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Law of conservation of energy

The law states tht the mass is indestructible, mass is a commodity that can be neither be created nor
destroy, with the exception of nuclear process where the conversion of mass into energy is a
fundamental principle.

Scientists define energy as the ability to do work.  Or the capacity to do work. it possesses at least
one form of energy that is available for transformation to another form of energy.

Form of energy

Thermal energy/Heat energy - is the result of the movement of tiny particles called atoms, molecules or
ions in solids, liquids and gases.

Chemical energy- is energy that is stored within the connections (the bonds) between tiny parts of a
substance (molecules)

Electrical energy - the energy generated by the movement of electrons from one point to another. The
movement of charged particles along/through a medium (say wire) constitute current or electricity.

Mechanical energy - is the energy possessed by an object due to its movement or position.

General types of energy

Energy can be classified as the

Potential, or stored, energy. It is the energy stored within an object or substance due to its position
arranegemnt or states.

Types of potential energy

1. gravittaional potential energy – energy in an object that is held in vertical position

GPE= Mass x Gravity x Height

2. elastic potential energy – energy stored in objects that can be stretched or compressed

Example: spring

Stored energy depends on different springs and the force you applied.
Work = Force x Displacement

Force in spring is not constant; force applied is varied

In graph

Higher the force higher the displacement

Work is equal to area under the curve. It formed triangle area= ½ base x height

W= ½ force x displacement is true if the force is constant. However in spring or elasticity is variable force,
that increases.

Hookes law

Force=constant x displacement

Kapag papalitan

Potential energy = ½ force x displacement

Or ½ spring constant x displacement^2

The difference between total potential energy and potential energy per unit of mass lies in the quantity
being measured and the way it is expressed.

Total Potential Energy: Total potential energy refers to the overall amount of potential energy possessed
by an object or a system. It is the sum of all the potential energy contributions from different sources or
components within the system. For example, in the context of gravitational potential energy, the total
potential energy of an object would be the sum of its gravitational potential energy at different heights
or positions.

Potential Energy per Unit of Mass: Potential energy per unit of mass, also known as specific potential
energy, is the amount of potential energy possessed by a given mass of an object or substance. It
represents the potential energy per unit mass and is often used to compare the potential energy content
of different materials or substances. It provides a measure of how much potential energy is associated
with each unit mass of the material. For example, in the context of elastic potential energy, the potential
energy per unit mass would be the elastic potential energy of a spring divided by its mass.
To summarize, total potential energy refers to the overall potential energy of an object or system, while
potential energy per unit of mass represents the potential energy content per unit mass and allows for
comparison between different materials or substances.

Kinetic, or working, energy.- it is an energy in motion or energy of mass in motion.

Depend in mass and speed achieved.

Foor mula in kinetic energy

KE= ½ mv^2

Kinematic energy energy

V^2 = v0^2 + 2ad


a = (v^2 -v0^2)/2d

work = Force x distance

= mad

= m(v^2/2d)(d)

Types of kinetic energy

Rotational kinetic energy – energy possesed by a body which is moving in circles

Translational kinetic energy- energy possesed by an object moving from one point into another, or
objects moving on a straight line.

Vibrational kinetic energy

Good afternoon everyone we the group 3 we are going to discuss about
the energy, work and heat.
Let’s discuss yung energy. When we say energy is the capacity or ability
to do work. Kaya nga kapag walang energy walang work. Example nito
kapag gutom tayo wala tayong energy to perform any task pero kapag
nakakain na tayo may energy na tayo para ma accomplish yung isang
task. Energy is a scalar quantity because walang specific na direction
yung energy. Kung aalahanin natin yun first law of thermo dynamics
which is The law of conservation of energy, the law state that energy
cannot be created or destroyed, although it can be changed from one
form to another. Example neto yung pendelum kapag iniswing yun
may potential and kinetic energy na nag sasalit salit.
Ft-lb (english)

There are several form of energy such as

and internal energy that will be discuss later.

Lets proceed to the fomr of energy. Una natin idiscuss yung potential
Potential, or stored, energy. It is the energy stored within an object or
substance due to its position arrangement or state. It is a energy that
has a potential to do work kapag magbago yung position, arrangement
or state. Kapag nagbago yung position may dalawang paraan diyan at
yun ang sa types of potential energy.
Unahin natin yung gravitational potential energy. It defined as the enrgy
possesses on a body by virtue of of its elevation. It held in vertical
position due to its force of gravity working to pull it down. Halimbawa
nito kapag naghagis tayo ng object above the surface, magkakaron ng
stored energy yung object due to height or the elevation kapag
bumagsak yung energy ma rereleased due to gravitational force.
Kaya yung formula natin gravitational potential energy is equal to mass
times gravity times height or the elevation.

The next type is the elastic potential energy.

It is a Energy is stored in objects that can be stretched or compressed.
Pinaka example neto ay yung spring once na kinompress natin yung
spring dahil sa force a inexert natin syempre mag chechange yung
position ng spring, once na binitawan natin marerelease yung stored
energy. Kaya yung formula natin ay elestic potential energy ½ kx^2.

Next form of energy is kinetic energy

When we say kinetic energgy It is energy that possesses in a body by
virtue of its motion.
Kapag gusto natin I move or I accelerate yung bagay need natin mag
apply ng force, sa pag apply ng force we are required to do work, after
ng work has been done, the enrgy will be transferred into object tapos
mag momove na yung object at a constant speed at ayun yung energy
transferred known as kinetic energy.

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