FR Price Proposal

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Penawaran Pekerjaan Engineering Design untuk Kariangau Industrial Complex

I. Cakupan Pekerjaan :
Phase / Scope Architecture Civill & Structure MBS MEP QS Remarks

Detailed Design Jujur Kholid Jujur Kholid by other by other Jujur Kholid

Legend :
MBS- Fire Fighting , HVAC and Plumbing
MEP- Mechanical (Piping, static & Rotating), Electrical
QS- Quantity Surveying (cost estimation and BoQs)

Dengan catatan :
1. QS dengan cost estimation dengan akurasi +/- 10% untuk Bidding ke kontraktor
2. Menggunakan software autocad
3. 2D design dan 3D tampak site plan hanya untuk external bangunan
4. Design utiliti dan tanki, MBS, MEP, Electrical tidak termasuk dalam penawaran design ini
5. Semua kegiatan aktifikas di site (mengunjungi site untuk memvalidasi konstruksi pada saat konstruksi berlangsung,
Pembuatan dokumen as built, menghadiri kick of meeting di site)
6. Durasi design selama 6 bulan
7. Design concept akan di berikan dari client dengan format autocad sebelum memulai detail design
8. Durasi persetujuan dokumen oleh Klien akan maksimal lima (5) hari kerja. Dengan tidak adanya umpan balik / komentar / komentar dari klien
dalam waktu lima (5) hari kerja, dokumen yang diserahkan tersebut akan dianggap disetujui oleh client. Dan status dokumen tersebut
akan menjadi final (100%)

II. Biaya Jasa DED

Pekerjaan Biaya (IDR)
Detail design
Dry Fractionation IDR 388.342.764,00
Refinery IDR 489.704.040,00
BioDIesel IDR,00
Total cost IDR 2.896.301.220,00

Dengan catatan :
Biaya di atas tidak termasuk yang berikut:
a. 10% VAT (Value Added Tax)
b. Biaya di luar ruang lingkup proposal ini (misal. Persetujuan pemerintan dan lain-lain, repro, Otoritas)
c. Soil Investigation & Topographical survey
d. Akomodasi, penginapan dan transportasi

III. Jadwal Pembayaran

% Triggering event
15% Down Payment (uang muka) pada saat di terima Kontrak penunjukan atau LOI (letter of Intent)
(1st payment)
25% Setelah pengajuan Pertama (first submission) desain detail
(2nd payment)
50% Setelah pengajuan akhir (final submission) dari semua detail desain
(3rd payment)
10% setelah Cost estimate dan BoQ's
(4th payment)

Syarat dan Ketentuan:

1. Klien harus membayar biaya DP pembayaran pertama di atas dalam waktu dua (2) minggu sejak tanggal Kontrak ini ditandatangani atau LOI di kirim
2. Pembayaran konsekuen untuk Biaya Layanan harus dibayar dalam waktu tiga puluh (30) hari sejak tanggal penandatanganan
dokumen Persetujuan Kemajuan (Permintaan Pembayaran) yang akan diajukan sesuai dengan jadwal pembayaran di atas.
3. Klien harus membayar 2% dari jumlah jatuh tempo, per bulan, jika terjadi keterlambatan.


Jujur Kholid
Fractination 1500 TPD

I. Co-ordination and control
I.1 Design reviews - Detail Design meeting Pce 1

II. Investigator / studies / Recommendation

II.1 Project requirements / Basis of Design Lot 1
II.2 IMB drawing Lot 1

III Cost estimate / control

III.1 MTO Lot 1

IV. Diagram & Design Drawing

IV.1 Drawing List Pce 1
1 Site - Plan Pce 1
2 Block Plan Scale 1 : 500 Pce 1
3 3d Views Pce 1
4 Schedule Material Finishing Pce 1
5 Schedule Doors and Windows Pce 1


