2016 08 Wiscons May

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INTRODUCTION arrest a free fall.

It is typically comprised of 5000 pounds for noncertified anchorages,

When it is time to inspect or perform components such as full-body harnesses, or two times the maximum force to stop a
maintenance on mid- or high-rise building lanyards, deceleration devices, horizontal or fall (arresting force) for certified anchorages.
façades, suspended scaffolding is often the vertical lifelines, anchorages, and anchor- Certified anchorages are designed, select-
preferred method of access. In addition to age connectors. Anchorage is defined in ed, and installed by a qualified person.
proper rigging, attaching fall arrest to sturdy ANSI/ASSE Z359.0 as a secure connect- When more than one fall arrest system
anchorage is essential. As such, fall arrest ing point or a terminating component of is attached to the anchorage, the afore-
anchorage should be evaluated when sys- a fall protection system or rescue system mentioned strengths shall be multiplied
tems are initially installed, when significant capable of safely supporting the impact by the number of systems attached to the
modifications or repairs are performed, or if forces applied by a fall protection system or anchorage. The Occupational Safety and
use and/or exposure have led to concerns anchorage subsystem. Health Administration (OSHA) does not
regarding the integrity of structural elements The standard distinguishes between an provide mandatory requirements regarding
that cannot be easily inspected. Since each anchorage and an anchorage connector. load testing of anchorages. However, non-
project is unique, it is important that the An anchorage is typically a fixed structural mandatory testing could be performed to
engineer responsible for evaluating fall arrest member such as a post, stanchion, or verify anchorages comply with the strength
anchorage understands how to implement beam; an anchorage connector is a com- requirements.
proper testing procedures. This article pro- ponent that provides an interface to which In 2015, the American Society of
vides a brief review of standards related to the fall protection or rescue system may be Civil Engineers (ASCE) published Façade
fall arrest anchor testing, describes testing attached when the anchorage does not have Access Equipment – Structural Design,
procedures for a specific fall arrest anchor- a compatible connection point, such as a Evaluation, and Testing (ASCE Façade
age installation project, and includes a dis- strap or choker. Access Equipment). It was developed by the
cussion of reference standards, testing forc- Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI)
es, testing equipment, and results analysis. APPLICABLE STANDARDS AND Task Committee on Façade Access Design
TESTING FORCES Guidelines to help engineers better under-
DEFINITIONS ANSI/ASSE Z359.2 and OSHA 1910.66, stand the structural engineering require-
A fall arrest system is defined in ANSI/ Appendix C, indicate anchorages selected ments that govern the design, evaluation,
ASSE Z359.0 as the collection of equip- for fall arrest systems shall have strength and testing of permanent building-supported
ment components that are configured to capable of sustaining static loads of at least façade access equipment. The document

august 2016 Interface • 19

ifies that a rational results, such as the forces applied to a
design approach for the human body during an arrest fall, decel-
5000-pound minimum eration distance does not exceed 3 feet 6
strength requirement inches, and a system can arrest a fall with-
per OSHA 1910.66, out failure. The test method is not a means
Appendix C for individ- of establishing whether the anchorage has
ual lifelines, is to treat met mandatory strength requirements. The
the requirement as an interpretation letter clarifies that since nei-
ultimate load. ther the OSHA standard nor the Appendix
Mandatory criteria sets test criteria for testing anchorages,
for personal fall arrest any criteria that are scientifically valid may
systems, and nonman- be used. In general, criteria that would be
datory test procedures accepted by an industry consensus group or
and guidelines, are signed by a registered professional engineer
also included in OSHA are acceptable.
1910.66, Appendix C. It The International Window Cleaning
specifies that lanyards Association (IWCA), under procedures
and vertical lifelines accredited as meeting criteria by the
Figure 1 – Proprietary stanchion with a top eyebolt attached to that tie-off one employee American National Standards Institute
concrete roof deck with adhesive anchors. shall have a minimum (ANSI), developed Window Cleaning Safety
breaking strength of ANSI/IWCA I-14.1-2001 (ANSI/IWCA
refers to façade access equipment as any 5000 pounds. As previously indicated, non- I-14.1) to address safety in the window
equipment involving suspended platforms mandatory test methods for personal fall cleaning industry. It indicates components
that is used to access the façade of the arrest systems may be used to determine originally required to be designed by a reg-
building. It indicates testing may be per- compliance with mandatory provisions of istered professional engineer, which show
formed when systems are initially installed, the standard. OSHA 1910.66, Appendix C, signs of wear or distress upon inspection,
when significant modifications or repairs indicates anchorage should be rigid and shall be reviewed by a qualified person to
are performed, or if use and/or exposure should not have a deflection greater than determine if testing is required. If testing is
have led to concerns regarding the integrity 0.04 inch when a force of 2250 pounds is deemed necessary, the document indicates
of structural elements that cannot be easily applied. a registered professional engineer shall pre-
inspected. Testing may be required when, According to an interpretation letter scribe a test procedure and certify its
in the judgment of the engineer respon- from OSHA dated August 10, 2000, non- results. It also indicates anchorages shall
sible for the evaluation, it is necessary to mandatory test methods are designed for be certified before initial use by window
confirm that the system conforms to the a laboratory setting. Nonmandatory test cleaners, inspected annually by a qualified
minimum OSHA strength requirements. methods are to ensure anchorages will person, and recertified when reroofing or at
ASCE Façade Access Equipment also clar- not affect personal fall arrest system test periods not to exceed ten years. Although

