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Easy Energy Converter

2 2
x/E =mc x/E = mc

D.1 BQ



A.A A.E.1

E.3.2 E.4 D.6

(Q2) + x/E BC HW.2

D.3 BWC D.5

D.4 D.2


x/E = mc


The invention describes

1 The thermodynamic systemic minimum needs for a growing self-feeding & reciprocal energy converting system called Debt Based Money System Converter or MSC.
2 A system to convert a defined energy E into another defined rest energy [n*x/E = mc2] such that [n*x/E = mc2] cannot be converted back fully to E, but only be
converted by constant recycling by a series of systems like MSC and minimally A, Q, B and C, into a series of rest energies called R, F and [(Q2) + x/E]; by which the latter is
divided such that the x/E is supplied back to the already existing total of x/E outside the system, and Q2 is fed back to a reservoir of the initial system to be used again.
The constant recycling of the rest energy within all incoming energy creates within the system a centripetal power with an attractive effect on the outside. This is well
known as the pump system. MSC is a pump system of which the blades and compartments can be made digital including what it pumps and transports. This way it can
virtually pump and transport anything by defining the said energies and the converted energies.

The rest energies R, F and [(Q2) + x/E] are used as energy to run systems Q, B and C, and by that operation system A.
x/E is the abstraction of the amount of energy in an action or ‘thing’.
The x/E outside the system can always be brought into the system.
A x/E is the quantity, quality and use of ‘something’, no matter what.

One of the claims of the invention is: MSC can make use of any kind of x/E to convert it to full purpose and Value.
Another claim is: MSC is a system to define (rest) energies of different systems and to convert those energies into one specific kind of energy for all systems and devices
so that wanted converted energies can be made.

Because a part of the input energy x/E is constantly recycled in the system, the total of energy in the system grows. As soon Q2 is fed back to reservoir Q the system
becomes self-feeding by attracting x/E(=mc2) into the system.
The total amount of energy inside and outside the system doesn’t change. Because the system takes more in than it gives back, the system will grow reciprocally within
the outside of the system and together it is a symbiotic closed system.
Having an input x/E (input A.E.0, storing/converting x/E (the MSC system) and an output x/E (at E3; A.A and A.E.1) the system is a symbiotically expanding, semi closed

Once operating, the system will operate as an attractor to x/E(=mc2) and will so store more and more energy in the system, by which the system does more and more
work on its surroundings (outside the system) which the individual x/E(=mc2) outside the system can’t do. MSC is the whole having the ‘more’ than the sum of its
constituent parts.

The invention describes a self-evolving Game as one possible application of MSC.

With such a Game the working of the MSC system can be shown and worked out in updates and used as reference for other applications.

Explanation of the MSC scheme, the blueprint for every form and kind of application of MSC.

The scheme describes the logistic path and location of a package of a kind of energy, undergoing a process of conversion into other kinds of energy, and to return at the end of
the process as itself, together with a rest energy like it, which is brought back into the system. In this process heat is generated and work performed. The effect of it is a change
on the surroundings of the system and a rest-energy that can be used again or for other matters.

1 The system starts with the axiom that there is already an on-going process at hand, being the conversion of one kind of energy into another kind of energy. In this
process mass is formed with an appearance of rigidity which is called matter. As understood from Time long research this matter seems to be made of packages, the so-called
atoms. Each such an atom is seen as a microscopic closed system in which the constituents resolve around a kernel, which is a kind of ‘force regulating device’ and blueprint for a
closed system to be a closed system. This kernel can be seen as having also some kind of constituents, and so being also a kind of matter, that form a kernel and each such
formation gives a specific way the closed system of the atom will be and behave, like the queen termite in the hill.