1 Plan – ground floor & 1st floor fract builing Pce 1
2 Plan – 2nd floor & roof fract building Pce 1
3 Elevations – a & b, fract building Pce 1
4 Elevations – c & d, fract building Pce 1
5 Sections – 1 & 2 fract building Pce 1
6 Sections – 3 & 4 fract building Pce 1
7 Enlarged sections – fract building sheet Pce 2
8 Enlarged – staircase Pce 5


VI. Description Specification

Technical Specification PCE 1

VI. Tender Assistance

1 Technical evaluation Pce 1
2 Price Evaluation Pce 1
3 PQ meeting Pce 3
4 clarification meeting Pce 3
5 Kick Off meeting on jakarta (first KOM contractor meeting only) Pce 1

Refinery 2500 TPD

I. Co-ordination and control
I.1 Design reviews - Detail Design meeting Pce 3

II. Investigator / studies / Recommendation

II.1 Project requirements / Basis of Design Lot 1
II.2 IMB drawing Lot 1

III Cost estimate / control

III.1 MTO Lot 1

IV. Diagram & Design Drawing

IV.1 Drawing List Pce 1
1 Site - Plan Pce 1
2 Block Plan Scale 1 : 500 Pce 1
3 3d Views Pce 1
4 Out line specification Sheet Pce 1
5 Schedule Material Finishing Pce 1
6 Schedule Doors and Windows Pce 1


1 Plan – Ground Floor Pce 1
2 Plan – EL. +2.500 & EL. +6.000 Pce 1
3 Plan – EL. +10.000 Pce 1
4 Plan – EL. +15.000 & EL. +17.000 Pce 1
5 Plan – EL. +18.900 & EL. +21.800 & Roof Pce 1
6 Plan – EL. +23.500 & EL. +25.000, EL. +28.100 & Roof Pce 1
7 Plan – EL. +32.300 & EL. +36.600, EL. +42.600 & Roof Pce 1
8 Elevations – a & b, refinary buildin Pce 1
9 Elevations – c & d, refinary building Pce 1
10 Sections – 1 & 2 refinary building Pce 1
11 Sections – 3 & 4 refinary building Pce 1
12 Sections – 5 refinary building Pce 1
13 Enlarged sections – fract building sheet Pce 2
14 Enlarged – staircase Pce 16


VI. Description Specification

Technical Specification PCE 1

VI. Tender Assistance

1 Technical evaluation Pce 1
2 Price Evaluation Pce 1
3 PQ meeting Pce 3
4 clarification meeting Pce 3
5 Kick Off meeting on jakarta (first KOM contractor meeting only) Pce 1

Bio Diesel 1000 MTP

I. Co-ordination and control
I.1 Design reviews - Detail Design meeting Pce 3

II. Investigator / studies / Recommendation

II.1 Project requirements / Basis of Design Lot 1
II.2 IMB drawing Lot 1

III Cost estimate / control

III.1 MTO Lot 1

IV. Diagram & Design Drawing

IV.1 Drawing List Pce 1
1 Site - Plan Pce 1
2 Block Plan Scale 1 : 500 Pce 1
3 3d Views Pce 1
4 Out line specification Sheet Pce 1
5 Schedule Material Finishing Pce 1
6 Schedule Doors and Windows Pce 1


1 Plan – Ground floor & 1st floor 1000 MTD BIODIESEL Pce 1
2 Plan – 2nd floor, 3rd floor & 4th floor 1000 MTD BIODIESEL Pce 1
3 Plan – 5th floor, Mezz floor & Roof floor 1000 MTD BIODIESEL Pce 1
4 Elevations – a & b, 1000 MTD Biodiesel Pce 1
5 Elevations – c & d, 1000 MTD Biodiesel Pce 1
6 Sections – 1 & 2 1000 MTD Biodiesel Pce 1
7 Sections – 3 & 4 1000 MTD Biodiesel Pce 1
8 Enlarged sections – 1000 MTD Biodiesel Pce 2
9 Enlarged – staircase Pce 8