20 • Interface august 2016

the requirements for anchorage field-testing concrete roofs often consists of a propri- for horizontal and overhead installation of
needed to obtain certification are debatable, etary stanchion with top eyebolt attached to adhesive anchors that are subjected to sus-
it is standard practice to have anchorages the roof structure (Figure 1). These assem- tained loads. This program was developed to
field-tested prior to initial use. If an area of blies can be attached to the structure with address many deficiencies related to instal-
suspicion is identified upon inspection by a through-bolts, welded to structural steel, lation of adhesive anchors into concrete
qualified person, a test procedure may be or attached using adhesive or other types substrates that could drastically reduce
necessary. The document does not specify of anchors. In the authors’ experience, their load-carrying capacity. Although the
who should determine need for testing. attachment using adhesive anchors into adhesive anchors for the described condi-
However, it indicates the test shall be per- concrete structures is common. In recent tion are typically installed vertically down-
formed under the approval of a registered years, the American Concrete Institute and ward, the authors recommend they be
professional engineer. the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute installed by a certified ACI/CRSI AAI to
Although it does not apply to suspended (ACI and CRSI) developed an Adhesive ensure quality workmanship.
scaffolding used to service buildings on a Anchor Installer (AAI) certification program
temporary basis, OSHA 1910.66 covers pow-
ered platform installations permanently ded-
icated to interior or exterior building main-
tenance of a specific structure or group of
structures. It defines the term “installation”
as all the equipment and all affected parts
of a building that are associated with the
performance of building maintenance using
powered platforms. OSHA 1910.66 (c)(2)
discusses field-testing installations before
placing them into service, and following any
major alteration to an existing installation.
OSHA 1910.66 (g)(1) specifies all completed
building maintenance equipment installa-
tions shall be inspected and tested in the
field before being placed in initial service to
determine that all parts of the installation
conform to applicable requirements of the
standard, and that all safety and operat-
ing equipment is functioning as required.
ASCE Façade Access Equipment indicates
that although not required for equipment
that supports only construction activities,
inspection and testing are prudent and rec-
ommended for all equipment, whether used
for maintenance or construction.
ASCE Façade Access Equipment indi-
cates that when performing testing, the
direction of test loads is generally the same
as that expected for in-service loads. Test
loads are usually applied relatively quick-
ly, over the course of one to two minutes.
The document also suggests loading the
component or system being tested twice or
preloaded, since test loads typically exceed
sustained loads. As such, some unrecov-
erable movement, due to slippage, should
be expected. The initial loading should be
performed slowly to permit observation of
instability, should it occur. Excessive rota-
tion or lateral displacement of anchorages
may be a sign of instability. Upon com-
pletion of full-load application, the loading
should be removed and reapplied while
deflections are monitored.
Anchorage for fall arrest systems on

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august 2016 Interface • 21
Figures 2A, 2B, and 2C – Multiple loading directions create maximum tension in different anchors.

PRE-TEST PLANNING each other. Prior to testing, access to and various configurations that would subject
As described in ASCE Façade Access configuration of the fall arrest anchorage it to load from multiple directions, several
Equipment, prior to implementing structural should be considered. Collectively, testing tests on a single anchorage may be neces-
load testing, the engineer responsible for equipment is often heavy, and proper plan- sary to replicate potential anchor tension
testing should develop a plan outlining test ning is necessary to bring the equipment of in-use conditions. Due to existing con-
procedures and equipment, application of to the testing location. Distances between ditions, some fall arrest anchorages may
loads, and acceptance/failure criteria. This reaction points should be evaluated prior to be difficult to test in multiple directions.
should include consideration of suitable testing, in order to supply equipment with Testing could entail hanging weights over
reaction points and necessary testing equip- sufficient length to span between desired the side of a building in order to simu-
ment. Reaction points should be evaluated reaction points. Depending on existing con- late actual loading. Alternatively, applying
by a qualified person, as some building com- ditions and the direction of tests, obstruc- loads in multiple directions to anchorages
ponents may not have sufficient strength for tions between reaction points may also need will develop maximum tension in different
testing fall arrest anchorages. When multi- to be evaluated. This may require coordina- anchors (Figures 2A, 2B, and 2C). Applying
ple roof anchorages are available, they may tion with the building owner or a contractor loads in opposite directions may be required
be used to provide resistance for testing to relocate obstructions. to test each anchor’s maximum tension.
It is important In the authors’ opinions, predicting how
to test fall arrest each anchor will be used in the future and
anchorage in direc- testing it in all foreseeable directions is not
tions in which it practical. Consequently, a method should be
could possibly be developed to ensure anchors are tested in
used during service. various configurations that replicate maxi-
Since each anchor- mum load combinations on each anchor used
age could be used in to attach the anchorage to the structure.

