Talit Intro Aleph

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In some Jewish communities a ‫ טַ לִית‬talit is given as a gift by a

father to a son, a father-in-law to a son-in-law, or a teacher to a

student. It might be purchased to mark a special occasion, such
as a wedding or a bar/bat mitzvah. Many parents purchase a
‫ טַ לִית‬talit for their children at the age of 13,(I will mention this
again later).. together with tefillin. Some women nowadays also
wear a ‫ טַ לִית‬talit. While many worshipers bring their own
‫ טַ לִית‬talit to synagogue, there is usually a rack of shawls for the
use of visitors and guests.
Are you ready for this? For many years
medical and genetic researchers
identified up to 90 percent or more of our
DNA as junk DNA. The term ‘junk’
DNA was originally coined to refer to a
region of DNA that contained no genetic
information. Scientists are beginning to
find, however, that much of this so-called
junk plays important roles in the
regulation of gene activity. No one yet
knows how extensive that role may be.
However, we know that our Father never
made any ‘junk’.
If the information from ONE CELL from ONE
PERSON was written in books, it would fill
FOUR THOUSAND BOOKS. Lets read ‫חנָן‬ ָ ‫יֹו‬
(Yochanan)…John 21:25 “ And there are also many
other things which Jesus did, which if they *were
written in detail, I suppose that even the world itself
*would not contain the books which *were written.”
…ALSO 20;30. “Many other signs therefore Jesus
also performed in the presence of the disciples, which
are not written in this book;”
Now I can understand that scripture in a more
precise light. If the above statement about the
information held in one cell is true… ‫ע‬
ַַ ‫יֵׁשּו‬,
knowing everything about everybody ..this
makes more sense. WOW!
Now I am going to teach you how the letters that make up the word ‫טַ לִית‬
tallit are symbolic from ‫ אֱ ֹלהִים‬Eloheim, G-d, to us.
‫ ט‬the ‘tet’ represents a snake, or means ‘surround’ ‘twist’ and ‘the
goodness of G-d’
‫ ל‬the ‘lamed’ represents a ‘shepherds staff’..’instruction’…to ‘teach’..it is the
tallest letter symbolizing control, to prod or urge forward, to go toward or
forward…a tongue and direction’.
‫י‬ the yod, or yud…represents ‘the Hand of G-d’..’closed hand…deed,
work..to make..being the smallest letter symbolizes ‘humility’
‫ת‬ the ‘tav’ represents ‘a sign and covenant’ and ‘to seal’…It is the last
letter of the Aleph-bet.
So the‫טַ לִית‬TALIT means to wrap the ‫ דָ בָר‬Davar Word Word of
‫ אֱ ֹלהִים‬Eloheim, God around us being led by Him toward His
Covenant…which is ַ‫ע‬
ַ ‫ יֵׁשּו‬Yeshua…JESUS.
Throughout this teaching,again, let me share that I will be redundant at
times to re-emphasize certain points….Please just bare with me.

Have you ever wondered why ‫ אֱ ֹלהִים‬.. EL-O-HIYM …G-d, would tell the Jewish men to
wear ‫ צִיצִיּות‬tzitziyot?..They really seemed meaningless. What earthly purpose could
they serve. Its because it is required in Scripture. As we read in Numbers 15:38-39,
scripture says “And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying…speak unto the children of
Israel, and bid them that they make them fringes in the borders of their garments
throughout their generations, and that they put upon the fringe of the brders a ribband of
blue..39..and it shall be unto you for a fringe, that ye may look upon it, and remember all
the commandments of the Lord, and do them; and that ye seek not after your own heart
and your own eyes, after which ye use to go a whoring.” But then also in verse 40, the
Lord says..”That you may remember, and do all my commandments, and be holy unto
your God.” So, by a man wearing the ‫ צִיצִיּות‬tzitziyot , he was trying to become obedient
to all the laws of ‫ אֱ ֹלהִים‬.. EL-O-HIYM G-d.
In ancient times, the garments people wore indicated their status in society. Far
different from todays culture to be sure. Back then the hem was particularly
important because it symbolized the owner’s identity and authority. Legal
contracts written on clay tables were ‘signed’ by pressing the corner of one’s
hem into the clay.