In the closed system of the atom is energy in high speed motion, according to the configuration of the kernel.
Because there is not only one atom but zillion, the atoms meet each other along their ways. By the sheer touch in such a meeting they become more or less at the same location,
which is impossible, and so they have to exchange a fraction of the energy in motion, as indication of the touch and its limits for the system’s limits, according to the rules of the
In that respect the closed system of the atom is relatively closed by the relativity of motion. This can be seen like 2 persons each driving a car with 55 miles p/h in the same
direction and next to each other. Whatever their speed is, as long it is the same, for each the other stays on the same location as if not moving.
Because the energy in the closed systems called atoms has all a more or less same speed in relation to each other, and because there is always sometimes one or more of these
atoms going by force of their meeting for a while the same direction, as if glued to each other, by which the exchange of the energy becomes so easy that it can be handed over.

All this exchange of energy between atoms is a constant process in which heat is produced and a lot of work on the surroundings is done.
The heat arises through every meeting of an atom with another. This can be so that they form clusters and so molecules and the whole world as we know it.
On the macro level it seems as if the exchange of energy between atoms is always the same quantity, quality and having the same use or working. But on their own level they will
be as different as human beings are, although their alikeness.
These differences give way to all kinds of friction in which the energy of two or more atoms is pressed together in one location.
Because the energy is a defined package only one package can be in each location and so the energies collide or come under high pressure, which gives heat and the sudden
appearance of a big moving mass. In nature we know these as swarms of birds, insects or fish.
The work all these packages do is obeying a very short set of instructions like that of a swarm: don’t collide and stay as next to the other as possible.
The direction of the swarm is always after the first wherever that one is going and everyone can be that first. A swarm acts like a closed system which can easily change its shape
but not its form, which is being a swarm.
The set of instruction each individual of the swarm follows can be seen as the kernel of the atom by which the atoms are closed systems.
What is left of the heat after the work is done is a shape on a location of a logistic string. It has become a fixed moment in Time.

This seems not so important but on the microscopic level it is and the effect is also on us, the observers of Time.

All atoms together are always in a fixed moment of Time. The whole of energy is not moving, it is only moving for an observer because that observer is moving.
The observer changes the location and exactly at that location, the total configuration of the not-movement of the whole energy is exactly as it is there.
This is known as the Zeno paradox.
It means that each and every package energy is part of the construction of a whole that never changes.
Time is where an observer is moving through and each moment gives the appearance of all energy as space, in which each package has its unique order of location.
We know this from photography. It can even be turned back and forth again as we know from movies. The frames of Time as a moment know no movement.

The observer travels so to say through the total of Time and creates so, as tracking system, his own Logistic String of Location Identification Addresses which we call a life.
Because the observer moves, the configuration of the energy seems to change, and the observer learns to recognize certain parts of the logistic string, in which it want to be at
rest, or more on the move.
Depending on the width of observing, the observer has more overview of the Time he is in and has passed through. By taking different points of view, it can observe the relations
within that Time and starts so to create himself a set of Time with a function and meaning, and so a specific Value.
All these Values makes up his personal way the observer goes through Time.
On its path the observer meet other observers and with them he exchanges his Values about Time. To do this they use what we know as language. This language is the showing
of sets of Time configurations in an order the observer has perceived as relations to use as functions for his meaning, idea of Value.

In this exchange of Value each observer gives the other a Time-token or symbol of that Value. Because the token is made of Time, it is a fixed configuration and so it can always
be used to read again and again the total path of the observer in which it has come to this token.
Like humans differs and are very much alike, so are the tokens of Value different and also much alike. Because of that there are tokens that describe a Time which is in most of
the tokens. This is for example the fact that the observer moved from this moment in Time to that moment in Time, and that he observed these and that differences at those 2
The most of one moment and another moment will be the same in structure and configuration as Space, and that’s why the minor differences between moments in Time make
up the token. Thus, all kinds of tokens appear between observers, and all those different tokens become so much, that the observer cannot see anymore the tree for the wood.
Each token is a fine representative for a configuration of Time to observe, but which one to take?