IV.5b Pre Treatment Plant

PLAN - Pre Treatment Plant #1 Pce 1
PLAN - Pre Treatment Plant #2 Pce 1
PLAN - Pre Treatment Plant #3 Pce 1
Elevations – a & b, Pre Treatment Plant Pce 1
Elevations – a & b, Pre Treatment Plant Pce 1
Sections – 1 & 2 Pre Treatment Plant Pce 1
Sections – 3 & 4 Pre Treatment Plant Pce 1
Enlarged sections Pce 1
Enlarged - Staircase Pce 5

IV.5c Clarification Building

Plan - Ground floor, 1st Floor Clarification Building Pce 1
Plan - Ceiling and Roof Pce 1
Elevations – a & b, 1000 Clarification Building Pce 1
Sections – 1 & 2 1000 Clarification Building Pce 1
Enlarged sections Pce 1
Enlarged - Staircase Pce 1

IV.5d Cooling Tower P1

Plan - Ground floor, 1st Floor Cooling Tower P1 Pce 1
Sections – 1 & 2 1000 Cooling Tower P1 Pce 1

IV.5e Cooling Tower P2

Plan - Ground floor, 1st Floor Cooling Tower P2 Pce 1
Sections – 1 & 2 1000 Cooling Tower P2 Pce 1

IV.5f Support Building (Lab + Office)

Plan - Ground floor & Roof Support Building
Elevations – a & b, Pre Treatment Plant Pce 1
Sections – 1 & 2 Pre Treatment Plant Pce 1
Enlarged Plan & Sections - Toilet Pce 1
Enlarged Plan & Sections Pce 2

IV.5g Warehouse Electrical Substation

Plan - Ground floor & Roof Support Building Pce 1
Elevations – a & b, Pre Treatment Plant Pce 1
Elevations – a & b, Pre Treatment Plant Pce 1
Sections – 1 & 2 Pre Treatment Plant Pce 1
Sections – 3 & 4 Pre Treatment Plant Pce 1
Enlarged sections Pce 1
Enlarged - Staircase Pce 5

IV.5h Pump Station & Office B6

Plan - Ground floor & Roof Support Building Pce 1
Elevations – a & b, Pre Treatment Plant Pce 1
Sections – 1 & 2 Pre Treatment Plant Pce 1


VI. Description Specification

Technical Specification PCE 1

VI. Tender Assistance

1 Technical evaluation Pce 1
2 Price Evaluation Pce 1
3 PQ meeting Pce 3
4 clarification meeting Pce 3
5 Kick Off meeting on jakarta (first KOM contractor meeting only) Pce 1

Refinery 2500 TPD


I. Co-ordination and control

I.1 Design reviews - Detail Design meeting Pce 1

II. Investigator / studies / Recommendation

II.1 Project requirements / Basis of Design Lot 1

III Cost estimate / control

1 MTO - Civil Works Pce 1
2 MTO - Steel Works Pce 1

IV. Specification & Calculation Document

1 Specification - Concrete Pce 1
2 Specification Steel Structure Pce 1
1 Structural Calculation Report Main Building & Foundation - Refinery 2500 MTP Pce 1

V. Design Drawing Refinery 2500 TPD

1 Plan - Piling & Detail Pile Pce 1
2 Plan - Foundation (Pilecap) Main Building Pce 1
3 Plan - Foundation Equipment Pce 1
4 Plan - Concrete Slab & Pedestal Column (Ground Floor) Pce 1
5 Plan - Steel Column Pce 1
6 Plan - Steel Base Plate & Detail Base Plate Pce 1
7 Plan - Concrete Slab TOC +…. & Steel Beam Elevation TOS. +… Pce 10
8 Plan - Steel Roof or Concrete Roof & Fascia Pce 4
9 Plan - Steel Canopy Pce 2
10 Plan - Thickening of Concrete Slab for Pump Foundation Pce 1
11 Framing Axis - A,,,,, Pce 8
12 Framing Axis - 1,,,,, Pce 8
13 Detail - Steel Connection Pce 2
14 Detail - Fascia Pce 2
15 Detail - Foundation for Equipment Pce 6
16 Detail - Foundation Or Pilecap Pce 3
17 Detail - Tie Beam, Column & Beam (Schedule Tie Bem, Schedule Coumn & Schedule Beam) Pce 1
18 Detail - Concrete Slab & Ramp Pce 1
19 Detail - Stair Pce 4
20 Detail - Reinforcement of Equipment Foundation Pce 6
21 Detail - Reinforcement of Main Building Foundation Pce 3
22 Enlarge - Plan & Detail #1 Pce 1
23 Enlarge - Plan & Detail #2 Pce 1

