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Sana’a Project Assistant - WASH

Instructions for the exam:
You will have 3 hours to complete the WASH test (37 questions).
All answers should be written in English, and only in English.
Please right down the detail of the calculation when it is needed (case study included).
Do not worry if you don’t know the exact answers to all the questions, start with the questions you
are comfortable with, and go back to the other ones after.
Good luck!


Background situation:
In the city named BLUE, fighting erupted between 2 armed groups and there was a widespread migration
of people to YELLOW governorate in Yemen. IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) have arrived into a
migrant site of YELLOW governorate, some with animals, but many without. Whole families are
moving together with 20% of the population being children under 5 years old. These people are being
moved to a new site called PURPLE, 50km away in an area with local population of 2,000 people. Your
agency, which is IOM, has been tasked to do an intervention and provide WASH facilities in the new
camp. The site is green field site with no existing facilities. There are further details about the site below.

Existing camp condition:

• Available camp area is 2 Km x 2 Km, with flat topography. This land has already been divided into
areas for future blocks- it is planned that the whole area will be used.
• Population is currently about 1,100 families; with average family size are 5 people. At the current rate of
influx, it is estimated that there will be an additional 400 families arriving per week over the next 6
months. Monthly population estimates are shown in the table below.
• Not many household water containers have been seen among possessions of incoming refugees.
• There are no water tanks in the camp and no water supply currently.
• There is a borehole 3Km from the camp with a flow rate of 25mᶾ/hr which is allowed to operate for 20
hours per day. Currently it only operates for 2 hours per day to supply water to the local community.
Water table is about 100 meters depth. Any new boreholes will take at least 3 months to complete. There
are no nearby rivers.
• There are local tractors with bowsers available for hire. The outlet of the bowser is 1 meter above the
ground level- the bowser drivers do not have pumps for off-loading water. Tractor capacity is 6,000 liters.
• In the warehouse, you have access to 15mᶾ bladder tanks which can supply 3 tap stands. Each tap stand
has 6 taps.
• Type of chlorine product available is 70% HTH.
• The borehole water has no turbidity (zero NTU). From jar tests that have been carried out, the borehole
water requires 2.5ml of 1% solution of a 20-liter container, in order to give free residual of 0.45mg/l.
• Open defecation is common practice for the population and there are reports of high levels of diarrhea.
Scabies is becoming significant.

Use Sphere standard where appropriate to answer the following questions. Data shared through 2

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test g
Bladder #
# # Host Population (ml HT
Population Water/person/day tank indiv # Indiv. / Indiv./ Indiv./
Household Ind./H population in 6 / L H
now (liters) capacit . / Tapstand Latrine bathing unit washing basin
s (HH) H (ind.) months of per
y (m3) tap
1% liter

1,100 5 2,000 7,500 59,500   15   6   14      

End End End End End End

  Now month month month month month month
1 2 3 4 5 6

Population 7,500 16,167 24,833 33,500 42,167 50,833 59,500

Daily water


Tap stands              

Actual tap

Actual taps              


Chlorine (L
of 1% in              

(Kg in              




Water supply and operation and maintenance

Q1 - What is the daily water demand for the new refugee camp including the host community (now, at 3
months, at 6 months)? (1.0 pts)
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Q2 - Is the water quantity sufficient for 3 months for the refugees? (0.5 pts)

Water storage & distribution

Q3 - What is your household water storage plan (6 months)? (0.5 pts)

Q4 – How many taps & tap stands are needed now, at the end of 3 months and at the end of 6 months? (1

Water treatment
Q5 – What is your estimated chlorine requirement for month 1 (in kg of granular product)? (2.5 pts)

Excreta disposal & bathing

Q6 – How many latrines are required now and at the end of 6 months? (1 pts)

Q7 – How many bathing units and clothes washing units would be needed now and at the end of 6
months? (1.0 pts)


Q8 – What does the following formula display :
"=SUM(A2:A5,B2:B5,AVERAGE(A2:A5),MAX(B2:B5))"? (0.5 pts)

a. 25,000 c. 30,000
b. 27,500 d. I don’t know

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Q9 – What does the following formula display: "=VLOOKUP(A15,A2:C6,3,0)"? (1 pts)

a. 35 d. 6
b. 12 e. 10
c. 5

Q10 – A company A is looking into four potential projects and will accept them if the IRR is 10% or
above, as shown in cell E2. What is the formula used in cell C2, which can be copied down to cell C3
through C5, to generate the results shown below? (0.5 pts)

a. =IF(B2≥E2, "Accept", "Reject") c. =IF(B2≥E$2, "Accept", "Reject")

b. =IF(B2≥$E2, "Accept", "Reject") d. =IF(B2≥$E$2, "Accept", "Reject")

