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O tome: BB stusytoos > Bp ros acueston My courses > G My bocks My folder se e Expert Q&A e Question Post a question Do] P Nnvoncere Foreanple Wha E=mo2? 1% yen le Pen rman 8 etary ‘SSiteauyresse igefponmacon newnney ohea ea sete lilo se anes gree? (0 tet an ns fo in a psy ‘terion rin he re en ‘inet hn tae ess Dy ae | co Wing boreuc nana py cma show tanscibed data Expert Answer © “i slsten wae wen ec mae ees esr ap ce ey len econ ‘Step-by-step + sststep | = ststps |v ancwerenty soe a ‘Toddetermine the dlnensions required for the proton chromatography ecumn, we need to consi ‘te gven parameters and calculate he ncessary values. Let's go tough each par ofthe questo |p) clurn Dense fr Processing 15g of Pron O hour Solions ‘The coun pees to process 18g af poten in 60 ows, which means needs to process 15,000 romeo rosin 8) 3.000 min (Column Loading Capacity Ad tethoak ‘The calurn eat be ceded with 10 grams of protein pe Her fclurm volume. Te determine the ‘eauledcoluma volume, we ce the total rate tobe processed by theloadrg cape (Colmn Yetume = Total roten / Leading Capscty = 15,0035 /L = 1,00, ‘Column Flow Rateand cle Time: “The clu syle every 8 hours, nthe manu flow rates 50 teste. To Geterine the {jee time, we mut the flowrate the ce tme {Gel Vln = Flow Rate™ Cycle Tine Sg, > AD! — 18,0001 View sl ecatone p26 Ay 2s the con needs to process 500 Ln 3600 mines, we an calcu te ruber of aces seus Nuer ofl = Corse / le stame = i. — 0.08888 ‘iven tat he column cycle every 6 hours, the ttl cyl tie canbe determined by mailing ‘te rumber of eyces by the cycle ome ‘ot Cyl Te = Humber of Cycles" Cycle Time = 0.08833 6h = 0. [Column Height Calton: “io sista tn column night, weave the tf oka volume by the coer eaconsl area ofthe column ‘Cour Height = Column Volume J Cola Cross Sectional Ara ‘a determin the cose sectional fea. we needto kno the ex height ad the clunn diameter. Lets sume the bea height axa raion othe column height ef. 08) end sve forthe caus hehe Bed Height = 0.8 Column Hebght Cour Volum» Column Coat-Sctona Ares * Bol Height Combining these equations, we can cleat the columa helght as flows: ‘Colum Height = Colurn Volume (Calum Crse Sectional Area” 08) ‘Eola Cost action! hea eneuston “The column crstseconal res can be dated using the equation ‘Colan Cove Sectional ves =ColuumnDiamster? x Non we have al he requires formas to calculate the column dimenslons 36 A e ‘Column Dimensions fr Flow Rate oft clunn volume per minute and Pressure Rating of bar Its cas the fiw rte ie cumin volume pa rte, which ears equal tothe clue volume. Wo alse havea pressure ratrg of 4 bar “ocalculatethe clunn cise sectional ate, we neeta naw the column dame Lats soume ‘te same clu diameter asin pa a)end alu the oss-sectonal aes ‘Cohan Cross Sectional Avea ~ ColmnDinter? Cot Helght Catton: ‘The caumn height can be determined sng the equstion. Colum Helgt = Column Vtume J coins Cross Sectenalarea* 08) soa a {¢) Cokenn Dimersone for Pessire Rating of 2 bar Ite prascrerating forthe column aed fo 12 bat we need recalculate he column ‘mension. ‘Cola Cose-Sectonal Ave Calelaton: ‘The masa fow ate and pressure rating are provided to determine the column cross-sectional {Ga Lefs assume the se coun drat asin pat andcalculte the cose seo ea ‘Coun Cross Seton ao = ow Rae / Masui Fou Ret] (Presse Rating /Maeemum Pressure Rating "(Column Diameter"? 3) ‘Column Height Calton: ‘The calumn height can be determined using the equstion: ‘Cohan Height = Column Vlume / colar Crss-Sectonal Ares * 08) 9516 a {6} Cokenn Dimensions for Pressure Rating of 2 bor Ihe pressure rating forthe column sased fo Lz bat we need recalculate he column {Cohn Cross-Sectional Ara Cleat: “The masimun flow ate and pressure rating ae provided to determine the column cross-sectional {ss ets serum the ame coum smeste en pat anaes te ros sae we Cor Cre Sectional res {Flow Rate Maximum Flow Rate)” Pressure Rating / Maximum Pressure Rating) © (Clu Diametern2= (Cotmin Helght Catton: ‘The column height can be determined sng the eoustion. Column Height = Column Volume / (Cum Cross-Sectional Area” 8) seat 5 {@hlpceasing Colin Packing Product: Tolncrase the productty of he column packing, the folowing approaches can be corsiérec: 1. Reduce the pati ameter ofthe resin: smal pate sizes can crease the srace area and enhance the binding capacty lading o higher product. 2. Optic the orate Basing he Row tenn he permis bite can improve clun, perormance 53. Optimize the lacing capac: Maxiining the loading capacty while maintaining clam efcleney can erese rocket. 4. Uce gnerpresure ratrg equament Utizing a calumn system wth a higher pressure ating allows for Maher fo ates and faster processing Its imaontantt note that when making changes to cau dimensions or ape constons ‘ssa to conse the tadeofsbetveen product, reslUon and ater performance ales fo achiave the Sones rent aoc In summary the gen probes nvove tering the dmensone required fora esta hromatagrpiny clumn and wlan ays tnerecete product (a) For prcesing 15 ky of protein in 60 hous the equa clumn desis are calculated based ‘ontheosgina capac low rate, and cyl tine: The cour volume and height are determined {ccommosiate he protein mau ane eye te [Gyre tiow rates coun volume pet minute andthe presse rating remains bat the colina “merions are recalculate based onthe new flow raf, The calm tune and het are ‘Sune aecoranaly {Gift pressure rating ralssto 12 bar, the column dimensions need to be recalculated once ‘gain The column cross sectonal area and height a eluted based onthe na pressure ating [Gi To rcrese the producivty ofthe column packing, serious approschescan be cnsiered such 1 feduing parle ameter, optinzing flaw ate and lending capac and using Ngherfessure ‘stra equpment. These changes can enhance clurn perfomance ara throughout, Ireimoorantt carey conider the aco Betwoenproaucty and oer performance ‘actors such as resolution when malin adustent othe column cmensions 8 cperng conan Westhiamwertseti? yo KB Post a question Yur open aesons eves se. For erample: Whatis = me2? eamintoauro nants eS Practice with similar questions rpartcisravedto 12 bar Ai Seoansner Questions viewed by other students. ‘@:A protein is bsing separates on achvomatography corm, Thepretein has been founds obey the Langrut other, wth tt=300 ug/L and Keq= 10 ming. The corcentation ofthe poten rte feed( ers} to thecal s 2 mai Tha calurn fw fates 20 lets. The “olumn s 50 cm n ameter and 100 cmlongin vol fracton othe evoratontcty beds 1035 Determine athe me othe poten shack onto eat he eh, ard See anener Orpartciersbed ts 12 bar Seo anener ‘eademictegity / Feedback / HelpCenter / Manage Subseston eo” 2023 ing ne Ah Colenater Yer tae ies | coktasiehge | GemalPoces cy Peey How Code IRaMe

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