VI. Tender Assistance

1 Technical evaluation Pce 1
2 Price Evaluation Pce 1
3 PQ meeting Pce 3
4 clarification meeting Pce 3
5 Kick Off meeting on jakarta (first KOM contractor meeting only) Pce 1

Fractination 1500 TPD


I. Co-ordination and control

I.1 Design reviews - Detail Design meeting Pce 1

II. Investigator / studies / Recommendation

II.1 Project requirements / Basis of Design Lot 1

III Cost estimate / control

1 MTO - Civil Works Pce 1
2 MTO - Steel Works Pce 1

IV. Specification & Calculation Document

1 Specification - Concrete Pce 1
2 Specification Steel Structure Pce 1
1 Structural Calculation Report Main Building & Foundation - Dry Fractionation 1500 MTP Pce 1

V. Design Drawing Fractionation Plant 1500 TPD

1 Plan - Piling & Detail Pile Pce 1
2 Plan - Foundation (Pilecap) Main Building Pce 1
3 Plan - Foundation Equipment Pce 1
4 Plan - Concrete Slab & Pedestal Column (Ground Floor) Pce 1
5 Plan - Steel Column Pce 1
6 Plan - Steel Base Plate & Detail Base Plate Pce 1
7 Plan - Concrete Slab TOC +…. & Steel Beam Elevation TOS. +… Pce 4
8 Plan - Steel Roof on Concrete Roof & Fascia Pce 2
9 Plan - Steel Canopy Pce 2
10 Plan - Thickening of Concrete Slab for Pump Foundation Pce 1
11 Framing Axis - A, B, C, D Pce 4
12 Framing Axis - 1, 2, 3, 4 Pce 4
13 Detail - Steel Connection Pce 2
14 Detail - Fascia Pce 2
15 Detail - Foundation for Equipment Pce 8
16 Detail - Foundation Or Pilecap Pce 3
17 Detail - Tie Beam, Column & Beam (Schedule Tie Bem, Schedule Coumn & Schedule Beam) Pce 1
18 Detail - Concrete Slab & Ramp Pce 1
19 Detail - Stair Pce 2
20 Detail - Reinforcement of Equipment Foundation Pce 8
21 Detail - Reinforcement of Main Building Foundation Pce 3
22 Enlarge - Plan & Detail #1 Pce 1
23 Enlarge - Plan & Detail #2 Pce 1

VI. Tender Assistance

1 Technical evaluation Pce 1
2 Price Evaluation Pce 1
3 PQ meeting Pce 3
4 clarification meeting Pce 3
5 Kick Off meeting on jakarta (first KOM contractor meeting only) Pce 1

VII. Construction Engineering Support

1 As-Built Lot 1

Bio Diesel 1000 MTP

I. Co-ordination and control
I.1 Design reviews - Detail Design meeting Pce 1

II. Investigator / studies / Recommendation

II.1 Project requirements / Basis of Design Lot 1

III Cost estimate / control

1 MTO - Civil Works Pce 1
2 MTO - Steel Works Pce 1
IV. Specification & Calculation Document
1 Specification - Concrete Pce 1
2 Specification Steel Structure Pce 1
1 Structural Calculation Report Building & Foundation - Biodiesel 1000 MTP Pce 18
1 MTO - Civil Works Pce 1
2 MTO - Steel Works Pce 1

