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"Goodbye, Snauq" by Lee Maracle tells us how colonization messed up the lives of the Halkomelem-

speaking peoples. It messed up their connection to the land and their relationships with each other. Here
are five examples of how things went wrong:

1. Language Lost: The colonizers did things like sending the Halkomelem kids to special schools and
making them forget their language. This made it hard for them to pass on their culture and
knowledge to the next generation.

2. Land Taken: The Halkomelem people have kicked off their own lands because of treaties and
land seizures. They couldn't go to their special places anymore, and that made them lose their
strong bond with the land.

3. Damage to Nature: When the settlers came, they started cutting down trees, digging for
minerals, and polluting the land. This made it really difficult for the Halkomelem people to fish,
hunt, and gather food like they used to.

4. Families Torn Apart: Families were forced to move to new places, and their culture was taken
away from them. This made it hard for them to stay close to each other, and it hurt their

5. Lost Control: The Halkomelem people had their own way of making decisions and governing
themselves. But the colonizers took that away and made them follow their rules. This made the
Halkomelem people feel powerless and like they didn't have a say in their own lives.

To make things right, we can do a few things. We can acknowledge that the Halkomelem people have
rights to their land and let them govern themselves. We can also learn about their struggles, support
their initiatives, and speak up for fair treatment. This will help make things better and bring justice to all
indigenous people.

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