Figure 3 – Vapor retarder removal for fall arrest anchorage

directly to concrete roof deck.

Figure 4 – Testing equipment

for fall arrest anchorage.

22 • I n t e r f a c e A u g u s t 2 0 1 6
load capacity of the anchorage assembly. selves several feet away from anchorages
For this project, anchorages were being tested, for safety. A dial deflection
installed over two different substrates. Some gauge with gradations of 0.001 inch was
anchorages were installed directly on the used to measure deflection (Figure 6). Dial
roof deck (Figure 3). Others were installed deflection gauges with small gradations are
on top of 120-mil-thick vapor retarder mem- preferable because they are easier to read
brane over the roof deck. accurately from a safe distance compared
to gauges with larger gradations. The dial
Planning deflection gauge was attached to a magnet-
Prior to testing, the fall arrest anchorage ic base and adjustable stand (Figure 7). A
layout was evaluated to consider reaction small steel base plate was used to provide
points, anchorages, reaction point access, a magnetic and level surface for the gauge-
distances between anchorages and reaction stand to rest. The dial gauge indicator point
points, and directions in which anchorages was positioned to measure deflection at the
may be tested. For this project, fall arrest highest possible point on the anchorage
anchorages were tested in multiple direc- post. Protection was provided beneath the
tions by reacting against adjacent anchor- cable winch puller, pull cylinder, steel plate,
ages, due to field conditions and lack of and hydraulic hand pump to avoid damag-
suitable existing reaction points. ing the new roofing system.
Figure 5 – Hydraulic hand pump and
It should be noted that most guide-
pressure gauge.
Equipment lines refer to recommended testing forces
To perform the test, aircraft cable in pounds. However, testing equipment
FIELD TESTING CASE STUDY attached to a cable winch puller and a typically provides pressure measurements
A recent field testing case study of single-acting hydraulic pull cylinder with in pounds per square inch (psi). As such,
31 fall arrest anchorages is presented to eyebolt connections on both ends was con- testing personnel converted tension forces
illustrate the procedure and equipment nected to top eyebolts between two adjacent to pressure measurements, based on the
used, as well as field conditions that affect- anchorages (Figure 4). The cable winch Envirospec
effective area Ad 262-0801
of the 1/21/08
pull cylinder 9:03
used, prior AM Pa
ed test procedures and results. The fall puller was used to reduce initial slack in to performing tests. Alternatively, a load cell
arrest anchorages tested consisted of newly the aircraft cable. A hydraulic hand pump
installed proprietary stanchions with a top capable of a maximum pressure of 10,000
eyebolt, attached to a concrete roof deck pounds per square inch (psi) and pressure
with adhesive anchors installed during a gauge were attached to a pull cylinder to
full roof tear-off and replacement project. provide the desired tension between the
Project specifications required that an ACI/ two anchorages by compressing the pull
CRSI AAI install and perform testing on cylinder (Figure 5). The single-acting pull
adhesive anchors at each stanchion. The cylinder had a capacity of five tons. A
testing performed by the ACI/CRSI AAI was pump hose attaching the hydraulic pump
limited to testing the pullout resistance of to the pull cylinder was of sufficient length
each adhesive anchor, and did not test the to allow testing personnel to locate them-

Figure 6 – Dial deflection gauge with gradations of 0.001 inch.

August 2016 Interface • 23

can be used to provide direct measurements tension was applied to the anchorage, ten- er test load was applied in order to check the
of the force. sion was held for five minutes, and testing anchorage capacity. A load of 4000 pounds
personnel observed and recorded anchorage was chosen by the engineer to approach
Safety deflection. the ultimate load without exceeding it or
Prior to commencing each test, testing After five minutes, some anchorage the adhesive anchor yield stress. Testing
personnel positioned themselves perpendic- deflections exceeded 0.04 inch. This prompt- beyond anchor yield stress causes perma-
ular to the direction of testing and several ed further investigation. Structural analysis nent deformation of anchors and may ren-
feet away, for safety. If fall arrest anchor- of the anchorages was performed, which der them unusable. After the 4000-pound
ages pull out of the substrate upon testing, indicated calculated deflections were less load was achieved, tension was maintained
the aircraft cable or other equipment might than 0.04 inch. As such, additional testing for five minutes. During this retesting, the
fail in line with the two reaction points and of anchorages having excessive deflection testing personnel observed that the deflec-
cause injury. Testing personnel should wear was performed. For those conditions, a larg- tion remained constant from the time the
personal protection gear, such as hard hats,
safety glasses, and gloves. They should also
ensure that others on site remain clear of
the test area during the entire test duration.