Because of that question a new token of Value is needed to change the token of an already observed Time into a token for yet unobserved Time. With such a token the observer
can himself dream a kind of Time in which the conditions are such and as that. Such dreams the observer tries out by using the tokens he already knows and can re-member.
From this he imagines himself possibilities, to get in such realisations of Time, to observe its Value, and make a token out of it.

This dreaming has already been done by many observers and each can tell another a story of a nice Time to observe and to be in. All those stories show a specific pattern about
how an observer makes Value and tokens of Value.

The invention provides such a specific pattern as a scheme, which can be used as blueprint to construct a Value converter (or Energy Conducting & Converting Device).
One puts in a Value, looks in all Time, pick a location address + moment as point of view, and start further observations. To get this done all observers put their (dream) Values
together and the Time shown is all possibilities not yet observed. Each observer can now go to the new Times he prefers, and gives so a token of preference. All tokens of those
preferences can be used to actualize Time=probabilities, by observing their actuality and the path in Time to them, by which it can be used by any other observer, and to observe
and research Space Values of Time.

The series of pictograms to explain the setup of MSC as visualized in the MSC scheme.

The frames; the package deal.

 The red frame of the symbol E in the scheme represents the observer having a set of Value of his own by which it goes
through and is in Time.
E  All his Values are represented by the small blue dots. All dots together are his total Value or his observations of E or
Energy to go through Time.
 The symbol represents also all observers and E is all their Value.
 The colour Red represents the observer and his project and the warmth and energy it is giving to do his project of
 The colour blue represents the Heat the observer makes by putting his observational abilities and Value in his project.


Because the symbol also represents all observers, one observer is highlighted as a second red frame in E. The green
dots in it represent his total of free Value to be used in the MSC Game.
 The frame of one observer is called the reverse of E is 1/E. Because it is not known of the Value how much, what quality
and where to use it for, the number 1 is exchanged for x being a unknown number representing the observer self.
Because here no specific observer is meant other than any observer, the symbol for the observer is x/E. It means an
observer with an unspecific total of Value.
 As a whole the symbol represents a project in which the first frame is the closed system of the project, blue the heat
produced; the second frame the work of the system on its surrounding and taking so a great deal of the Heat, and the
green dots the converted rest-energy left over in the system to be used again or for other purposes of Value (which is
also using again).

This pictogram shows x/E as a project, as indicated by the second red frame, in which all the converted energy is also like a
project making heat, doing work and leaving a rest-energy. The whole is an expression of Value.
2 In this pictogram the blue frame represents the heat in the observer and his project; the brown frame the work of the
x/E =mc
project and the rose coloured frame the rest-energy.
The observer uses in the MSC Game only his own rest-energy to keep the system going. But he can put new extra rest-
x/E = mc energy into himself as project within the MSC Game.
(When his rest energy is money, then that money should be free to use as long the observer has no other needs for that
money to fulfil.)
x/E = mc
The process is defined in the equation E= mc2 by which is meant that the E in conversion equals mass and speed. The
reverse of E = 1/E (one smallest quantum energy) to its smallest whole denominator is 1/E=mc2 1/ mc2. Because it is not
known what its number, quality and use is, it is not called 1/ E= mc2 but x/ E= mc2, ‘a further undefined species.

In this pictogram the 3*x/ E= mc2 are represented by 3*A.
The yellow colour symbolizes the light of the sun, giving life a change with her warmth and work effect on
A herself and her surroundings.
A is the MSC system as a whole. This includes any use of and organisation by the system.
A as a whole is like the whole x/ E= mc2 but also like x/E and the original project of the first pictogram.
It is itself a project and each part of it is also a project.
A In Brown it is a project of work, in blue of heat and in rose it is a project of rest-energy.
The whole is also the MSC Organisation and System, short MOS, and everything that has to do with MSC and
A makes the system, also as Game, running.

