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Video 1

• Legislation means laws

• These regulate our industry in South Africa and are laid out and managed
by our Government

• The legislation (laws) for industry are:

– The Occupational Health and Safety Act

– The Consumer Protection Act

– Smoking legislation

– The Liquor Act

– Employment Act


The Occupational Health and Safety Act

• This Act aims to provide for the H&S of persons at work.
• Monitor and maintain Health, Safety & Security
• Provide first Aid. Any establishment that has 5 or more employees must
have a fully stocked first aid kit.
• The Act also states that there must be a qualified first aider
• 20 or more employees - there must be a Health & Safety Representative.
• All appointments must be made in writing and accepted by the nominated
employee and be for a specific period.
• The OHS summary must be displayed.

Consumer Protection Act of 2008

This Act focuses on Consumer Rights, such as:

 Right to disclosure of information eg prices

 Right to fair & responsible marketing

 Right to fair value, good quality

 Right to accountability by suppliers

 Right to complain

Smoking Legislation

 Smoking in partially enclosed public areas such as covered patios,

verandas, balconies, walkways or parking areas is illegal.

 Using E-cigarettes is not allowed in all enclosed public areas.

 Smokers must be at least 10 meters away from any public building.

 No sale of cigarettes to underage kids.


Liquor Act

 The Liquor Act states that a person can not manufacture, distribute or sell
liquor unless they have a liquor license.

 It is important to note that each province has its own laws governing
liquor licensing.

 There are different types of liquor licenses depending on what kind of

establishment you have, such as Restaurant, Clubs, Sports ground, Theatre
or Hotel.

Employment Legislation (Labour Law)

This Act talks about the basic working conditions of employment such as:

a. Ordinary hours of work

b. Overtime

c. Meal intervals

d. Daily and weekly rest period

e. Leave, annual, sick maternity and family responsibility

f. Remuneration


• Product and material damage

• Lost production and trading time
• Legal costs
• Overtime/lost labour
• Investigation time
• Administration time
• Supervisor’s time
• Fines
• Loss of morale
• Bad publicity


• Storage areas to be locked at all times – no unauthorized access.
• Controlling the number of people who have access to storage areas facilitates
security and investigation should there be a security breach.
• Chemicals must be housed in storerooms as these may be dangerous
sometimes. Therefore access is denied to unauthorized personnel as a safety
• Each crew member must be trained on how to use chemicals and their hazards
• A Hazardous Chemical Coordinator (HCC) must be appointed in each restaurant.
• Chemicals must be diluted correctly.

• Chemical spills must be cleaned as per the instructions for that chemical.

• Each crew member using any item of equipment must know their
equipment 100%.

• All employees must participate in all safety training.

• Slippery floors, damaged mats and other hazards must be reported to

• First Aid training and full First Aid kits are mandatory.

• Personal Protection Equipment must be worn at the appropriate times.


• We should have fun at work, but never be reckless or

• Don’t lift objects that are too heavy – bend your knees.
• Security and safety signage must be in place and
• Safety training must happen weekly.



This sign must always be displayed when: -

Wet Floor  Drink is spilt on the floor.

 It has rained and the floors are wet.
 When mopping the floor.
This sign must be displayed when: -
“Please Mind  The floor area in the front of house is split-level.
Step”  There are steps in or around the restaurant
 Ensure that this sign is clear and visible to customers.
This sign is displayed to: -
Keys to the Safe
 Discourage any robberies and in return safe guard the team and
assets within the restaurant.

These signs are displayed:

 Above the extinguishers and should always be visible.
Fire Extinguishers  It is important to regularly check the extinguisher and ensure that the
needle does not go into the ‘red area’
 By law, the extinguisher must be serviced every 12 months by a
qualified technician. They must be serviced immediately after being
 These are used on small, localised fires e.g if a persons clothing is alight,
it will work to smother the fire by depriving it of oxygen. It is mostly
Fire Blanket
used in kitchens
 Use by throwing the blanket over the person or the fire. Wrap the
person in blanket until the fire is out.
 Ensure that a suitably trained person is available to handle burns.
• Only use a fire hose or water extinguisher on a paper or wood fire –
Fire Hose & Water never on electrical or oil fire.
Extinguisher  If there is any doubt about the course of the fire, do not use a fire
hose, rather use a powder extinguisher.
 Only activate the extinguisher when you are within ‘fighting range’ of
the fire.

