) The Good Shepherd Monsignor Arias
343) Artetxe and his car, the punishment of the gods
344) Our Don Pio Baroja and Nessi
345) From Bolivar to Zaldivar
346) Madariaga Bolivar and the Basques
347) Of our lineage Jose de Cadalso
348) Arturo Campion and Jayme Bon
349) Castelao and his Death
350) Doctor Couture
351) News Dialogues
352) Dialogues of the dead
353) El Cano, Juan Sebastian
354) Francisco de Xabier
355) Jesus de Galindez
356) Saint Ignatius and the Basque language

357) Irureta Goyena and the Basques sensitive loss

358) Larranaga, the Honorable Uruguayan
359) Leizaola Culture and Responsibility
360) Urrundik verses by Telesforo Monzon
361) Orixe
362) Narcissus of Oyarzabal
363) The Prince of Viana
364) Honoring Dardo Regulez
365) Juan Sarrasqueta
366) Martin de Ugalde

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

367) In the Tribute to the memory of Don Juan de Uraga

368) Andres de Urdaneta
369) Reading Victor Hugo
370) The Basque Francisco de Vitoria
371) Foreign travelers in Vasconia
372) Juan de Zumarraga
373) Two men and a town

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

The Great Basque Week in Montevideo Index of what

was written and published by Vicente Amezaga during the months of October, November and December 1943 in the Uruguayan

374) The Basque Week

375) The Basque months

376)Basque territory

378) Anthropology

379) music

380) Dances

381) Games and sports

382) mythology

383) Religion: heretics and witches

384) Basque language

385). Basque literature

386) The Suletine Pastorals

387) The bertsolaris

388) Basque writers in Spanish

389) Basque political organization

390) Treaties with England

391) Treaties of friendship and good correspondence

392) Gernika's tree

393) Democracy and sense of human dignity

394) Universal nobility social aspects of the Fuero

395) Maiato tree

396) The Basque woman

397) The farmhouse

398) The iron industry

399) Argiñas and arotzas

400) Sailors and discoverers 401)

Colonizers and founders 402) Garibai,

Urkiza, Alberdi, Larrañaga...

403) "Short on words..."

404) "Basque word

405)" Basque brother "

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti


406) Pedro de ENBEITIA, the bard of Euskadi.- Presidente Alvear Theater, Buenos Aires, August 4,
407) OCTOBER 25, 1839.- Eusko Txoko, Buenos Aires, November 1, 1942.
408) BOGA, BOGA MARÍNELA.- Radio El Espectador, Montevideo, October 17, 1943.
409) ZABALA BRUNO MAURICIO.- Plaza, Montevideo, November I of 1943.
410) BASQUE LANGUAGE.- Paraninfo University of Montevideo, November 1943.
411) GERNIKA AND THE BASQUE LIBERTIES.- Salon of Fine Arts, Montevideo,

412) GUERNIKA TREE.- Colonia (Uruguay), September 10, 1944.

413) Francisco de VITORIA.- Auditorium of the University of Montevideo, August 26, 1946.

414) CURRENT URUGUAY.- Auditorium of the University of Montevideo, November 1947.

415) ABOUT THE BASQUE LANGUAGE.- Euskal Erria, Montevideo, December 5, 1949.
416) THE BASQUES "GENIUS AND FIGURE".- Moretti Gallery, Montevideo, December 7, 1951.
417) THE BASQUE SURNAMES.- Auditorium of the University of Montevideo, October 3, 1951.

418) FUNERAL SPEECH by Juan URAGA.- El Buceo Cemetery, Montevideo, February 22, 1952.

419) THE LAW OF OCTOBER 25, 1839.- Auditorium of the University of Montevideo, November 1952.

420) PLINIO THE YOUNG.- Auditorium of the University of Montevideo, 1953.

421) GONZALO DE BERCEO.- Auditorium of the University of Montevideo, April 23, 1953.
422) THE RENAISSANCE. PRINCE OF VIANA.- Auditorium of the University of Montevideo, July 6, 1953.

423) BERNARDO D'ETXEPARE.- Auditorium of the University of Montevideo, 1953.

424) ZUMARRAGA.- Auditorium of the University of Montevideo, May 27, 1955.
425) CAMPION.- Auditorium of the University of Montevideo.
426) PRO RESURGENCE OF THE BASQUE LANGUAGE.- Basque Center of Caracas, January 13, 1956.
427) MARACAY.- Macaray Basque Center (Venezuela), October 1956.
428) LOSS OF THE BASQUE LEGISLATION.- Basque Center of Caracas, November 11, 1957.

429) GALINDEZ.- Basque Center of Caracas, March 12, 1958.

430) LOSS OF THE BASQUE LEGISLATION.- Basque Center of Caracas, November 11, 1958.

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

431) JOSÉ ANTONIO AGUIRRE.- Basque Center of Caracas, March 22, 1961.
432) THE BASQUE LANGUAGE.- Basque Center of Caracas, June 14, 1961.
433) THE PREHISTORIC BASQUE MAN.- Basque Center of Caracas, May 17, 1961.
434) ORIXE. Nicolás Ormaetxea.- Basque Center of Caracas, September 13, 1961.
435) SHIPS AND NAVIGATORS. Basque Center of Caracas, November 3, 1961.
436) SABINO ARANA GOIRI.- Basque Center of Caracas, January 26, 1965.
437) LUCIO DE ARETXABALETA.- Basque Center of Caracas, August 1967.

