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Disaster or Blessing ?

Li, Yuting
SoSe 2020, Seminar „Zeichnen der Systeme“
In 2020, the coronavirus
has changed everyone‘s
life, but also changed
the climate and nature.

This foldout will show

you how the virus chan-
ges our life, nature, and
the climate.
What has happened Around us, when the corona virus
comes ...
The streets of many Metropolis are empty for the first
time, and people are forced to stay at home...
Our lifestyles have also changed a lot...


Homeoffice ...
The above is the change to
human beings, but What ab-
out the influence on climate
and nature ?
There was a very rapid effect in China.
The region around the metropolis of
Wuhan was quarantined after the first
outbreak of Covid-19 in January, and af-
ter about 3 Week ist the air much more

AND cars produce nitrogen dioxide. The

global levels of this pollutant have hit
a record low, according to the Centre
for Research on Energy and Clean Air.

Less coal burning in China in Fe-
bruary alone has already avoi-
ded the equivalent of the annual
emissions of a small European
country. And the air quality in
major cities from WUHANi to Bei-
jing and SHANGHAI is cleaner than
at any time in recent memory.

Carbon dioxide emissions has also changed a lot in China...

source: hr-Fernsehen/ Wirkt sich das Coronavirus auf unser Weltklima..

India‘s capital New Delhi is one of
the world‘s most polluted cities,
but its skies have turned blue and
many people can see the Himalaya
Mountains for the first time.

quelle: zdf.de/nachrichten/Video/umwelt-corona-klima-vorher-nachher
When India shut down, suspen-
dED all transport to contain the
spread of coronavirus, the skies
over its polluted cities quickly
turned an azure blue, and the air,
unusually fresh.

source: zdf.de/nachrichten/Video/umwelt-corona-klima-vorher-nachher
The crowds of tourists who
normally swarm the Venice ca-
nals are gone and the number
of motorboats vastly reduced.
Venice canals are now clear
enough to see fish

source: zdf.de/nachrichten/Video/umwelt-corona-klima-vorher-nachher
France's lockdown has taken countless
cars and delivery trucks off the roads
since coming into effect on March 17,
The Airparif report said that just two
days after the self-confinement began,
it registered a 20 to 30 percent impro-
vement in air quality in the Paris met-
ropolis, after nitrogen oxide emissions
dropped by more than 60 percent

source: Leslie Hook and Aleksandra Wisniewska in London RTÉ News

Coronavirus Caused incon-
venience to human life, but
on the contrary, it brought
great convenience and bene-
fits to wild animals...
some animals enjoy the city
during the lock-down. For
example In Adelaide (South
Australia) was a kangaroo
hopping down streets emptied
by coronavirus restrictions.

source: RTÉ News

Thailand is seeing a record
number of the baby leatherback
sea turtles .
compareD to the year before,
There were not this many spawn,
because turtles have a high
risk of getting killed by fishing
gear and humans disturbing of
the beach.

source: RTE news_leatherback-turtles-coronavirus

The United States has been gra-
dually imposing varying degrees
of lockdown measures across the
country. In Chicago, the Shedd
Aquarium has closed its doors to
the public until at least April 30.
In the absence of visitors, the
center's rockhopper penguins
have been allowed out to explore.

source: Author: Martin Kuebler, https://www.dw.com/en/kangaroo-ventures-into-central-adelaide-amid-coronavirus-shutdown

A new study finds that the
corona pandemic is raising
climate and environmental
awareness among the popu-
lation. And in some parts of
the world is there already
measures to be taken...

quelle: https://www.ecoreporter.de/artikel/studie-stellt-mehr-klimabewusstsein-aufgrund-corona-pandemie-fest/
The poor are not allowed to work
in virus times in Pakistan
. But now they can earn money
when they plant trees.

Prime Minister Imran Khan cal-

led to plant ten billion trees
within five years in 2018 (the 10
billion tree tsunami) to combat
rising temperatures, floods, and

Among other things, in Hesse‘s largest city
Frankfurt, the lighting of some high-rise
buildings and other buildings was exhibi-
ted for an hour. Despite the Corona crisis,
around 25 cities in Hesse had announced
their participation in the “Earth Hour”
climate protection campaign. The environ-
mental organization WWF had called for it
worldwide to use it to generate attention
for climate and environmental protection.

Many environmental organizations in the world have continued to
work for many years but have not achieved significant results.

A pandemic virus has caused a significant change in the environ-

ment in just a few months because it is intimately related to
Together CAN WE make a better world!

Li, Yuting
SoSe 2020, Seminar „Zeichnen der Systeme“

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