In this pictogram the 3 projects of A are represented by:

 Work project Q with the work WQ, the heat HQ & the rest-energy R.
R  Heat project B with work WB, heat HB and rest-energy F.
 Rest-energy Project C with work WC, heat HC and rest-energy Q2 + x/E.
In the MSC Game:
Q  Q = the deposit of Value the player uses to get his Value into the
system. The deposit is of the player itself. The deposit of any player
B is called x/Q. All deposits are Q. All deposits are changed in the MSC
Value, called the ‘MSC”. For more information see: Q.
C  WQ = the work of Q, this is what is done with the deposits. This
Q2 + x/E
HB registration of the player, his deposit, making the Game facilities
available, etc. For more information see: WQ.
HC WC  HQ = the heat during the whole project. The heat is produced by
F direct conversion of deposit into rest=energy or by playing so-called
Kettle Games in which the deposit is used as energy to heat up the
kettle so that the whistle blows. In a Kettle Game the player can
gain extra rest-energy. For more information see: HQ.
 R = the rest-energy produced by the project. In the MSC system and
Game this rest=energy is called: Valuation Points (VP).

 B = the system that makes out of curiosity and interest funds for projects. For more information see: B.
 WB = the Valuation Points Account. On this account are the VP stored and administrated. There are defined, undefined and cleansed VP. For more information
see: WB.
 HB = the actual valuation of a projects. This happens automatically be pure curiosity and deliberately by choice.
 F = the full Valuation of a project makes funds free to actualize the project. For more information see: F.

 C = the market in which a project has to become actualized. It includes all hazards and pitfalls but also all cooperation of co-players.
 WC = all normal work to produce a product or service.
 HC = all kinds of benefits coming from the production and selling of the product or service, including profit, income, etc. till the final rest-energy is produced.
 Q2 + x/E = the rest energy of the whole system in the form of rewards to the system and all players of the Game. The part of the reward called x/E is for the
system to run and the rest as Q2 goes back to the players proportionally to their playing of the Game via their accounts as operating in A.

There are 20 frames, each with their own meaning within the total system. Each frame is necessary for the rest. The system and so any application of it like the MSC
Game can only run as self-feeding system when the rest-energy Q2 = x/E is fed back into the system. From that moment it is a x/E (+ x/E = mc2) attractor and starts to

The arrows and joints.

The joints HW.1 to 6 represent the connections the frames have as a whole of work and heat.
The arrows represent the directions of the flow of each package of Value energy in the whole system.

The directions are represented by arrows. The start is the dot and the pointer where the energy goes into.
The steps of the energy to run the system are represented by capitals. The order of appearance of a kind of step is represented by numbers.
Some directions have the flavour of another step; this is indicated by a second capital after a period. (A.A; A.E.B).
Capitals after another: 1st capital = kind of step in a project; the next capital(s) represent the project where the energy is transported to.
The levels are work, heat and rest-energy.

A: starter. A.E.0 = the input of basic (rest) energy into the MSC System, as representation of the whole system of energy conversion, as an own system within the already
existing system. A.A = a person entering the MSC Game and becoming co-owner of MOS. A.E.B = rest-energy brought again into the MSC system by players already in the
MSC Game and/or as rewards from projects. The double arrow indicates that the starter is for the inner as well the outer work of a project.
B: Work to inner project.
C: Work to next outer level of project. C.1 e.g. flows from WQ to its next outer level B (Heat).
D: The final conversion of Heat and Work into and as a specific Conversed Energy
E: Conversed energy to inner work of next outer level of project or the flow of conversed energy to another next inner or outer level of a project.

0: The infinite on-going basic system of energy conversion. D.0: Heat flows into Work. B.0: Work on the surroundings produces Heat, and E.0: the rest-energy left over.
Rest-energy brought into a closed system will be again Heat, Work and Rest-energy.
1: Work.
2: Heat
3: Rest-energy. D.0, D.4, D.5 and D.6 are the other flows of rest-energy from the heat + work of a project.
HW.1 to HW.6 are the joints of heat + work.

Brown: Work
Blue: Heat
Red: Rest-energy
Purple: Joints
Black: input from real person for to play MSC.