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti


The purpose of these Conferences organized by the Basque Pro-University Association was to give all Basques the
opportunity to acquire a solid knowledge of being a Basque national.
Given at the Basque Center of Caracas 1961

438)—THE EARTH. Primitive territory and current Basque soil. Zones and landscapes. .The mountain and the

439)~ THE PRIMITIVE BASQUE MAN. The Basque in pre-history. The Franco Cantabrian civilization; its
scope and characteristics au survival in the Euzkadi of today.
440)—THE HISTORICAL BASQUE MAN. Concept of the Basque through the Greeks and Romans, the French
and Spanish literature of the Golden Age; foreign travelers; characterological stage.


442)—OLD RELIGION. Basque calendar. Mythology.
443)—CHRISTIANITY; its introduction into the country. Sorcery. heterodox. Sense of Basque religiosity.

444)—THE BASQUE LANGUAGE: general characteristics; primitive area of the same; retreat of its borders
through the various historical vicissitudes. influences.

445)—THE BASQUE HOUSE; its ethnic and social role. Legal institutions derived from it; the trunk; the heir;
flower communication.
446)—THE FAMILY is the basis of Basque political democracy. The fire vote Other family-based

447)—EMIGRATION; roots and scope of this problem.

448)—THE SURNAME; its origin, classes and significance; Basque surnames in Venezuela.
449)—ANCIENT GUILDS AND BROTHERHOODS; neighbor relations.
450)—THE autonomous and democratic MUNICIPALITY; its aspects in the different regions of the Basque
country from the origins to the present day.
451)—SOCIAL ORGANIZATION. Content of Basque democracy; sense of equality; reaction against the feudal
attempts of the Elder Kin. universal nobility.
452)—THE DISSOCIATIVE ELEMENTS: Oñacinos and gamboinos, agramonteses and
beaumonteses, sabeltzuris and sabelgorris.
453)—THE PEOPLE in the Roman, Visigothic and Arab periods: struggles and vicissitudes; unit.
Sancho the Greater.
454)—STATE INSTITUTIONS. The Duchy of Vasconia; 455)—SEÑORÍO
DE VIZCAYA; Shields of Guipúzcoa and Álava; their characteristics; separation and mutual relations.

456)-LABURDI, ZUBEROA AND GENABARRA; own development; its links with France and England and its
relations with the southern Basque states.
457)—BASQUE LEGISLATION: Its written appearance in the different regions of Euzkadi; their
fundamental character.

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

458)—BASQUE LAW: Basic institutions thereof; their origin, meaning and value.

459)—REGIONAL ORGANIZATIONS.—The General Meetings; organization and functions; other government

agencies. The Regiment and the General Council.

460)—INTERNATIONAL LIFE; the treaties with England and the Basque maritime and commercial expansion.

461)—THE MEIDA AGE. The so-called unions with Castilla; its meaning and scope. Absorption attempts; four
homeland glories.

462)—THE RENAISSANCE. The conquest of Navarre; story of a perfidy


464)—THE BASQUES IN CASTILIAN LITERATURE; from Gonzalo de Berceo to the present day.

465)—THE BASQUE LANGUAGE; Bernardo Dechepare, the first poet in the Basque language; study of his

466)—PEDRO DE AXULAR, the greatest Basque prose writer. Study of his "GERO".

467)—THE PRINCE OF VIANA; image of his homeland and man of the Renaissance.

468)—THE COUNTER-REFORM. Ignatius of Loyola and Francisco de Xabier.

469)—DISCOVERY OF AMERICA. The Basques in the sea; whalers and cod boats.
Basque boats and maritime inventions.

470)—THE GREAT NAVIGATORS. Juan de Lacosa, Sebastián de El cano.

471)—THE RIGHT OF RECENTLY DISCOVERED PEOPLES; Francisco de Vitoria and his doctrine of
International Law.

472)—THE MISSIONARIES. Antxieta, Azpilikuetas, etc.

473)—THE CIVILIATORS. Juan de Zumarraga.

474)—THE FOUNDERS. Irala, Garay, Zabala.

475)—THE COLONIZERS. Urdaneta y Legazpí and the company from the Philippines.

476)—THE FIRST VOICES OF FREEDOM; Alonso de Ercilla and Lope de Aguirre.

477)—THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. maritime development; The Consulate of Bilbao. International

projection of its ORDINANCES.

478)—OVERSEAS COMMERCIAL COMPANIES; The Real Compañía Guipuzcoana de Caracas, Summary

of its activities and achievements.

479)—CULTURAL COMPANIES: The Basque Society of Friends of the Country; Peñaflorida and his collaborators.
Scope of the work carried out.

480)—XIX CENTURY. The French Revolution and its impact on continental Euzkadi.
Loss of freedoms of these regions.

481)—THE NAPOLEONIC DEED. Results of the same in the north and south of the country.

482)—THE SPANISH DYNASTIC QUESTION. The first Carlist war; sense of Basque intervention. Zuma 1
acárregui, the Basque genius of war.

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

483)—THE SECOND CARLIST WAR. Her CARACTERISTICS; loss of freedoms, survivals.

484)—Jose Maria de IPARKAGUIRRE; the wandering bard

485)—THE REACTION IN THE COUNTRY; fueristas and "euskalerriakos". Cultural and
political attempts at revival; Arturo Campion.
486)—SABINO DE ARANA GOIRI; roots, life, work and doctrine.
487)—BASQUE RENAISSANCE. Cultural aspect. Congress of Basque Studies. The Basque
Studies Society. The Language Academy.
488)—EPIC POETRY. precedents The poem "EUSKALDU-NAK" by Nicolás de Ormaetxea.

489)—POPULAR POETRY. The bertsolaris. The bard Pierre de Echahun.

