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The New Kogi State

Under His Excellency,

Gov. Yahaya Bello
hose who were familiar with Kogi State Not only that, even in the face of harsh economic
before the coming of His Excellency, Ya- realities, Governor Bello has approved the National
haya Bello always describe the state with Minimum Wage Scale for Kogi civil servants and
just two indices - underdevelopment and has received tremendous commendations from the
insecurity. If you had been to Kogi before 2015, it workforce.
was easy to see that the state was at the lowest ebb
of all developmental indices and also a haven for In order to speedily realise the Kogi of everyone’s
virtually all criminal activities. dream, he set some indelible and monumental tar-
gets for the state, revamping all sectors - Education,
In view of the fact that Kogi, like many informed Health, Agriculture, Education, Security, Economy,
Nigerians would say, is a microcosm of Nigeria, Infrastructure, Welfare, Empowerment and Rural
also saddled with all the challenges facing the na- Development, among others.
tion, it is in order to commend the efforts of previ-
ous administrations, who did what they could but The New Direction team of the Governor Ya-
were not able to change the narrative. haya Bello-led administration delved into diverse
spheres of human endeavours, toiling day and
In the Confluence State, nature provided every- night to ensure that no stone was left unturned in
thing the state needed for its socio-economic up- a bid to reposition Kogi State.
liftment and infrastructural development but the
political will to harness these opportunities was Within his over six years in office, GYB has es-
largely lacking. tablished projects which are audible to the deaf
and visible to the blind. He will no doubt be
On assumption of office, Governor Bello came leaving indelible marks in the sands of time.
with a different style of governance. He assembled As Nigeria continues to battle with grow-
eggheads with unmatched competency, irrespec- ing insecurity, Governor Bello has succeed-
tive of tribe and religion. His first term was turbu- ed in making Kogi State relatively the safest
lent, marred with unprecedented litigations and a state in the country through a solid security
lingering political war, which broke out immedi- architecture.
ately he was sworn in. However, as a successful
transformational leader, the governor motivated In the past six years, the Yahaya Bello ad-
and inspired government officials, pointing out to ministration invested heavily in the health
them how drastic changes would benefit the state. sector by building, renovating, upgrading,
equipping hospitals and health care centers
He actually put out the blueprint before the tran- across the three Senatorial districts of the
sition started. As an efficient leader, he carefully state.
assessed the situation, using his administration’s The building of the State Civic Center for state
blueprint as a compass in addressing the needs of The building of the World-Class, 300-bed Central functions and other ceremonial activities also puts
every community in the state, considering alterna- Reference Hospital, located in Okene will no doubt the state on a par with other big cities of the coun-
tives and taking actions that mitigated risks while reduce the rate of medical tourism in the country try.
capitalising on available opportunities. andserve as a Teaching Hospital to the newly es-
tablished Confluence University of Science and The agricultural sector has also received a lot of
Using the democratic leadership style, Bello’s Technology (CUSTECH), Osara. attention from the New Direction Administration.
first administration’s policy was to ensure an ef- The World Bank applauded Governor Bello for
fective and productive civil service sector. He em- With the revamping of the health sector under introducing Sustainable Agriculture programmes
barked on a thorough screening of civil servants in the administration, over 2,000 health workers were to the state. Some of the key interventions in agri-
the state, which generated outcry from beneficiaries recruited across the state, filling the manpower gap culture include: the establishment of the Ejiba Rice
of the old order, ghost workers and employment and creating employment. Mill in the Western Senatorial District of the state,
racketeers, who were the target of the exercise. and donation of mechanized farming equipment
The Education Sector under the Yahaya Bello and inputs to local farmers, among others.
After the completion of the screening exercise in administration has also witnessed tremendous
2018, the governor gave a standing order for civil turnaround with the establishment of CUSTECH, His rural/grassroots development, coupled with
servants’ salaries to be paid between 24th and 27th as well as building, renovating and equipping of the building of infrastructures, including women
of every month, an order that has been maintained other institutions in the state. It is no longer news and youth inclusion, are all evidenced in Kogi for
and commended by workers till date. that since he assumed office, there has been no local and international players to see.
disruption of learning in Kogi’s higher institu-
Today, Kogi has the most efficient and productive tions. Whenever other students are at home dur- Little wonder foreign investors have pegged
workforce who have come to applaud the gover- ing strikes, Kogi State students are safely in school. Kogi a choice destination for investment.
nor on many occasions for his doggedness to sani- How has the Governor been able to do this? He
tize the civil service system. Governor Bello never simply prioritized education by empowering the Even with the meagre resources available to the
makes decisions without first consulting the state institutions in terms of infrastructure and funding. state, Governor Bello, relying on his business acu-
workforce. This has led to a high rate of employee men and background, has turned Kogi State into a
satisfaction and boosted workforce morale. On the The establishment of CUSTECH was also aimed reference state in the area of transparency and ac-
other hand, using the transformational leadership at addressing the inability of Kogi indigenes to countability as reflected in the World Bank’s States
style, the Governor focuses on inspiring subordi- study desired courses, owing to lack of admission Fiscal Transparency, Accountability and Sustain-
nates but leaves the details of decision-making to into other institutions. ability rating, in which Kogi State came second in
the workers themselves. By utilizing both leader- 2017 and first in 2018 and 2019.
ship styles, depending on the situation, he has been Currently, Kogi State is undoubtedly wearing a
able to maximize productivity and employee reten- new look with many infrastructural projects and With these feats, in virtually all sectors, indigenes
tion. construction of roads in the state capital and across of the state have continued to pray for continuity
the state. of Yahaya Bello's winning policies.

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