V. Design Drawing BioDiesel 1000 TPD

1 Documents list Pce 1
2 General Plan Road Pavement Pce 1
3 Section Plan Road Pavement Pce 1
4 Section Plan Road Pavement Pce 1
5 Plan and Section Entrance Ramp Pce 1
6 Plan & Section Entrance Bridge Pce 1
7 Enlarged Plan Road Pavement Pce 1
8 Enlarged Plan Parking Pavement Pce 1
9 Typical details Road Pavement Pce 1
10 General Plan Road Pavement Pce 1
11 Enlarged Plan Road Pavement Pce 2
13 Section Road Pavement Pce 3
14 Section Road Pavement Pce 1
15 Typical Section Road Pavement Pce 1
16 General Plan Drainage Pce 1
17 Typical Section Drainage Pce 1
18 Section & Detail - Fence Foundation Pce 1
19 Section & Detail - Lighting Foundation Pce 1
20 Enlarged Plan Drainage and Elevation Pce 1
21 Typical Detail Drainage Pce 1
22 Typical Detail Control Box Pce 4
24 General Plan Drainage Pce 1
25 Enlarged Plan Drainage Pce 2
27 Typical Section Drainage Pce 1
28 Typical Detail Drainage Pce 1
31 Plan Utility Interface Pce 1
32 Section & Detail - Utility Interface Pce 1

V.2 Standard Drawing

1 Standard Drawing 01 Pce 1
2 Standard Drawing 02 Pce 1
3 Standard Drawing 03 Pce 1
4 Standard Drawing 04 Pce 1
5 Standard Drawing 05 Pce 1
6 Standard Drawing 06 Pce 1
7 Standard Drawing 07 Pce 1
8 Standard Drawing 08 Pce 1
9 Standard Drawing 09 Pce 1
10 Standard Drawing 10 Pce 1
11 Standard Drawing 11 Pce 1
12 Standard Drawing 12 Pce 1
13 Standard Drawing 13 Pce 1
14 Standard Drawing 14 Pce 1
15 Standard Drawing 15 Pce 1
16 Standard Drawing 16 Pce 1
17 Standard Drawing 17 Pce 1
18 Standard Drawing 18 Pce 1
19 Standard Drawing 19 Pce 1
20 Standard Drawing 20 Pce 1
21 Standard Drawing 21 Pce 1

V.3 Structure Biodiesel Plant

1 Plan - Piling & Detail Pile Pce 1
2 Plan - Foundation (Pilecap) Main Building Pce 1
3 Plan - Foundation Equipment Pce 1
4 Plan - Concrete Slab & Pedestal Column (Ground Floor) Pce 1
5 Plan - Steel Column Pce 1
6 Plan - Steel Base Plate & Detail Base Plate Pce 1
7 Plan - Concrete Slab TOC +…. & Steel Beam Elevation TOS. +… Pce 5
8 Plan - Steel Roof on Concrete Roof & Fascia Pce 1
9 Plan - Steel Canopy Pce 1
10 Plan - Thickening of Concrete Slab for Pump Foundation Pce 1
14 Framing Axis - A, B, C, D Pce 4
15 Framing Axis - 1, 2, 3, 4 Pce 4
16 Detail - Steel Connection Pce 1
17 Detail - Fascia Pce 1
18 Detail - Foundation for Equipment Pce 1
19 Detail - Foundation Or Pilecap Pce 1
20 Detail - Tie Beam, Column & Beam (Schedule Tie Bem, Schedule Coumn & Schedule Beam) Pce 2
21 Detail - Concrete Slab & Ramp Pce 1
22 Detail - Stair Pce 4
23 Detail - Reinforcement of Equipment Foundation Pce 2