Step Zero is the basic of that what is already going on.
A.E.0 = the first idea of MSC in the developer by which A has become the representation of energy conversion by symbiotic closed systems like MSC. With the idea of
MSC, MSC exists and so the system and organisation of it, represented by MOS. The developer is the first owner of MSC and does, with the support of co-owners, the
prerequisite work to get the whole system working.
As step Zero, it is an on-going development.

The system starts with the first owner of the system. He brings in his deposit of Value. He takes it out the rest energy x/E = mc2 of himself. The MSC Game is free to play
but one has to deposit Value to run it. The first player attracts the next player, who becomes co-owner of the system each for their part of their deposit. This second
player attracts the third and so on.
What they deposit comes in Q the deposit reservoir of the system. Each player has its own x/Q and all x/Q is Q.
The Game can be played with any kind of deposit, but will be Valued in dollars.

When the deposit is in Q, the player can activate the MSC Game Value Accounts to play MSC. The moment his deposit is in Q the work of WQ starts with administrating
all data of the player. WQ is the total back office for the MSC System, including all facilities for the Game. It administrates, regulates according the rules of the Game, all
playing by the players and how and what of how they convert energy into Value. Other Work Departments of projects within the System does the the same for their
project and all their Work is co-administrated in WQ.

3 The work can only be done as part of the heat, that’s why the frames of work and heat are next to each other. Work can be seen as part of the heat. All the heat
comes through the conversion of Value. After all work of registration etc., the player has opened also his MSC Value Accounts (MVA). His MVA registers everything the
player does in the system with his valuation. The player starts with his MSC Account (MA). Proportional to his deposit the player gets a loan of MSC to play the Game and
start the engine of the system. He can convert his MSC directly into the rest energy R or he can play first a so-called Kettle Game. In a Kettle Game the heat provided by
each player makes the content boil and the whistle blow. There are all kinds of Kettle Games, because almost any already exciting Game can be made digital and so a
Kettle Game. The Kettle Game is an instrument to make the Game at hand unpredictable because it can suddenly end or go on after the estimated run Time to stop
suddenly. There are short and long Games, for little and big groups, for individuals and so on. Each Game has some winners but no losers. Whatever the player
contributes in MSC to the Game, he gets converted as Valuation Points. This way the player loses nothing of his initial Value.
The winners of the game get extra rest energy in the form of Valuation Points (VP).
This is the heat in system Q. WQ and HQ must cooperate to let the system and game run. All facilities to run the game are needed but can only be actualized by its own
value within the MSC game.

4 The converted energy gives finally a rest product, the rest-energy R. The MSC is converted to Valuation Points. Each Valuation point can be used to convert
curiosity into real value for funds.
The valuation Points go as undefined to the Valuation Points accounts of the players worked out in WB.

5 In WB the VP comes undefined on the Valuation Points Account (VPA) of the player. The player’s next task is to give valuation points to projects of his interests.
These projects are called MSC Projects (MP). A MP can be anything. It is anyway something the owner, the Project Owner or PO, thinks is a good idea to actualize.
The PO describes his idea according the rules of the game and then the MP is in the Catalogue Of Projects, the COP.
The COP has all kinds of categories for all kinds of ideas for projects to be done.
The player scrolls through the COP and anything he clicks on to get more information is a sign of his curiosity to such a project. This sign is reflected in the definition of
one or more Valuation Points to the subject and on his VPA. If the subject is attractive, the player gets more information on the project and with each follow up asked
for, he converts his curiosity into defined valuation points. The player can even be that must interested in the project, he becomes member of the project, and as
member, he can make a value-deal with the project owner. On settlement the player defines his Valuation Points to the Project, and the points as defined on his VPA. In
the end stage of the game, the player will gets to his MA his Value reimbursed + his Reward from the PO, in goods and or services valuated in MSC, all as settled between
him and the PO he has valuated as member of its project.