 These are used on fires involving flammable liquids and gases, such as
Foam extinguisher
petrol, butane and cooking oil.
for kitchen
 These will mostly be used in the kitchen and they work to cool the
burning liquid and smother the fire and foam ‘blanket’ which prevents
it from re-igniting

This sign is located outside and inside the restaurant.

 Inside the kitchen, next to the emergency cut-off lever. This cuts off the
supply of gas to the equipment.
 It must be switched off every evening prior to departing from the
 At the area where the gas cylinders are kept, outside the restaurant.
Used to aid persons that are injured.
First Aid Box
 All team members must know where this First Aid kit is stored.
 A minimum of 5 “Accident Report Forms” [COIDA Forms] must be
present in the restaurant at all times


What to do in the event of an Accident

 What happened?
 What the injuries are?
 Where the injuries are?
 Contact your Safety Officer and the First Aid Officer and request assistance
 When instructed to do so, phone the ambulance
 See to the safety of the injured and NON-injured people
 Politely and firmly ask non-injured customers & staff to leave the area
 Only accept assistance from customers who are either doctors or nurses
 If there are movable items lying on the injured persons and they can be
safely moved, do so – if there is any risk of further danger to the injured
persons by moving anything, do not touch.

 Cover the injured persons with a blanket. DO NOT MOVE THEM.
 If the person is unconscious do not lift their head, only First Aider can make that
 Do not give alcohol to shocked or injured people. Rather give them sweet tea or
sugar water.
 Speak to injured people in calm tones and reassure them that they are being
taken care of and that help is on the way.
 If the injured person is concerned about another person, try to obtain
information that will be reassuring to them. Do not give an injured person bad
 Holding the hand of an injured person is reassuring and lets them know that
they are not alone. Someone should stay with the injured person.
 Once the emergency is over, complete the ‘Accident Report’ form. Try to provide
as much detail as possible.

Violent and Dangerous Situations

Violent situations may occur which are beyond the control of a staff member.
However the staff can have some measure of control by considering the
following guidelines:
When confronted with violent situation, the underlying philosophy is:
 Don’t Panic
 Remain Calm
 Concentrate on your breathing, if you breath slowly and steadily you will
feel calm.
 Speak slowly and in calm tones
 Move slowly, don’t make any sudden moves.


Range of violent Situations

1. Bomb Threats

2. Fire

3. Armed Robbery

4. Riots / Mass Action

5. Strike

Bomb Threats
All bomb threats must be taken seriously, do not make any attempt to determine
whether the threat is a hoax or not. The staff member who receives the bomb
threat must make a note of all the information he or she can get eg:

1. Date
2. Time
3. Voice description
4. Details of the threat should be written down and given to the police.
5. Immediately after a bomb threat is received, tell the manager so that
arrangements can be made to evacuate the premises and contact the police
or emergency services on 10111

On discovery of a fire, the main responsibility is to raise the alarm. The below steps
must be followed in case of a fire occurring in your organization.

 Keep calm, you need to think clearly. Make sure you have the following
information; where, what is burning and how big is the fire.
 Sound the fire alarm.
 If evacuation is need, make sure that the customers are told that there is a fire;
that they must evacuate the building and proceed to the assembly point; make
sure that the customers know where the assembly point is.
 Special needs customers must be assisted first.
 Switch off any electrical equipment & air-conditioning before proceeding to the
assembly area.


Fire Continued…
 If the fire is too big, leave the area immediately and make sure that nobody is left
in the area. Staff should only use the appropriate fire fighting equipment if they
are confident that they can use it safely.
 Once the alarm has been alerted, evacuate the area and proceed to the
Assembly area
 Do not wait to clear your desk/office or locker
 Walk briskly-do not run. Remove high-heeled shoes as they slow you down.
Calmly assist customers and staff who may need help.
 If there is a great deal of smoke, cover your nose & mouth with a wet towel and
crawl on hands & knees.
 If you are trapped, ensure that all the windows and doors are closed and stop the
gaps with a wet linen. Stay near the windows so that you may be seen.
 Once outside, make your way to the assembly point and await roll call &
emergency services.


• Evacuation and emergency exits must have the following:

– Clear signage and good lighting

– Wide enough for those evacuating

– Be free of clutter at all times

– Have no additional hazards



• Regardless of their job title, it is everyone's responsibility to ensure that all

the company property within the work area is secured properly.

• Be constantly alert to situations in which company property is at risk even

if it is not in your area of work.