490)—THE LYRIC. precedents and contemporaries. Xabier de Lizardi and his work.
491)—THEATRE. The "PASTORAL". Modern attempts at creation.
492)—THE BASQUE BOOK in Basque and Spanish; history, present and future.
493)—JOURNALISM, THE STORY, THE NOVEL; the translations.
494)—CULTURAL MAGAZINES; Work done and to be done.
495)—PLASTIC ARTS: music and dance; sports.
496)— THE FUTURE OF BASQUE CULTURE. From primary school to university. The Basque
language of culture

Works NOT found

497) War v exile – Year 1942 – written on the Ships that took him to Argentina - It has not been found

498) Poem in honor of President Roosevelt.- Year 1945 - It has not been found

Compilation Edition, and Publication: Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

Personal Poems in Spanish – Rescued - without and with Content (39)

After rescue work in original material finished 05 2016

Total 39 works

13 Works without Content only the Title

26 Works with their content and published in Editorial Xamezaga

499) Poems in Spanish - El Gobela (Without the Content)

500) Poems in Spanish - The song of the Gobela (Without the Content)

501) Poems in Spanish - The Old Port (Without the Content)

502) Poems in Spanish - The Sparrows of the Tuileries- Paris May 1938

Poems in Spanish – The Sparrows of the Tuileries - Vicente Amezaga Aresti -

Compilation-Xabier Inaki Amezaga Iribarren Tullerias-Vicente-

503). Poems in Spanish - Paris in the dark - Paris October 1939 (Without Content)
504) Poems in Spanish - Walker
Poems in Spanish - Walker - Vicente Amezaga Aresti - Compilation Xabier Iñaki
Threat Iribarren Amezaga-Aresti-

505 Poems in Spanish - Always With You (Without the Content)

506 Poems in Spanish - Palm Beach – November 15, 1941 (Without Content)
507 Poems in Spanish - Smiles and Tears Havana February 10, 1942 (Without the

508. Poems in Spanish - Calma – Bahia, April 7, 1942 (Without Content)

509 Poems in Spanish - Return (Without the Content)
510 Poems in Spanish - El Bertsolari – August 4, 1943 (Without Content)
511 Poems in Spanish - Greetings to America - Vicente-Amezaga Aresti - Compilation
Xabier Inaki Amezaga Iribarren Amezaga-Aresti-

514. Poems in Spanish - Nostalgia – December 29, 1945

Poems in Spanish - Nostalgia - Vicente-Amezaga Aresti - Compilation Xabier Inaki

Threat Iribarren Amezaga-Aresti-
515. Poems in Spanish - Communion

Compilation Edition, and Publication: Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

Poems in Spanish - After a Confession and Communion - Vicente-Amezaga Aresti - Confesion-y-Comunion-Vicente-

516. Poems in Spanish - Banished

Poetry Spanish – Banished - Amezaga-Aresti-Inedito-Desterrado

517. Poems in Spanish - Sentimental self-portrait

Spanish Poems - Sentimental Self Portrait - Vicente Amezaga Aresti - Compilation

Xabier Inaki Amezaga Iribarren Vicente-Amezaga-Aresti-

518. Poems in Spanish - Roosevelt's Smile - (Without Content)

519. Poems in Spanish - The Tree and the River

Poems in Spanish - The tree and the river - Vicente-Amezaga Aresti - Compilation Xabier
Inaki Amezaga Iribarren Amezaga-Aresti-Compilacion-

520. Poems in Spanish - Cur mundum creates in me, Deus

Compilation-Xabier-Inaki-Amezaga-Iribarren Deus-Vicente-Amezaga-Aresti-

521. Poems in Spanish - Silence

Poems in Spanish - Silence - Vicente-Amezaga Aresti - Compilation Xabier Inaki

Threat Iribarren Aresti-Compilacion-Xabier-Inaki-

522. Poems in Spanish - Angelus Domini muntiavit Mariae

Poems in Spanish Angelus-Domini-Nuntiavit-Mariae Vicente Amezaga Aresti -

Compilation Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren

523. Poems in Spanish - Reflections

Poetry-in-Spanish-Reflections-Vicente-Amezaga-Aresti-Compilation-Xabier-Inaki Amezaga-Iribarren Reflejos-Vicente-Amezaga-Aresti-

524. Poems in Spanish - Corpus (Without the Content)

525. Poems in Spanish - The Cathedral – Bayonne December 1937

Compilation Edition, and Publication: Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

Poems in Spanish - The Cathedral - Vicente-Amezaga Aresti - Compilation Xabier Inaki

Threat Iribarren Amezaga-
526. Poems in Spanish - Strength is.

Poems in Spanish - Strength is - Vicente-Amezaga Aresti - Compilation Xabier Inaki

Threat Iribarren Amezaga-
527. Poems in Spanish - After a Confession and Communion.
Poems in Spanish - After a Confession and Communion - Vicente-Amezaga Aresti -
Xabier-Inaki-Amezaga Iribarren Compilation Confesion-
y-Comunion-Vicente-Amezaga-Aresti-Compilacion-Xabier-Inaki-Amezaga Iribarren

528. Poems in Spanish - English eyes.

Poems in Spanish - English Eyes - Vicente-Amezaga Aresti - Compilation Xabier
Inaki Amezaga Iribarren Amezaga-
529. Poems in Spanish - The People.