Q11 – Assuming cell A1 is displaying the number " 12000.7789". What formula should be used to round
this number to the closest integer? (0.5 pts)
a. =MROUND(A1,100) c. =ROUND(A1,0)
b. =MROUND(A1,10) d. =ROUND(A1,1)


Q12 – Describe what a Gantt Chart is used for in project management. (1 pts)

Q13 – Name 5 key phases of a project life cycle. (1 pts)

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Q14 – Divide the elements of a logical framework presented below into: Overall project objective /
Outcome / 2 Outputs / 4 Activities (2.5 pts)

 Safe water is provided in sufficient quantity through connection to urban water network, repair or
construction of new water points;
 Training of 10 operators and technicians of all gender for operation and maintenance of water
supply facilities in priority targeted locations considering population mobility in those sites and
could be extended to other areas based on needs assessed along the project;
 Sanitation facilities are built or rehabilitated and maintained and solid waste are disposed
 Provision of hand washing facilities to support hygiene practices at latrine facilities;
 IDPs have improved and sustained access to safe water and safe sanitation facilities in the coming
six months;
 To increase and sustain access to essential safe water and sanitation services, and contribute to
improve hygiene practices for fleeing IDPs coming from BLUE town due to recent fighting;
 Provision of safe water to 40,000 direct vulnerable IDPs through direct connection of the
temporary storages to urban water network or motorized boreholes and hand pumps;
 Operation and maintenance of sanitation facilities is implemented by male and female members
of the community and service providers.


Q15 – How do you monitor your team's activities? (0.5 pts)

Q16 – Two people on your team refuse to work together, what do you do? (1 pt.)

Q17 – Mention two main activities of the WASH Cluster? (1 pt.)


Q18 – Give an example of Water-borne, water-washed, water-based and water-related insect vector
disease. (0.5 pts)

Q19 – What is the maximum theoretical depth a surface motor pump can suck-up ? (0.5 pts)

Q20 – What are coagulants/flocculants used for and why? (0.5 pts)

Q21 – Explain briefly a simple technique of disinfecting a well? (1.5 pts))

Q22 – Could you describe a situation where we might use lay flat hose for water distribution? What are
the disadvantages of these pipes? (1.0 pts)

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Q23 – What is the recommended flow at each tap/distribution point in emergency situation? What is the
reason for it? (2.0 pts)

Q24 – A reservoir needs to supply water by gravity to a tap stand consisting of 6 taps further down the
a) What is the maximum pressure at the bottom of the system when all taps are closed, and can your
pipe withstand the pressure?
b) What is the flow when all taps are open at the same time?
c) What is the total head loss including 15% local head losses? (2.0 pts).

1. Reservoir A. Available PE pipe: PN 6

2. Highest water level at reservoir B. Inner diameter for PE pipe PN 6: 50mm
3. Outlet of the reservoir C. Head loss in taps of available tap stand (6
4. Pipeline is 1.6m at ideal flow of o.225l/s per
5. Topography of the area
6. Tapstand

Q25 – List 4 most common emergency water tanks and their use? (1.0 pts)


Q26 – What process would you use in emergency situation to reduce/remove the pathogens in the water?
(1 pts)

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Q27 – When would you consider using controlled bucket chlorination and why? (1 pts)

Q28 – What is the minimum contact time required to achieve an FRC (free residual chlorine) of 0.4 –
1.0mg/l if your PH is >8 ? (1 pts)


Q29 – When would you consider using trench latrines and why? (0.5 pts)

Q30 – What basic equipment would you install for the treatment and disposal of wastewater coming from
showers and kitchens in an emergency situation? (1 pts)

Q31 – What are the functioning principals of a Septic tank? (1pts)

Q32 – Explain what the difference between a simple pit latrine and a VIP latrine in terms of construction
and use is. Please detail on what principle the VIP latrine works, and its advantages. Why are they named
dry latrines? (2.0 pts)

Q33 – Why is it important to carry out a soil stability and permeability test before the construction of pit
latrines? (1.5 pts)

Q34 – What are the maintenance procedures for a grease trap? (1.0 pts)


Q35 – Name 5 diseases spread by the faecal-oral route. (0.5 pts)

Q36 – Give an example of implementation of a community-based approach in WASH response? (0.5 pts)

Q37 – Define what are primary barriers and secondary barriers in the transmission of disease and give 2
examples each. (2 pts)

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