The COP acts like any Webshop like E-bay or Amazon.
Image: Click first a category. Click subcategories. A list of one-liners is shown. The player reads the lines. If his attention is attracted he clicks on the one-liner and defines
so the one-liner as of his interested and value and defines so to the project behind the one-liner one or more VP.
With the click on the one liner, a page opens and shows more information on the project.
Also this page can be given valuation by clicking for more information.
The further someone goes into the information gathering on the project the more VP he defines to that project.
Depending on the degree of attraction the player stops or goes on in supporting the project he is attracted to.

The VPA registers what the player does and gives with every definition of VP more projects interesting for the player to look at.
What the player does is reading and looking / listening to ideas of all kinds of people, like one is reading or listening / looking to a news agency. As long the attention of
the player is attracted to the projects, the player will valuate those projects in very small portions enough to show it has value. A player can also define more valuation
points to the projects just as he likes.

By the law of big numbers all curiosity triggered from all different players creates a big number of defined VP to a project by which the project can reach full first value
and has gained so much attention from the public that they together say: please start to actualize your project. We support you and provide you the funds to do so. Walk
your talk.

Each project brought into the COP will be that way valuated by the public and gets so enough VP to gain First Full Value.
At the reach of a Value Level the VP of the player given to that project are cleansed. A VPA has so: undefined, defined and cleansed VP.
The system provides all kinds of statistics of and about Projects.
To the COP belongs a discussion forum and any other multimedia service and facility possible.

The Project Owner is self a player of MSC and has to describe his idea according to the format of the game. The PO can get from MOS and so the other players support in
description and clearing all legal issues around a project. This is often a lot of work which can be made easier within the network of the game. The game has also to
provide professional MSC Project Coaches to coach a PO along the way.
The Project will be registered in the data base of the system and published in the COP.
The project has an own website part of the system on account of the PO.

The project will be valuated by the other players.

The project reaches first full value. That means that the project has gained enough value, to do all preliminary work like legal issues, patents and so forth and to pay for it
with expertise and funds if needed. This can already be done by the PO and so the VP are written to his Project VPA on reaching that level.
The project can go to the next level of value because the public keep on valuating the project.
Depending on the project several value degrees helps the project to the next step. Finally the projected has reached Actualisation Value.
The project can now be funded within the game to get actualized within the market of the game and in the market outside the game. The Work at WB is done with and
for the PO to be able to operate on the market, system C. This is indicated by the brown joint between WB and C.
The work is done and all heat is in getting the right value, finding projects of interest resulting finally in the rest-energy F: the valuation funds for the projects.

The funds for projects are made free and are brought from F to the project owners work deposit WC. The PO can now actualize his projects. This is a lot of work which he
again can do with the support or not of the game community. In WC the whole project organisation and management is done. That work creates also that everything
coming from the other players can return in the system indicated by the brown joint between WC and Q.
The heat during the process is all anxiety but also the rewards and all sort of profit coming to the PO when the project succeeds.

9 When all the work is done the conversion has taken place and there is the rest-energy Q2 + x/E.
x/E is all money and assets the PO has used of the game. This comes back along the whole process. A part of the rest-energy is Q2. This is the reward all valuators become
from the project. This rest-energy goes back to Q and so to all deposits of the system and particularly to the valuators of the project. They get their reward in MSC as
settled with the Project Owner. The players can use their MSC again in the system by playing a Kettle Game, etc. He can also stop his account or give back his MSC to free
his deposit or even more. For information see: account withdrawal; deposit reimbursement; deregistration.
The Project Owner has of course the greatest reward but also every valuator by the success of the Project and his curiosity and insight in good projects. Each Project
owner gives therefor each valuator a token of the project to the valuators of his project. That token is a small thing like a coin, sticker, postcard. A token as a small thing
indicating the whole project and world behind it.

Of each project a part of the rewards is for funding the growth of facilities to the MSC system. That benefits each player of MSC.
This is because the system is a closed system in a symbiotic relation with his surroundings. Therefore the Work of the game will so also have effect on its surroundings. If
the system runs properly, the effect will be great and prosperous for both parties.


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