Poems in Spanish - The People - Vicente-Amezaga Aresti - Compilation Xabier Inaki

Threat Iribarren Amezaga-
530. Poems in Spanish - Lord, in what do we sin?
Poetry-in-Spanish – Lord in which we sin-Vicente-Amezaga-Aresti-Compilation Xabier-Inaki-
Amezaga Iribarren Vicente-
531. Poems in Spanish - Is it that you came down and died in vain? (Without the Content)
532. Poems in Spanish - Amatxu - Vicente Amezaga Aresti - Compilation Xabier Iñaki
Threat iribarren
533. Poems in Spanish - A Basque Woman - Vicente Amezaga Aresti - Compilation Xabier Inaki
Amezaga Iribarren 534.
Poems in Spanish - Dream Homeland - Vicente-Amezaga Aresti - Compilation
Xabier Inaki Amezaga Iribarren

Compilation Edition, and Publication: Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti Amezaga-
535. Poems in Spanish - Nostalgia - Vicente-Amezaga Aresti - Compilation Xabier
Inaki Amezaga Iribarren Amezaga-

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

Miscellaneous works Rescued, edited and published in Editorial Xamezaga (144)


536) Letter to the Director of the newspaper La Religion - Caracas Vicente Amezaga Aresti Gastedi-1957-
537) Basque Articles - Pascal - Vicente Amezaga Aresti -
538) Press Articles - A Basque Lady - Vicente Amezaga Aresti -
539) Press Article Venezuela – San Miguel Bridge – El Universal Caracas -Vicente https:// Miguel-El-Universal

541) Booklet Basque Classes El Alsina 1941 Dakar - Ametzaga Tar Bingen -
542) Little Book of Euskera Poems El Alsina Dakar 1941 Written On The Ship El Alsina -
543) Complete Works Vicente Amezaga Donated Library General Archive of the Nation - Made by
its compiler Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren Biblioteca-

544) Complete Works Vicente Amezaga In Donation National Library of Venezuela

Made by its compiler Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren
545) Complete Works Vicente Amezaga Donation National Academy of History
Venezuela - Summary And Index Of The Donation Made By Its Compiler Xabier Iñaki
Threat Iribarren Academia-
546) Complete Works Vicente Amezaga Donation John Boulton Foundation - Venezuela -
Summary and Index of the Donation Made by Its Compiler Xabier Iñaki Amezaga
547) Donation Complete Works Vicente Amezaga Compiled In 9 Volumes -
548) Complete Works Vicente Amezaga to the Simon Bolivar University - Venezuela -
Summary and Index of the Donation Made by Its Compiler Xabier Iñaki Amezaga

Compilation Edition, and Publication: Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

549) Vicente Amezaga Repository - Complete Works and References -

Compilation and Edition Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren 550) Men
of the Basque Diaspora in the 20th Century in America - An Extra Ordinary Generation
Author Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren
551) Works and Facts - Vicente Amezaga - Chronology of 66 Pages Vicente-
552) References and Comments from Third Parties to Vicente Amezaga, as an Author, as a
Person and as a Father Vicente-
553) To Bolivar - Poem By Vicente Amezaga Aresti - It Was A Dream Of The Earth, Of The Land
Of Grace; Of the One Whose Generous Involves All Virtue Encloses and That The Vital...
554) Inauguration Plaza Vicente Amezaga – Author Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren Iñaki-
555) Index of Authors and Characters Cited by Vicente Amezaga in His Writings (700) - Vicente-
556) Two Men and a People We Have Attended These Days To Various Acts Of Those
Organized In Honor Of Two Illustrious Sons Of The Country: The Master Vaz Ferreira, And The
Writer Montero Bustam... – Vicente Amezaga - https://
www.scribd .com/Doc/246624375/Two-Men
557) Inventories Of Books That Vicente Amézaga Analyzes Next In His Interesting And Well-
Worked Study: Such Books Rested In Warehouses.-
558) A Chronology Of 32 Pages - List Of Facts In Chronological Order In The Life Of Vicente Amezaga
Aresti - Written By His Son Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iri...
199630407/Una-Cronologia -Of-32-Pages
559) (Paper Back Version) - The Basque Man - Vicente Amezaga - Volume 1 - Complete Works Vasco-
560) Children of War 1937-Vicente De Amezaga Aresti, General Director of Primary Education, of
the Basque Government .. https://

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

561) Venezuela Journalistic Articles -The Books Of Colonial Caracas The Book, That Precious
Legacy That The Generations That Were Leave To The... Caracas-
562) Venezuela Journalistic Articles Bibliographic Information Mario's Book https:// Briceno-Perozo-
563) Venezuela Press Articles Venezuela Index 1. Dialogues of Absence and Presence 2.
Begoña de Naguanagua 3. Youth Problem 4... Amezaga-
564) Vicente Amezaga Aresti Complete Works Journalistic Articles. (110) Total Index
565) Press articles in three countries by Vicente Amezaga... Distintos-
566) Articles Periodisticos Venezuela Cocoa Exportation During the Guipuzcoan Company
When, in the Agreement of 25 de Se... Cacao-
567) Journalistic Articles Venezuela Publications Of The Cuatricentknario Of Caracas In No. 182 Of
This National Magazine Of... Caracas-
568) Vicente Amezaga Aresti-Total Published and Unpublished Works - Presented At
Correlative Order
569) Vicente Amezaga Aresti - Venezuela Magazines - On Venezuelan Surnames More Or Less
Until The Fourteenth Century Surnames In Spain Were Formed By E... https:// Magazines-Venezuela About-
570) The Basques In The Foundation Of Caracas A Brand That Our Compatriots Established
In The Silver Region —Which Was Called L... Vascos-En-
571) The Basques in the Venezuelan 18th Century Etymologies of Basque Surnames with Files
Extracted from the General Archive of the Nation...