V.4 Structure Pretreatment Plant

1 Plan - Piling & Detail Pile Pce 1
2 Plan - Foundation (Pilecap) Main Building Pce 1
3 Plan - Foundation Equipment Pce 1
4 Plan - Concrete Slab & Pedestal Column (Ground Floor) Pce 1
5 Plan - Steel Column Pce 1
6 Plan - Steel Base Plate & Detail Base Plate Pce 1
7 Plan - Concrete Slab TOC +…. & Steel Beam Elevation TOS. +… Pce 3
8 Plan - Steel Roof on Concrete Roof & Fascia Pce 1
9 Plan - Steel Canopy Pce 1
10 Plan - Thickening of Concrete Slab for Pump Foundation Pce 1
14 Framing Axis - A, B, C, D Pce 2
15 Framing Axis - 1, 2, 3, 4 Pce 2
16 Detail - Steel Connection Pce 1
17 Detail - Fascia Pce 1
18 Detail - Foundation for Equipment Pce 1
19 Detail - Foundation Or Pilecap Pce 1
20 Detail - Tie Beam, Column & Beam (Schedule Tie Bem, Schedule Coumn & Schedule Beam) Pce 2
21 Detail - Concrete Slab & Ramp Pce 1
22 Detail - Stair Pce 2
23 Detail - Reinforcement of Equipment Foundation Pce 1

V.5 Structure Warehouse

1 Plan - Piling & Detail Pile Pce 1
2 Plan - Foundation (Pilecap) Main Building Pce 1
3 Plan - Concrete Slab & Pedestal Column (Ground Floor) Pce 1
4 Plan - Steel Column Pce 1
5 Plan - Steel Base Plate & Detail Base Plate Pce 1
6 Plan - Concrete Slab TOC +…. & Steel Beam Elevation TOS. +… Pce 1
7 Plan - Steel Roof on Concrete Roof & Fascia Pce 1
8 Plan - Steel Canopy Pce 1
9 Framing Axis - A, B, C, D Pce 2
10 Framing Axis - 1, 2, 3, 4 Pce 2
11 Detail - Steel Connection Pce 1
12 Detail - Fascia Pce 1
13 Detail - Foundation Or Pilecap Pce 1
14 Detail - Tie Beam, Column & Beam (Schedule Tie Bem, Schedule Coumn & Schedule Beam) Pce 1
15 Detail - Concrete Slab & Ramp Pce 1

V.6 Structure Support Building office & Lab

1 Plan - Piling & Detail Pile Pce 1
2 Plan - Foundation (Pilecap) Main Building Pce 1
3 Plan - Concrete Slab & Pedestal Column (Ground Floor) Pce 1
4 Plan - Steel Column Pce 1
5 Plan - Steel Base Plate & Detail Base Plate Pce 1
6 Plan - Concrete Slab TOC +…. & Steel Beam Elevation TOS. +… Pce 2
7 Plan - Steel Roof on Concrete Roof & Fascia Pce 1
8 Plan - Steel Canopy Pce 1
9 Framing Axis - A, B, C, D Pce 2
10 Framing Axis - 1, 2, 3, 4 Pce 2
14 Detail - Steel Connection Pce 1
15 Detail - Fascia Pce 1
16 Detail - Foundation Or Pilecap Pce 1
17 Detail - Tie Beam, Column & Beam (Schedule Tie Bem, Schedule Coumn & Schedule Beam) Pce 1
18 Detail - Concrete Slab & Ramp Pce 1
19 Detail - Stair Pce 2

V.7 Structure Pump Room 5 building

1 Plan, Section & Detail Pce 10

V.8 Structure Cooling Tower 2 building

1 Plan, Section & Detail Pce 4

V.9 Structure Clarification Building

1 Plan, Section & Detail Pce 2

V.10 Structure Workshop

1 Plan - Piling & Detail Pile Pce 1
2 Plan - Foundation (Pilecap) Main Building Pce 1
3 Plan - Concrete Slab & Pedestal Column (Ground Floor) Pce 1
4 Plan - Steel Column Pce 1
5 Plan - Steel Base Plate & Detail Base Plate Pce 1
6 Plan - Concrete Slab TOC +…. & Steel Beam Elevation TOS. +… Pce 2
7 Plan - Steel Roof on Concrete Roof & Fascia Pce 1
8 Plan - Steel Canopy Pce 1
9 Framing Axis - A, B, C, D Pce 2
10 Framing Axis - 1, 2, 3, 4 Pce 2
11 Detail - Steel Connection Pce 1
12 Detail - Fascia Pce 1
13 Detail - Foundation Or Pilecap Pce 1
14 Detail - Tie Beam, Column & Beam (Schedule Tie Bem, Schedule Coumn & Schedule Beam) Pce 1
15 Detail - Concrete Slab & Ramp Pce 1
16 Detail - Stair Pce 2

