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Fill in the chart using the questions on the assignment page for the area of civic responsibility that you have chosen.

Name: ___________________________

Responsibility Source of Data (list key statistics and information in response to My Notes/Questions
Information the questions here)
Example: Ministry of the 1. Employers must continue to pay workers when they
● Why do so many people
Attorney are on jury duty, and it is illegal to fire or punish an
Jury Duty General employee for missing work while serving on a jury. try to find a way to get
Website Large companies will continue to pay their employees “out” of jury duty?
while they are serving on a jury, but those who work ● What would happen if
URL: for small companies or who are self-employed may
https:// judges couldn’t find
be eligible for an exemption if serving on a jury will
www.ontario.c enough people to be on a
cause them financial hardship.
a/page/jury- jury?
2. While the government does not pay jurors for short
duty-ontario trials, for trials lasting 11 days or more, they are paid ● I’ve heard that Indigenous
$40/day. For trials lasting more than 50 days, they peoples have been
earn $100/day. under-represented on
3. Exemptions for jury duty can be granted to some juries in some parts of the
people who have sickness, travel plans, or other province. What steps are
hardships. being taken to address
4. Doctors, firefighters, some members of the armed this issue?
forces, and those who work in the legal system as
judges, lawyers, police officers, and corrections
officers, are not “qualified” to serve on juries.
Canada's 1. Canada is known worldwide for being a civilised
Justice society, and most Canadians are committed to Crime statistics since 2020
Obeying the System complying with the law. have dropped, and I'm not
Law https:// 2. Compared with much of the rest of the world, sure whether or not it's due
www.justice.g Canada's overall crime rate has been largely below to Covid or just that some average. The Crime Severity Index, a measure of punishments are getting
sjc/just/img/ the volume and severity of crimes, shows that harsher.
courten.pdf there has been a decline in recent years.
3. Canada has a well-established legal system that
Halton Police promotes respect for the rule of law and ensures
Services equal treatment and protection of rights for all
https://www.h 4. With new legislation in place for the protection of individuals against discrimination and ensuring
/en/about- equal opportunities, Georgia has a strong focus on
us/crime- people's rights, Social Justice and Inclusion.
stats.aspx 5. Law enforcement agencies, such as the Royal
Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and local police
forces, are generally well-regarded and trusted by
the public.
6. To improve security and reduce crime rates,
Canada has put in place a number of criminal
prevention programs and community policing
Ontario 1. Voting in elections is considered an essential civic If a college student at age 19
Voting in https:// responsibility for Canadians. votes, and misses a bit of
Elections www.election 2. Approximately 68% of eligible voters participated class, is he still penalized, or in Canada's federal elections in the year 2019. But is he let off?
voting-in- it should be pointed out that, regardless of the type
ontario/ of elections, province and territorial boundaries or
voting-in- ethnic groups, there may be differences in voter
provincial- turnout.
elections.html 3. Efforts have been made to enhance voter
accessibility and engagement. Elections Canada,
the independent agency responsible for conducting
federal elections, has implemented measures such
as advanced polling, special ballots, and outreach
programs to encourage participation.
4. However, concerns are being raised about the
diminishing number of voters in Canada,
particularly amongst young people. Initiatives, such
as educational programmes and campaigns to
increase awareness of the importance of voting are
being considered in order to tackle this issue..

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