• Do not allow unauthorized people to walk through your work area or use your
• Report lost or stolen items immediately
• If you notice suspicious people loitering outside your establishment, inform the
security immediately.
• If you notice someone loitering inside the property, politely ask if you may be of
assistance. If they do not want assistance inform your security.
• When keys go missing it is always a security risk. As soon as you notice or are
informed that keys have gone missing, inform your HOD.
• All areas under your control must be kept locked at all times. They may only be
unlocked by authorized persons and may be entered by authorized persons.
• Company property may not be left lying around when it is not needed.

What to do in the event of a robbery

• Make sure your main door is lockable from the inside.
• Make sure you do money drops through the day to minimise the amount of
money in your tills.
• Make sure the signage of your security company is clearly visible.
• Make sure all panic buttons work and have been tested.
• It is always a good idea to offer the guys from your security company or the
SAP a free coffee at any time especially when you close. This will ensure that
you have a visual deterrent and doesn’t cost much.
• Make sure you have a list of all emergency numbers next to the phone.
• Keep your front doors and windows clear of signs and posters to allow good
two-way visibility. Employees can see suspicious persons outside, and police
can see inside.


Free coffee for Cops


• Keep the outside of your business well lit at night.
• Use video camera surveillance and make it well known. Do also ensure that it is
• If you do make use of a Cash Security Company, then vary your banking routine.
Carry cash in a variety of ways - a lunch bag, iPad case, take away bag, pocket,
etc. Money bags are pretty obvious. Vary the times and routes that you use to
go to the bank.
• Be alert for "customers" who seem to be loitering or glancing around the store.
• Watch for suspicious persons outside the business - especially in parked cars. If
you see someone who is acting suspicious inside or outside, call the police or
your security company to have a look.
• Two persons should be on hand at opening and closing times.
• Before closing, one person should check the office, back rooms and toilets to
make sure no one is hiding inside


What to do DURING a robbery

• STAY CALM. Do not make any sudden movements to upset the robber.
• DON’T BE A HERO! Your life is worth more than your money!
• Follow the robber’s directions, but do not volunteer more than he asks for.
• Activate an alarm ONLY if you can do it secretly.
• Tell the robber about anything that might surprise him.
• If you have to move, tell the robber what you are doing and why. Keep
your hands where the attackers can see them.
• Tell the customers to do the same.
• Do not draw a firearm, if you have one.
• Don’t make any smart comments as this may annoy the robber.

Pay attention to the following without being obvious or making eye contact
with the attackers;

 Race, language, age, sex, height, weight, hair and eye colour, build, and


 Note anything unusual about the robber, such as scars, tattoos, strange

mannerisms or speech patterns.

 Note the type, size and colour of the weapon used.

 Do they call each other by name?

What to do DURING a robbery continued…

• If a staff member is a witness to the robbery and is able to act without being

seen or noticed, they must contact police / management immediately.

• Give the robber time to leave.

• Note the direction of the robber when he leaves

• Try to get a description of the vehicle ONLY if you can do so without putting

yourself in harm’s way.

• Once the incident is over, assist customers to get back to normal and to calm

down. Provide all the information to the Police and management.


What to do AFTER a robbery:

• CALL THE POLICE IMMEDIATELY. Even if you have already activated an alarm, you
should still call the police.
• Every single customer must be checked on to see if they are ok especially those
with children.
everything you can think of while it is still fresh in your mind, including the robber’s
speech and mannerisms.
• If there are any witnesses, ask them to remain until the police arrive. If they are
unable to stay, get the witness’ name, address, and phone number.
• Ask all the witnesses to write down their account of the robbery, including suspect
information. Do not compare notes. People observe things in different ways, so
what you might notice, another person may not and vice versa. Comparing notes
could cause memories to be skewed.

Riots / Mass Action

These situations usually occur outside the Restaurant, but the staff need to Act
Quickly to prevent rioters from getting into the restaurant.
 Get any customers & colleagues who are outside back into the building and lock
all doors.
 Place security personnel at each door, making sure that they have keys to those
 If possible, request customers and other staff members to leave the area as
inconspicuously as possible.
 If it is not possible to remove people from the area, try to keep them calm by
talking to them calmly and quietly.
 Do whatever is necessary to keep them calm & quiet
 Once the danger has passed, assist customers and colleagues to get back to
normal as quickly as possible.

o When there is a strike, inform management.

o Try and close off the affected area so that customers are not exposed to the

o Place security to serve as guards.

o Do not interact with strikers or get into altercations

o Inform the police of the situation

o Remain calm







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