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Quaternary International 68}71 (2000) 83}86

Patagonian dust in Antarctica

Martin Iriondo*
CONICET UNL, Casilla de Correo 487, 3100 Parana, Argentina


Recent advances in the knowledge of Antarctica have demonstrated that the atmospheric dust trapped in the West Antarctica
glaciers during IS2, 4 and 6 has a Patagonian origin. A climatic scenario is developed in this article in order to explain such a process.
Patagonia is unique, as it is the only sizable land mass located in the belt of Westerlies in the Southern Hemisphere. The Westerlies are
formed by cyclonic structures, which normally elevate the air masses and aerosols to the upper troposphere. There, the phenomena of
mass compensation occur with the Antarctic anticyclone, which (as any anticyclone) sinks air and aerosols to the surface. Large
quantities of loose sur"cial sediments and atmospheric dust are typical of Patagonia and can easily be picked up by the wind.
According to this scenario, which is based on the general atmospheric circulation, Australia and Southern Africa are hindered in
providing aerosols to Antarctica, because those territories are located in the subtropical high-pressure belt.  2000 Published by
Elsevier Science Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction upper troposphere by a cyclonic circulation and later

transported down to surface by the action of an anticy-
In a recent publication, Basile et al. (1997) demon- clone. Several publications which have appeared in the
strated that, according to the isotopic relations of Stron- Argentine literature help to determine the probable
tium and Neodymium, the dust contained in ice from the mechanism of transference of aerosols from Patagonia
glacial periods of Dome C and Vostok in Antarctica have to West Antarctica (Rivero et al., 1975; Iriondo, 1989;
a Patagonian origin. The authors hypothesize on the Necco, 1989).
atmospheric pathway of the aerosols and consider the
in#uence of the peri-Antarctic trough in the sediment
dynamics. They also noted the absence of African or 2. The general atmospheric circulation
Australian dust in the region. Only 10}15% of the
studied material has an unknown origin and could orig- Fig. 1 represents the schematic pattern of winds and
inate in those continents. According to Basile et al. pressure belts in an idealized earth. Between the latitudes
(1997), the isotopic relations of Strontium and Neody- of 0 and 40/423, the solar radiation reaching the surface
mium indicate that the South American platform which of the globe is not compensated by the night irradiation
emerged during low sea levels has not contributed dust to space. In higher latitudes, on the contrary, the heat
either. received during daytime is smaller than that lost during
The present contribution is an attempt to explain the the night. Consequently, a standing transfer of mass and
transport pattern of the Patagonian dust to Antarctica energy occurs in the lower atmosphere from the equato-
on the basis of the general circulation of the atmosphere rial region to the poles in the form of winds.
and the contrasting dynamics of cyclones and anticy- Owing to the rotation of the earth and the viscosity of
clones. Cyclones are air masses rotating in ascending the air, the wind pattern and distribution of atmospheric
spirals, which reach several kilometers of altitude. Anti- pressure is more complex. It forms the general atmo-
cyclones are analogous, descending spirals. Hence, one is spheric circulation (GAC) in parallel belts which sur-
constrained to assume that, the dust is elevated to the round the planet. Fig. 1, taken from Critch"eld (1968), is
a classical schematic representation of the GAC. Note
that the circulation is tri-dimensional and the north}
* Corresponding author. south component of sur"cial winds has an inverse
E-mail address: (M. Iriondo). counter current in the high-atmosphere (right side of the

1040-6182/00/$20.00  2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 0 4 0 - 6 1 8 2 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 3 5 - 5
84 M. Iriondo / Quaternary International 68}71 (2000) 83}86

Fig. 2. Stormtracks of the Southern Westerly lows, according to Rivero

et al. (1975).