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

572) Vicente Amezaga Aresti - Magazines Venezuela - The Renaissance: Don Carlos, Prince of
Viana (1421-1461) In the Passage From the Middle Ages to Modern...
573) Vicente Amezaga Aresti - -Revistas Venezuela - Mario Briceño Perozo Bibliographic
Information Mario Briceño Perozo: "Magist... Mario-
574) Complete Works "I am the Bidasoa. "The Bad Man of Itzea" As Some Called Him, The One
Who, According To Many, Was So Sullen, Always Had P... Am-El-
575) Complete Works Aberri Eguna. "This is the day that the Lord has made: let us rejoice and
be glad in it. All the days the Lord has made who is the maker of... Aberri-
576) Bio Biographical Review Vicente De Amezaga Aresti – 1901 - 1969 July 4. - Born in Algorta,
Bizkaia. Son of Pedro Amezaga
577) Vicente-Amezaga-Relation-as-Author-Year-Publication1993
578) List Of Written Works By Vicente Ametzaga Arest I As Author Classified By: Document Type *
Book (14) * Magazine Article...
579) Vicente Amezaga Aresti Poetry List Of Written Works By Vicente Ametzaga Aresti As Author
Classified By: Basque Themes... Temas-
580) Vicente Amezaga Aresti Poetry List Of Written Works By Vicente Ametzaga Aresti As Author
Classified By: Spanish Language... Author Subject-
581) Vicente Amezaga Aresti Poetry List Of Written Works By Vicente Ametzaga Aresti As Author
Classified By: XVIII Century Venezuela. Siglo- XVIII-
582)Vicente Amezaga Aresti - List As Author - Series The Culture Of Basque Exile List Of Written
Works By Vicente Ametzaga Aresti As A...
113611318/Vicente-Amezaga-Aresti-List -As-Author Series- The-Culture-Of-Basque-Exile

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

583) Vicente Amezaga Aresti - List As Author- Gutun-Sorta Series List Of Written Works By Vicente
Ametzaga Aresti As Author Classify... Serie-
584) Vicente Amezaga Aresti - Relationship As Author - Bila Series.
Vicente Amezaga Aresti - List As Author - Bila Series List Of Written Works By . Serie- Bila

585) Vicente Amezaga Aresti Poetry List Of Written Works By Vicente Ametzaga Aresti As Author
Classified By: Bidegilea Series... Seria-
586) Vicente Amezaga Aresti - Relationship As Author- Basque Sayings and Proverbs Relationship
Of Written Works By Vicente Ametzaga Aresti As A... Refranes-y-
587) Vicente Amezaga Aresti - List As Author- Publication Magazines List Of Written Works By
Vicente Ametzaga Aresti As Author Cla... Publicacion-
588) Vicente Amezaga Aresti - List As Author - Published Works List Of Written Works By Vicente
Ametzaga Aresti As Author Classifi...
589) Vicente Amezaga Aresti - List As Author - Miscellaneous List Of Written Works By Vicente
Ametzaga Aresti As Author Classify...
doc/113611125/Vicente-Amezaga-Aresti-List-As-Author miscellaneous

590) Vicente Amezaga Aresti - List As Author - Manuscripts List Of Written Works Of Vicente
Ametzaga Aresti As Author Classify...
doc/113545859/Vicente-Amezaga-Aresti-List-As-Author manuscripts

591) Vicente Amezaga Aresti - List As Author - Place Venezuela List Of Works Lugar-
600) Vicente Amezaga Aresti - List As Author - Place Euskadi List Of Written Works By Vicente
Ametzaga Aresti As Author Classify...
doc/113545795/Vicente-Amezaga-Aresti-List-As- Author Place- Euskadi

601) Vicente Amezaga Aresti - Relationship As Author - Jiménez, Juan Ramón - Author
Referred List of Written Works of Vicente Ametzaga Aresti C...

Compilation Edition, and Publication: Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti Jimenez-Juan-
602) Vicente Amezaga Aresti - List As Author- Basque Language List Of Works
written By Vicente Ametzaga Aresti As Author Classify... Language-
604) Vicente Amezaga Aresti - List As Author - History List Of Written Works By Vicente Ametzaga
Aresti As Author Classified P... History

605) Vicente Amezaga Aresti - List As Author - Cuatricentennial Editions Of Caracas List Of Written
Works By Vicente Ametz... Ediciones-
606) Vicente Amezaga Aresti -Relation As Author - Correspondence List Of Written Works Of Vicente
Ametzaga Aresti As Author Classifi...
doc/113545525/Vicente-Amezaga-Aresti-Relation-As-Author Correspondence

607) Vicente Amezaga Arest - Relation As Author - Venezuelan Historical-Economic Collection Collection-
608) Vicente Amezaga Aresti - List As Author - Cicero, Marco Tulio - Referred Author List Of Written
Works By Vicente Ametzaga Aresti C...
doc/113545413/Vicente-Amezaga-Aresti-List -as-Author Cicero-Marco-Tulio-Referred-Author

609) Vicente Amezaga Aresti - List As Author - Basque Culture Library List Of Written Works By
Vicente Ametzaga Aresti As A... Biblioteca-de-
610) Vicente-Amezaga-References-to-Other-Publications
611) Vicente Amezaga Aresti Poesias Lurmina Johann Wolfgang Von Goetheren «Mignon: Kennst
Du Das Land?» Oinarri Hartuta Ezaguna Al Duzu, Sagartze-L...