Testing Procedure
The engineer responsible for the evalua-
tion of the anchorage testing should deter-
mine the required full load, based on the
working load of the anchorage. Maximum
working load requirements for anchorages
on this project were 1250 pounds. These
loads were indicated on each anchorage
point with permanent metal tags. As such,
they were tested to resist a full load of 2500
pounds, which is two times the working
load, in accordance with ASCE Façade
Access Equipment recommendations of
ANSI/ASSE Z359.2, and OSHA 1910.66
Appendix C strength requirements. The
test load on the anchorage was imparted
by slowly applying 2500 pounds of tension,
which equated to 2250 psi of pressure in
the hydraulic system. The reaction point for
each test was a series of carefully selected
anchor points as reaction points. Testing
was done by applying the hydraulic hand
pump until the full pressure was observed
on the pressure dial gauge. The anchorage
system was observed for indications of
instability using a dial gauge. After 2500
pounds was achieved, tension was held for
two minutes. Due to potential small pres-
sure leaks in the hydraulic pump, hoses,
valves, and pull cylinder, additional pump-
ing was necessary to maintain the required
pressure. After two minutes, the tension
was slowly released.
After the full-load test was performed,
the system was tested again. As a basis
for testing, the engineer chose the non-
mandatory OSHA 1910.66, Appendix C
provision that anchorages should not have
deflection greater than 0.04 inch when a
force of 2250 pounds is applied. To mea-
sure deflection, the dial gauge was set to
zero prior to loading. After 2250 pounds of

august 2016 Interface • 25

Figure 7 – Dial deflection gauge attached
to adjustable stand and magnetic base
fastened to a steel plate.

the maximum nonmandatory deflection cri-

teria indicated by OSHA 1910.66, Appendix
C, may not be achieved due to existing field
conditions, such as crushing of a mem-
brane between the anchorage base plate
and the substrate.
The procedures described in the case
study were the authors’ interpretation of
the appropriate process and equipment
needed to provide field-testing of roof fall
arrest anchorage for the particular condi-
tion described. Since each project provides
its own set of challenges, proper planning
load was applied. Noting that some anchor- OSHA 1910.66’s Appendix C, and ANSI/ and procedures are important to effectively
ages were installed over 120-mil-thick vapor IWCA I-14.1 are pertinent reference docu- test fall arrest anchorage and to evaluate
retarder membrane, while other anchorages ments related to the subject. In some cases, the results.
were installed directly on the concrete roof
deck, the initial large deflections observed Michael F. Wiscons Jaclyn May is an
were determined to be due to crushing of is a senior struc- associate archi-
the membrane under the anchorages. It tural engineer tectural consul-
was concluded that the large deflections with Building tant with Building
were not due to deficiencies of the fall arrest Technology Technology
anchorages because deflections remained Consultants, Inc., Consultants, Inc. in
constant after load application and under a forensic engi- Arlington Heights,
increased tension forces. Since restricting neering firm in Illinois. She has
anchorage deflections to 0.04 inch is not Arlington Heights, been working full-
mandatory and they had sufficient strength, Illinois. He is a time in the build-
it was the authors’ opinion that the fall licensed structur- ing industry since
arrest anchorages were acceptable. As such, Michael F. Wiscons, al engineer in the Jaclyn May, 2013, and since
no modifications to the installed anchorages state of Illinois and then has been
were needed. SE, PE a licensed profes- Associate AIA, LEED involved in many
sional engineer in Illinois, Wisconsin, and AP BD+C, CDT projects, ranging
SUMMARY Minnesota. Mike has managed over 300 from space planning and interior renova-
Applicable standards and guidelines structural and building façade projects. tions to the repair of various building enve-
should be reviewed prior to field-testing roof These projects have included steel, concrete, lope components. Jackie is a Construction
fall arrest anchorages. ANSI/ASSE Z359.0, masonry, and timber building systems on Document Technologist (CDT) and LEED
ANSI/ASSE Z359.2, ASCE Façade Access institutional, governmental, industrial, histor- Accredited Professional (LEED AP BD+C).
Equipment guidelines, OSHA 1910.66, ical, commercial, and residential buildings.

26 • Interface august 2016

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