V.11 Structure Chemical Tank

1 Plan - Piling & Detail Pile Pce 2
2 Plan - Foundation (Pilecap) Pce 2
3 Plan - Concrete Slab, Concrete Wall & Column (Ground Floor) Pce 2
4 Framing - Section Axis Pce 1
5 Detail - Foundation Or Pilecap Pce 1
6 Detail - Tie Beam, Column & Beam (Schedule Tie Bem, Schedule Coumn & Schedule Beam) Pce 1
7 Detail - Concrete Slab Pce 1
8 Detail - Stair Pce 1
9 Detail - Reinforcement of Equipment Foundation Pce 1

V.12 Structure Intermidate Tank

1 Plan - Piling & Detail Pile Pce 2
2 Plan - Foundation (Pilecap) Pce 2
3 Plan - Concrete Slab, Concrete Wall & Column (Ground Floor) Pce 2
4 Framing - Section Axis Pce 1
5 Detail - Foundation Or Pilecap Pce 1
6 Detail - Tie Beam, Column & Beam (Schedule Tie Bem, Schedule Coumn & Schedule Beam) Pce 1
7 Detail - Concrete Slab Pce 1
8 Detail - Stair Pce 1
9 Detail - Reinforcement of Equipment Foundation Pce 1

V.13 Structure Metanol Tank

1 Plan - Piling & Detail Pile Pce 1
2 Plan - Foundation (Pilecap) Pce 1
3 Plan - Concrete Slab, Concrete Wall & Column (Ground Floor) Pce 1
4 Framing - Section Axis Pce 1
5 Detail - Foundation Or Pilecap Pce 1
6 Detail - Tie Beam, Column & Beam (Schedule Tie Bem, Schedule Coumn & Schedule Beam) Pce 1
7 Detail - Concrete Slab Pce 1
8 Detail - Stair Pce 1
9 Detail - Reinforcement of Equipment Foundation Pce 1

V.14 Structure Biodiesel Tank

1 Plan - Piling & Detail Pile Pce 1
2 Plan - Foundation (Pilecap) Pce 1
3 Plan - Concrete Slab, Concrete Wall & Column (Ground Floor) Pce 1
4 Framing - Section Axis Pce 2
5 Detail - Foundation Or Pilecap Pce 1
6 Detail - Tie Beam, Column & Beam (Schedule Tie Bem, Schedule Coumn & Schedule Beam) Pce 1
7 Detail - Concrete Slab Pce 1
8 Detail - Stair Pce 1
9 Detail - Reinforcement of Equipment Foundation Pce 2

V.15 Structure Fire Water Tank

1 Plan, Section & Detail Pce 1

V.16 Structure Nitrogen Tank

1 Plan, Section & Detail Pce 1

V.17 Structure Loading Station 1 & 2

1 Plan, Section & Detail Pce 2

V.18 Pipe Rack

1 Plan - Piling & Detail Pile Pce 2
2 Plan - Foundation (Pilecap) Pce 2
3 Plan - Steel Column Pce 2
3 Plan - Structural Steel Piperack Pce 2
4 Framing - Section Axis Pce 2
5 Detail - Foundation Or Pilecap, Tie Beam, & Pedestal Column Pce 1
6 Detail - Steel Connection Pce 1

VI. Tender Assistance

1 Technical evaluation Pce 1
2 Price Evaluation Pce 1
3 PQ meeting Pce 3
4 clarification meeting Pce 3
5 Kick Off meeting on jakarta (first KOM contractor meeting only) Pce 1


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