612) Vicente Amezaga Aresti Complete Works - Poems Gaztetasunak Banerabila

«Gaztetasunak Banerabila» Lez Abesten Da. Alaitasuna Sartu Ezin D... Banerabila

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

613) Vicente-Amezaga-Published-Works-Jesus-Munoz-Tebar Tebar

614) William Shakespeare Hamlet Danemark'eko Erregegaia. Ametzaga Aresti Tar Bingen'ek
Euskeratua. Mendiola' Ter yoseba, Montevideo'ko "...
doc/113405012/Vicente-Amezaga-Obras-Traduccion-Hamlet Danemarkeko-Erregegaia?
615) Vicente-Amezaga-Works-Translations
616) Vicente-Amezaga-Works-Translation-Of-Literary-Works-Into-Basque
617) List of Press Articles written during the Uruguay Basque Week -Nov- 1943
618) Vicente-Amezaga-Works-As-Author
619) Vicente-Amezaga-Unpublished-Problems-In-The-Translation-Into-Basque Traduccion-
620) Vicente-Amezaga-Inedito-Prayer-To-San-Miguel
621) Vicente Amezaga Aresti - Unpublished - Lazaro Lazaro The Afternoon Calms Meekly Over The
Village of Bethania Doné?, In that Orchard of Your House, Flowered With Nar...
622) Vicente Amezaga Aresti - Unpublished - Guillermo Humboldt Guillermo Humboldt Almost For
The Same Years In Which Alejandro Humboldt, Illustrious
623) Vicente-Amezaga-Sketches-Biographical Index
624) Vicente Amezaga Aresti - Basque Studies Congress Faced with the Brevity and Fragility of Life;
Facing the Series of Calamities and Disasters of All Kinds and... https:// Vascos

625) Cycle of Lectures (92 in total) By Dr. Vicente Amezaga Aresti Cycle of Lectures (all) By Dr.
Vicente Amezaga Aresti Ord...

Compilation Edition, and Publication: Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

Chronological- R
626) Vicente-Amezaga-Classes-On-Basque-Culture- Lectures
627) Vicente-Amezaga-Aresti-Blog-Who-Carries-His-Name-With-His-Life-and-Work-Created-By-His-Son-
Vicente Amezaga Aresti Background: His Life and Work: 1901. July 4 Born in Algorta, Vizcaya.
Son of Pedro Amezaga Abaroa and Maria Aresti Sustatxa. d... Nombre-
Con-His-Vida-y-Obra-Creado-Por-His-Hijo-Xabier-Amezaga -Iribarren
628) Biography in Basque 1901-1918 Bingen Ametzaga Aresti 1901eko Uztailaren Lehenean
Jaio Zen Al-Gortako Bas Agoiti Etorbideko ¡turrieta Etxean; z... Amezaga

629) Vicente-Amezaga-Complete-Press-Articles
639) Vicente-Amezaga-Articles-Press-Different-Countries Paises

640) Vicente-Amezaga-Publishers-That-Published-His-Work Work

641) Uruguay Press Articles - Index of Articles - Author Vicente Amezaga Aresti Uruguay -
Index. 1. The Basque Town Ventilates 2. On the Champs Elysees 3. I... https:// Autor- Vicente-
642) Uruguay Press Articles The Basque People Ventilate - Author Vicente Amezaga Aresti The
Basque People Ventilate A Matter Of Life Or Death Long... Ventila-
643) Uruguay Press Articles - Basque Character - Author Vicente Amezaga Aresti Something About
The Basque Character Due to a Kind Note Appeared... https:// Vicente-Amezaga-
644) Uruguay Press Articles - Alboras - Author Vicente Amezaga Aresti "ALBORAS" and
"ALBOKARIS" Much More Restricted and Less Characteristic Than The "txist... Uruguay-Alboras-Author-Vicente Amezaga-
645) Uruguay Press Articles - Goodbye To Uruguay - Author Vicente Amezaga Aresti Goodbye To
Uruguay After A Few Months Of Absence What I Thought...

Compilation Edition, and Publication: Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti Author-
646) Press Articles Basque Language and Literature - Euskera and Homeland - Author
Vicente Amezaga Aresti Euskera and Homeland The First Among Our Characteristics P... Euskera-y-
647) Press Articles Basque Language and Literature - About the Basque Language - Author Vicente
Amezaga Aresti About the Basque Language Edozein Lorek Bere Usaia; Txori B... Sobre-la-
648) Articles Press Basque Language and Literature -The Dialogue Of The Language - Author Vicente
Amezaga Aresti The "DIALOGUE Of The Language" The Generous Cry Of E... Dialogo-de-
649) Articles Press Uruguay Basque Language - Euskera Day - Author Vicente Amezaga
Aresti Vasca- Dia-

651) A Tree and a Name Are New Testimony of Guernica "Few things are sadder, Gentlemen, among
the spectacles of nature than that of... son-nuevos-
652) The Memory of Gernika Today, April 26, marks the ninth anniversary of the destruction, by German
aviation, of the Holy City of Los Vas... GERNIKA-
653) Uruguay Press Articles - Gernika Index - Author Vicente Amezaga Aresti In The Memory Of
Gernika. 9th Anniversary The Colony Oak. Lampoon A Tree... Vicente-
654) Guernica In The 17th Anniversary A New Anniversary Of The Destruction Of Guernica And Its
Memory Comes Back To Us Once More; Remember...
doc/113152126/Articulos-Prensa -Uruguay-Gernika-17-
655) Guernica On The 15th Anniversary The Well-Known English Writer Vernon Bartlett Has Just
Toured Spain. And In One Of The Articles That On This Occasion...
Anniversary- Author-Vicente-Amezaga-Aresti
656) Guernica On The 13th Anniversary In June 1808, Napoleon I had a meeting in Bayonne
To The Constituent Assembly That, At Its Imperial Dictation, Was To...