We all know the story about ‫ דָ וִד‬David and Saul in 1 Samuel 24:4-5.
Scripture states the following: And the men of ‫ דָ וִד‬David said unto him,
Behold the day of which the Lord said unto thee, Behold, I will deliver thine
enemy into thine hand, that thou mayest do to him as it shall seem good unto
thee. Then ‫ דָ וִד‬David arose, and cut off the skirt of Saul’s robe privily. Verse
5, And it came to pass afterward, that ‫ דָ וִד‬David’s heart smote him, because
he had cut off Saul’s skirt.”

Why was ‫ דָ וִד‬David overwhelmed with remorse? ‫ דָ וִד‬David was symbolically

assaulting the king’s authority to reign. His action was tantamount to knocking
the crown off Saul’s head, a job ‫ דָ וִד‬David believed belonged only to the Almighty
ִ ֱ‫ א‬.. EL-O-HIYM God. Three thousand chosen men. After Saul had
chased out the Philistine raiding party, he returned to the pursuit of David near
En-gedi with an army of three thousand. To cover his feet. A Hebrew
euphemism for the English, “to go to the bathroom.”
Saul probably left his robe at the entrance or mouth of the cave, or
somewhere within easy access to David and his men who were in the sides
of the cave. The LORD’S anointed. David had such profound respect for the
office to which Saul had been anointed and chosen by the Lord, even though
he knew that it was temporary and that he would himself succeed Saul, that
he would not lift his hand to harm the king. Bowed himself. Out of reverence
for Saul as the Lord’s anointed one. The LORD judge between me and thee.
David leaves the entire matter in the hands of the Lord; he will not take
vengeance himself.

1 Samuel 24:20–22 reads…. 1Sa 24:20 And now, behold, I know well that thou
shalt surely be king, and that the kingdom of Israel shall be established in
thine hand…… 1Sa 24:21 Swear now therefore unto me by the LORD, that
thou wilt not cut off my seed after me, and that thou wilt not destroy my name
out of my father's house…… 1Sa 24:22 And David sware unto Saul. And Saul
went home; but David and his men gat them up unto the hold.

Saul openly acknowledges the Lord’s choice and blessing upon ‫ דָ וִד‬David,
Thou shalt surely be king. The statement is emphatic (Hebrew infinitive
absolute before the cognate verb), showing that Saul understands fully the truth
that he has been rejected and ‫ דָ וִד‬David established as king. Swear now. Saul
goes so far as to plead for the lives of his family (since it was common for a
victor to kill the family of his predecessor when he came to power).
As we discussed before, tassels were also a sign of nobility; the kings and
princes, back in the day, decorated their hems with tassels. In ‫שמֹות‬ ְׁ shemot,
Exodus 28:33 the scripture states: “And beneath upon the hem of it thou shalt
make pomegranates of blue, and of purple, and of scarlet, round about the
hem thereof; and bells of gold between them round about’.
It is interesting that the ‫ ִמשְׁ כָן‬Mishkan…Tabernacle, the same colors are
used. Ordinary Jews had the same blue dye, called tekhelet, in their ‫צִיצִיּות‬
tzitziyot as did the high priest. One Jewish scholar, Jacob Milgrom, explains
that the blue dye epitomizes the democratic thrust within Judaism because it
signals that the entire people of ‫ יִשְ ָראֵ ל‬Yisrael are to become a nation of
priests. He writes that, and I quote, “In antiquity, the ‫ צִיצִית‬tzitzit (and the
hem) was the insignia of authority, high breeding and nobility.