Hemisphere. It extends from 40}563S. Its typical width

varies between 500 and 700 km. The present surface
above sea level is 1300 000 km, more than 700 000 km
Fig. 1. Schematic pattern of winds and pressure belts in an idealized (60%) of which is occupied by a meset located east of the
Earth (Critch"eld, 1968). The arrow at the corner of the "gure indicates Andes. Volcanic activity was dominant in Patagonia
the link between Westerlies and the polar anticyclone. The e!ects of
di!erential heating of land and water surfaces are neglected.
throughout most of the Phanerozoic Eon.
The climate is controlled by the dynamics of the
Westerlies, which arrive from the Paci"c Ocean, cross
"gure), forming three `circulation cellsa in each hemi- the Andes discharging most of their water content and
sphere: a tropical one, another temperate, and the last continue as dry winds to the east. Hence, an orographic
polar. desert is produced in the meset. As explained above,
The Patagonian origin of the Antarctic dust should be the belt is composed of a quasi-permanent sequence of
considered according to the interrelationship between cyclonic waves with a general tendency to form rising
the temperate and the polar circulation cells. The temper- air masses and aerosols (not simple winds). Such waves
ate circulation cell corresponds to the belt of Westerlies. are unstable areas, 400}800 km in diameter, formed by
It is located between the latitudes of 40/42 S and 70/723S. winds rotating in a clockwise direction. Once a wave is
The `Westerliesa are not simple winds, but a quasi- generated, it shifts to the east and south-east direction
permanent sequence of cyclonic waves, which slowly (Fig. 2) over a few days, until it fades out (Rivero et al.,
migrate to the east. Hence, winds can #ow from any 1975).
direction, but they have a westerly statistical resultant. The mechanism of formation of cyclones east of the
The polar circulation cell is located in the polar perma- Andes is the following: a cyclonic wave reaches South
nent anticyclone, which is always surrounded by a cy- America from the west. It is occluded by the Andes
clonic belt. The axis of such a belt is located at 61/64 and Mountains, loses its humidity and fades out at the sur-
oscillates in a semi-annual period. It is formed by cy- face. Through a mechanism of energy transfer in the
clonic cells, 600}1000 km in diameter, that are derived upper atmosphere, the system crosses to the east and
from the west (Hanna, 1996). re-generates a cyclone on the meset or on the platform.
Occasionally, the polar anticyclone produces katha- The newborn cyclone moves to the east-southeast (occa-
batic winds, generating a `polar wavea that crosses the sionally to the south) and "nally fades out. The southern
belt of Westerlies and reaches the tropical latitudes. limit of the cyclone tract penetrates deeply over the
Large polar waves can cover half of South America (an Weddel Sea, crossing the latitude of 803S.
area of several million square kilometers) in winter. Owing to the extreme dryness of the air (the relative
humidity can be less than 5%) cyclones generated on the
meset pick up large volumes of dust, which rise in the
3. Patagonia at present times atmosphere, displaying the typical cyclonic dynamics.
Eolian erosion is visible in the extra-Andean Patagonia
Patagonia is a single land mass of signi"cant size (Iriondo, 1989). Fine-grained, unconsolidated sediments
located inside the belt of Westerlies in the Southern of Tertiary age undergo severe eolian erosion and
M. Iriondo / Quaternary International 68}71 (2000) 83}86 85

thousands of de#ation hollows develop in the landscape. composed of granitic-metamorphic rocks (Iriondo and
Another type of eolian feature is formed by large depres- Krohling, 1995).
sions with areas in the order of a hundred to a few The Patagonian glaciation was a `piedmont-typea
thousand square kilometers, which began to form prob- event, covering the Andes and neighboring valleys. The
ably during the Middle Pleistocene. main environmental characteristic of the region was the
The association of salts dissolved in the Andean rivers dryness of the air, which precluded the growing of arbo-
indicate a signi"cant contribution of solids from the real vegetation and the development of glaciers in the
meset, conveyed by eastern winds of cyclonic cells. Such Malvinas/Falkland archipelago (Clapperton, 1993). The
winds #ow during 30% of the time to the eastern slopes meset and platform remained free of ice.
of the Andes (Pizzolon, 1999). In short, the Patagonian
climate is an e$cient machine for pumping dust to the
high atmosphere (Coronato, 1993). 5. Australia and Southern Africa

Australia and Southern Africa are two continental

4. Patagonia in glacial times masses, located relatively near the South-Pole. Hence,
at "rst glance, it can be supposed that they provided
The area of Patagonia above sea level during glacial aerosols to the Antarctic archives. But according to the
times was double that of today (Fig. 3). The lowering of geographic position of both territories and the general
the sea level and the shifting of the Patagonian climate circulation pattern of the atmosphere, such areas are
(Iriondo and Garcia, 1993) added about 1 million km to not favorable for conveying sizable amounts of dust to
the present surface. If one considers only the territory the high atmosphere.
located south of the parallel of 403S, 600,000 km, of Both land masses are located in the tropical high-
platform emerged east of the meset, that resulted in an pressure belt, characterized by anticyclones, which have
area of 1.4 million km east of the Andes, south of 403S. a general tendency to force air to sink from high altitudes
The Patagonian climate advanced several hundred kilo- to the surface. The Australian anticyclone covers  of the

meters; the belt of Westerlies migrated north to the lati- continent and persists throughout all seasons of the year.
tude of 343S, reaching the realm of the Pampean Ranges, In Southern Africa, the mean circulation of the atmo-
sphere is also anticyclonic through the year, with a winter
intensi"cation (Preston-White and Tyson, 1993). Both
anticyclones were enhanced during the LGM (Wasson,
1986; Chen et al., 1995). Hence, their capacity to lift dust
upwards was presumably less than today (Iriondo, 1998).

6. Conclusions

The transfer of dust from Patagonia to Antarctica can

be explained by the mechanism of mass compensation
which occurs at high altitudes between the Antarctic
anticyclone and the low-pressure belt of the Westerlies
(see arrow in Fig. 1).
The anticyclone tracks showed in Fig. 2, indicate clearly
that Patagonian anticyclones reach high latitudes and
their upper levels can penetrate the polar anticyclone. The
absence of aerosols originating in other continents is ex-
plained by the existence of permanent anticyclones on them.
Disagreement with the conclusions obtained by Basile
et al. (1997) appears in two second-order points:
(a) According to our scenario, the non-Patagonian dust
found in Antarctica can originate in Pampean loess
formed around the Pampean Ranges (a region char-
acterized by granitic/metamorphic rocks), instead of
Africa and Australia.
(b) Considering the large extension of emerged platform
Fig. 3. Patagonia at Last Glacial Maximum compared with today during glacial times, it is di$cult to assume that it
(Iriondo and KroK hling, 1995). has not been a source area of dust.
86 M. Iriondo / Quaternary International 68}71 (2000) 83}86

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