Compilation Edition, and Publication: Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

Anniversary- Author-Vicente-Amezaga-Aresti
657) On the tenth anniversary of the destruction of Guernika, hardly any nation can present a record
similar to that of our homeland...
113152014/Articulos-Prensa-Uruguay-Gernika-10- Anniversary
658) The Work of Vicente Amezaga Aresti-by Pedro Grases.
The Work Of Vicente Amezaga Aresti-By Pedro Grases Grases

659) Venezuela Press Articles - Guipuzcoan Company Men - By Vicente Amezaga

Aresti Guipuzcoana-
660) Euskadi The Homeland Of The Basques - By Vicente De Amezaga Aresti Amezaga-
670) Euskera The Basque Language - By Vicente De Amezaga Aresti Amezaga-
671) In Defense of the Basque Language - By Vicente De Amezaga Aresti Amezaga-
672) Testimony before the Tree of Gernika - By Vicente De Amezaga Aresti de-Amezaga-
673) The Oak of Gernika - By Vicente De Amezaga Aresti Aresti

674) A grandson of the tree of Gernika planted in Montevideo Uruguay - Vicente Amezaga
Aresti Montevideo-
675) Foundation of the Royal Guipuzcoan Company.
Foundation of the Royal Company Guipuzcoan Company -Vicente Amezaga Aresti Guipuzcoana-

676) Biographical-Reviews-Simon Bolivar - Vicente Amezaga Aresti Amezaga-

Compilation Edition, and Publication: Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

677) Third-Party-References About The Work Of Vicente Amezaga Aresti - Author Xabier
Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren Vicente-
678) Biographical Reviews By Vicente De Ametzaga Aresti - Presented In Complete Form And
Classified In 38 Titles Aresti?
679) Poems By Vicente De Ametzaga Aresti - (all) Published With Their General Index
Chronological publicadas-con-
680) Press Articles - Author Vicente Amezaga Aresti - Chronological and Alphabetical Index With The
Total Compilation Of The Same - Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarr... Recopilacion-
681) Vicente Amezaga Aresti Works Repository – with the option of Downpoad one by one con-Opcion-de-
682) Vicente Amezaga-Obituary Note
Vicente-Amezaga-Oituary note

Compilation Edition, and Publication: Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren

Machine Translated by Google

Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

Titles of works/Press Articles/Conferences/Unpublished Original-Translations -

without Content- only title –Name of the Newspaper or Publisher- Date and Place (53)

This material has been rescued – for inclusion in the General Index of Works 05-2016

683) Embeita Tar Kepa (GB) Euzko Deya Buenos Aires 03-01-1943 (elegy)

684) Patron in billa Magazine Zeruko Argia June 15, 1962 San Sebastian Article on the
need for basque philanthropists

685) Dazlearen Lankaiak Eusko Deya from Mexico July 1955

686) Article by El Plata Press - Freedom and Hope - Montevideo 11-15-1954

687) Translation from English to Basque My Heart leaps Up when I behold Euzko Deya Buenos
Aires 04-20-1944

688) Translation from Spanish to Basque - The letter from Jamaica - published in Revista de la
Bolivarian Society Caracas N 89 Vol XXV 12-17-1966

689) The Invasion of Europe Euzko Deya Buenso Aires 06-10-1944

690) Press Article - The Liberation of Guernika - El Plata Montevideo 05-26 1947

691) Press article - Embeita the bersolari - The morning Buenso Aires 10-16-1943
review of the Teatro Alvear Conference 10-15-1943

692) Press article - Sabino de Arana Goiri - El Plata Montevideo 11-25-1946

693) Magazine Article- Mario Briceño Perozo- Teaching and example of a Basque of the Century
XVIII Magazine of the Bolivarian Society Caracas T 86 Pag 213 Bibliographic Inf 1965

694) Press article Reverend Father Ducatillon Euzkal Erria Monevideo 1954

695) Press Article - Orixe -Eusko Deya Buenos Aires 11-1953

696) Lavigerie Press Article Men of Freedom Eusko Deya Caracas 01-10-1958

697) Press Article - Farewell to Dr. Vicente Amezaga from Uruguay - El Plata
Montevideo 04-03-1956

698) Lecture - The Euzkara Language or Basque - delivered in the Assembly Hall
from the University of Montevideo reviews El Pais 04-01-1944

699) Press Article - Jose Antonio de Aguirre or Loyalty - El Universal Caracas 03-25-

700) Press article - This town of Artigas - El Plata Montevideo 12-11-1954

701) Press article - Tabare - (Uruguay and Unesco) El Plata Montevideo 11-03-1954

702) Press article - Uruguay - (Uruguay and Unesco) El Plata Montevideo 11-27-1954

703) Press Article - Jose Antonio de Aguirre The man of hope - El Universal
Caracas 21 03-1966

704) Press Article - Jose Antonio de Aguirre, pain and hope - El Universal Caracas

705) Press Article - The dialogue of the Language by Juan de Valdez - Bulletin of the Institute
American Journal of Basque Studies Vol IN 3 October-December 1950 page 151

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

706) Press Article - Hymn of Hope - El Plata Montevideo 11-05-1954

707) Press article - Rights of Man - El Plata Montevideo 10-30-1954

708) Press Article - Education, Science and Culture - El Plata 12-02-1954

709) Press article - General Conference on Education - El Plata Montevideo 10-28-


710) Press article - Summary of the VIII UNESCO Conference in Uruguay - The
Silver 12-24-1954

711) Press Article - The Man from Nowhere - Euzko Deya Buenso Aires 05-03-

712) Press Article - Bolivar and the Basques - American Bulletin of the American Institute
of Basque Studies N 63 P 151 October November 1965 Buenos Aires