By adding the blue woolen cord to the

‫ צִיצִית‬tzitzit, the ‫תֹורה‬Torah
ָ combined
nobility with priesthood; ‫ ישְ ָראֵ ל‬Yisrael
Israel. Is not to rule man but to serve ‫אֱ ֹלהִים‬
.. EL-O-HIYM G-d. Furthermore , ‫צִיצִית‬
tzitzit is not restricted to ‫ יִשְ ָראֵ ל‬Yisrael
Israel leaders, be they kings, rabbis or
scholars. It is the uniform of all ‫יִשְ ָראֵ ל‬
Yisrael Israel .
The ‫ צִיצִית‬tzitzit showed that ‫ ֱאֹלהִים‬.. EL-O-HIYM G-d had chosen to make this
one people His representatives….a kingdom of ‫כ ֹ ַהנִים‬ko-haniem…priests to the
rest of the world. By wearing the ‫ צִיצִית‬tzitzit, every Jew was reminded of the
obligation to serve ‫ אֱ ֹלהִים‬.. EL-O-HIYM G-d by obeying His ‫ ִמצְֹׁות‬..mits-vot

The Hebrew name for priest is ‫ כֹהֵן‬..ko-hane. ‫ אֱ ֹלהִים‬..

EL-O-HIYM G-d had written these letters to make up the
word for priest with, I believe, this in mind. The word for
yes, as most of us know, is the word ‫‘ בֵן‬ken’. The ‫ כ‬kaf
represents an open hand, and the letter ‫ ן‬nun sofit
represents life. So this word ‫‘ בֵן‬ken’ is saying ‘to open
your hand to life’. Now, back to the word for priest, ‫כֹהֵן‬
..ko-hane, we see that by placing the ‘‫ ‘ ה‬hey, which can
mean the Holy Spirit, behold, breath, wind, etc., in the
middle of the word for ‘yes’ ‫‘ בֵן‬ken’ we see that the job of
the priest is to reveal the heart of the ‘yes’. He was to
deliver to the Hebrew people, the heart of the ‫מת‬ ֶ ֶ‫ א‬emet,
the truth of G-d’s ‫ דָ בַר‬dabar, or davar…His Word.
So, to continue, the ‫ כֹהֵן‬..ko-hane, performed the function of mediators
between G-d and His people. G-d called the nation of ‫ִשְׁראֵ ל‬ ָ ‫ י‬Yisrael.. Israel
to be a kindom of priests.. ‫ שְׁ מֹות‬shemot, Exodus 19:6 says:..”And you sall be
unto me a kingdom of priests, and an ‫ קָ ד ֹׁש‬Kadosh.. holy nation. These are
the words which you shall speak unto the children of ‫ יִׁשְ ָראֵ ל‬Yisrael Israel.”

Let’s break this word ‫ ישְ ָראֵ ל‬Yisrael down. We have the letter ‫ י‬yud
that represents to ‘hand of G-d, then the letter ‫ ׁש‬Sheen which
represents the ‘heart’ of G-d, then we see the ‫ ר‬reysh that is a symbol
for ‘head or man or person’, and of course the ‫ א‬aleph that represents
‘authority, head of, first, strength, etc., and the final letter is the ‫ל‬
lamed. This letter represents ‘teaching, direction, guidance etc. So, in
our teaching let’s stop and check out what G-d is saying about this
country that He loves. Discuss.
Back to the ‫ צִיצִית‬tzitzit..today the tassels are wound and
knotted in a specific pattern to remind the wearer to obey
the ‫מצְֹות‬
ִ ..mits-vot…commandments of G-d…This is
important because G-d put ‫יִׁשְ ָראֵ ל‬ Yisrael Israel on
display to be ‘the ‫ אֹור‬or..light to the nations’. I will
discuss this in great detail later in this study. In a world
where other nations prostituted themselves to idols and
sacrificed their ‫ יֶלֶדִ ים‬yelediem..children to demons, the
Jews stood out. The ‫ צִיצִית‬tzitzit was a visible reminder
that they could not blend into the nations around them
because they belonged to G-d in a special way. Whatever
they did, good or evil, was a witness to the G-d they served.
If they fulfilled their calling through obedience, the world
would recognize them as a holy nation. Whatever we
do…reflects on what G-d or god we serve amein?

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