713) Press Article - A Gipuzkoan printer in Colonial Venezuela - El Magazine

Lantern XXXII 2,216 January-March 1966 Caracas

714) Press Article - Men of the Guipuzcoan Company - Academy Bulletin

of History P 160 T XLI N 162 April to June 1958

715) Press Article - Etymology of Basque surnames in Venezuela - Extra Magazine

Basque Center Caracas XV anniversary P 32 1957

716) Press article - Iparraguirre - Euzko Deya Caracas 11-1957

717) Press Article - Words of defense Language and Nationality - El Nacional Caracas

718) Press article - Sabino de Arana Goiri - El Universal Caracas 11-26-1959

719) Press Article - The Day of the Homeland - Euzko Deya 03-30-1948

720) Press Article - Enbeita Tar kepari (GB) Euzko Deya Buenso Aires 03-01-1943

721) Press Article - Triumph of the Spirit - El Dia Montevideo 1949

722) Press Article - The Day of the Homeland - Caracas March 1958

723) Press Article - Let's sing in Basque Euzko Deya Buenso Aires 12-20--1942

724) Press Article - Christmas Song - Euzko Gastedi Caracas 12-1957

725) Press Article - Estella Txaide Orosco and Etxepare - Euzko Deya Buenso Aires 20-

726) Press Article - The song of the humble mountains - Euzko Deya Buenso Aires

727) Press Article - The Tree of Guernica - Euzko Deya Buenso Aires 09-20-1944
(Conference delivered in Colonia Uruguay 09-10-1944

728) Press Article - Prayer to San Miguel - Revsita XX Anniversary Centro Vasco
Caracas 1962

729) Press article - Before the VII Congress of Basque Studies - Euzko Deya Buenso
Aires 08-30-1948

730) Press Article - The Solar Houses - Euzko Deya Buenos Aires - 12-1948

731) Press Article - Basque Houses - El Dia Montevideo 10-1948

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

732) Press article - Bidasoa - Euzko Deya 01-11-1948

733) Press article - There in our lands - El Plata Montevideo 12-25-1946
734) Press article - Contemplation - Euzko Deya Buenso Aires 07-10-1945
735) Press Article - Triumph of the Spirit - El Dia Montevideo 1949

Compilation Edition, and Publication: Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren

Machine Translated by Google

Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti


In fact, the Translation (SHAKESPEARE, William: Uda gau bateko ametsa) found (07-2015) was in one of
those Publishers in Euskadi.....

BAROJA, Pío: Mari Beltza [8]. Argitaratu gabea - Unpublished.

BAROJA, Pío: Angelus [9]. Argitaratu gabea - Unpublished.

BAROJA, Pío: Mari Beltza [8]. Argitaratu gabea - Unpublished.

AGIRRE, Sunday: Zer Pakea! Argitaratu gabea - Unpublished.

ALIGHIERI, Dante: Infernua. Argitaratu gabea - Unpublished.

SALGARI, Emilio: Bukaneru zaharra. Argitaratu gabea - Unpublished.

SALGARI, Emilio: Argi Mendia. Argitaratu gabea - Unpublished.

ZIZERON, Marco Tulio: Zahartzaroa. Argitaratu gabea - Unpublished.

Herrikoia: The Tower of Alos. Argitaratu gabea - Unpublished.

LOPEZ MENDIZABAL, Ixaka, Xabiertxo. Argitaratu gabea - Unpublished,

ORIXE, Nikolas Ormaetxea: The Basques. Argitaratu gabea - Unpublished.

SHAKESPEARE, William: Uda gau bateko ametsa. Argitaratu gabea - Unpublished. (NOTE IT

SHAKESPEARE, William: Juli Kaisar. Argitaratu gabea - Unpublished.

SHAKESPEARE, William: Macbeth. Argitaratu gabea - Unpublished.

STEVENSON, Robert Louis: Treasure island

Turgenev, Ivan: Errusiako mintzoa

RACINE, Jean: Athalie antzerkiko zati bat.

SKYLE: Agamemnon


BELLAY, Joachim du: Herrimina eta Urrundik (Heureux qui, comme Ulysse, a fait un beau
voyage poemaren bi moldaketa)

Compilation Edition, and Publication: Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren

Machine Translated by Google

Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

DAUDET, Alphonse: Gaucher aita agurgarriaren elixirra

RACINE, Jean: Athalie antzerkiko zati bat.

Compilation Edition, and Publication: Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren

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Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

Vicente Amezaga in figures

1 Press Articles (110) in three Countries

2 Biographical Reviews 38

3 Conferences 91 in 3 countries

4 Poems in Basque 67

5 personal poems in Spanish 39

6 Translations (74) from source 6 languages

7 Books By Vicente Amezaga Aresti As Author 13







(Note Xabier Irujo found one in a publishing house in Euskadi)





Compilation Edition, and Publication Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren

Compilation Edition, and Publication: Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren

Machine Translated by Google

Biography, References and Works of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

Vicente Amezaga as a man- details of his life, Countries where he lived

Algorta (Getxo Biskaia - Euskadi) 07.04.1901 _ Caracas, 02.04.1969

Lawyer, Historian, Lecturer, Poet, Writer, Translator, Press Writer (3 Countries), Politician
and Professor.

He performed in four countries: Euskadi, Argentina, Uruguay and Venezuela

Countries where he lived- and his legacy

Compilation, Edition and Publication - Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren
Vicente Amezaga Repository

Compilation Edition, and Publication: Xabier Iñaki Amezaga Iribarren

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